Life's Just A Game

By ShandraGuptaHAHAH

59.9K 1.6K 665

The world has been corrupted. A man who experienced it first-hand vowed to cure it. Even if he has to become... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 34

970 26 4
By ShandraGuptaHAHAH

[Normal P.O.V]

The group just passed through Albuquerque, driving in Route I-25 to avoid any traffic or cops. Hayden and Ezra decided to join Astrid in her Sedan, while the rest followed in the Tesla. Hayden volunteered to drive while Ezra slept peacefully in the backseat while Astrid sat on the passenger seat. He had the luxury of taking off his mask, thanks to the people around him. The windows were tinted so it was difficult to see him from outside.

"Tell me more about the plan." Astrid said, breaking the silence.

Hayden contemplated on whether he would explain the plan in detail, because he already knows her reaction. But he could tell her about why they're going to Santa Fe.

"I'll tell you about the main plan later. But right now, we need to visit a guy in PIP." He replied. Astrid motioned for him to continue, gesturing with a wave of her hand. "Chaghatai Khan. The man used to work for Drago and a violent and dangerous mass murderer. He once gunned down an entire church, the massacred the police right after. He was only arrested just because Valhalla decided to swoop in, literally "

Astrid frowned. "If he's so dangerous, why are you meeting him?"

"If I could obtain some info from him, I could also learn more about Grimmel."

"And how are you suppose to do that?

Hayden clenched the steering wheel, his eyes looking anywhere but Astrid. He pressed his lips into a thin line, before replying, "I don't know yet. I'll figure it out when we arrive."

With a nod from Astrid, the car fell in an uncomfortable silence, with both individuals not knowing how to break it. Personally, Hayden would've been satisfied with the silence, if only he didn't sense Astrid's itch to speak. To save her the trouble, Hayden spoke up. 

"What is it?" He asked out loud.

Unable to lie, Astrid let out a sigh. "Nothing... it's just that. We never really talked."

"Astrid, you better explain even further because I'm trying my best to hold my sarcasm."

This caused her to smile, allowing the tension to loosen. "I mean, we never talked about how our lives have been. We never actually had the chance to catch up."

"If you don't call our make-out sessions, catching up, then sure." Hayden smirked, which earned him a smack from Astrid. She scowled at him, though she couldn't stop the smile from growing on her face.

"Come on, you know what I'm talking about. Since there's no one here, you can open up with me." She said.

Hayden chewed on his lip, as he glanced towards Astrid. "Nothing in my current life would interest you, Astrid. Unless you like brutal murders, and blowing up buildings." He said.

"Not really. But you could tell me on how you know Valhalla?" Astrid suggested, hoping to gain a piece of Hayden's new life.

He let out another sigh, "I guess I could tell you." He said, flashing a small smile at her. "I met them during one of my missions. I was on board a plane to Wushi from Hotan, when six men tried to hijack the plane."

Astrid visibly gasped and winced, but then she remembered that Hayden was still alive and well, so what is she worrying about?

"I was able to take them down along with the other passengers but unknown to the others, there was an F-15 right by our tail-- completely hidden from the plane's radar. It was about to shoot us down when all of a sudden, this big-ass owl crushed the jet with its claws. Then, I caught a glimpse of its rider on top, waving a strange staff. I've never seen anything like it before." Hayden snorted with small smile, remembering the faint memory.

"Let me guess, you followed them back to their lair?" Astrid arched an eyebrow.

With a nod, Hayden continued. "Yeah. I have to say, entering an iceberg fortress was a first. But I wasn't expecting an entire army of warriors and weird creatures."

Astrid let out a light laugh. It warmed her heart that she was actually able to connect with him, even after all these years. But she noticed a hint of coldness underneath his voice, as if he was straining himself to speak. She decided to ignore it for now.

"The rider." Astrid said. "Do you know her?"

That's when she saw a faint contented smile on his lips. It surprised her, but it also fed her curiosity. Once Hayden saw her confused expression, he decided to tell her.

"Don't tell anyone, because this is something that even Shatter doesn't know." Hayden replied firmly. "I don't just know her, Astrid. In fact, she's my mother."

A mix of confusion, shock, and astonishment swirled around Astrid's face as she absorbed the information. She tried to speak, but ends up hesitating. Hayden saw this, and watched her with amusement. 

"Well, now you know where I get my dramatic flair." He said, flashing her a grin.

"B- but, how?" Astrid sputtered out.

And with a straight face, Hayden replied smoothly, "Astrid, I think by now you should now how babies are made. But for your sake, I'll give you a brief explanation. My dad's d-"

"Not what I meant, and not what I want to hear." She interrupted with a glare, to which Hayden responded with a shrug.

"I figured it out as soon as I saw her. She never exposed her face when I'm around, but she couldn't hide her voice. I still remember her singing 'For the Dancing and the Dreaming' when I was a kid." Hayden sighed at the fond memory.

"Well, at least you have your mom back." Astrid happily reminded, until her face contorted into a crestfallen expression. "I'd give anything to bring back my parents. Even for just a day."

With a slight glance from Hayden, he bit his lip but said nothing. He continued to drive until he could see the city of Santa Fe coming into range. He quickly put on a smile, and announced, "We're here." as they passed by the newly installed giant bold letters of Santa Fe, welcoming them. Now, their mission has just begun...


The two vehicles has just parked next to the entrance of Drury Plaza Hotel, where the they grabbed their equipment and belongings before the valets took over. The rest of them gaped at the building before them. It wasn't exactly big, but it was small either. But they were more impressed on how it was  built. White walls, metallic concrete, and burning lights built the foundation. Once they entered, it took their breaths away. From the twinkling crystals of the giant chandelier hanging on the dome ceiling, to the fluorescent lights under the floor that gave the impression that they were walking above the clouds. Uniformed concierges glided across the floors with the roller blades on their shoes, allowing them to move much faster. And this was only the lobby. They couldn't imagine what the rooms were like. In the middle of the lobby, is a huge glass prism that operated as an elevator.  They spot the glass platform rose from the ground and floated upwards, like an entrance to heaven.

Their eyes sparkled with excitement and interest, all except for Hayden, who had a very dull expression. His face practically screamed the word 'ugh!'. With a huff, he took Ezra's hand and guided her towards the front desk, but not before shooting a sharp gaze to the group, signaling them to follow him. Catching the signal, they followed Hayden to the front desk. People eyed them weirdly-- Hayden in particular, since he looks like Batman's lesser known but more dangerous cousin. Reaching the counter, where a fresh-faced brunette woman in her thirties greeted him with a smile. 

"Hi, and welcome to the Drury Plaza Hotel. How may I be of service?" she said formally.

"One presidential suite. Six people and one kid." Hayden simply replied. "We'll be here for a short while but I expect everything to be smooth."

The hotel receptionist frowned, disliking the tone of the weird customer. She was momentarily distracted with the man's eyes but figured he must be some kind of douchebag with the way he spoke. But she nodded, typing the information on her computer. "What's your name, sir?"

Hayden glanced behind him. They were looking at him, expecting him to dismiss or completely ignore the question. His eyes then shifted to Astrid, who simply shrugged. A smirk silently curved under his mask. He was going to surprise them.

He then turned back to the receptionist, then began unclasping his mask. He could hear the group gasped, taking a sharp breath, as Hayden took off the mask from his face. The moment his face was exposed, a hot red blush began crawling up the receptionist's face. She has never seen such an attractive yet intimidating face in her entire life. She contemplated on whether she should just offer every room in the hotel or ask him to take her in a room, but she decided to be a professional, and remove every dirty thought about the god that stood before her.

She cleared her throat, and avoided eye contact with the man's emerald green eyes. "S- so, your n- name, sir?"

With a rare warm smile, he replied, "Hayden. Hayden Haddock."

The receptionist reciprocated the smile with one of her own, before typing once again on her computer. "Alright. We have an opening on the VIP suite in the sixth floor, room 521." she said, sliding the key over the counter. "And that will be $13, 500. Will that be in cash or card?"

"How about in stones?" When she frowned in confusion, Hayden placed a small sparkling stone on the counter, which turned out to be a 4 carat diamond. The receptionist widened her eyes at the beautiful stone, her hand hesitant to pick it up.

"That should cover everything including our future needs..." Hayden smirked when she tried to speak, only for her words to get stuck on her throat. "And if there's any left, that'll be my donation to you. Thanks for your service, and have a nice day."

And with that, the strange young man that is Hayden Haddock slipped the key to his pocket and began walk away, grabbing his duffel bag along the way. Ezra happily followed him, skipping along the floor and clutching his other hand, leaving the others, including the receptionist, dumbfounded.


[Astrid's P.O.V]

When they say Presidential Suite, they really meant it. The room was really fit for a president. Every single object, furniture, tile must have cost more than my house. I'm exaggerating, but it really felt like that. The room is like a perfect magazine cover. I'm afraid to sit in case I wrinkle the fabric or stain it with something I don't even know is on my pants. The couch is cream but inlaid with a fine green silk. The white curtains are linen, the kind of white that is untouched by hands and devoid of dust.  The floor is a high polished wood, dark and free of either dust or clutter. A 60" TV sat on one of the desks, accompanied by a set of Bose surround speakers. Every vase and pottery designing the room was intricate and beautiful, making me wonder on why do they have to use such expensive things on one room.

