Life's Just A Game

By ShandraGuptaHAHAH

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The world has been corrupted. A man who experienced it first-hand vowed to cure it. Even if he has to become... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 39

704 21 6
By ShandraGuptaHAHAH

[Normal P.O.V]

"Fuck, it's hot!" Marcos exclaimed while wiping the sweat off of his forehead as he shoveled out the dirt off the ground. Work hour has already started and the extra heat wasn't helping. Especially shoveling dirt under the sun's rays, while wearing their issued work uniform which are long-sleeved jumpers and brogans.

"Ain't it hot in Mexico as well?" Bear asked with a smirk.

"Dumbass, I'm from Puerto Rico." He grumbled while both Nuffink and Bear laughed.

"Is there a difference?" Nuffink remarked as he shoveled fertilizer from the barrel and into the ground.

Hayden smiled slightly at their antics. "Ignore them, Marcos. They're just jealous because their president's an asshole." He quipped.

Bear and Nuffink's smiles fade instantly while Marcos broke into guffaws. Hayden chuckled along with him while the two grumbled under their breaths.

"So, Fury. After two days of fucking Sahara, what's next?" Marcos asked, spraying the hose on the ground. They decided to fall him Fury, giving him a prison alias and a strong reputation.

"We wait for tomorrow. By now, I bet you're not the only one experiencing the heat." Hayden replied, gesturing to the other convicts who already stripped off their top. Even the guards were sweating and exhausted. With the cold gone, not even the guards could relax.

"I know. I heard from Reganza and his gang that they're planning to riot as well." He said, turning off the water and filling a bucket with manure.

"Any possibility he would do it now?" Hayden arched an eyebrow. If a riot started now, he'll have to send a message to his group that he'll be getting out early. But if a riot started now, it won't be strong enough for him to get out. That's why he recommended three days.

"No way, papi." Marcos replied with a grin. "Reganza's gang is about as small as his dick."

"How'd you know that?" He narrowed his eyes in suspicion, trying to hide the smirk growing in his lips.

Marcos' grin fell as he began to sputter. Bear and Nuffink heard Hayden's remark and began to snicker at Marcos' nervousness.

"Hey, man. We're in PIP. Doesn't matter if you want to insert your-" Bear started but was cut off by Marcos

"Uy, que care-chimba!" He called out, which technically meant 'penis-face'. "You want to talk about being a gump, talk to your friend, Big Shark."

"What?" Bear frowned. He turns to Nuffink and asked for an explanation.

He simply grinned and nodded. "Man, I've seen him drop the sheets so many times I might have thought they had a schedule." He snickered.

Bear shifted his gaze at Hayden with wide eyes, asking for confirmation. "I can't believe you haven't noticed. Man's gay for the stay."

"Holy shit..." Bear whispered under his breath, while the other three laughed along.

The three convicts now had lowered their guard down and relaxed at Hayden's presence. After knowing for two days, they started to like him and considered the possibility of being his friends other than allies. Hayden also lowered his guard, revealing some details about his life like the war with Drago, and some of his earlier missions. One time, he accidentally slipped up that he had a girlfriend. He didn't exactly say that he had one, it's just they assumed he had one after mentioning that he had someone waiting for him. And just like that, they began teasing and messing with him as if he wasn't a cold and dangerous assassin.

"By the way..." Hayden suddenly said, getting the attention of the three convicts. " never told me why you want to stay here."

Nuffink bit his lip as he avoided eye contact. "Let's just say that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time." He replied with a sigh. "I was about to be mugged with a gun trained on my head. I was able to twist the gun out of his hand, but before I realized it, I shot him. My whole family doubted me except for my girl." A faint smile showing up on his lips.

"Nuffink wasn't guilty, but he wasn't innocent either. That's why we had a vendetta against Khan. The man who tried to mug him was Khan's boy." Bear explained with a hard scowl. "Khan did a number on me as well. Framed me for a murder I never did. They just see a black man over a dead body and they immediately think I'm guilty."

Hayden looked at them and felt sympathy and solace for them. This was the reason in why he pursued being an agent of Drakos. To eliminate people like Khan before they hurt other people or get someone in trouble for their mistakes. But no matter how evil or wicked they are, they're still human. And the weight of their life is still equal to a normal person.

Hayden turned to Marcos who was grinning, "What's with you?"

"Nada, nada. It's just funny how they've been screwed by Khan but they didn't do anything." Marcos said. "While I've been screwed over by Khan because of my mistakes. I used to deliver drugs for him. Until he set me up, allowing the policías to catch me. It's also funny how I regret everything."

