What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XLV...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part XLV...

The old residence...The living, more or less, though currently, the War room.

"Naturally, I prefer not to make war in my own home..." Nandor, in his simple field uniform of cap, short jacket with a sort of epaulets on shoulders, trousers. "...but if negotiation should be impossible, I shall defend our bastion to my last breath...Or stimulation thereof..."

"Beware, my Lord...Of Jealousy..." Colin seated in chair nearby, grinning...

Nandor staring...

"Sorry...Had this 'Iago' moment come over me...Please..." he waves.

No doubt he thinks I mean a hunchback servant of a mad scientist...I seriously doubt Nandor is an "Othello" fan. Hell, he's probably not even a "Frankenstein" movie fan.

"My old battle armor stands ready..." Nandor indicates suit of armor. "But it's very hot, so I'll just be putting on the chest protector for now..."

"Well, should be stick proof..." Colin eyes said chest piece. "But I imagine modern-day Cicely or Van Helsing, Inc, uses a high-powered stake-firing assault rifle."

"Could you please, Colin Robinson? Just lock it in behind?" Nandor had lifted chestpiece and put arms through the front.

"Now am I thy lieutenant..." Colin grinning, snapping clamps of the suit on the rear.

"If you wish, granted. Ah...My old sword..." Nandor lifts rather impressive old sword, elegantly carved hilt. "I have not used this since my last major battle in the 1400s...As commander of the Sultan's Army of the Undead, you know."

"Army...Of the got-Slaughtered." Colin notes to camera. "So..." he turns back to Nandor, who is practicing sword moves. "How did your Army of the Undead make out? I understand the Slayer and some human allies kinda put a stop to you?"

"We had known numerous victories in the Sultan's name..." Nandor frowns. "The Euphrates ran red..."


"Then the Sultan grew fearful of us...Despite our proven loyalty in battle."

"Shame..." Colin smiles. "How could a human not trust a vampire army?"

"He summoned the Slayer and her vampire hunter allies...And betrayed us. We were ordered to march as part of the army into a narrow pass. I should have remembered Byzantine history...Never march into narrow passes. It lead to two major defeats..."

"Right, the one where an Emperor got his skull turned into a drinking cup..." Colin grins. "And the other killed all hope for reconquering central Turkey and doomed the Byzantines. But still you decided it would be a-ok to go right in, eh...?"

"I trusted my Sultan...And his human scouts." Nandor sighs. "I had pledged him my loyalty, just as I had his predecessor when I'd been human...In order to make the best terms for my human Christian and then Undead, Demonian peoples."

"And he decides to go and kill you all...Kinda stupid, I suppose, really. An army of vampires to help him and he sells you all out."

"We had developed a reputation of brutality...Killing, turning, destroying whole populations. Sadly it wasn't always the enemy's population. I suppose were I him, I would've done what seemed necessary."

"Big of you...But of course you and a handful escaped." Colin eyes the rather sadly reminiscing Nandor.

"It forced me to flee. I had substituted the Sultan's service for my country. Now I had nothing...Not even the vampiral harem I'd collected. And my family hated and feared me, any descendants who knew of my legend."

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