Basically ignoring the beauty and workmanship in the room, Hayden tossed his duffel bag across the room, then plopped down on one of the couches like it was made in IKEA. The rest came in after me, gaping at the room as well. But then Hayden's voice cuts in.

"Hurry up. We need to discuss the plan." He sternly said, before fishing his hand into his duffel bag and pulling out a laptop. The rest nodded and began going to their respective rooms and unpack. I went to mine, which had a queen-sized bed with a mountain of pillows, a flat-screen TV, and its own personal bathroom. Since I didn't bring any extra clothes, except for my fur coat and hood, I was basically a hobo in a hotel. 

"Well, this is just great." I say out loud. "I didn't think this through."

"No, you didn't."

I whip my head around, to see Zythid leaning against the door with his arms crossed and a huge smirk on his face. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"I- uhh..." I stuttered out. I couldn't say that Hayden was my boyfriend. That will stir up more trouble and chaos. Plus, I think Hayden would want to keep the intimidating agent persona more than an amazing kissing machine. Ehem, yeah...

"I was just curious on why... you, were leaving." I said pathetically. That was probably the worst excuse anyone could make. And judging from the dull look on his face, I'm right.

"I can list a hundred reasons on why that's bullshit." He replied dryly. "Number one, we spend time arguing more than anything so there's no reason for you to be curious about me. Number two, we don't give a fuck about each other's lives. Number three to one-hundred is basically the same thing but more detailed."

"I would actually care for one second that you were gone so don't beat yourself up." I said with sickly sweet smile.

"Gee, thanks." He replied sarcastically. "So, tell me. What made you rush out here?"

I open my mouth to tell another lie until he cuts me off with a wave of his hand. "Wait, let me guess. It has something to do with Night Fury. Or should I say, Hayden Haddock?"

I laugh nervously, "Wh- what are you talking about? Wh- who's that?"

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I figured out what a horrible liar I was. In fact, I was so bad, Zythid voiced it out himself.

"You're a horrible liar. The man said it himself downstairs." He said, rolling his eyes. "You like him, don't you?"

My eyes wandered across the room, looking at anything but his eyes. I began to chew on my lip, my fingers fidgeting with each other. Do I tell him? It's not like we're strangers, but we aren't that close either. But for some reason, I kind of trust him.

I let out a sigh, as my eyes connected with his. "I don't like him... I love him." I muttered out. But he heard it anyway, judging from how his eyes suddenly widened.

"Whoa. Wasn't expecting that." He replied honestly. "Did you tell him?"

I snorted. "Tell him? I've already made out with him." I say, not realizing what I just said. When I did, my hand flew over to my mouth in shock. What did I just say?

A Cheshire-cat grin curved along his lips, hints of amusement and mirth swirling in his eyes. I have a bad feeling about this...


"This guy, Chaghatai Khan, there's no way to meet him." Lazarus stated. "They don't allow anyone to visit him-- says it's too much of a risk."

"How about interviews? Do they allow that?" Klarisse suggested.

"They used to, until one time he choked one reporter to death. He was then sentenced for a couple more years." He replied with a sneer.

Camilla frowned at that. "Why don't they just make it a life sentence?"

"Khan, even in prison, is still powerful enough to lighten his sentence."

I leaned back against the couch, crossing my arms. I wasn't really part of the mission so I don't see how I'm able to help. We were gathered around the living room, where they had set up a laptop, a scanner, and a satellite, then used the TV as a viewing screen for their data. After being teased, and badgered by Zythid for about fifteen minutes, the others had called us to join the meeting. But then Hayden stepped up, blocking our way. Just like he said, he ditched his armor into his room, then changed into something acceptable-- a green long-sleeved shirt that hugged his muscles quite tightly, a pair of dark jeans, and black boots. His sheathed sword still hung around his belt, along with his strange pistol. Without saying a word to either of us, he grabbed Zythid by the shirt that dragged him away. And until now, he still hasn't come back.

Ezra was by the table, munching on some chocolate-chipped cookies from the snack closet. Yes, there is a snack closet, and yes, it has about every single snack stuffed in there. Then after a while, she skipped across the room and entered, what I assume is Hayden's room. I'm still confused on how the kid ties in all of this, but I have a feeling Hayden's going to discuss that later on.

Speaking of Hayden, he decided to show up along with Zythid, who had a blank look on his face. What did he say to him?

Hayden then boldly took a seat next to me, but there was a small space between us, almost as if he intentionally did it. Zythid sat next to Camilla on the ground, the same expression still plastered on his face. I'll have to ask Hayden about that later. But for now, I'll have to listen to the briefing.

"Khan has his own group called the Warlords, which was formerly led by Ragnar the Rock, who was eliminated by..." Lazarus glanced at Hayden, who raised his eyebrow at him. "...Night Fury?"

