What We Do in The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LIII...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part LIII...

An empty ballroom of the Gran Ciudal, Mexico City...About 3 am...

"Phyllis..." Guillermo sighs. "I can't believe you did this..."

"Well, I was overdue for a vacation and it was just a plane ticket and a hotel room." Sigh at his stare... "I'm sorry, Gui...Really. Though I was glad to find you had your own bed..." wan smile, brushing back of stray hair to bun. "But I did come clean...I knew I couldn't just keep following you around." Shrug. "Is your aunt ok?"

"She's near death but comfortable...I'll be seeing her today."

"Good...Look, Gui...Darling..." she sighs, hand on his arm as they stood by the ballroom wall. "You know I can't help worrying about you. I was really scared to death you'd been sent or even acted on your own to deal with something for the Overlords regards Van Helsing...Especially with that guy involved, the doc or whatever he is. And that dame you met last night."

"Friend of my aunt's, though I knew her from our place. She's the widow of the vampire who lived with us for a bit, the one I killed accidentally."

She blinks... "Gui...? Why did Sue let you meet her? Is she crazy?" angry tone. "Is the woman out to kill you?"

"No...Phyl, you see she didn't kill me." He shakes head. "She doesn't blame me, he was ill and probably dying."

Stare... "They can die?" she asks, slight broken tone. "I mean, beyond the stakes and sunlight stuff...?"

"Yeah...They can get sick and die, or at least be poisoned sick and die. At least that's what happened to him, I just kinda rushed the process..."

"Wow..." slow shake of head.

"Is she giving you details? Is that why you met her?" shrewd look.

Wait...What was that?

Widow? Of a vampire?

"Well..." Hmmn...Plausible...Guillermo considers...

"Sort of...But she really is my aunt's old friend."

"You're not trusting her...Gui." Stern look. "I know you've a trusting, sweet heart but she might be up to something, even maybe in league with Van Helsing." Shrug. "I know I'd have trouble if someone killed my Mistress, even by accident. She's actually his widow? Human widow?"

"I'm keeping tabs...And Sue is watching over me..."

"So, where is she?" Phyllis notes, a bit sourly. "Out like a light...Sorry." She eyes his slight frown. "I know she's trying, but the kid is clearly not up to the job. You need more protection...Boss." Smile.

Married...? Vamp and human? She eyes him...

If he does get turned, as he's been hopin', courtesy Master Nandor... He would need a devoted human wife to protect him...Beam.

"Well...Maybe...But I also think we need to look into this more. He was a prisoner of the Nazis, Barren Afanas, the husband..."

Husband...She thinks, still beaming...Uh... "Sorry. Yeah, I think you're right, Boss." Narrow look immediately...

"Sue would be good at that, if you're thinking research...She's great with the Internet and researching a title..."

"Everyone has seen Sue, Phyl..." Guillermo notes, rather pleased at his own shrewdness. "But I'm not sayin' you'd be stuck at a computer. I know you want to help protect me and all." Nod.

What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant