Hold Me

Od My_Kinkyy

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Beauty is stuck in her luxurious lifestyle, she gets everything handed to her. She becomes a model for he mot... Viac

Character Analysis
Chapter 1- Stick Around
Chapter 2 - Connect
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 8

2.4K 46 8
Od My_Kinkyy

Monica POV

I was awaken by abdominal pain. My side was throbbing like crazy. I got out of bed and made my way to the master bathroom. I felt nauseous all over again and fell on the floor by the toilet. I looked down to see blood all over my sweats. I got up and pulled my pants down to see a discharge in my panties. I took the rest of my clothes off and put it in a trash bag. I tied it shut and got into the shower. When I was done I wrapped myself into a towel and stood by the toilet getting dizzy. I dropped down to the toilet and started to vomit. When nothing else came out but gags I went into my closet to put on my black high waist skirt. Then I put on my checkerboard crop top with my red blazer. I slipped in my red platform pumps and headed downstairs.

"Hey mommy!" Beauty called out for me.

"What?" I responded at the bottom of the staircase while stuffing the bag of bloodied clothes into my purse.

"Can I hold the Corvette today? I gotta go to the library for my make up work."

"I don't care, where the hell is your bitch ass father?" I asked while lighting a cigarette in the foyer. She stared at me with those big green eyes.

"Don't call him that, and he left to go to Miami last night, you do know we gotta be heading out there Friday?" She asked for assurance.

"Of course I fucking know. Now look if you're gonna take the car don't leave shit in it." I said, while blowing smoke in to her face. I walked outside and leaned against my car. I threw the cigarette on the ground and pressed the alarm to unlock the doors. I went to the trash can to throw away the clothes. Then I turned to get in and saw a dent in the side of my car, I looked at it then got in. I pulled out my phone and dialed Diamond's number.

"Yes Monica" she flared through the phone.

"Any Intel on Kelle yet?"

"Oh yes, and your not gonna believe it" she hummed through the phone.

"I'm gonna be heading out to Miami Friday we'll meet then. But don't call or text me tomorrow because it's my daughter's birthday.

"Ok deal" she hung up and I pulled out of my estate heading for the walk-in clinic. I parked in the front, put my black Raybands on, got out and pressed the alarm to lock the doors. I went inside to the front counter. I signed my name on the clipboard and sat in the waiting room. A few minutes later a nurse at the counter called out my name. I got up and approached her.

"Monica Mcknighton?" She questioned.

"Yes" I replied with a faint smile.

"Okay, can you fill these papers out, also I need an insurance card, valid ID or Drivers licence and social security card." I sat down and filled out the papers as asked. I took out my insurance and social security card with My licence. I handed everything to the nurse and stood at the counter.

"What's your date of birth?" She asked while on her laptop.

"February 14, 1974" I retorted not to loud.

"Okay, a nurse will call you back shortly." I sat down and waited. About a little over 30 minutes I was finally called back.

"Okay so lets start with the basics. When was your last menstrual?" The Indian nurse asked.

"It's kinda been irregular. I had one twice this month, one at the beginning of December and today." I said dryly.

"Okay and have you been taking anything for pain or something?"

"Nope" I wasn't about to admit to sniffing crack to her.

"Can you go stand on the scale?" I did as asked while she recorded my weight. Then she took my blood pressure and wrote that down too. "Well than lets draw some blood and you can come back for your test results. I nodded and she left the room. She came back with a needle and test tubes to put my blood in. She put on gloves before tying a rubberband around my arm. Then she disinfected my arm with the alcohol pads. She took the safety cap off the needle and gently stuck the needle in my vein. After two of the test tubes were filled with my blood she put a cottonball on my arm and wrapped it with bandage tape.

"Okay all good to go, we'll call you as soon as we get your test results for anything." I shook her hand and left.

Beauty POV

My mother was a complete bitch. I couldn't stand being around her anymore. So when she told me I could get the Corvette I wasn't planning on coming back til later on. I pulled out my phone to call Amaya.

"Wassup mami" she answered in her Puerto rican accent.

"Hey, is the library open today?" I groaned.

"Yeah, and what's wrong with you chica?"

"My mother gets under my skin sometimes. I can't stand her, It's like I don't even know her anymore" I complained.

"Aw, mama all you gotta do is go out" I laughed at that request. "What? I mean come on think about it, you're gonna be officially legal at 12 o'clock midnight. Why not bring your birthday in dancing and getting wasted at the club?" She did have a good point.

"There is only one problem" I said biting down on my lip.

"Ugh, what now? she sighed through the phone.

"I don't have an ID!" I whined in a duh tone.

"When I'm through with you every club will be letting you in no questions asked." She said bragging.

Draye POV

I had just got to Four Seasons Hotel. I got out and went to the receptionist to check in. After that I headed to the 29th floor to my presidential suite. I swiped my key card and push opened the double doors. I walked into the living room to find Sarah and the party planner discussing Beauty's decorations.

"Hey Draye" Sarah said without looking up. I gave her a head nod even though she didn't pay me any mind.

"So look, what do you think?" She brought over a small replica of "Tootsies Cabaret" stripclub. The replica had all the decorations and set ups how it would be on Friday night.

"Woah, thats cool let me see" I went closer to it and saw a mini Beauty doll sitting on the stage in a throne.

"I was going for a royal, gold, brown, beige, and white affair" she cheered at her work.

"So wassup with the promotions?" I asked curious.

"Oh Markelle took care of that. He was really cautious to make sure it was only promoted throughout the entire Florida." She said proudly.

"This is gonna be huge so look" I went over to my two outfits in the clear bag, still well on their hangers. "I got Beauty and I outfits for the party" I stared at Sarah for approval.

"Those are soo cute!" She cooed coming to get a closer look. "Yall are showing out dressing alike." She said looking at the material.

"You think she'll like it?"

"Of course, because if she don't I'll take it" she joked. I zipped the bag back close and took it in the master suite and put it in the walk in closet. I came back out to the living room and sat down on the brown leather sofa.

"So look I want a large order of Ace of Spades champagne."

"Thats costly" the party planner interrupted.

"Excuse me but um" I waited for her name.

"Nicki. Nicki Cole"

"Okay well Nicki this is my girlfriend's big birthday bash surprise party. I want nothing but the best" she smiled and added the drinks to her shopping list.

"And I want 20 hookahs set up in the VIP lounge." I added.

"You're really going all out" Sarah laughed. When we were finally done Nicki told Sarah that she'd call her later today. Then she left and my room service finally made its way to my room.

"Hey Draye can I ask you something?" Sarah asked while coming to the kitchen table.

"Shoot" I replied while rubbing my hands together looking at my big plate of spaghetti and meatballs.

"What are your intentions with Beauty?" She had totally caught me off guard. I put down my forkful of spaghetti and looked at her.

"I think I see us lasting for a long time. I want to be able to look at her and go 'she's all mines' without looking dumb. And I think I made the right choice, because I never pegged Beauty as the player type."

"She really is falling for you. Every time she hears your name she gets excited." I laughed when she said that. "Draye just do me a favor, be good to her. Ever since the whole situation in middle school her self-confidence has dropped."

"And why is that?" I asked confused.

"There was these group of high school jocks that always bullied middle schoolers. One day Monica forgot to pick Beauty up from school. And I'm guessing they thought she was older and tried to holler at her. She didn't pay them no mind so they followed her. When they caught up to her they beat her because she thought she was better than them. Ever since then she avoids eye contact and-"

"Constantly stares at her hands" I finished for her. I couldn't believe Beauty had never told me, but I completely understood why.

"You're her first real boyfriend, so don't make it a traumatic experience for her"

"I promise" I assured her.

Markelle POV

I pulled up outside Mia's Jade Beach Penthouse I bought her last year. I went to the door and opened it with my key. When I opened the door Porsha ran up to me.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"

"What princess?" I responded while picking her up and walking into the living room.

"Did you know that is ah-ah baby in mommy's tummy?" She stuttered through her words.

"Yes I did. And you know what that means?" I questioned.

"No what?" She said with a confused face.

"You're going to be a big sister!" She gasps and covered her mouth dramatically.

"Yayyyyy!" She cheered while I put her down.

"Where's your mother?" She pointed to the patio and ran off. When I came outside Mia was on a call. She hung up when she noticed me.

"Who was that?"

"My aggravating ass mother. So what do we have to talk about" I laughed at how fast she changed the subject.

"Okay well lets sit down somewhere." She put her hand over her mouth and gasp.

"This is serious, well what is it?" She asked jumping into the love seat near the glass window. I sat down and turned to her.

"Look I don't really know how to say this but-but"

"Just say it Kelle damn! You're scaring me"

"Mia, I'm married." Her mouth fell agape not sure of what to say. "I have a 17 year old daughter whose turning 18 tomorrow. I've been married to her mother for 12 years." The tears slowly fell down her face making my heart ache. I didn't wanna see her cry, especially if I was the reason why. I tried to grab her hand but she pulled away. "Mia I'm sorry" she put her hands up in surrender.

"I need some time to think" she got up to leave and never looked back. Porsha peeked out the window as Mia pulled off.

"Where's mommy going?" She pouted against the window.

"To get some oxygen, lets go make some funny pizzas" she ran into the kitchen and pulled everything I told her to get out the fridge.

Beauty POV

I was in the parking lot at the mall waiting for Amaya and Karlee. I stood out front on Instagram.

"You stay in that damn phone!" Amaya shouted crossing the street. I laughed at her then put my phone in my Michael Kors Tote.

"Where's Karlee?" I asked after looking up.

"Over there parking her car next to mine" she pointed to Karlee's silver BMW convertible. Karlee got out and jogged over to us.

"Ready for your first clubbing night?" Karlee said coming to me.

"Yeah so lets go look at some sexy ass dresses! To the racks!" I shouted going into the mall. We went into a few stores and I instantly started to splurge. The last store we went in was called Venus. There were so many options to choose from. So I bought about 9 dresses so far.

"Hey Beauty this is the perfect dress for tonight" Karlee called for me.

"Let me see" I put all my bags on the ground and took the dress out of her hands. It was a Nude Colored cut out Neck Dress.

"That is cute chica, it would go perfect with these heels." Amaya chimed in. She passed me some Gucci red patent leather high heels. I smiled while my outfit came together.

35 minutes later

I parked beside Amaya's pink Phantom outside her house in front of Karlee's car. We all got out of our cars at the same time carrying bags from todays shopping spree. As soon as I stepped in the foyer Draye started to call. I threw all my bags on the ground and answered while laying on the couch.

"Happy birthday to you!" Draye sang into my ear making me laugh.

"My birthday is not until a few hours"

"So, I wanted to be the first one to tell you" he said.

"Well thanks" I laughed.

"So what are you doing?" He questioned.

"Oh nothing" I replied nonchalantly.

"You're lying, I can hear it in your voice" he stated.

"Hey Draye! And of course she lying I'm taking her out tonight!" Amaya shouted into the phone.

"Oh really?" Draye hummed.

"Yeah but it's only for a few hours to have fun when my birthday gets here." I said truthfully.

"It better be and no other niggas" he warned.

"I got you bae"

"Alright Love you"

"Love you too Draye" I hung up and turned to see Karlee and Amaya mocking me.

"I love you too Draye" Karlee squealed

"Oh Draye I love you!" Amaya added dramatically.

"Haha very funny, now if you don't mind I have to get ready." I walked into Amaya's bathroom to take a quick shower. I dried off and put on my nude lingerie I got from Fredricks. I slipped into my dress and came out the bathroom.

"Can somebody zip me up" I lifted my hair up and waited for my dress to be zipped. Someone came behind me finally zipping it.

"Thanks" I slowly turned around to see Chrisytian standing there. My smile faded quicker than a blink of an eye. "What are you doing here?"

"I was invited to hang out with my best friend for her birthday." I looked away from him. "Look I'll prove to you that I'm here to have fun" he pulled out my charm bracelet Draye got me.

"Aw, I did forget to get that this morning." He reached for my hand and put it on for me.

"If he makes you happy then I could actually consider being less jealous" I laughed at that.

"Well why were you jealous in the first place?" I asked dumbfounded.

"I felt like you were getting closer to him and I was getting replaced." He frowned at the words.

"Chris, I could never replace you" I came over and gave him a big hug to reassure him. Then I finished getting dressed, after everyone was ready we all got into Amaya's car.

23 minutes later

Amaya pulled up to Exchange LA, one of the hottest nightclubs in all of LA. The party was hype, and the line was wrapped around the corner. Everyone got out the car and headed for the door. The bouncer noticed us and called us over.

"Wassup Roscoe" Chris said dapping him up.

"Wassup, I see you got the babies with you tonight." We all laughed and blushed at his comment. "Have fun ladies and be sure to hit up VIP" he said while letting us through the ropes. We walked through the club to see it packed. The entire club was jumping and I was getting excited just at the scene.

"Request on drinks!" Amaya shouted over the music.

"Ooo ooo Rose' and Amsterdam!" Karlee screamed.

"Get Kinky Gold and coconut Ciroc!" I yelled, then she whispered into the waitress ear and she left to get them. The waitress came back with bottles of all the drinks that was requested. We all started to pour up when "Maps" by Dc Young Fly came on. That's when the whole club got hype.

"This is my songgg!" I cheered feeling the liquor kick in. I got a third cup before hitting the dance floor. I was in my zone twerking my ass off to the beat with Amaya. We was so zoned out dancing on the entire song. Then the DJ fuck the game up when he put on "Hunnid Rounds" by Tom G. Every female was either on the floor throwing that ass back. Or she was getting a lap dance from her drunk friend. I went back to the sectional where Chrisytian was. He was smoking that Mary Jane getting high. I was so drunk I didn't realize he passed me the blunt. But I hit it anyway, I hit that bitch hard. Then I poured up another cup and sat back down. Amaya came back from the dance floor with some guy with a round of shots. She whispered something in my ear but I couldn't make out the words she was saying. I gulped down the rest of my cup and drank the rest of the Amsterdam.

Everything went blurry, and I was gone.

Chrisytian POV

Beauty had gotten so wasted last night. When we all got back to Amaya's house I got all of her shopping bags and got her into the Corvette. I drove her home and made sure she was okay. When I woke up today I was excited. It was Beauty's 18 birthday and I wanted to see what Monica had plan for it. I went downstairs and went to her office. I heard her on the phone with someone so I stepped back.

"I have what! No it can't be true!" She started to cry. "How long do I have? Yeah I'll be by to get my papers." I knocked on her office door softly.

"Uh just a second!" She yelled. Then her office door swung open with her in the doorway. "Yes Chrisytian?"

"So, um what's the plan for today?" I slowly asked.


"Beauty's birthday, you didn't forget did you?" I uttered.

"Of course not" she defended. "Just give me a second."

"Are you okay?" I queried for assurance.

"Yeah, I just need a break that's all" I nodded and went up to Beauty's room. I came in to see her still sleep.

"Beauty wake up birthday girl" I whispered while tickling her feet.

"Chris get out" she mumbled under her paris imported blankets.

"So you're gonna lay in bed all day?"

"I have a head ache" she continued to mumble. I hopped in her bed taking all of her covers.

"Seriously! It freaking 9:30 in the morning Chris get out" she whined.

"Don't make me get the bowl like back in Detroit" her eyes popped open then she sat up.

"Well can you at least get my percocet for my headache?"

"Okay" I went in her bathroom opening her medicine cabinet. I handed her the pill and watched her take it while drinking from the glass on her night stand. Monica pushed door open and came in.

"So guess what I have planned for today?" She quietly worded.

"What?" Beauty replied.

"You, Chris and I are going to Universal Studio!" She exclaimed in a ta-da tone.

"Oh really mommy thank you" Beauty said jumping out of bed to hug Monica.

"Now you two get ready we're leaving in 45 minutes." With that she walk out the room.

"So what am I gonna wear?" Beauty spazzed going to her closet. I left her room to go take a shower. When I got out I threw on my black shirt that said: Ain't Nobody Fuckin with My Kicks in red and white letters. I put on my pair of White Robin Jeans with the red rimestones on the back pockets. I put on black socks with my Retro 6 carmines. I connected my phone to my wireless beats and went downstairs to the living room. Beauty came downstairs wearing her carmines too. Her shirt said the same thing like mine. The only difference was her shirt was a crop top, white with red and black lettering. To top it off she had on on red high waisted jeans. Her hair was straight as ever flowing down her back. Then Monica came out in a red shirt with black and white lettering. She wore black skinny jeans with her Carmines on causing me and Beauty to gasps.

"So we triplets today?" Beauty said laughing.

"Hush and get in the car" Monica demanded. Beauty jumped up to the door and looked at me.

"Shot gun!! She yelled as we raced to the front seat. She got in the passenger side and locked the door.


"Okay fine, crybaby" she opened the door to get in the back. "I don't like riding in the front no way"

Monica POV

I went to the kitchen while Beauty and Chrisytian got in the car. I opened the seasoning cabinet to get my stash. I just needed to get my quick sniffes. I put the vile to my nose and sniffed all the powder up my nose. I threw away the empty tube and wiped off my nose. I put the alarms in and got into the car, then pulled out of the estate heading for Hollywood.

20 minutes later

I pulled into the parking lot of universal studios. I found a empty parking space near the entrance. I went to the ticket booth and bought 3 tickets for the VIP experience.

Beauty's POV

"My favorite was the Tranformer ride in 3D!" I exaggerated.

"Mines is the Revenge of the Mummy ride." Chrisytian cheered. We were both hype from all the rides and roller coasters. My mom just seem to be off in her own little world.

"Mom!" I shouted catching her off guard.

"Yeah" she said jumping up like I scared her.

"Let's go on this ride" I dictated pointing to the "King Kong 360 3D" ride.

"Sure honey" we all made our way to the ride and got on. The ride was crazy! King kong fought a huge T Rex. Everything looked so realistic like I was in the movie. We finally finished every ride and was headed back home. Chrisytian decided to order pizza while my mom left to go somewhere. The pizza showed up in less than 30 minutes and I was digging in.

"So look there's this girl that I want you to meet" Chrisytian said looking at me.

"Sure, but why?"

"I wanna know if she's perfect for me"

"Okay, but why me?" I continued to question.

"Because Bea, you're the only one who really knows me better than anyone. So you'd know if she was worth my time." I looked up at him.

"Okay whatever. When do I meet her?" I mumbled while rolling my eyes.

"Next week before Christmas, her name's Brandy." He walked off when he was done talking, leaving me there looking stupid. "Oh and don't forget I'm signing you out of school early" he added from the top of the stairs. I rolled my eyes and put the rest of the pizza in the refrigerator. Then I went upstairs into my room and stripped down to my bra and panties. I got under my plush blanket and fell asleep.

"Draye I'm ready" I looked down as he took off my Victoria secret thong with his mouth. Then he came back up laying between my legs. He kissed me causing my love box to throb. He got up to get a condom and put it on. Then I finally gave into to him as he inserted himself inside me.

I woke up from my dream to my morning alarm. It was time for school so I got washed up and went to my closet. I took out my plain black Burberry T-shirt and put on my all white Trues. I put on my knee high Burberry Black boots. I went to my vanity and did my make up lightly. I parted my hair at the crown. I put my hair up in a ponytail while the rest hung over my shoulders.

"Cake Cake Cake" my phone started to ring on my night stand. I ignored it so I could put on my charm bracelet. After I was finished I grabbed my Burberry Handbag, stuffing all my completed make up work in it. I went downstairs to see Amaya at the door.

"Happy belated birthday honey, so, how does it feel to finally be 18?" She asked hugging on me.

"It's great" I laughed a faint laugh.

"You are a horrible liar, and just because you 18 doesn't mean you can ignore my calls. But look we got to go I wanna stop to get breakfast." She continued.

"Ihop! Ihop! Ihop!" I chanted while she danced. We both went to her car and she drove off to Ihop. After we got our orders to go we headed to school.

"Beverly Hills high , home of the snotty nose rich kids." I mumbled looking out the window.

"Hey, cheer up chica. Today is your first day back I'm sure everyone will be happy to see you well and okay." Amaya said while pulling into the parking lot. She finally found her reserved parking and cut the car off. "You ready love?" I looked down at my hands.

"Yeah, I guess so." I got my food and drink along with my purse, getting out. Me and Amaya walked side by side going into the building. We went into the halls to our locker. I had English 4 first period with Amaya so I left everything else in my locker. Then we headed outside into the courtyard so we could eat our breakfast.

"So, what's on your mind?" Amaya obviously was reading my facial expression.

"Nothing" I replied stuffing my face so I didn't have to talk.

"Liar" she pouted with the puppy dog face.

"Okay fine, I had a weird dream"

"About?" Karlee jumped in coming to the table.

"Me and Draye were about to, you know" I trailed off and looked down embarrassed at what I just said.

"Oh honey, that means you're more than ready!" Karlee cheered. She seemed more happy about it than I did.

"I'm nervous, and I don't know how its gonna go down"

"Knowing Draye he probably got it all planned out." Amaya pointed out which was probably true. The bell rung for first period, so we all got up on cue.

"Just be Safe" Karlee said handing me a rubber.

"Safe Sex Mami" Amaya added and walked off. I collected all my things and went to throw my trash away, then followed behind Amaya. We got to class and everybody welcomed me back with open arms. Amaya sat in the back with some new guy name Shawn. I had to admit he was fine for a brown skin nigga.

I had finally made it to 5th period when a T.A. brought my sign out pass to my teacher.

"Mcknighton sign out" Mr. Roberts my economics teacher said handing me the pass. I went to my locker to see Amaya tongue down Shawn's throat.

"Look what we have here" I interrupted causing them to pull apart.

"What are you doing out of class?" Amaya questioned.

"I'm heading to Miami for my birthday weekend" I retorted in a duh tone.

"Oh yeah right, did you happened to see Karlee in class?"

"Nah, she was gone the entire class, why?"

"I just needed her notes that's all" Amaya said while staring at Shawn. I cleared my throat because she never even introduced us. "Oh Shawn this is my best friend Beauty, and boo this is Shawn"

"Nice to formally meet you" I said shaking his hand. Before he could reply Dwayne was calling my phone.

"Excuse me for a second. Hello?"

"Beauty I've been out in this fucking parking lot for like 20 minutes now, bring your ass!" He bitched through the phone.

"Okay, geesh!" I whined and hung up. "Hey I gotta go but I'll see yall two later." I grabbed my purse out my locker and slammed it shut. I headed for the exit doors that lead to the school parking lot to see Dwayne's Mercedes Benz. I got in front to be mean mugged.


"Taking a year and day and shit"

"A bitch didn't know you was picking them up, shit I thought Chris was." I worded with much attitude. He laughed at me and pulled off merging into traffic. When we got to my house my mother was outside looking through her trunk barefoot. I paid her no mind and went upstairs to get my already packed luggage. Dwayne tried to get my mom in the house and in some shoes. But she was obviously drunk, so I had to pack up for her. After 46 minutes of hassling with my mother, we finally got in the car and went through security at the airport. She fell asleep in first class before we even took off for our flight.

Draye POV

I stood in the middle of the club as the party came together. All the champagne and liquor I asked for had just been brought in.

"Hey there you are" Nicki said coming towards me.


"Ok the last part I need you to approve is her throne at the top of the stage." We went to the stage and there it was. A large white french design chair. There was even gold outlines leading to the foot of the throne.

"It's perfect!" I cheered in excitement.

"Oh yeah one more thing" she took out a remote and pressed a button. The ceiling released a big label above the chair that read: Queen Beauty.

I was really digging it and I just knew Beauty would too. My phone started to ring and it was Sarah.


"So Beauty, Monica and Dwayne just got here. Um, there's kinda a situation" she mumbled.

"What, what is it?" I asked concerned.

"Beauty is on her way up to my room, and I got her gift in here"

"I'll handle it. Look call London and I'll call Beauty." I hung up and quickly called Beauty.

"Yes Draye?" She answered on the first ring. I could here her getting on the elevator in the background.

"Guess whose in Miami?"

"Who?" She squealed.

"London and she want's you and Sarah to go to the hair salon with her." I replied while exiting the club.

"Aww, really? Well where is she?"

"She should be heading over to Four Seasons in 10 minutes." I could hear Sarah getting into the elevator. "Tell Sarah I said hey, and she's welcome."

"Welcome for what?"

"She'll know." I hung up and finish setting up.

London POV

We had just got to my favorite hair salon in Miami.

"Welcome to Salon Vaso Ladies" the receptionist greeted us as we came in. "What can we do for you today?"

"I want a blow out, wand curls, then do my eyelashes and my eyebrows" I replied.

"Okay and you two?"

"I think I want to dye my hair" Beauty said with confidence.

"Like what?" Sarah questioned.

"I was thinking about getting my roots dyed black and the rest of my hair like a Cherry red pink color." she quickly explained.

"We can definitely do that for you" the receptionist cut in.

"Well I want to dye my hair a lighter shade of brown and blow it out" Sarah added.

"Okay right this way" the girl led us to three opened chairs at the shampoo station. Then the hairstylists came out to start on our hair. One of them was spanish, the other two were white.

"So ladies what's the occasion?" one of the white girls asked.

"Oh just a new look" Sarah answered for us.

"She trying to get cute for Dwayne" Beauty teased as the spainish girl applied dye to her hair.

"And what about you?" Sarah laughed nudging me so I could agree.

"Yeah, you love my brother" I chimed in.

"The heart wants what the heart wants" Beauty said making all the girls in the room laugh.

"What about you mama?" the spanish girl asked looking over at me.

"Well, I have a daughter that's the only person for me"

"Oh yeah! I finally get to see her" Beauty cheered.

"She is such a diva. But she's mine" I smiled thinking about Paris.

"Well do you see yourself having any children?" The white girl asked Sarah while rinsing out my hair.

"Uh, maybe after I graduate college. I mean it is my senior year in college. Why not settle down, have a couple of kids and get the career of my dreams." Sarah smiled into space.

"And we all know Dwayne is the baby daddy" Beauty continued to tease her. We all laughed as Sarah started to blush.

"You and Dwayne are perfect for each other." I said smiling at Sarah. "I've known you both since middle school and he has never been crazy about anyone like he has with you."

"How long have you and Dwayne been dating?" Beauty asked looking dumbfounded.

"4 going on 5 months. But just like London said we've been friends since middle school."

"So he's the guy you was telling me about on Thanksgiving?" Beauty gasps as the girl rinsed her dye out.

"Yeah, but we only kept it a secret because we wanted to be sure." Sarah added.

"Well, I wish all of you the best with your relationships, lord knows men can be a handful" the spanish girl joked, as everyone laughed.

1 hour later

Beauty was the last one to get her hair finished and it was totally worth the wait. Her hair looked so amazing and she was absolutely astonishing.

"Do you ladies like?" She asked getting up from the chair to look in the mirror.

"Your hair is love!" I spazzed out.

"Yes, I want it!" Sarah gave a fake pout.

"Eat your heart out girls" Beauty joked while flipping her hair. I paid for everything with Draye's card he gave me and headed back to the hotel.

Monica POV

I had slept the entire time when we got to Miami. My head was banging and the pain was back. I crawled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I took out another stash I had and stood up in the mirror. Instead if seeing myself there was this woman I had never seen before. The tears slowly rolled down my rosey cheeks. I quickly turned and poured the white substance down the toilet. I heard someone come into my suite and I peeked out the room. It was Draye, he had a big beautiful dress in his hands with a small gift.

"Draye" I called out causing him to jump.


"Promise me you'll take care of Beauty" I said while fully entering the room.

"Of course I will Mrs. Mcknighton" he replied staring at me.

"I was a horrible mother to her, always worried about work and she only deserves the best. Just take care of her"

"I promise" after he told me that I grabbed all of my things and headed to the airport to go home. But first I had to go talk to Diamond. I went to the 15th floor and went to her suite. I knocked 3 times before she opened the door. She handed me a Manila envelope that had work wrote on the front. I handed her the suitcase full of money. I decided that I wanted this to be a under the counter job. I went outside the hotel to my taxi I had called for. I put my things in the car and got in. I slowly opened the envelope when the taxi driver pulled off. There were pictures of Markelle, this light skin girl with a blonde bob kissing. Then my heart dropped, there was a little girl holding my husband's hand. I sobbed all the way to the airport.

9:32 pm

Markelle POV

I had just gotten to Four Seasons to go find Monica. When I got to her hotel room she was gone. I called her phone only to get her voicemail.

"Where the hell is this woman?" I groaned. I left to go get ready for the party.

Beauty POV

Sarah and London headed back up to Sarah's room, I decided to go check on my mother. But I came back to a vacant suite, no mom, or her luggage. All the lights were off and something shimmered with the light from outside the window. I turned on the living room light to see a beautiful Sherri Hill dress just waiting for me. Next to it was a box with gift paper, to top it off there was a bow. This had Draye's name written all over it. I opened the box to discover brown Christian Louboutins. My eyes grew big in size. Then I heard someone at the door. I went straight there to see Sarah and London all dressed up.

"Oh my goodness what are yall doing?" I asked kinda shocked.

"Why are you not dressed!" London yelled. They quickly pulled me into the room and got me dressed. We headed down to the lobby to be attacked by paparazzi. I felt like a true celebrity by all the attention they were giving me. I put both my hands over my mouth to hold in my excitement.

"No fucking way!" was all I could say. Outside there the world's largest limo, dipped in gold. There was people standing around it and taking pictures for their Facebook and Instagram.

