I-Island Academy's Class Pres...

By LuckyyBubbles

587K 26.8K 11.3K

After the final exams for Class 1-A, the school took an unexpected turn to collab with a couple of other hero... More

Chapter 1: The Hero-Teamwork Project
Chapter 2: Arrival in UA
Chapter 3: One Minute and Thirty Seconds
Chapter 4: Only Four?
Chapter 5: Lunch Rush's Cafeteria
Chapter 6: Ketsubutsu Academy
Chapter 7: Disapproval of the Class Presidents
Chapter 8: Another Dorm-mate!?
Chapter 9: The Good/Bad News
Chapter 10: Unexpected Apologies
Chapter 11: Warm-Up
Chapter 12: Naval Battle
Chapter 13: Lousy Kisser
Chapter 14: Proper Introductions
Chapter 15: Roleplay
Chapter 16: Kissed then Hugged
Chapter 17: Overly Competitive
Chapter 18: Inconveniences
Chapter 19: Cold Soft Shoulders
Chapter 20: Encounters
Chapter 21: Snacks Before a Mission
Chapter 22: The Unexpected
Alternate Timeline: OVA 1- 2K reads special edition!
Chapter 23: Divine Punishment
Chapter 24: More Responsibilities
Alternate Timeline: OVA 2 - 3K reads special edition!
Chapter 25: Temporary Transfer Student
Chapter 26: Free Meal
Chapter 27: Eating with Kyo-kun
Alternate Timeline: OVA 3 - 4K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 4 - 5K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 5 - 6K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 6 - 7K reads special
Chapter 28: The Assault
Chapter 29: Lockdown
Chapter 30: Lucas?
Chapter 31: Flatline
Chapter 32: Bakugou's Guilt
Chapter 33: Frustrations
Chapter 34: Monday
Chapter 35: The Consequences
Chapter 36: Mercy
Chapter 37: Cu?
Chapter 38: Fever
Chapter 39: Granola Bar or Seafood Udon?
Chapter 41: Surprise Attack VS Unimaginable Speed
Chapter 42: The Battle Starts!
Chapter 43: (L/n) (Y/n) VS Ibara Shiozaki
Chapter 44:Their Rampage: (L/n) (Y/n) VS Takaki Nui!
Chapter 45: The Clash of Emotions
Chapter 46: Quirk Limiter
The Author's not so typical day
Chapter 47: The Desperate Boy! (100K READS SPECIAL!)
Chapter 48: Bridal Hugger
Chapter 49: More Drawbacks
Chapter 50: Kageyasu's Mess
Chapter 51: Incoming Call
Chapter 52: The Villain
Chapter 53: Dread
Chapter 54: Omelette Rice
Chapter 55: More Omelette Rice?
Chapter 56: The Reveal- Part 1: Axel
Chapter 57: The Reveal - Part 2: Lucas
Chapter 58: The Reveal - Part 3: Suzu & Kai
Chapter 59: Nicknames
Chapter 60: Fire & Squishy Incident
Chapter 61: Complex Planning
Chapter 62: Sent and Received
Chapter 63: Forthcoming Assembly

Chapter 40: The Name-Tag Ripping!

6.4K 290 139
By LuckyyBubbles

(✿ ͡◕ ᴗ◕)つ━━✫・*。
⊂   ノ    ・゜+.
しーーJ   °。+ *'¨)


The majority has spoken! I shall publish all the chapters that I was supposed to publish ALL AT ONCE! Prepare yourself for an exclusive (over 9000 words!) limited time only publish at the same time! (because we all know I won't make the same mistake...maybe? lol) But anyway! please remember to take a break if you need to! And maybe grab your popcorn! And no, this is NOT an April Fools Joke! Thank you for sticking around my readers (like seriously, some of you even comforted me by my rookie mistake. Thank you, really :) ) I hope you enjoy my story as much as I did writing this arc :> Plus Ultra!!

Below is the list of chapters that will be published today!
Chapter 40: The Name-Tag Ripping!
Chapter 41: Surprise Attack VS Unimaginable Speed
Chapter 42: The Battle Starts!
Chapter 43: (L/n) (Y/n) VS Ibara Shoizaki
Chapter 44: Their Rampage: (L/n) (Y/n) VS Takaki Nui!
Chapter 45: The Clash of Emotions

Remember to take breaks if you need to! This is a 9000+ words publish! Now onto the story! <3 Enjoy!!!!


(✿ ͡◕ ᴗ◕)つ━━✫・*。
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ PREVIOUSLY ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Kai furrowed his brows at this. "You're as stubborn as ever."

"If I wasn't, then things would not go my way," you replied. "And besides, I still need to do my job as a class president. I have failed to keep the three of you away from danger."

