What We Do in The Shadows: "Jen..."Part L...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part L...

Nadja, in her Victorian nightgown, sitting up in the Cravensworths' crypt, at dressing table by her coffin...

"I haven't slept all the while, the remaining night and day to noon now....Laszlo!" call...

"Yes, what?" his faint return from down the hall to his post by the locked crypt door...

"Just checking..."

"Right..." faint return, barest of sighs audible...

"I was so fearful...Not even so much that he would be dead, with me to follow shortly...But..." Carefully lowering...

"What if Death brings him release? From me, I mean." Tears running now. "I never meant to harm him, I love him, even above my occasional lover, Gregor, and not a thought worry on my casuals. But what if his soul has been crying out to Van Helsing and the Slayer, begging for release?...And he blames me? So unfair..." sigh.

"All right, it would only be fair." Shrug. "I took him...Yes. I murdered him, to the human points of view." Frown. "And it was in part, selfish...I was lonely and afraid. Immortality can really suck when you are mostly alone..." shrug...

"You people may think your little spells of loneliness, isolation, and poverty are rough...Try 500 years of it. But I loved him then and I do now. Must I lose him? Not only lose physically, in this world, but with all that religious hype about an afterlife...Even in that version of eternity, when his soul rejects me as his murderess? Oh..." she put hand to mouth. "This thought torments me so...That his soul has hated me...Blames me. What?" she looks over.

"My soul? Loves him, no doubt." offhand wave. "How do I know?" frown, then ponders. "Well...I just do. Yes?" vague, wistful smile at the comment made by one of the crew, the director.

"You are very kind to say that, thank you. Perhaps he does know how his soul feels...Perhaps..." smile. "But he is very kind...And afraid of my temper. He might conceal his soul's dislike of me. But it is very kind of you to say so..." she hushes on hearing Laszlo's approach from his post by the crypt entrance...

"Hello all..." Laszlo waves. "Good morrow, here we all are, still alive and/or Undead." He moves to a cabinet against the crypt wall and opening drawer removes a metal flask and drinks...Wiping mouth.

"Well, a long night and day's journey but as yet no horde of Hunters or Slayers. Lady wife, you all alright?"

"Of course..." Nadja frowns. "Do you think I was sitting here trembling in fear like some little snit of a human, non-Gypsy woman?" Accepts flask offered by him and drains it in a nervous gulp...

Hmmn...His quick sidelong glance to camera, taking the flask as she waves it for him to take back and returning it to drawer...

"I should hope not, My Lady Cravensworth...Even if I never inherited the title officially...Hardly the stuff for a lady of your standing." Closing drawer, with fond smile her way.

"Bug off..." she glares...With sly little smile...

"Much too tired for bug, bat, or even mist...Well, I'm to bed." Laszlo groans, stretching...

"You're leaving me alone?" Nadja, annoyed but some clear fear...

"Lady wife. The place is locked tight. The new alarm system Jen had installed is on...Colin Robinson being kind enough in his sneering way to demonstrate again this morning as he left that it works just fine...."

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