What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part X...

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Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part X...

"Really when you take this place all-in-all..." Jen, back now in her business suit, standing before the group on sofa and chair in the "fancy room"...Laszlo and Nadja on sofa, Nandor in chair. Guillermo seated for once in chair Jen had thoughfully placed in the room for him earlier in the day...

"...It's probably the most valuable property in this neighborhood...At least till you hit the North Shore area. I would say you'll have no trouble getting 3.5-4 million for it, easy." she beams to the group.

"Four...Millions?" Nandor blinks.

"It's not so much these days as it may sound, Master..." Guillermo notes. "Money is worth lots less now."

"Four...Millions..." Nandor gasps. "What? Not that much?"

"Yes, but that is still a very good price for an old rat-trap like this..." Laszlo, pleased. "Mrs. Steinecke, that sounds very interesting to me. And you think very little would have to be done to the place?"

"A good cleaning, maybe remove some of the boards blocking some of the windows..." she shrugs.

"Which we only installed to protect those valuable old windows of course..." Laszlo notes, hastily.

"Maybe some work on the heating system...I don't think the plumbing is in bad shape, really, Mr. Nandor." Jen eyes Nandor who'd raised his concern earlier.

"It does sound...Interesting." Nandor, nodding slightly. "But of course, we are people...Human people...Of conservative tastes. It is hard to leave our home, especially when it suits us so well...In some ways."

Hmmphf...Nadja hastily represses contemptuous laugh... "Yes, so it does...But in politeness to you, our guest, we have heard you and should consider your proposal carefully, out of politeness."

"Of course...Mrs. Cravensworth..." Jen nods. "And I know from Mr. Cravensworth that you'd want a place waiting that suits your needs and tastes. Maybe just a bit more modern and easier maintenance?"

"That would be..." Guillermo begins, eagerly.

"Guillermo..." Nandor silences him. "Yes, we would require such a place...Easier of maintaining and modern, with of course the home theater systems of modern castles...Homes."

"And you did have an idea or two on those lines, didn't you, Mrs. Steinecke?" Laszlo urges gently.

"Oh yes...Ma...Mr. Cravensworth..." Jen nods eagerly. "Here is one place that my boss Mrs. Zeller just got hold of, new to the market and really quite a place..." she offers cell phone with image of large estate on screen to Nadja, who peers at it, Laszlo leaning over to see. "It's on the North Shore, easy access to Manhattan and LI, nice bit of beach...Plenty of land and a small wildlife area adjoining to help keep most strangers away..."

"That is very nice..." Nadja blinks at the image.

"If you click on the arrow to the right, you can see more of the place..." Jen urges.

"Oh, yes...My, what a nice kitchen...Hmmn..." Nadja frowns. "Very well lighted large room with a nice fireplace but there is much glass. That won't do."

"No..." Laszlo nods, reluctant sigh. Damn, what a nice place...

"Oh, the glass is UV proof and turns opaque...You can't see in and since Mr. Cravensworth mentioned he has a problem with too much light, you can actually opaque the glass from light going in as well, totally blocking light if you like. It's a very nice feature." Jen nods.

What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."Where stories live. Discover now