What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXX...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part LXX...

The next morning...

The Basilica de Santa Maria de Guadalupe...Mexico City...

"What a beautiful church. Am I gonna be ok here?" Susan, in the dark blue suit she'd thoughtfully packed, hair styled by Auntie Rosa's personal hairdresser, nervously to Guillermo in his black suit, tugging at collar as they emerged from the limousine which had brought them from the ranch estate...

"You're not a vampire, you won't burst into flames. You might feel a little headache or vague terrifying dread, that's all. But don't use the holy water, don't look at the saints' statues or the missals or the hymnals, don't pray, just mumble something that sounds like what they're saying, and if some old lady gives you the evil eye, just tell yourself she hates rich Americans. You'll be fine." He pats her hand.

"Though, really...If you'd prefer..." he begins.

"No. No, I wanna be here for you." She shakes head. "Hey, if you can do it and the Doctor can do it and Mrs. Afanas can, I'm sure I..."

"Well, if it's any comfort even Master Nandor and the Cravensworths came to the funeral of Nandor's granddaughter times 30 or so."

"They did?" she blinks.

"Yeah...Of course they nearly burned to death but..."

"Guillermo..." Phyllis had emerged from her rental, smoothing black suit, hurrying over...Hugging him to his startle. "I heard from Ginny when I called this morning. Oh, honey, I'm so so sorry...Heya, Susie." Brief glance, quick hand wave.

"Yeah. Heya." Susan nods. "How's tricks, Phyl?"

Including packin' a black suit...Cute.

"Great. Doing just fine. Tracking down a few prospects, doing my research...Like Gui requested."

"Talked to Ginny, huh? Did you finally come clean about being down here?" Susan eyes her.

"I'm entitled to a sick day or two...How I use it's my business." Stern look. "I mean so long as Gui passes on it." Fond smile at Guillermo.

"Sure..." Guillermo nods, hastily. "I'll tell Ginny I asked you to come and keep it secret. We'll just say I thought back-up was a good idea but I didn't want to alarm Master Nandor or the Cravensworths."

Phyllis, innocently warm beam... "Gui, you're the best...And really it was a good thing to have me here, just in case, right?"

"Oh, sure..." Susan nods, before Guillermo could answer. "Did Ginny have anything new? How did the closing go, I haven't had a chance to ask her?"

"Everything went great, she and Martha say. Our...Clients now own the Fielderson estate." Phyllis beams.

"That's terrific." Susan agrees... "Right, Gui? You must be so pleased, great job."

"It was all you guys, Susan." Guillermo shakes head. "I just cleaned up a few things. You ladies did all the work, including most of the cleaning."

"He always sells himself short, our Gui." Susan notes to Phyllis...As Dr. Acura and Mrs. Afanas came up to them.

Now this is gonna be something...Guillermo thinks. To see Dracula enter a cathedral for a funeral Mass and actually do a reading.

But Roderigo asked, he and Auntie having worked together for years, and he agreed without a moment's hesitation...

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