What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXVII...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part LXXVII...

Cravenswood-Relentless Manor...

As styled by Laszlo...

"Welcome to Cravenswood-Relentless Manor..." Laszlo beams to camera, expansive gesture... "Our new home and sanctuary..."

"Till we abjectly surrender and flee..." Nadja sighs. "I know we agreed it's the only way to escape our fates but shit...Our brand-new home, so spanking and clean and home theatered."

"Yes, love...But it's only a short while and then we'll be back. We are the owners, now, after all...Ginny and her daughters will move in with good ole Rick my history professor friend who'll I'm sure be delighted we're offering them custodianship of the place whilst I must travel for research on my latest book project. They'll keep it up right."

"I suppose." Renewed sigh.

"You could stay..." singsong voice of the Soul Doll. "Just a matter of Redemption."

"You mean you would stay, in here." Nadja, patting her chest with frown. "While I go unmerrily off to Hell. No way, kid." Hiss, baring fangs.

"Well, at least we'll do our reception first..." Laszlo notes.

"If the Count/Doctor accepts." Nadja frowns. "He has no reason to, just move in with his army of damned vampire hunters and his Slayer daughter and wipe us out."

"Nandor feels he'll respect the invitation...And seek a chance to persuade us to accept our Fate. It's a part of Redemption, it must be voluntary and 'desired'..." sour look. "As if..."

"Maybe...But is Dracula back from Guillermo's Aunt's funeral binge yet?"

"Not yet, neither is Gizmo...I guess they do things right in Mexico." Laszlo notes. "I'm hoping we'll have a chance to speak to the boy, see what he's learned..."

"Guillermo?" Nadja, slight snort. "I know we all feel he's gotten more confident and able and our ladies all love him, which is indeed impressive but...He remains...Guillermo."

"Well..." Laszlo sighs. "He has survived an encounter with the greatest of vampires and the ghost of the greatest of Vampire Hunters, there's that to his credit. Susan told Nandor our doctor Dracula seems to actually like him."

"I like my teddy bear. I don't expect he will defend me." Nadja, dryly. "And you know I mean you as well as the cotton-stuffed one in my coffin..."

"Just seeking useful intelligence my love. It can come from any source... Anyway..." Laszlo beams. "Tonight we sleep in beds again. Well, coffins in beds...But we get to see the sunrise, through opaque glass."

"Yeah, you did recheck that and the settings...?" Nadja, anxiously. "Maybe one of the workpeoples was a Van Helsing spy. There are more ways than one to vaporize a vampire."

"It's fine, dear...Have no fear. Now...Come on the bouncy cushions which now belong to us..." he bounced several times. "And lets watch Michael Scott destroy the American paper industry and embarrass the shit out of his staff."

"Like watching the daily life of Colin Robinson..." she notes, grinning. "Except he's not funny and his staff collapses from draining, not runs away to hide from him."

Hah...That's funny. Colin, watching from just outside doorway frame.

Not so funny as watching your agonized screams as you burn in Hell, but... Shrug.

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