What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..." Part LXXXIX...

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What We Do In The Shadows: "Jen..."

Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...

Part LXXXIX...

The new residence, next morning...

Martha in business suit, humming a bit, setting down the last of several bags on a protective pad on the lovely and quite authentic marble top of the kitchen's large island...

"Hi, folks." She beams to camera. "Just dropping by a few special items for tonight's festivities...Some wine and cheese...And a couple of corkscrews. And the Overlords didn't have any good cutlery, so I picked that up. Nice, huh?" she opens one of three boxes to reveal a fine set of said cutlery.

"Jackie?! You up?!" she calls.

"Coming..." Jacqueline, in a bedroom on second floor just assigned to her, adjusting her maid's cap and smoothing apron. "Hmmn?" she eyes camera. "No, I'm very well, sirs...Miss..." she beams. "I was rather tired last night but I slept well. Is the Mistress, or any of our Masters, up still?" Hearing Martha's call.

"Oh, she should be a little quieter. She'll disturb them, the stupid..." she blinks. "No, I mustn't be rude. That's not the proper way to behave to my sisters." Wan smile to camera. "I'm very sorry. I will do better. Well, let me get down to her before anyone's disturbed. Can I get you coffee and any breakfast? Oh, well...Yes, I'll have some coffee too, then...If you like...There." Pats cap. "I'm so excited about tonight's reception. I hope I won't disappoint the Mistress in my service. Will you folks let me know if I'm making any mistakes? I haven't been in service long..." troubled, vague look. "I couldn't bear it if I embarrassed Lady Nadja and Lord Laszlo and Lord Nandor. But I am resolved to work as hard as I can to do well and serve them. Well, I better get moving, huh?" smile.

Pause at door to stare at camera... "Resentments? What a strange question..." eyes the director. "Why would I resent anyone? I adore my Mistress and the other Overlords and my sisters are...Well, my sisters...Helpmates of our Lady and Lords." Looking away briefly. "I suppose...In my past life I was a rather angry person. Discontented, you know?" smile. "But I'm over all that now...Oh, I really should hurry and help Martha. Come and I'll get you that coffee." Waves them on, heading out door.

"Hey..." Martha at foot of stairs, lowered voice now...She having realized her voice may awaken her...Their...Master Nandor...And the others.

"Hi..." Jacqueline beams. "Glad you could stop by. Were you able to get everything?"

"All set..." Martha nods. "House looks great by the way."

"Thanks." Warm smile, descending stairs to her. "Hows about some coffee? And maybe some breakfast? I'm getting some for the folks here." Indicates camera.

"Coffee, sure." Nod. "Say do you know if they need...Anything?" eyeing her.

"Ginny was donor last night. She had two pints dropped off. With the stuff from me and Jen before in the fridge downstairs they're fine." Jacqueline nods. "Don't get yourself run down they'll need us on our toes tonight and you should sparkle as one of their guests." Warm smile...

"Thanks..." Martha beams, slight nervous fidget. "But I was really thinking I ought to ask to serve tonight. I'm not really 'guest' material for them."

"Jen and Ginny arranged some help." Shrug. "I guess it's good to have some bright young folks around so long as we watch them...We do get a little worn out. But Master Nandor wants you as his guest, Martha." Patting her... "He'd be disappointed if he couldn't play host to you."

Martha, blushing involuntarily... "Really?" slight squeak. "He's so kind. But I really don't have the clothes...And I'm not..."

"He's the best, next to my Mistress. And he's seen to that, as to clothes." Jacqueline nods.

What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."Where stories live. Discover now