"You need to stop this bullshit about you keeping us away from danger. Stop pushing yourself and let us handle ourselves."

You shook your head again, "everyone may agree to that, but I do not. I maybe like this, but I am not the weakling all of you are familiar with."

Kai was about to speak again, but you interrupted him by standing from your chair and walking towards the classroom door. Kai is left to stare at the bowl with excess broth on your desk with his mouth gaping. You shut the door, not wanting to hear the next statement Kai is about to mention.

You predicted Kai wanted to take care of you, along with the others. However, you were tired of it. You want them to stop worrying for you. You need to show them that you can stand your ground. And you will show them all, including your classmates who doubt you so much, that you can still stand and fight with a missing leg and eye.

"'All eyes on me' right Recovery Girl? Well then, let's show them all who they are dealing with."

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ PRESENT ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Narrator POV

All the students returned to their classrooms after lunch. Surprisingly there were no arguments in the cafeteria, but rather, there are more social distancing from the classes who were listed during (Y/n)'s announcements. Even Suzu and Axel were given some distance due to their bold class president. They both wondered where Kai went but did not bother since they probably thought he needed some space.

School went on as usual and the Hero-Teamwork Project has finally come back together. All classes participating in it went into their usual buses and were taken to a new training location. And behind the trail of buses is a separate black chauffeur car.

Seated in the black car are Principal Nezu, (Y/n), and the doctor of (Y/n) from the Tokyo General Hospital. Principal Nezu busied himself by sipping some black tea rather loudly. The doctor grew quite irritable from it, resulting him to burst out some interesting questions towards (Y/n).

For the hundredth time (Y/n) sighed loudly again from the rambles of her assigned doctor.

"So what is it?"




"I did not expect that from you."

(Y/n) grumbled in annoyance.

"Now now Doctor, you seem to be annoying your patient."

"Oh nonsense, we've got a long way to go towards.... Uh?"

"We're going to Ground Beta," replied Principal Nezu.

"Right... Ground Beta."

(Y/n) finally looked away from the window and looked towards the two adults. "Why am I still being observed after my discharge from the hospital?" she asked rather bluntly.

The doctor chuckled and fixed his glasses, "well, long story short your Principal and the head doctor in I-Island Hospital has asked me to keep watching you after you executed your 'plan'."

"Execution is not the right word for what I am about to do," (Y/n) muttered.

"Anyways, after looking at your health status and background, that your Doctor from I-Island has provided me, then it is rightfully just for me to diagnose you properly and to tell you the right procedures after watching you in action."

Principal Nezu's right ear twitched.

"And a matter of fact, after reading your profile you really shouldn't even be participating in today's Hero-Teamwork Project," the Doctor added.

Principal Nezu sipped his tea some more.

"Since you are wearing a quirk limi—!"

(Y/n) slapped her hand on the Doctor's running mouth.

Principal Nezu stopped sipping his tea and finally set down his cup.

"Well, I would have loved to hear the last part, but looks like we're already here. Let's go shall we?" Principal Nezu happily points out.

(Y/n) stared dangerously at the Doctor who is now sweating bullets.

The rear door of the black car swung open to reveal the other class waiting for them patiently outside the humungous gates for Ground Beta. Principal Nezu came out of the car first without hesitation and greeted the students warmly. (Y/n) slowly stepped out of the car, still feeling mildly annoyed by her doctor's rambles.

She did her best to ignore the stares from Shiketsu High students but failed to do so when she spotted the familiar girl who wept in the auditorium. (Y/n) quickly looked away but froze after noticing more buses heading their way.

"Principal Nezu, what is the meaning of this?"

Principal Nezu gleefully put his arms up high and screamed, "well I am also wanting some more classes to learn a thing or two from today's Hero-Teamwork Project!"

As soon as everyone got settled inside one of the buildings in Ground Beta, a large screen monitor lit up and showed multiple camera angles of the main road. Principal Nezu and the other teachers all faced the students to finally explain why there are more classes participating than usual.

"Now that everyone is settled down, I will start to explain why we have more classes today. Due to the coexisting projects in each UA classes and separate Hero-Teamwork Projects. Today, we have a couple of general studies and management department class from the first years to observe the first year's Hero-Teamwork Project. They will be working on their own project using whatever they observe in the battles that they will be watching during the hero-classes' activity!"

Even though Principal Nezu's voice is giddy in excitement, the additional classes all but squirmed slightly from the underlying tone in the air. Everyone knew it is most likely all a faux due to the announcements from this morning.

(Y/n) looked around the room.

'Class 1-E and Class 1-J, I wonder how they must be feeling?' she thought after spotting familiar faces within the class. And sure enough, (Y/n) already spotted the faces of her attackers from the surplus classes. Axel, who is standing next to (Y/n), wanted to look where her eyes were trailing but chose not to do it. He knew anger may overcome his overall common sense again just like this morning.