Hayden smiled slightly, "You really sure you guys don't want to eacape?"

"Nah, man. We're getting out of here the right way." Bear replied with a smile. "But if we change our mind, we'll holla at you."

A sudden sound of an alarm blaring caused them to wince. The gate of their work area suddenly burst open and a squad of guards rushed in, armed with batons and tasers. They ran right past them and into the other side of the area. The four looked at each other and nodded. They dropped their shovels and buckets, and followed the guards, ditching their gloves as they ran.

Soon, a loud commotion rose before their eyes. A small group of convicts were swinging punches around the guards, while the rest of the convicts were cheering and shouting. The backup now rushed in and tackled the convicts that were fighting, and dropped them on the ground. They tased the ones who were struggling, as they finally rounded up the remaining convicts on the ground. Hayden's eyebrows scrunched down. If a fight between the guards and convicts happened, he needs to know why.

He turns to the convict beside him, "What the hell happened?"

"The fuck were you? Reganza and his crew were sick of the heat in and out the cage." The convict explained. "They took it out on the C/O and the guards. Then everything went to shit. I don't blame them. The fucking heat is getting to me as well."

Hayden's face contorted into a scowl. He craned his neck to his side and looked at his allies who were looking at him with same expression.

"If this happens again, it's happening tonight."


[Hayden's P.O.V]

I let out a sigh as the day was finally over. Tomorrow would be the big day and luckily, no more fights or incidents happened during the day. I held up my wrist, and set my watch that I bought from a convict, to a 12:00 alarm. The plan is to start the riot at 12:00, which is our free time to roam around the cellblock then at 1:00, I'll be out. I already sent a message to the others that I'll be out tommorow and that they should pick me up.

I laid down on his bunk while staring at the ceiling. The lights were already off so the darkness already enveloped the room. It was very difficult to sleep through the heat. My forehead and back was gleaming in sweat. I had to ditch my top, leaving my upped body exposed. I could hear the rest of the inmates toss and turn, complaining about the heat. I was glad that it's working, but fuck... I'm also glad that this will be over tomorrow. After staying still for a few seconds, I could already feel the fatigue hitting me. My eyelids were about to flutter close when I heard a voice.

"You're escaping tomorrow, aren't ye?"

My gaze shifted from the ceiling to the sitting form of my former father. Even in the dark, my eyes had been accustomed to the lack of brightness so I was able to see him, with his head lowered. If it weren't for my lack of emotions, I would've felt sorry for him.

"Why do you care?" I scoffed out. "Why? Are you going to snitch to the guards?"

"No, I wouldn't do that to you." He replied with a sigh.

"Oh, so now you care? Aren't you worried that I'm going to murder someone when I get out?" I said sarcastically.

He didn't say anything for a while. He was sitting still, without saying anything for so long I thought he fell asleep. It won't be the first time he fell asleep sitting up. But then I heard something come out of his mouth that made me sat up instantaneously.

"I'm sorry..."

My head popped up and looked at him with indecorous eyes. I forced myself to sit up and extend my legs over my bunk, leaving them hanging.

"Sorry for what, Stephen?" I asked.

I saw his eyes look up from the ground and gazed at me with guilt. "For hating ye..."

My eyes slightly widened, but retracted quickly. I already knew he did, but for him to admit it himself was hardly believable.

A humorless smile curved up lips, "So you admitted it." I said. When I saw his confused expression, I continued, "Whenever you beat me, you always had this disgusted look on your face. As if you want to kill me, but you don't have the guts to do it. So you thought it was better to beat your child instead of killing him. Am I right?"

Stephen's stared at me open-mouthed, unable to form a sentence. His gaze shifted to the ground, lowering his head. That's the only answer I needed.

"But the question is, why?" I asked him in all seriousness. "What drove you to the point that you want to kill your own flesh and blood?"

He was silent for a moment. I know that I could just tell him myself but I want him to admit it. I want him to realize his mistakes, and I shouldn't be the one to tell him.

"I- It's because ye remind me of Valka. And I-"

"Let me stop you right there." I cut him off, holding out my hand. "You're lying. You know the truth but you just can't remember... Let me give you a hint; October 13th, 2015. You were drunk off your ass when you came home. The moment you came in, you beat the shit out of me. You held a liquor bottle in your hand when you smashed it against my head, then you continued to beat me to the point that I hurled out blood. I will always remember that day, not because that was probably the worst beating you've done to me, but because what you said after..."

The guilty and shameful look on his face neither satisfied me nor made me pity him. My emotions right now are in a void. The memories that flashed in my head no longer made me angry or sad. I had already left that in the past. But I want Stephen to know the pain I experienced, but it won't be for me, it would be for him. So that he won't commit the same mistake ever again.

