What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XVIII...

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Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part XVIII...

"So you guys just follow the Mistress and her friends around? And us humans, uh...Familiars, right? And record all we do?" Ginny Zeller, seated in her car stares. "Jen says you're trying to document us as we become servants to our vampire overladys and lords?" shakes head. "I can't say I'm crazy about that idea. But the Mistress says I should cooperate so... The thing is I've had trouble with reporters in the past. Did Jen say anything about my ex-husband and his things? No? Well, that's good... Ok, fine then, ask me what you like, I'm ordered to answer truthfully." sigh.

Cut to living room of manor, Nadja firmly insistent in her orders to Ginny. "You will cooperate with nice documentary people. If they ask questions, you answer...Truthfully. You understand me, Ginny Zeller?"

"Yes...Mistress." Sigh. "But if they ask about my business..."

"They are interested in you as my slave and familiar, only. But, if you have done wrong, like pig landlord in my home village, you should admit truth. They are not bailiffs or police. They can't arrest you."

"They wouldn't...Tell?" nervous tone... "Even if no one could prove anything, it would hurt my business...My girls."

"Their film will be seen. Most won't believe, some will. It will be historical document and could be profitable, so they tell us. An earlier one was, this one...Eh, who knows."

"Oh, I have confidence this will be as big as the New Zealand one. Probably more since we're American vampires, sort of...Legally, by Colin's documentation." Laszlo, beside Nadja on sofa, notes. "But don't frighten the poor woman, Nadja. She's clearly got a few skeletons in her closet but don't we all? It'll be quite all right, dear..." reassuring pat to Ginny in her business suit, facing them, standing, somewhat woebegone expression. "These folks can be trusted. And we can ask them to use false names...That'll be all right, right folks?" he eyes camera.

"There, see...No problems."

"Just heed my commands, Ginny." Nadja, frowning. "Cooperate and be truthful. Your daughters will be fine, they are better with honest mother."

"Truth above all..." Laszlo agrees, solemnly. "After all, this is for History and Posterity."

"Yes, Mistress...Master Laszlo." Nod.

"Though...Is it really that bad?" Laszlo, curious...Slyly...

"Laszlo. Enough...She is my familiar, let her be and have her little secrets. Go, child. But set better example for your daughters, do not lie and cheat the people whom you deal with."

"I just push the envelope a little, Mistress...It's a tough business."

"Not that tough, little one." Nadja frowns. "You are about to get huge commissions, from us and those other owners...And if you are good familiar and follow my orders, I will see you do well for your little ones."

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you, Mistress." Bow of head.

"And I want the whoring to stop." Stern look.


"I know from Jennifer you urge your women to what did she call it, Laszlo?"

"I believe it was 'go the distance'." Laszlo notes.

"Yes. In other words, whore to please clients. That must stop."

"But, Mistress...I never tell my girls, specifically...It wouldn't be legal."

"Don't take this old gypsy girl vampire for fool, Ginny. You push girls to please clients. Jen told us how you urge and push them. Deal is close, sleep with guy. Or girl, I understand?"

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