What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXXIX...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part XXXIX...

Evening...The old residence living room...

The full vampire community in attendance to receive Laszlo's latest, Erika's, report. Jen and Ginny sitting in chairs at Nadja's kind insistence, but carefully attentive to both the report and any possible requests by their overlords.

Guillermo currently off on his way to Mexico, in the company of Susan, whom he'd finally decided to take along, despite his misgivings, particularly at her eager acceptance and the eager encouragement of Master Nandor. Vaguely feeling it was wise to have one of the enthrallees along to avoid any question regards his behavior as well as a vague hope her presence might help him to make a decision, once he'd spoken to Auntie, in what secrecy he could arrange...

And admittedly, though shamefacedly, somewhat pleased to have her company...

"So this Ms. Reynolds likes the place?" Laszlo, eagerly to Erika who'd taken the client round a bit earlier over most but, of course, not all of the house...

"She seems to...I think she'll go for 3.7 million but I can try to hold out for four, sir."

"Should we haggle like this?" Nadja asks. "We do want to unload the place and be free for our move."

"With all due respect, Mistress..." Ginny speaks up. "I think we shouldn't seem too eager to sell. The price is fair but it's only natural to hold out." Jen and Erika nodding...

"Well, you're the ones with the experience, ladies. But what about Simon the prick-y Devious?" Laszlo notes. "We did hope to stick him with a huge bill and a large rat infestation."

"I'm waiting to hear if he still wants to come by tomorrow, Master Laszlo." Ginny explains, a bit concerned. "But is it safe to bring him here? Mr. Robinson thought so but..."

"Don't worry about the little bastard..." Laszlo sneers. "He surely knows it's our place...If he tries anything...We'll deal."

"I don't know, Laszlo..." Nadja, worried. "We can handle him, sure...But he might try to harm our friends, especially if he realizes they are our familiars."

"Maybe we should just kill him?" Ginny suggests. "He wouldn't be expecting us to go ahead and stake him, right out of the blue?"

Hmmn...The three standard vampires eye each other...While Colin grins...

Somehow, it makes one uncomfortable, even the staking of an enemy...

"I don't know, stakes are tricky things in the hands of inexperienced users...Accidents can happen." Laszlo shakes head. "Perhaps we'd best just overpower him and then expose him to sunlight...?"

"Laszlo? That's awful...Though deserved." Nadja sighs. "I can't agree to that."

"I agree...Most disrespectful. Equally important, it could even get the Vampiral Council up in arms against us again." Nandor, mouth puckering in distaste. "Besides I think financial staking is far more painful to Simon the Devious. Let us have him view the residence and if he makes the request, tell him...Five point five millions." Arching of eyebrows, smile.

"Oooh..." Laszlo grins. "Way above market, Jen?"

"High but not insanely so...He might go for it, if he tends to want what he's denied as you told me, Master." Jen nods, smiling. "Sounds like we could jerk him around to at least five...Then we tell him you aren't that eager to sell right now and hit him up to the five point five. He strikes me as the sort who'd bite."

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