"Come on lets stand by it while they take pictures" London suggested while grabbing me and Sarah. We took pictures for about 15 minutes and it was amazing. We got in the car to see people still taking pictures.

"Whose idea was it?" I asked looking over at Sarah.

"Don't give me all the credit" she said pointing to London.

"Aww, thanks you guys!" I said holding back tears.

"Save it for Draye" Sarah said. My heart fluttered just by the sound of his name. We stopped by some other hotel and I was totally caught off guard when Karlee and Amaya got into the limo.

"Surprise!" They both shouted in unison getting into the limo.

"Aww you guys are the best!"

"Don't cry til we get to our destination" Karlee mumbled.

"Why?" the entire limo became hushed. "What is everyone hiding!"

"You'll see chica" Amaya finally said.

Then we pulled up to Tooties Carabet Stripclub and I was literally jumping out of my skin. There was a bouncer, and a long ass line wrapping the building. The crowd was hype and live. The limo pulled up to the front door and parked. The chauffeur opened the door to help the ladies out. Then there was me, I was so nervous my heart was beating so fast. Then I saw him standing at the entrance waiting for me. Draye dressed in a brown Marc Jacobs Harvey Twill Blazer. His suit was the same color of my jewels that were bedazzled into my dress. I felt like it was just me and him there. I slowly got out and the crowd went quiet. He extended his arm out and I took his hand. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me making the entire crowd aw and oh at the scene. We walked into the club to see the party turnt up. Everyone was having a good time drinking and partying. Draye never let go of my hand leading me onto the stage.

"There's your throne" he whispered in my ear. I was stuck looking around at everything taking it all in.

"There's my princess" my dad called out coming on the stage. He had a microphone in his hand as well.

"Everybody having a good time tonight!" He shouted through the club speakers.

"Yeaaaah!" The whole club roared.

"This is my daughter Beauty, our queen of the evening! So don't forget to show love, buy drinks and have fun!" He gave me a kiss on the cheek and placed a golden king's crown on my head. He looked at Draye. Then shook his hands and disappeared into the crowd. The Dj played Try me by Dej Loaf, I got up and grabbed Draye's arm and we went to the dance floor. We was so turnt that Draye decided to head to VIP. When we got up there it was so many gifts from people I didn't even know. Plus there were hookahs and so much smoke.

"Beauty lets take a picture" some cute red girl asked me. It felt like a photo shoot all over again. Sarah snatched me away passing me the nozzle for the hookah. I took a puff and blew out so much smoke. The party got really hype when London brought a big cart full of bottles. There were Ace of Spades Brut gold, Rose, and Silver. Sarah handed me a knife to pop the cork off the gold bottle. I stood over the well stacked wine glasses and popped the cork causing champagne to spill into the glasses. Everyone in VIP grabbed a cup and washed down their troubles.

32 minutes later

I knocked a few more drinks back and looked up to see Draye. He motioned for me to follow him and I did. We went upstairs in our own private booth.

"I can't believe you did all of this for me"

"It wasn't just me, Sarah, London, Dwayne and Markelle helped" he said taking a deep breath.

"Speaking of my father, he does know we're together right?" I questioned looking over at him.

"No, he can be a little intimidating especially when it comes to you" he responded looking into my eyes.

"Yeah well now I'm grown. And officially old enough to make my own decisions."

"I like your hair like this" he said rubbing my pinkish red ends.

"Oh really thanks." I stopped and looked at him with a sad face.


"Stop switching the subject Draye. You're gonna tell him. Tonight!" I demanded.

"Okay bae I will" he uttered.

"Hey how do you and my dad even know each other?" I wondered.

"We're" he paused looking for the right word. "Business partners"

"More like father and Son-in-law" I teased. He leaned over to me and just when our lips met London came upstairs.

"Cake time!" She shouted snatching me from Draye. We went back to the stage where my throne was. She sat me down while Sarah, Amaya, and Karlee pushed in my life-size cake that resembled me to a tee. The cake me replica had both of my hands out holding something. In my right hand there was a #1 candle. In the other hand was a #8 candle. I stood up in my throne to make a wish and blow out my candles. Then I got to cut the cake getting the first slice. It was the best cake I had ever tasted. I was feeling good from the cake, drinks, and hookah. All I wanted to do was get Draye back to my room. I took another bottle and poured up some more so I could feel even greater. I left the stage to find Draye only to see him and my dad talking. They both looked over to me and the conversation ended with them hugging. I knew my dad would welcome Draye with open arms.

"Hey Beauty guess what your father said?" Draye said over the music.

"Tell me later, lets just get out of here!" I pulled his arm going towards the back exit. We went around the back to get in Draye's rental he got in Miami. He pulled off heading back to the hotel. When we finally got there he had the valet park his car as we headed for the elevators. He pressed for the 29th floor and turned to look at me. I grabbed his collar and pulled him into me. I pecked his lips over and over again causing him to laugh. Then it quickly turned into a elevator make out session. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. The elevator finally opened and we released each other. He led me to his presidential suite opening the door with his key card. We went inside to see his room totally decorated. Rose pedals everywhere, on everything. We stood there looking at each other. Then I noticed a card on the night stand in the master bedroom.

