What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXIX...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part LXIX...

Night...The transport van...

A perturbed and anxious Jen driving...Ginny beside her.

Laszlo in back, seated, in his modern suit, with Nandor likewise in new suit, beside him, to camera...A worried Erika seated behind them...

"Well, here we are...The new owners of the nicest and largest private property on the Staten Island."

"We are the Lords of Staten..." Nandor, beaming.

"All went very well, the family lawyers and the two family members were charming and actually quite eager to see this deal go through." Laszlo notes. "The place being as Mr. Fielderson noted, 'a white elephant'..."

"That seems strange to me, that anyone should wish to part with something so rare as an elephant who was colored white. Sultan Ibrahim had one, it was beautiful and could do all sorts of tricks." Nandor shakes head. "She could bow, and clap her forelegs, and fetch water, and kneel as if in prayer. Lovely beast. She lived to be fifty-four, I believe. Ibrahim actually married her and added her to his harem. That is how we generals and Princes knew he'd really gone totally mad. She died a virgin, having stomped Ibrahim to death on their wedding night. An apt lesson, avoid bestiality, ladies." Cautious forefinger raised.

"Yes, Master Nandor..." the three chime.

"Hmmn...Well, as I understand it from Jennifer it has to do with something so unusual or so large you can't get rid of it..." Laszlo explains. "Isn't that right, Jennifer?" calls.

"Yes, Master." She calls back.

"And so, that bit of territorial expansion accomplished, we turn our attention to...Dracula. Or rather, his daughter, he being off in Mexico just now." Laszlo, leaving off solemn intonation at the 'Dracula'.

"Yes...I am so eager to meet her. She sounds like such a nice girl." Nandor notes.

"Master Nandor?" Ginny sighs. "Do you have to do this? It seems so dangerous. Dracula is sure to take it as an attack, even if she's not really his daughter."

"Oh, now, Ginny." Laszlo cuts in. "It's my understanding that children of adoption can be just as treasured as those of blood."

"We're just worried, Master." Jen anxiously. "Dracula may not be home but there's sure to be defenses. Van Helsing's people, others. That housekeeper or governess/familiar I met....?"

"We could stay on in town, stalk, befriend, then either loosen her tongue with alcohol or drug her, Master." Erika suggests. "Jen? Did she seem to have any lesbian interest in you? Perhaps you or I or Ginny or the three of us could seduce her?" Hopeful tone...

"Oh...I think Dr. Acura...I love that play on his name..." Laszlo beams. "Would take serious objection to finding you ladies had led his Althea down an unfortunate path... As a former Dark Lord of the Night and a first-class hypnotic thraller himself, I'm sure he'd understand we were trying to avoid put the girl at any risk."

"I don't think she was interested in me that way, in any case." Jen shrugs. "And he might be very angry with us and the Overlords if he learned we'd drugged or boozed up his daughter, Erika."

"I suppose..." Erika sighs.

"Now...Please, ladies. There's nothing to fear." Laszlo shakes head. "We're merely going to summon the young lady and drain her of her will so that she'll tell us anything she knows."

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