I silently laughed. They're probably wondering whether to call him by his alias or real name. In fact, I think they don't know that it's his real name. I sneaked a glance beside me. So, what will we call him? I can't call him, Hayden, in front of them because it will come out as if I knew him for years—which I technically do. Camilla had already narrowed her eyes at me, suspicious. I guess the name clicked something in her head.

"Call me whatever you want, but make sure to call me Hayden in public. A man named Night Fury will certainly turn some heads." Hayden replied dryly.

Nodding, Lazarus went back to the briefing. "Now, the head of the Warlords in known as Griselda the Grievous. A woman with a heart of stone and a love for murder. She tried getting Khan out a few times but was unsuccessful. So she decided to give up, and continue her reign of terror. But that doesn't mean that she won't help Khan. My guess is, Griselda was the one who sent those thugs at us."

"But we're after Khan, not Griselda. Going after her is like going after another Grimmel. We don't have time for that. Plus, Khan is the one with the information." Hayden replied with his arms crossed. "So, any idea to contact him?"

"There's no possible way except for having some prisoner in PIP to be our messenger." Klarisse replied. "But I doubt they'll listen to us."

"Why's that?" I decided to ask. I mean, I have the rights, since I'm now technically part of the mission.

Klarisse eyed me for a second, before replying coolly. "Khan probably owns the entire prison. Every single thug in there will obey to a man like Khan. Anyone who will oppose will get a shank stuck in their stomach."

"How about if one of us breaks in the prison in a disguise?" Camilla suggested. It wasn't a bad idea except for the fact that the disguise will only work for a couple of hours before they recognize you as someone who doesn't belong.

"Nah, there are too many flaws in that plan."

Exactly what I thought...

Then all of a sudden, Zythid spoke up. "How about if it wasn't a disguise?" He suggested, his eyes scanning our faces.

The others, including me, stared at him, quizzically.  Then I notice how his eyes locked with Hayden's, who shot back a firm look with his own. Something definitely happened when they were gone.

"What do you mean?" Lazarus questioned.

"What if we literally get arrested then placed in that prison?" He elaborated further.  Honestly, it shocked me. And from the others' faces, they were too. It was actually a good plan. No one will grow suspicious, and we can extract information from Khan without any risks. But the only problem is how to get out. Do we formulate an escape plan? So many questions but it seemed like the perfect plan. Until, Hayden voiced out his opinion.

"You're not doing it." He announced suddenly, grabbing our attention. "There's too many troubles in entering a prison. Plus, it will also damage your record. If you get arrested, then escape, you'll be hunted down, even if you're part of Drakos. Sure, you can hide all you want in Drakos but once you step out in the real world, they'll snatch you up and lock you down. That's why you're not doing it."

I was astonished and amazed at his declaration. He's right. It will hurt our reputation and identity. We won't be able to step out to the outside world without having to hide. No one would want that. Now I'm quite glad that Zythid's plan was shot down. But it still doesn't answer our problem.

"We'll take a break. Do whatever you want. But stay cautious." 

And with that, everyone broke away. Hayden stood up and walked over to the kitchen to grab a snack. I remained on my seat, thinking on what to do. I might as well contribute to the group other than chopping off thugs' heads. But that's when I notice Zythid looming over me. Yes, the guy's taller than me and it felt like he was staring me down. I look up to scowl at him but I stopped, when I saw a faint blush on his cheeks. Okay, what's going on?

"What's up?" I ask him.

He took a deep breath, as the blush in his cheeks burned more furiously. He then muttered something incoherent under his breath. Gods, he reminds me so much of the old Hayden. I mean, the old old Hayden. The cute shy one before he hit puberty and transformed into the glorious man that he is now. 

"What did you say?" I ask. Once again, I couldn't understand the words coming out of his mouth. I repeated the question until he shocked me with the most bizarre and strange question I have heard in the day. Or the week. Or the month. Actually, the year!

"Will you go on a date with me?" He said out loud, causing everyone to quiet down and stare at us.

I stared at him, slack-jawed. Is he serious? From the blush on his cheeks, and his shuffling feet, I have to guess that he's serious. What should I do? I mean, sure, we're friends but I already have a boyfriend! Speaking of him, my eyes shifted to the form of Hayden just right out the kitchen. And when I saw him, the color in my face drained out.

What's worse than a glaring Hayden? A Hayden with a blank and emotionless look. I couldn't read his face but I have a feeling that he was not happy. I try to tell him that this isn't what it looks like, but he apparently doesn't speak silent language. I expected for him to at least tell Zythid that this is a mission, and that going on dates isn't exactly the appropriate action in the middle of it, except if it was with him. But then I heard an unexpected response from him.

"Just like I said..." He started, not breaking eye contact with me. I could feel the coldness and the lack of emotions in his voice. It almost sounded robotic. And I could never forget it. " whatever you want."

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