What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXII...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part LXXXII...

Poughkeepsie, NY...

Nicely laid out parlor of the modest but pleasant Acura home...

Althea Acura in sweater and skirt, hair curly and loose, large glasses perched, seated a bit stiffly, eyeing the camera...

Next to her on the sofa, her aunt Elisabete in blouse, open sweater vest, and slacks, looking somewhat younger than previous with her dark hair down. An antique-looking necklace the only hint of her past...

"Understand that we agreed to your request under strict conditions which we learn you've violated..." Elisabete, sternly.

"Auntie..." Althea sighs. "We agreed to this, lets be polite."

"I'm just setting the boundaries, Althea. These people work for the Other Side, even if they may claim impartiality."

"Well, it's brave of them, simply human without special abilities to risk their lives to document the Cravenworths and Mr. Nandor...And we want the story of their Redemption properly told."

"If we succeed...I certainly have my doubts. 'Mr. Nandor'...Old fool, coming here without a by your leave, expecting to walk off with my niece in his hypnotic thrall...Dracula's daughter..." fume.

"I think he really just wanted to talk, Auntie. Just thought it best to hypnotize me."

"Pervert. A young girl like you? What was he thinking?" Elisabete, annoyed. "Though he might have learned then..." narrow stare at the cameras... "These people might have researched and..."

"Aunt, please. Our people have confirmed they're trying to impartially document. Lets be polite." Althea raises a hand. "Dad...And Mom...Would want us to. Besides, we have as much chance to get information out of them..."

"We need none..." sniff. "Your father my brother has all well in hand. The Dracule...Acuras... Require no 'help'."

"Don't go all 'Countess' on them, Auntie..." grin to camera. "Come on, you know they're very brave to risk so much for posterity."

"And money...Like that worthless son of mine, Vladimir...Peddling your father's story and adventures to that Irish writer." Annoyed shake of head.

"Auntie, 'Dracula''s a classic and you know you love it and you love the movies from it. It's the one decent thing my cousin vampiral ever did in his miserable life and unlife. Come now, this is a chance to tell your story too, you know...And is it a great one." Althea beams to her guests.

"I was killed, your father my brother turned me just in time, I killed many, including some of my own family to my shame, your father offered me Redemption and thanks to him and dear Abraham, I managed it. No big deal..." shrug... "It's your parents' and your story that's of interest, dear." Glimmer of a fond smile...

"Auntie...Don't sell yourself short. Her story is remarkable, guys. I'm so proud of her." Beam at the somewhat embarrassed Elisabete...

Althea...Nervous look away. "You embarrass me...Oh, very well, let them ask their questions and be on their way back to the others. I have to get to my evening shift."

"Auntie's an ICU nurse...So great with the patients." Althea grinned at the nervous Elisabete.

"I'm simply carrying out my Redemption duties. Though I do love nursing." Elisabete, shrugging. "Used to do it for my father and brother's forces...It is wonderful to see what we can do nowadays."

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