What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXI...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part LXXI...

"Just on my way to the bus for work." Colin Robinson smiles at camera, hailed in the front parlor by the camera crew on his way out. "What's up? Need more background on the financial doins'? Alls well there. Nandor and Laszlo didn't even have to hypnotize the sellers, they were so eager to grab the deal. Big place like that isn't the easiest thing to unload, you know. You know, though, the biggest single private property on Staten Island to ever sell is actually...What? Oh. Really?" somewhat sneering chuckle.

"The great expedition to Poughkeepsievania failed, eh? Nandor couldn't even snatch a teenaged human daughter of Dracula? Well, sure...Dracula. But wasn't she adopted, not bloodline?" some curiosity. "Unless she's a resurrectant?" considerable curiosity, especially for Colin.

"Well, I guess we'll find out. She must have something. Hey, Eloise? You on guard duty today?" Colin smiles at Eloise in t-shirt and dungaree jacket and jeans, entering.

"Ginny asked to me to...Guess the enthralled girls are worked up about what happened last night?" shrug. "Hey." She waves to camera. "I brought donuts!" holds up box. "What the fuck, Colin?" she eyes him. "Did those idiots really try to snatch Dracula's little girl?"

"Dracula's little black girl, adopted. And just a little hypno session was planned, I understand." Colin notes, thin smile.

"So Jen told me." Eyeing him. "Nice he's open-minded. Seems she's a pretty capable little sister, too."

"Ah, yes...Fought off the great Nandor's Dark Power." Colin, wiggling fingers, chuckling nastily. "Well, good luck if Dracula decides to take vengeance, I'll be just a phone call too late away at the office." He steps back at her sudden snarl.

"Colin..." cold growl... "Don't ever pull shit like that with me. I can feel you trying to drain me. And I like it less when you do it after a crack like that."

"Sorry...It's my nature." Depreciative hand gesture. "I really will be just a phone call away, if you and the guys need me."

Lord knows I wouldn't want them to possibly die nobly at Dracula's hands. Though that wuss is hardly likely to jeopardize his "Great Redemption"...Ooooh...for kicking ass on our bunch. No, the problem there is he's not the good ole Impaler anymore. He's gone and got 'religion', redemption-style.

But even a committed Redemptionist can find himself losing it when family is threatened. Nandor the Idiotic and his sidekick, Laszlo the Pudgy Wonder probably did me a favor with this stunt.

"Sure..." she notes, sourly. "Give my best to the girls at the office. I'll be in before I go home."

"Will do." Colin, leaving with smirking grin.

"I know that dude can't help what he is or how he feeds but I don't like him." Eloise frowns at the shut front door, after Colin. "I always get the feeling he's up to something...So..." she turns to smile at the crew. "The boys went to 'Castle Dracula', Poughkeepsie? Wish I'd been there." Grin. "I'm glad no one got hurt though, especially the kid. What were they thinking? If this really is Dracula, dudes...The Dracula...He's not gonna take kindly to this sorta disrespect even if he's become Jesus' second Comin'. Nandor was crazy to think he wouldn't notice his little girl'd been hypnotized and spent the night outside talking to some weird guy. Heck, she could've got sick wandering around outside."

Hmmn? "Oh, sure...I still go to Church, doesn't bother me. I say, if God don't want me, She can chase me out, I didn't ask for this shit. Though I don't know what'd happen if I ever were in the wolf there." Shrug. "Roy, our pack leader, says he did trans once in church, during some funeral for a cousin that started way too late and he was sick for a couple of days later. But he couldn't remember if he'd eaten something or someone bad. That coulda been it."

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