What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part CI...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part CI...

Second floor of the New Residence, near stairs by one of the guest bedrooms...

"It's really you, Marwa?" Nandor, staring at Martha in her gown. But a Martha no longer bearing the rather over-ecstatic look of the deeply enthralled, requiring urgent pleas for a downtone...This was an ecstatically radiant look, no question, but somehow...He thinks...

(Cut to later camera interview...In master bedroom of the New Residence...

"Nandor? You still are a hopeless romantic..." Marwa/Martha, in rather more casual yet elegant clothes, pyjamas in fact, sighing. "He always was..." she tells camera, fond tone. "A general who could pillage and wipe out a village...And still remember to bring home flowers and peaches."

"Well, there's one's job and there's one's personal life..." he notes to camera. "But you really did, and do, look different."

"Not so pretty, wan, and pale as I was enthralled?" arch look, side glance to him, in his elegant new pyjamas.

"Marwa...You looked even younger and more beautiful. And I could see you weren't talking out of enthrallment."

"Well..." she smiles, looking away. "It was so lovely to see you again and know who I was and had been, all at once. Though a bit unnerving. I think some of that look was sheer shock."

"It was rather a shock to me..." he notes, patting her bottom.

"Sweetheart..." she cautions, indicating cameras.

"Eh, we're doing this in bed, the fellows know the scores." He grins.)

"You really were trying to reach me?...All this time?" he stares.

"Yes, and obviously, yes..." Martha/Marwa, beaming... "But Husband..." taking him aside in corner of stairwell. "We must be very careful." Wagging finger. "You mustn't go to your friends and start telling them...Even if Dark forces aren't listening, their own natures might lead them to act."

"Really? Laszlo and Nadja are very big on the Romance thing, up to a cynical point."

"If you were taking a vampire bride, sure. If you've regained your soul and been restored to the wife who loves you..." fond beam. "Not likely so much. Not saying anything against them, I am very fond of them too, now I know them..." she puts up a hand. "Just...Instinct might lead them to react...Defensively."

"Hmmn...You may be right. Vlad and his daughter suggested I be cautious in revealing my soul coming back and all that..."

"Dracula? Oh, I know his wife..." Marwa/Martha beams. "She's really so nice...And Husband? She bears us no ill will regards the suicide thing."


"Well, after all, it was only your suggestion to the Sultan...You didn't give the order to claim Prince Vlad was dead...Or fire the head of his very similar appearance cousin in one of his own helmets. Anyway, she was a great comfort and help to me all the lonely years while I awaited rebirth. A lot of good suggestions, I got from her."

"That's so nice...I'm glad. Good to know we can hang as couples when she finally returns to Vlad." He nods. "But you'd no idea who I was before...?"

"Well...I did, a bit, in a way...Reincarnation leaves many doors sealed, at first. But you know I was drawn to you from the moment I saw you in Virginia's office." She smiles, looking about.

"And I was so pleased you showed so much interest...You devil." Grin.

"Well, now you mention it...There is a bit of the original Marwa about you. Especially the eyes..." he notes.

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