What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part XLII...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part XLII...

A stunned Guillermo eyeing the calm-eyed Susan seated next to him, smiling wanly at him.

"Susan? Why would I be lying to you? About what?"

"Gui...This guy the doc came to us in the early am and then hooked up with us for the flight. Now he's not exactly a vampire, he survived daylight in the late afternoon at the airport and I couldn't get a real vamp vibe but there's something about him..."

He frowns at the girl... "So, you came with me to spy on me? What are your orders from Nandor?"

"Gui..." she sighs. "I had no 'orders'. I came to help. I know you're trying to do something about this guy and you didn't want any of us to know. I just...I was afraid you were getting into something dangerous." She shakes head, patting his arm. "I'd never doubt you can handle most things but this looked serious and no one was telling us anything...I couldn't bear it if you got hurt cause no one was around to help."

He regarding her open face...

"I know it's not my place to question the Master but..."

"You think Nandor sent me?"

"I hope he didn't, not without help." She eyes him. "Are you saying you are doing this on your own? Without the Lords and my Lady knowing?"

"They don't know..." he sighs. "This was my idea."

"And this Dr. Acura...How is he connected, Gui? Is he really a friend of your aunt's? Is he dangerous? A threat to our Masters and Lady?" anxious look.

Should I be flattered she was afraid for me? Sad she still thinks I'm doing this for them, 'cause she can't conceive that I might be...An enemy? Embarrassed she didn't think I could handle it?

All of the above?


"You wish to know why I've come...Manifested earlier, possessed, for the moment, this lovely young lady..." Van Helsing/Jen smiles at her image in a mirror on the wall.

"Ah, your documentarians..." she eyes the camera crew. "Gentlemen...Ladies...An honor. I trust your work will survive to guide future generations but let me hope it will only be of historical interest to them..."

"Meaning we will be gone...?" Laszlo eyes her.

"The Darkness possessing and tormenting you, yes...I dearly hope so." Jen/Van Helsing nods.

"This young lady is a wife and mother..." Nadja hurriedly notes. "Please don't harm her...Or give her some unique brand of 'help' ala murder with stick or otherwise."

"I've no intention of doing any creature physical harm, Madame Cravensworth." Calm smile. "I am unable to in my current state and have no particular wish to. I will be leaving her quite soon, I promise you. Though if to your credit that you still can show what I see is sincere concern for your minion, I would point out it is you who hold her mind and body in thrall..."

"Well, technically..." Laszlo speaks up...

Wait, is she/he checking Nadja out?

He/she is ...Glare.

"Yes, you are the one who enthralled this poor girl...Though as much a victim yourself, Laszlo Cravensworth." Jen/Van Helsing smiled at him.

"And apparently one worthy of intercession by one who..."

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