What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXXVI...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...


[Note-Naturally we are diverging from the new season storyline into AU territory]

The entrance to the new residence...

A nervous Guillermo, accompanied by Phyllis/Van Helsing, by the door, now trying to slip over to Claude and Derek, currently outfitted in the waiting attire of the temp staff...Claude eyeing Guillermo as if to say...Chill, man...

"Gr...Phyllis? Why are they here?" Guillermo hisses to his companion who eyes him innocently.

"You mean those two?" she asks, confused look. "Hey, whoa!...I'll spill this, Guillermo!" as he pulls her over to a corner, annoyed.

"Granduncle..." Guillermo, frowning... "I know it's still you and this is no time to be funny."

"Sorry..." she hisses back. "But there's no need to attract attention to them, they're not here to fight, I'm sure."

"You don't sound sure..." he notes.

"Well...I didn't send them, I promise you. But all the..." pause as Ginny comes up, Ellie following a bit reluctantly.

"Gui! Phyllis, you know Ellie. Gui! This is my daughter, Ellie." Warmly fond smile...Ellie a bit uncomfortable in her gown, staring.

Mom? What's the deal? You're friends with this creep? Her look saying...

"Ellie? This is Gui, our...Good friend and Mr. Relentless and Mr. Cravensworth's chief assistant."


"Hiya." Ellie, coolly. "Hey, Phyllis."

"Hello...You look lovely." Phyllis, smiling.

"Guys? Did you want some champagne?" Ginny indicating a passing waiter...Derek in fact, baring a tray he'd just been told to take round.

"No, thanks..." Guillermo...Eyeing Derek who avoids his glance.

"I'm fine with the wine, thank you." Phyllis raises her glass.

"So...I see my date and one daughter's lost to Laszlo and History for the evening..." Ginny grins at Guillermo and Phyllis, indicating Laszlo, Jaqueta, and Professor Devers intently engaged once more in conversation...Jennifer, holding Suzette standing by, watching with amusement. David, just by her, already in happy discussion with the others and Shaun of the history of the Chinese Empire.

"That sounds about right..." Ellie, a bit sullenly. Ginny sighing at her words, a What now? expression on the girl's face.

"So, Gui?" Ginny turns to him, he blinking at her. "How's it feel to be a multimillionaire?"

Ellie, a bit startled, turning...

"Very strange...I won't deny it." he shakes head.

"What's really strange is you don't deny being a multimillionaire..." she smiles. "Be careful, the ladies will be snappin' round you."

"I don't mean to sound..." he begins.

"You never do..." fond pat of his arm. "Ellie, this guy is the best. I only wish for your or Jacque's he weren't taken...By our Susie."

"Susan? The one who works for you?" Ellie blinks.

Him? Her expression clearly stating...

"Yeah, they're engaged or practically so..." arch look at Guillermo who blushes.

What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."Where stories live. Discover now