What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XXV...

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Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part XXV...

Ginny's office...Zeller Properties...

"Hey, guys?" Colin enters room, Martha behind quickly shutting inner office door behind him...

Nandor, still tending the somewhat vague and wan Susan, looking his way...

"Mistress?" Phyllis, quickly taking defensive stance...

"Sweetheart..." Nadja sighs, rolling eyes. Sometimes minions are more trouble than their miserable lives and services are worth. "You know Mr. Robinson is one of us, our roommate and working with you people to see our purchase goes ok."

"Yes..."Phyllis carefully, still eyeing Colin apprehensively. "Sorry, Mistress...I'm a little keyed up, I guess. The thrill of meeting you and entering your service..." fond beam but a bit wobbly on legs.

"Hey, why don't you sit a mo, Phyl?" Jen suggests. "You can serve Mistress Nadja much better if you're rested."

Phyllis, slight glare...Narrow-eyed... "No one need tell me how best to serve the Mistress!"

"Phyllis!" Nadja, annoyed. "You'll be polite to Jennifer and to my own familiar, Ginny. Obey them as you would me, only me more so. Understand?"

Phyllis, a bit trembling... "I understand, Mistress. Forgive my rudeness, Mistress Jennifer."

"Oh, no...No..." Jen pats her. "I'm just Jen, your friend, Phyl. We work together to serve our overlords, just be careful you don't overdo the first day, that's all. It's fine. Your Mistress knows you mean well, don't you, ma'am?" anxious glance to Nadja, who nods.

"Of course, dear girl. Don't fret yourself, sit and rest a bit, as Jen told you. I will call upon you when I need you."

"All right, Mistress." Phyllis nods, taking seat.

"Of course, I'm still your boss..." Ginny smiles from her desk... "So in that, keep taking my orders."

"Yes, Mistress Ginny."

"Lets keep that whatever you used to call her, girl." Nadja insists. "As she says, follow her instructions as you used to as well as any commands I send through her."

Ginny repressing smile...Nadja eyeing her...

"What is so funny, my familiar?"

"Sorry, Mistress. It's just Phyl never much heeded my orders before, except when she wanted to, it's kind of new to have her willing to listen now."

Phyllis looking vaguely embarrassed...

"It's fine..." Jen pats her again. "Ginny's just trying to see the funny side here. See once you get settled and got over that hyper feeling, you'll be able to relax and enjoy your servitude like we do."

"Yeah, Martha?" Ginny answers buzz. "Anne's here? One second..." She looks over from desk. "Mistress? Our office aide, Anne? The twenty-three year old? Did you or Master Nandor...?"

"I'm good." Nandor shrugs. "Maybe later." Nadja agrees. "I know I'm full right now."

Laszlo clearly rather miffed at not being consulted...

"Martha? Just have Anne do some of that copy work and maybe take the notarized documents to file? And anything else that you need her to do. Great, thanks."

Phyllis nodding to Jen... "Ok, Jen. Sorry, if I offended Mistress. I will do better. My life is yours." Eager flash, then subsiding to wan look, adjusting bunned hair.

What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang