What We Do It The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXXV...

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Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part XXXV...

Booth, Hyman Diner...About 5:30am...

"Gui?" Phyllis eyes a forlorn Guillermo, picking at his toast and eggs. "Is anything wrong?"

"Hmmn? No, no, not really..." he sighs.

"Try some of my potatoes, this is the best diner on the Island...In my humble." She smiles, forking over some potatoes to his plate.

"Please?" winsome look...He nods and takes a dutiful forkful.

"They're good. Really."

"Like yours truly. Good. Really." Phyllis, wan smile.

"No...I don't mean that." He shakes head.

"Good." She smiles. "Then tell me I look great for 5:30 am and make me feel like a million bucks."

"You're always beautiful, Phyllis." He eyes her. "I'm sorry..."

"Now that's what I want to hear..." beam. "But don't be sorry, tell me what's wrong? Guillermo...You know you can tell me anything." Hand on his wrist.

"Is it about Sue? Are you in love with her? It's ok, you know...I told you before? Though..." rueful smile. "Maybe I was too quick there."

"No, God, no. I mean, she's great, you're great. It's great you like me...I couldn't be more flattered."

"And yet...Flattery gets Phyl nowhere..." wry smile. "Gui? What is wrong? Is it your aunt? Or...Us?"

He eyes her anxious face, his own rather stricken.

"I know a guy like you must wonder if he's doing the right thing...I mean, don't get me wrong, I am happier than I ever been in my life. I've never been so at peace with myself, Gui. But I could get, you know, you might be feeling say, a little guilty. Like maybe you're afraid the thrall is letting you take advantage?" careful stare.

"Do we have to talk about this?" he nervously looks away.

"So that is it, some?" she asks, intent look. "Guillermo, I didn't choose for Mistress Nadja to take me but really, I am happy. And you've done nothing wrong.  Nor has she, really. It's just what she does, her nature.  I've done a few things in this life I'm not proud of..."

"Did you kill..." choking off.

Think of whom you're speaking to...He tells himself, eyeing her worried face.

"I aborted my ex's kid while we were still married, though separated. He hurt me and I wanted to get back at him." Calm tone.

"That's not the same as luring someone to your home and killing them...Or just luring them and letting someone else...Please, lets not talk about this. I know you're concerned for your Mistress, I'm not gonna do anything to hurt her."

"You'd never...I know that." She shakes head. "No, no...No, Gui..." taking his hand. "I'm not a faithful slave tryin' to see if you want to hurt my Mistress, I'm asking for your sake. Gui, I love you. I hate to see you troubled and unhappy."

"Thanks...You shouldn't waste it on me."

"You're not responsible for killing anyone." She insists. "You're just helping a glorious creature survive. And I'm sure the Mistress never kills good people."

"Aren't you a good person?" he sighs.

"I'm not dead, Gui." She eyes him. "And I don't want to die, not for a long time. And, well...I'm...Pretty good, mostly." Smile. Brown eyes sparkling at him.

What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."Where stories live. Discover now