"Now that everyone is on the same page," All Might started, "I will explain what is today's activity!"

Everyone who does not normally meet All Might on a daily basis all gleamed in astonishment and delight upon seeing Japan's Number One Hero. Even some I-Island students were in awe at All Might's overall build and costume.

"Wow, how do you think his hair is standing up?" Suzu suddenly whispered to (Y/n)'s left ear.

(Y/n) sent a quiet glare to Suzu causing him to quietly giggle in amusement. "What? You never thought of that?"

"Shut it Nerd, it's probably some sort of gel," Kai butted into the conversation.

"Says the one who wears gel all the time," Suzu whispered into the air.

A nerve popped onto Kai's forehead in annoyance and (Y/n) sighed, feeling quite tired from today's class already.

"Alright! Today we will be doing something quite simple and it is called the 'Name Ta—'"

"The Name Tag Ripping! YEEEAAAAHH!!" Present Mic suddenly yelled. "Everybody make some noise! This game will require two teams to battle each other while trying to rip off the name tag from one of their team members!"

Some hero students cheered in excitement for today's hero activity. Even the students from the general class were quite excited to see the turnabouts of today's class.

"Hey hey isn't it like the Provisional License Exam's elimination round?" someone from Shiketsu pointed out.

"Yes, but this time," All Might added, "think of it as working together with your team in order to take down the team's main boss."

That definitely spiked more whispers amongst the students.

"So, choosing the person who will wear the name tag will require some deep thinking."

"Right, do you want them to be a front liner, someone who can easily defend themselves, or someone who can easily hide and run away from others?"

As time went on, some hero students even began to analytically think about how to be successful in today's class. Vlad King, the homeroom teacher for Class 1-B, sighed loudly.

"Not only will you all be tested for teamwork skills today, but also adaptability. Each group will have one student from each hero class, with the exception of I-Island Academy."

"Why?" a student from Class 1-J asked.

Bakugou glared at the kid, "obviously because there are only four of them, dumbass!"

Class 1-J altogether gulped nervously and slightly backed away from Bakugou. Even the teacher of Class 1-J wanted to face-palm at their student's insignificant question.

"Anyways!" Principal Nezu continued. "Our computer system will randomly generate the teams!" And with a push of a button from a remote, the screen behind the teachers showcased which student is with who and who they are versing with.

(Y/n) could only blink in response after seeing the two teams on the screen. The second-year students from Shiketsu High all gasped as they looked at their trembling classmate.

"P-Principal Nezu! Something isn't right! How could a computer 'randomly' generate (L/n) against her!" One of the Shiketsu students proclaimed. The girl who attacked (L/n) hid behind her classmate while fearfully looking away from the direction of the I-Island students.

The other hero students murmured with each other; quite suspicious of the coincidence that the computer has generated for the team versus team.

Before Principal Nezu could reply Axel already let his mouth run. "Why are you complaining? We should be the one complaining! Our injured Class President is going against your classmate who attacked her!" Axel slowly started to scream.

Suzu let out a low growl, "I agree with Axel, what the hell is this. Pairing her up with one of her attackers is just way too much of a coincidence."

The room went dead silent.

"Now, now. This is all too intense for one day," (Y/n)'s doctor started.  "If you want an explanation, then I would have to play a part in this so-called 'coincidence' you speak of," he clapped.

"I had asked beforehand to implement (L/n) into the first round due to my unfinished health history report and my background check on her," (L/n)'s Doctor informed. "And in my opinion, if this battle really was a setup, then I would have gladly put in strong allies with her for more protection. If you think this was all a set up then I would have gladly put...hm, maybe Inasa Yoarashi or Todoroki Shoto in her team. Don't you think?" He gave a lop-sided smile.

(L/n) nodded, "I am yet to receive the right medication and equipment for my quirk and injuries. Since my health records are aged, the doctor wanted to update my health profile from the previous one."

Principal Nezu finally spoke up, "well then, now that is explained and settled does anyone still have any concerns?"

Shiketsu High and the I-Island students did not speak again, and could only let time pass by. Kai clenched his fist as he continued to drill holes on the computer screen.


I-Island: (L/n) (Y/n)

Class 1-B: Kinoko Komori

Isami: Dadan Tadan



Class 1-A: Ojiro Mashirao

Class 1-B: Ibara Shiozaki

Shiketsu: Takaki Nui

And with much enthusiasm Present Mic screamed: "Now then! We'll give each team to prepare themselves and to briefly discuss their plans while we escort them in different locations of Ground Beta! Do your best heroes!"


A/N: No more fluffy moments from here on out! Time to whip out our intense battle soundtracks! (ノᐛ)ノ♩♪

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