What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXIV...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part LXXIV...

The Basilica de Santa Maria de Guadalupe...

Guillermo staring up at the strong, yet kindly figure of "Dr. Phillippe Acura" at the high, beautifully carved lectern...

"Thank you all for coming, dear friends, dear family." Acura beams at the crowd. "This was one of our dear Rosa's favorite passages...Psalm 23:1-4."

Dracula, about to read from the Bible? In a cathedral? Guillermo blinks...

Still, he really does look like that Christopher Lee, in one of his nicer guy but still a little menacing roles...

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restoreth my soul." Kind smile, nod to Guillermo. "He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. You prepareth a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord, forever." Warm smile, nod to smiles and eager greetings from the assembly as he descends, passing Cecily Afanas on her own way to the lectern.

"Nice..." Susan hisses. "Hard to believe if it's true that he's...?"

"Yeah..." Guillermo nods.

It could be them, he...And Auntie are telling me. This could be them, up there...Free, sorta. The same people I know, my beloved friends, but... Free. And I know in their hearts, they want to be...They're crying out to me...

Well, maybe not Mr. Cravensworth, he's kinda a skeptic to be up there...But he'd be free...And Master Nandor...My friend...

I have to do this. I have to help save my friends. And these poor ladies. He glances at Susan who smiles at him, then over to Phyllis who gives him wan smile. This is my Duty. My Atonement.

Even if they kill me in doing it...


The Residence...

"You did like my lunch? I'm so pleased. There's plenty more if..." Jacqueline notes. Looking a bit anxious as she sits in chair in kitchen in her maid's uniform. Despite Nadja's initial reluctant suspicion, hair frizzled as Laszlo had eagerly suggested and Jen agreed was "classy".

"Sorry if I'm a bit antsy. I really feel like I should be working, especially what with the move today...I can't wait to see the new place, in the flesh, have you? Really nice, huh?...I have seen pics. Well I know I'm supposed to give you a chance to interview me since my...What do you call it, sirs? Ma'am? Enthrallment?" she nods at the word.

"Oh, I couldn't be happier." Warm beam at question. "I've never felt so loved and part of a family, even my own human one. And after I've been such a terrible person for so long, I know..." sigh, wan look. "But Lady Nadja says that's all over and done with now, I'm making up for it with my devoted service. And I so want to. I want to serve well and loyally. And to be a good sister to my sisters in service to my Mistress and her husband and friend. And follow Master Guillermo, our Chief Minion. Isn't it so noble that he didn't have to be enthralled to love and serve our Overlords? I wish I could've been like that, so good. Maybe it's not so but I feel like I've been waiting my whole life to love and serve Lady Nadja." Eager, nervous nod, smoothing apron of uniform.

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