"You told me with angry tears in your eyes, 'It's your fault!'. Do you mind telling what that meant?" When I finished, the guilt and shame on his face only grew worse. He sighed out a deep breath.

"It's because... I blamed ye for Valka leaving." He admitted. "Valka said she wanted to leave because she felt that her place wasn't here, but I still blamed it on ye."

"Mom said that she regretted it. Every single day. For leaving me... and you." I said, turning to him. "She still loves you, y'know. She always did."

"I'm sorry, Hayden. For everything. I- I was being selfish, and cruel. But I-"

"I forgive you." I say abruptly, to which he whipped his head up so fast, I thought his neck would break. "I forgive you, Stephen. I have, for a long time. I already left that in the past. My resentment to you is gone as well. When I snapped at you at the yard two days ago, that's my way of releasing the past. I understood your part of the story, long before you told me now. I just want you to admit it yourself. But the question I have for you, Stephen. You used to hate me, what do feel about me now? What do you want?"

I could sense that he was quite taken aback by the question. It wasn't a hard question. All I want know is if he hates me or not. What does he want?

He pressed his lips together, "I- I want to have another chance a being your father. That's what I want." He replied with a firm tone.

I studied his face for any sign of dishonesty but to my surprise, I found nothing. So he genuinely wanted to be my father again? A warm smiled reached my face. This'll be interesting. Stephen stared at me with a confused expression. I simply shrugged as I went to the side of my bunk to get the bottle. I fished out two paper cups as I revealed the rum bottle.

"Is that pruno?" Stephen's eyes bulged.

"Hell no. But I'm surprised you know what that is." I reply with a chuckle as I popped open the bottle. "This... is the Kraken Black Spiced rum. Strong stuff and honestly, my favorite. Next to Fireball."

"How'd you get that in here?" He asked, the bewildered expression still not leaving his face.

"I have my sources." I said, pouring the rum in the paper cups. I handed one to Stephen and I held mine in my hand, raising it for a toast. "To a new start, and let's hope it will be nothing like before."

Stephen smiled for the first time as he raised his cup as well. "I'll drink to that."

We both downed out cups and once the liquid flowed down my throat, all my veins burst to life. I let out a satisfied sigh as I fought the urge to whoop. Stephen however coughed for a while, his face turning red.

"Fuck, that is strong!" He exclaimed lightly.

"It's an acquired taste. I love this shit." I grinned freely. Only when I'm drinking do I feel carefree and relaxed.

"You have a sharp tongue, Hayden." He joked.

"Who do you think I learned it from?" I remarked, to which both chuckled at. I offered another drink to him but he refused. So shrugged and drank from the bottle. I acquired a strong resistance to alcohol so I won't feel the hangover tomorrow.

"So, Hayden. To start things off, I want to learn more about ye. What have ye been doing for the past few years?" He asked.

I take one last gulp from the rum as it washed down my throat. "Oh, boy. This is going to be a long night."


Today's the day. It's nearly 12:00 and guys and I were nervous as hell. If this didn't work, I don't know what I'll do. But I'm confident it'll work. I studied the faces of the other inmates. They were sweating to the brim, breathing heavily as they tried to fan themselves with rolled paper. Half of them had already ditched their top like me, and even that didn't help. I explained to Stephen the plan and he agreed to stay out of it no matter how much he wanted to help. I understand that he wanted to show me how much he cares now, but we aren't in that stage yet. And he can't prove it if he's dead. So luckily, he agreed to stay in his cell.

I spotted Marcos who was talking with the other convicts. From the expressions on their faces, I bet he's riling them up. I spotted Nuffink and Bear doing the same thing. Aggravating the inmates, complaining about the heat, subtly suggesting a riot in their heads. I would drop subtle hints and suggestions like 'Those guards are having fun in their air-conditioned rooms' or 'This fucking heat wants me to go kill someone'. Those are just little suggestive thoughts so that the idea of a riot would make them join.

I nodded towards Marcos and the others. I turn my head towards my cell where Stephen decided to help by doing the same thing I was, laying out subtle suggestive thoughts. He glanced at me and nodded.

It's time...

The minute had just struck twelve, and just I predicted, the corrections officer burst through the gate.

"Alright, convicts! Back in your cell!" He shouted.

A bunch of grumbles and moans emitted from the crowd as they slowly went back to their cell. But then, before anyone could return to their cage, Nuffink spoke up from the top cells.

"Ay, yo boss! What the fuck are you going to do with the heat?" He yelled out, which got the other inmates to stop and look at the C/O.

"Just get your ass back in your cell! We're handling it!" He fired back.

Bear then decided to help up, "It's been three days, boss! While you sitting there in your air-conditioned office, we out here suffering!"

"You're convicts! Who the fuck cares about your suffering?!" He sneered. Which was a horrible mistake for him, a good mistake for me. The crowd began agreeing to what Bear said, nodding and yelling a few cheers. But when they heard what the C/O said, they erupted into outrage.

That's when Marcos walked into the middle and faced the crowd.

"These perras don't give a crumb of shit about us! They think they're so special! But we're here, to tell them to give us what we want!" He yelled out, egging on the crowd, which naturally worked.

Nearly everyone was cheering and jeering. Marcos turned to the C/O, who was slowly backing up along with the other guards. Bear and Nuffink pushed through the crowd and went up front.

"Let's drop 'em, boys!!!" Bear announced and the entire crowd of convicts rushed forward. The C/O and the other guards were too late. They got swept by the crowd, no longer being seen in the chapter.

The crowd soon reached the main gate, and started banging and smashing their fists against it. My gaze looked up to the clock, and I began counting down from thirty. When I reached zero, the main gate suddenly unsealed, allowing the convicts to storm out.

I stayed behind for a few moments so that I'll have a clear path to the church. I turned around, to see Stephen standing near his cell along with a few others who didn't join the riot.

"Good luck, Hayden." He waved at me with a smile.

I nodded back with a smile, "Thanks, Stephen."

And with that, I followed the convicts' trail of destruction. Once I was out of the cellblock, it was utter chaos. The riot guards had already been dispatched, and battling the other convicts. I spotted Bear, who was waving at me and gesturing for me to hurry up.

I nodded back and began making my way towards the church. One of the riot guards spotted me and lunged at me. I rolled my eyes as I smashed my artificial foot against his shield which immediately shattered and caused him to go down. With no longer anyone blocking my way, I reached the church where Nuffink and Marcos were already moving Mexican Jesus.

"Hey, man! Careful with him!" Marcos scolded him.

Nuffink shrugged, "It's fine. It's not like Korean Jesus would suddenly avenge him when I accidentally break him." He replied sarcastically.

With the idol now out of the way, Bear pulled the curtains down along with the pole, revealing the concrete wall.

"So, how are you going to do this? Y'know... dig through ten feet of concrete in less than an hour." Bear arched an eyebrow at me.

I knelt down, and popped open the compartment in my foot. They still felt nauseous when I do it so I tend to do it more often. I fished out four small square-like machines and I started placing them in specific spots on the wall.

"What are those?" Marcos asked.

"Laser projectors. They're not as strong as the original since I only used non-metal fillings and wires. But it should be enough to dig a hole for me." I reply. "Unless, you're having second thoughts?"

I turn to them, but they just grinned at me and shook their head. Nuffink patted me in the shoulder and smiled. "You go on, man. You're trying to save the world and shit. I think we can wait for a few more years in here." He remarked. But then he shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled out a letter.

"But when you get out, could you give this to my girl?" He asked with a blush.

I smirked vexingly, "What's her name?" I took the letter and looked at the name. My eyes went wide as I recognized the name. No way...

"Yeah. That's her name. So... do you mind...?" He smiled sheepishly.

"S- Sure, Nuffink." I reply, pocketing the letter. I turn to the others with a smile. "Thanks for the help. I'll make sure I can visit."

"Yeah, make sure that this time, you won't be visiting us by joining us." Bear grinned.

I let out a chuckle, "Sure, guys. I guess I should be-"


We turn around to the source of the voice. Three guards armed with handguns that's trained on us, were standing right in front of the entrance.

"Don't make a move!" The first guard yelled out.

We glanced at each other. Did our plan fail? I stepped forward but then the guard shrieked out, "I- I SAID DON'T M- MOVE!!"

Marcos glanced at me, and mouthed 'newjacks'. They're newbies and they haven't experienced a riot yet. So I guess they're pretty nervous and scared about it. I could just rush them but that'll put the others to risk. I raised my hand to press the bridge of my nose when I heard a gunshot burst out.

I only a had a millisecond to realize that the bullet was zipping towards me. I had no time to react or move as the bullet was about five feet away from me, flying swiftly through the air.

'Is this it?' I thought.

But then I felt someone push me out of the way. The next thing I knew, I was down on the ground while the guards were knocked out cold, and scattered across the ground. I sat up, groaning when I saw him on the floor, a trail of blood pooling under his body. My body went stiff as I watch his chest rise slowly.


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