Hope you enjoy this setting, Karlee and Amaya told me about your little dream. So I hope this is a dream come true. Your first time should always be special and romantic. Don't fuck it up.

Best Regards, Sarah

P.S. condoms in the drawer, safe sex!!

I couldn't believe her. All I could do was laugh at her note.

"What's so funny?" Draye asked snatching the note out of my hands. Then he started to laugh and went to sit down in the living room. I went into the bathroom to find black lingerie, making me blush. I slipped out the dress, hopped in the shower and threw it on. I seductively made my way to Draye.

"Beauty what are you-" he looked up at me.

"Draye, I'm ready"

"Beauty I don't wanna be your first" he finished.

"Draye why not!" I pouted getting into his lap.

"We're talking about your virginity. That's something sacred, it means a lot to you and I don't want to be a mistake." He said looking into my eyes.

"Draye you're totally right, but I want you to have it. You won't be a mistake to me. I've never been so sure about anything in my life." I slowly kissed his lips. Then I kissed his neck while he caressed my back. His hands slowly travelled down to my butt. I loosened his tie and took off his jacket. Then he quickly took control sucking my neck. He picked me up carrying me into the room. He gently laid me down on the bed. He continued to kiss my chest as I unhooked my bra. He cupped both my 36B's and took me in his mouth. As he swirled his tongue around my nipples I moaned softly. He went down further to my laced black thong removing them with his mouth. He sucked, licked and slurped at my lotus flower. I moaned continuously gripping his collar. He came up and I kissed his lips. I slowly but surely unbuttoned his shirt. He unbuckled his pants and continued to plant wet kisses on my neck. Then he stopped and opened the drawer pulling out a magnum. When he finally put it on he laid between my legs looking at me in my eyes.

"Are you sure about this?" He whispered.

"Yeah" I kissed him and he inserted himself into me. He slowly stroke while I let out moans. And we made love all night long.

Dwayne POV

The club was packed and super hyped. But I had a feeling something wasn't right at all. I looked around the club scoping for Draye or Beauty. Instead I spotted Sarah over in VIP on a hookah. I made my way through the crowd and up to her.

"Hey, you seen the birthday girl or Draye?" Sarah asked before I could.

"I was about to ask you the same thing" I turned to look in the crowd and there that bitch ass nigga was. I put my hand on my pistol, but before I could pull it out he was already bussing.Everybody in the club scattered at the sound of shots. I grabbed Sarah's hand and yanked her behind the plush leather sofas. I pulled out my gun and shot back at Raymond. A red girl that came here with Beauty fell from a bullet hitting her. She landed right on top of Sarah. I couldn't take the heat so I grabbed the girl on Sarah and we headed for the back exit with London on our heels. When we got outside I tossed Sarah the keys to my rental and carried the girl. Amaya ran to me with tears when she seen blood.

"Karlee please stay with me chica!" She cried. We finally made it to my car and I put her in the back with Amaya and London.

"Amaya apply pressure to it!" London yelled while ripping the bottom of her dress to stop the bleeding. Sarah was flushing the gas hard. We zoomed down the street to the hospital.

"Stay with me baby girl!" London whispered trying to bring her back. I looked back to see so much blood and she wasn't moving but she was trying to say something.

"What is it Karlee speak to me dammit!" Amaya shouted.

"Tell Be-Beauty Happ-py Birth-" her body went limp and she was gone.

"Wait Karlee no! Please wake up!" Amaya cried. "Please mami, I love you, you're my sister!" The car finally stopped in front of the hospital. The bystanders helped us get her out of the car. Amaya refused to let go she screamed at the top of her lungs in agony. London went to her and took her to the bathroom to calm her down. Sarah clinged to me in fear, and begin to weep in my arms.

Markelle POV

I left the party because Mia called me crying about the baby. I finally made it to the house to find her on the floor in the foyer crying her eyes out.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I lost the baby!" She cried into my arms and all I could feel was guilt. I was obviously the reason, I had brought so much stress to her. After I had calmed her down there was a knock at the door. I looked at Mia and she looked just as confused as I did. I opened the door and it was Miami Police.

"Markelle Mcknighton?"

"Yes?" I stood there with my poker face on.

"You're under arrest for murder of Karlee Fuller." The police officer stated.

"Kelle what's going on?" Mia asked coming to the door.

"Mia call my lawyer!" I yelled as they put me in the back of cop car.

"Mommy where are they taking daddy?" Porsha asked stepping outside.

"On a field trip lets go on one too"

Authors Note
Beauty finally loses her virginity
Karlee was shot by Raymond but Markelle is arrested for it.
Mia "miscarriage?"
Big birthday bash was love aside from the shootout.
Monica goes back to Cali for a print out of her test results.
She finally has the proof she needs on Markelle.
Draye and Beauty in the MM with their outfits from her party.
Someone else will die maybe not in the next chapter though.

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