What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part IX...

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Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part IX...

Outside the community manor, the backyard...About 9 am...

Jen passing Guillermo with warm smile, hair tied in bandana, looking casually lovely in sweatshirt and jeans, lugging a large plastic trash bag of what looks vaguely but suspiciously like body parts... She kindly waving him off as he tries to move to help her.

"It's fine, Gui, I've got this...Hey, guys!" friendly wave as she continues on out a gate to the street to leave the bag with several others for a "special" private garbage service pickup.

Guillermo beaming...

"Ms. Steinecke...Jen...Is so nice. She brought me coffee from Starbucks and some very nice scones..." he holds up coffee with free arm. "And she's been taking out all those bags of garbage I couldn't lift this week. I'll be showing her how we paper and board up the inside of the house next. After I'm pretty sure Mistress Nadja is sleeping. She is so nice...Jen, I mean. I hope Master Laszlo keeps her." pause...

"She already gave me a cool nickname...Gui. Isn't that cool? She is so nice."


Colin in his office hunting ground...Seated at desk...

"I actually do have a job here and sometimes I have to do some work, which I can either finish with amazing speed or do later. No one much cares." he types a bit. "There, enough for now. Time to feed a bit." he rises from chair.

"I missed Ms. Steinecke this morning, she was pulling in as I got on my bus. I should ask Laszlo if she could drive me to work if she's coming at eight. That would be like cheese danish to Nandor my coffee. Which he was today, for sure." smile. "Well, she seems to be a nice and very energetic person...I look forward to draining her dry. Hello, Jan..." he hurries after a young coworker who seems eager to avoid him. "Did you know that there's a new article in Time about the company in Thailand that made your blouse with slave labor from very young children?"


"Gui here is so funny..." Jen beams at camera, holding large box of implements used in a recent ceremony/orgy for draining victims' blood into goblets, standing by a beaming Guillermo in the manor storage basement room near Colin's room. "He was telling me about how Master Nandor, his master vampire, flies him around his crypt and other rooms, just to please him...That's so sweet...And always makes these 'wooooo....woooo' noises. Right, Gui?" smile to Guillermo who nods. Woooo...

Woooooo...Guillermo mouths to us, glance to Jen busy setting box in place.

"This house is really a gem..." she notes to Guillermo. "I know I can get Master Laszlo and his friends a great price." she ponders. "You know, I think my boss Ginny may have just the sort of mansion they'd be interested in...Secluded, nice grounds, very modern place. I'll speak to her about it and see if I can get her to send some pics on my phone before we see my master tonight."

"That sounds great...Would it have a home theater? My master really likes home theater."

"Oh, sure...The best." she nods. "It may cost a bit but I imagine Master Laszlo can get them in his price range..."

"Oh, he or my master could probably get it for free...They're very good at thrall and hypnosis." Guillermo notes.

"Great...That would really make things easy. Might have to do something to Ginny too, though, in that case. She'll be expecting a big commission from that place." Jen, thoughtful.

"Is your boss nice?"

"Oh, she's great...I've been with her eight years. Taught me everything I know. Very good about flexible hours for my little girl and all. Though tough about demanding performance..."

"Master Nandor's the same way...But I think you'll find Master Laszlo a little easier going."

"He's so nice..." Jen smiled, a bit rapturously.

"I guess...I don't know him all that well..." Guillermo, a bit less brightly.

"But I'm sure not nicer than you, Gui..." Jen, fondly. "Well, you were going to show me about papering and boarding the place? Maybe we could take a look at the condition of the wood beams and the plumbing as we go? If you're not tired? Did the Advil help?"

"Oh yes, I feel great..." Guillermo nods. "How old is your little girl?"

"Two...Going on two and six months. Wanna see a picture?" she offers cell...

"Sure..." he moves closer. "Oh, she's lovely, she looks just like you." he eyes the photo.

"Jen..." pause. "Maybe you should leave..."

"What? Gui?" she stares. "I thought I was doing ok. Did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me?"

"No..." he pauses. "It's just. You're so nice...And you have such a nice little girl..."

"Master Laszlo's not going to kill me yet...Probably not for a long time." she notes. "It's sweet of you to worry, Gui."

"I don't think you know what you're getting into here..." he tries. "I'd hate to see you or your child hurt and people...Mortals like us...Get hurt a lot around here."

"I can take care of myseff, Gui. Please don't worry." hand on his arm...Wistful look.

"You're enthralled. Jen, I think if you were yourself you wouldn't want to stay. And what about your daughter?" he eyes her.

"Suzette? She's fine. If anything happens to me, David...My husband'll take care of her. Unless the Master requires her, of course."

"See..." Guillermo sighs. "That's what I mean. You wouldn't say that if you weren't enthralled."

"But...I like being enthralled. It feels so...Liberating, in a way." Jen smiles at him. "Gui, you are so sweet to be concerned like this. But you really have to stop talking this way or I'll have to report it to my master and while you know him better than me, he might punish you, even kill you."

Guillermo, blinking...

"Like I said, you know him better..." she notes.

"He might...Kill me." Guillermo nods. "Though Master Nandor would stop him, maybe. But Master Laszlo's a fair man. He'd probably just warn me or make me forget about it."

"I know he is..." Jen, wanly rapt. "But you know I don't want to say anything...Please Gui? Leave it to me?...It won't be bad and I'll be fine, even if I die. And we can have such a nice time, workin' together." she steps near to him. "I really like you, Gui. Don't worry for me." fond smile, taking his free arm. "You know, I would never want to kill my husband if Mr. Cravensworth ever turned me. That would mean, if I'm ever turned...I'd probably be looking for a vampire mate." she eyes him.


Phew...Jen beams at us. Guillermo off to fetch some heavy wax paper for papering windows...

"That was a little close. Gui is so sweet to be concerned and I would have so hated to have to get him in trouble telling my master about his trying to warn me off..." shakes head.

"But he's a prince of a fella to take that risk..." beams. "He reminds me of David, I mean, in how noble and brave he is. And the master." she nods. "Oh, when he's out of that cast, I really wanna do him." she beams. "Be very good for his ego."

What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."Where stories live. Discover now