What We Do in The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LIX...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part LIX...

"Nice place..." Susan stares about the large ranch as Guillermo knocks at the door. "Nursing really pays I guess..." peering out at the wide vista of the property. Acres upon acres of grassland, about a dozen cows and horses roaming...Several of what appear to be Mexican cowboys riding horses or walking about...

"Cousin..." the tall, burly, heavily muscled, Roderigo, in clearly expensive cowboy shirt and jeans, quite nice yet comfortable looking leather boots, embraces Guillermo at the large, hand-carved door...Guillermo gasping... "So good to see you again." Susan at Guillermo's side, Dracula, and Mrs. Afanas behind him.

"Better be careful there..." Susan, anxiously. As elegant in suit and self-coiffed hair as she could manage. "He just recovered from some broken bones..."

"Oh, sorry..." Roderigo sets him down... "My little cousin...I forget you were always a little breakable." Grin. "Well, well...And who do we have here...?"

"Susan Edgerton...Gui's fiancée..." Susan beams. "I do speak Spanish..."

" 'Gui''s fiancée?" Roderigo, staring. Wide smile... "Guillermo? Dear God...This is wonderful, if amazing. When did you become an American gigilo...With name to match, eh... 'Gui' ? Geesh, now I have to go myself if the Yankees are so chockful of terrific beauties...Who even 'speak Spanish'. Just kidding..." beam at Susan. "The kid's great and it's long overdue a smart girl recognized that." Friendly nod.

"Agreed." Susan, nodding firmly.

"Auntie will really be pleased... 'Gui'..." Roderigo beams. "Mrs. Afanas? Dr. Acura? Thanks so much for coming..." offering hand to the doctor who shook it firmly...My boy...

"She'll be..." catch in the strong voice... "So happy..." wiping at cheek. "Sorry, folks. I was determined to keep this a happy time for her. Guillermo, really...I am so glad you made it." Embracing him again, weeping now...

"Me, too..." Guillermo murmurs...Susan standing by, anxious...

"Come in, come in...She's awake." Roderigo urges.


Laszlo, in transport van...Under rug...

"Quite a time...Though for the moment, our cavalry charge is on hold. Negotiation in progress. It appears it was Dr. Van Helsing, in my dear Jen's body yet again, to the actual rescue this time, no doubt for his own reasons..."

"Ginny should kill her, just in case." Martha insists from her seat now on the driver's side. Nervously considering the controls and trying to figure out the unique viewing arrangements should she have to drive...

"No, Martha...Your zeal is appreciated, dear..." Nandor notes...From under the rug. "...It would be a wasted effort and cost us our very dear Jennifer. Who may even have retained some useful intelligence from this latest encounter with the Doctor."

"I don't think you can trust Ginny or Jen now, Master." She shakes head. "They've been contaminated..."

Unlike me...

"Nonsense...Stop that, Martha!" Nadja, annoyed. "They were possessed but not defiled...And no one is killing any of my minions without my permission..."

The one annoying thing about some devoted enthrallees the way they always try to do each other down...I know the woman feels inadequate but...

"Nadja is right, Martha..." Nandor, hastily. "You will not kill any of our minions without my express permission."

What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz