Changed {Martin Garrix Fanfic...

By LindzK12

295K 7.8K 2.2K

When someone slowly starts to change you, is it for your own good or for their own pleasure? When you take a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Final Author's Note

Chapter 12

4.4K 126 9
By LindzK12

Chapter Twelve - Truth 

- Martin's POV - 

My feet stomped through the campus, anger taking over my body. I was looking for a head full of blonde hair but having no luck. Fuck. I had already practically chewed out a few people asking where they had last seen Karlie. Half of them ran and the other half did not know. The faster I could confront her, the faster I would understand what was going on with Mads. Not talking to her, has almost killed me. And now with her looking like that, I cannot handle it. 

I made my way to the main office building to see if anyone there may have a clue where she is. I opened the door forcefully to meet Kris. She looked like hell. Eyes puffy and all. She said nothing as she walked past me, bumping my shoulder a bit. Ever since our... incident, she has been pissed. I do not if she is mad about her undies or me not wanting to do anything else with her. What was wrong with her anyways? 

"Hey, Martin, how can I help you?" Maria, I think was her name, asked me. I thought back to the past couple of years and how she was the one who dealt with me when I got in trouble. 

"Um, have you seen Karlie?" I scratched the back of my neck. I knew she did not like me, so I had to put my best face on. 

"Oh! You just missed her," she paused, coughing a bit. Well hell, what do I do now? 

"Do happen to know where she went? Or was going?" I asked, needing more than anything to find this bitch. 

"Try her room. It's close to dinner, so she may be getting ready," she gave me a small smile. I nodded slowly. Maria and I had an odd association. One minute she was giving me lectures on how to do good in life and the next she was actually helping me. 

"Okay, thanks," I said quickly, turning around to leave. I made my way to her dorm building, quicker than I usually would. I pressed the elevator button multiple times because I am probably one of the most impatient people you will ever meet. Once it came, I stepped in to be taken to the second floor. The damn stairs could have been faster. I stomped to the end of the hallway, then knocking on her door vigorously. She opened it, standing in a bra and underwear. 

"Hey," she smiled up at me. I ignored her and stepping into her semi-dirty room. I heard the door shut behind of me. "What's up?" 

I turned back around to see her putting a shirt on. "What the fuck did you say to Mads?" I said through gritted teeth. I saw her roll her eyes, smirking in the process. 

"Stuff," she shrugged her shoulders. Opening a drawer, she grabbed a pack of cigarettes. She placed one in her mouth, lighting it with ease. "Want one?" She offered. 

"No, shits awful for you," I shook my head. "Now, what did you say?" I was now getting frustrated. 

"Just a warning, that's all," she collapsed back on her bed, the shirt riding up a bit. 

"A warning for what?" I was confused. What the fuck was she on about? Her cocky attitude could be worse than mine sometimes. And that is saying something. 

"Ya know, stuff," she said innocently. I had a feeling she was not going to tell me shit. 

"Cut the bullshit Karlie," I said angrily. "What do you have against her?" I wanted to scream at her, she was so goddamn frustrating. 

"Nothing," she glanced at me with a sarcastic smile spread across her face. Oh, fuck me. 

"Stop your shit Karlie. I can see right through you. Acting like a dumbass isn't going to get you anywhere," I ran a hand through my hair, getting ready to give up. 

"Why are you so defensive towards someone you barely know? Is there something going on between you two.." She narrowed her eyes at me. 

"No! We're friend's," I was the one rolling my eyes now. She was so fucking ridiculous. Though, I could see her blowing up in my face. Screaming and yelling stupid shit that does not make any sense.

"Oh come on Martin, you don't stay friends with a girl," she started to laugh sarcastically. The smell of tobacco was filling the room, clogging my throat. 

"Well, we're friends, so get over it," I said confidently and sternly. Her eyes met mine making me feel uncomfortable. I crossed my arms trying to focus on something besides exploding right here and now. 

"Hm," she put out her cigarette. "What does your relationship consist of? Reading the bible and talking about abstinence?" She gave me a big fake smile. I bit the inside of my cheek, feeling infuriated. 

"Why do you care so much?" I asked bluntly. She was obviously curious but she was damn good at hiding it with sarcasm. 

"I never said I did," she spat sitting up on her bed. "I just think it's weird," she looked down at her hands, playing with her fingers. I am sure she is used to that. 

"What's weird? Me finding a friend? You think that's weird?" I asked puzzled. 

"No, dumbass," she muttered. "It's weird that you've been drawn to a girl who is a damn preachers daughter," she said plainly and openly. She sounded like Zac. Maybe they should fuck more often. 

"You jealous or something?" I inwardly smirked. I knew she could not stand having all of the attention. It has been that way since we first met. 

"Don't flatter yourself, or her, please," she put up a hand dramatically. "It's not about you, it's her." 

"Don't be dumb Karlie. You just cannot stand the fact that I do not want you anymore -"

"- Shut the hell up. You clearly have your head shoved too far up your ass. Like I said, it's about her," she rolled her eyes, making me feel utterly confused. Once again. 

"How so?" I asked, watching my mouth. If I ticked her off even more, who knows what she would do. I was getting tired of being here and not getting answers from her. It was just pointless shit coming from her big mouth. 

"Now why would I tell you? It's not like you're dating or anything, just friends remember," she knew what she was doing. 

"I am not in love with her or some shit! Yes, we are friends, but that's it!" I was tempted to now walk out and shut the door so hard it would come off the hinges. 

"So you wouldn't mind if her and that Matthew guy got close or something?" She raised her eyebrows. Whoa, when the hell did other guys get dragged into this? And who the fuck is Matthew? Oh, yeah. The blonde guy. 

"I don't fucking care Karlie what the hell she does," I said lacking emotion within me. "You clearly have some problems you need to fix up. I'm done," my feet picked themselves up and walked towards the door. 

"Wait," I stopped dead in my tracks, looking over my shoulder to see her. "You know what. Fine. Do what you want, but when something happens, don't come crawling back to me." Is she being serious right now? 

"Wouldn't even think about it," I mumbled grabbing the door handle. Of course, before I go, she had to say something else because her mouth never stops running.

"And by the way, I'm not going to be hurt if you two keep hanging out. It'll be her, keep that in mind," and with that, I slammed her door. Fucking hell she gives me a headache. 

- Madeline's POV - 

"Oh my God, I don't think I should be wearing this," I told Haley as she was doing her makeup. These shorts were practically going up places they should not be. 

"Shut up Mads, you look hot," she looked at me through the mirror. "And can I please have your legs, damn," she added, making me smile a bit. I fluffed my long hair feeling satisfied with how I looked tonight. As we continued finishing getting ready, my mind drifted back to last night. Martin's face has been stuck in my head. Not going to lie, ignoring him was hard, especially because I had a class with him. 

"So, are going to tell me who made you sad or what?" I snapped out of my thoughts, looking over to her. I smiled graciously because I knew she cared, but if I told her it was Martin, she probably would not care and leave me to be upset. 

"I don't think you know him, so no," I laughed trying to lie to the best of my ability. 

"Okay, fine," she glossed her lips and threw the pink substance back in her bag. "Are you ready?" She seemed so small compared to me. And most people. 

"Yup," I said popping the 'p'. My stomach was practically screaming because I was so hungry. I just hope Martin does not try and pull anything else with me tonight. I might scream rape if he does. 

Haley and I walked to the cafeteria and ran into Cade whilst going there. So them being best friends (Cade really was not exaggerating about that), they talked the rest of the way. I admired their friendship for two reasons. One being that you can have a guy best friend and not have people speculate that you are in a relationship. 

"Mads, you've been looking nice lately," Cade mentioned. 

"Thanks," I said, smiling to myself. At least people are liking it. My mind drifted back to my parents and what they would think. They would probably disown me and send these shorts to the gates of hell. I let them enter the cafeteria first and as I was about to go in as well, someone grabbed my hand. My heart jumped out of my chest but I relaxed as soon as I saw who it was. God, not again. 

"You need to talk," Martin said hard and sternly. 

"Don't touch me," I spat, fighting to get out of his grip. Seeing my struggle, he did in fact let go of my wrist. 

"What the hell did I do?!" His voice raised in an almost pleading tone. I cannot believe he trying to act like nothing has happened. What a prick. "This is why you need to talk!" I saw his Adams-apple move up and down as he swallowed. 

"What's there to talk about? I won't ever forgive you, so I have nothing to talk about," I backed up away from him, only for him to step back right towards me. 

"So being so fucking dramatic," he groaned, rolling his eyes. "Whatever I did, I'm sorry Mads," he threw his hands up, his Dutch accent was prominent. 

"I'm not being dramatic you ass," I crossed my arms over my chest. "Do you not realize how upset I was?" A confused look spread across his face. 

"Well, I'm sorry, okay!" He exclaimed. We were probably drawing attention to us, but I did not care. I actually need to get a few things off of my chest. 

"Sorry doesn't make up for jack," I said, being more serious than ever. 

"Stop being so goddamn stubborn," he sounded annoyed now. "I just want to know what the actual hell I did!" 

I rolled my eyes out of irritation. "Unlike you, I actually have feelings," I lowered my voice to a more acceptable level. His eyes became slits quickly. 

"Okay, what the fuck are you talking about?" I felt like punching him he was being so dumb. Him being dressed in all black as usual, was slightly intimidating. 

"You're so pathetic Martin," I said shaking my head slightly. "Sorry, you won't have the luxury of fucking my brains out," I spat angrily. That word seemed so unnatural, but it rolled off of my tongue perfectly. 

His eyes widened, his mouth dropping open. "What did you just say?" He stepped closer to me. 

"I didn't stutter," I crossed my arms, now feeling agitated with him. I want to go and for him to leave me alone. 

"Fuck your brains out?! What the hell are you talking about?" His green eyes were stormy. 

"Stop acting stupid!" I paused trying to cover up my vulnerability with anger. "Karlie said you and your friends made a deal about how quick I would sleep with you... and that you never liked me," I said, actually feeling relieved that I said it. There Martin, that is what you did. His faced dropped and so did the anger from his eyes. 

"Oh my God," he tugged at his hair. "You're even dumber than I am Mads!" 

 I felt a bit hurt as the words carelessly came out of him. He must have noticed because he quickly spoke up again. 

"No, no, no, I'm sorry Mads. I didn't mean it like that.. It's just why would you believe Karlie?! Of all people?!" He said in disbelief. All of a sudden, it all began to make sense. Why would I believe Karlie? She is the one who dumped juice all over me and she is the one who told me to stay away from Martin... 

"Oh my God... I'm so sorry," I said looking down at the ground in shame. I do feel really stupid now. 

"Why are you apologizing?" A sincerity was apparent in his voice. I now did not move as he came closer to me. 

"I-I don't know, I feel like a bitch," I admitted looking around, noticing there was no one outside anymore. Everyone must be eating the crappy food. 

He chuckled then threw me a smirk. "No, don't feel like that. The only bitch here is Karlie," I laughed a bit, tugging at my shorts. I felt fine wearing them around other guys, but Martin... forget about it. His eyes left mine and traveled down my body, making me feel uncomfortable. Abruptly, two fingers of his looped through the belt loop, pulling me to him. 

"So, who's shorts are these exactly?" His smirk was still there. And so was the Martin that I have gotten to know. 


A/N Hi!! Happy Sunday! How was your weekend? Now, what do you think about this chapter? I had fun writing it and I literally am so excited for you all to read what's going to happen ;) Make sure to leave me a comment and vote! :) <3 

Twitter/Instagram/Main Wattpad - @LindzFrienz12 

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