Vampire Uprising I (Book 1 I...

By BlkQween

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👑✅ Black Vampire king & His BBW vampire Queen. The hood made of burlap was stifling, causing discomfort. Wit... More

Damn This Heat!
I'm In Love
The Turn
If I Can't Have You
Bloody Tracks
Forget Me Not
Welcome Home Pharoah
Birth of a Queen
The Engagement Party
Troubled waters
When River's Run Red
Kill Him!
Joan & Zion
Meet your maker
Let the games begin!
Lets get it started
Keep ya head up!
Pharaoh Origin
Blood Ties
Prodigal Sons
Forbidden Fruit
Bathe in blood
One more Chance
Love is serious business
Twin Oaks the return
Hook Line & Sinker
Strike It Rich $
Control your savage
The devil's in the detail
Shit just got real
Red Handed
Skeletons in the closet
Heads will roll
Throw the book at her
Poison Plot
Old Friend
First impressions
Blood Rain
Sunday kind of love
30 Day's
Murder she wrote
Tempo Slow
Niarchos Origin
Sex Room XXX
Death Reading##
Family reunion#
This Bitch! #
Here comes the bride ##
Taken ##
Silver Bullet ##
Daddy's home ##
Gold Skeleton Key #
Unfaithful ##
Confession ##
Bread Crumbs##
Bounty #
Covet #
Banking on it ##
Gone with the wind

Side chick slick

304 24 7
By BlkQween

Chapter 42
Side Chick Slick

Clarence ended court abruptly placing a warrant for Mary's arrest he had her incarcerated at Niarchos' house for fear of Chance freeing and running with her. Clarence knew as long as she was with him Chance wouldn't try anything. He didn't visit Mary and had nothing to say Elders were shocked and upset fearing the inevitable death. Clarence had no choice he had to request death as per vampire law for her attempt on an Elder.

They were asleep when the house alarms rang Clarence jumped from bed securing Gabriel in the closet panic room.

Don't come out unless Niarchos or I come grabbing his holster with two glocks Clarence ran locking Gabriel inside.
She heard arguing the gate's of the house roll down. Niarchos was yelling but it was muffled.

Clarence screamed don't make me shoot you drop your gun's! Gabriel was afraid. Niarchos! let him go don't shoot him THAT'S A FUCKING ORDER! GRIP! DROP THE DAM GUN! POP! I SAID DROP IT GRIP! Gabriel had her gun drawn the closet door opened it was Clarence hugging him what the hell happened? Chance broke Mary out of Jail and shot Niarchos she ran to his room Nicky oh my god. It's a human bullet Gabriel pop pulled it out.

Clarence cut his wrist open Niarchos fed Clarence was trembling with anger. Calm down honey AHH! He roared I knew he was going to do this!

Guess what Gabriel? He knew! He did Clarence? Yes Mary told him in Vegas.

Niarchos moved Clarence's arm I'm good pop thank's. Chance pointed a gun at me Sugar I'm charging him.

No you won't Gabriel demanded. Sugar he shot Niarchos look at this mess he was holding a rag to his leg.

He came in using the house
door code went downstairs opened the jail cell on the way up he tripped the silent alarm running outside with Mary.

I jumped from our patio running to the front Niarchos went through the kitchen before the door's sealed. The sun was about to rise Sugar Chance was willing to die in the sun before he let her be put to death.

Gabriel smiled. Which one of you wouldn't have done the same for me? Hell you burned your hand's Nicky and you're taking a vampire's law degree away Clarence.

Why are you defending him sugar? He's an Elder who's in trouble Chance is afraid he dosen't want Mary to die.
Love & Fear a deadly combination, Clarence your phone's ringing.

Clarence looked at his caller I.D passing the phone to Gabriel hello Chance honey bring Mary back no one has to know Chance your dad is downstairs not with me.

Let me handle it Chance please bring her, yes honey trust the process everything will be ok I promise.
You can't bring her to twin oak's it's a conflict.

I understand Chance I know you're scared you don't want her to die you love her honey we love Mary so we can talk.

There has to be another way I know the sun is up...tonight? You give me your word Chance? What time 7?

I trust you I'm telling your papa Mary will return 7 sharp.

I'll handle your father Niarchos is fine Clarence pulled the bullet out. He's mad at you but that's Nicky haha bye.

They stared jaw's dropped you believe him Gabriel? Yes Nicky I do. Why? God told me he's coming back.

That's what you think it's going to take since you trust your God how much? Clarence stared on Gabriel removing her engagement ring dropping it on his night stand.

That's how much I trust God you can keep it Gabriel looked to Clarence don't replace it Niarchos.

When Chance comes with Mary you'll bend on one knee Elder Hollings and place it back on my left hand.

Niarcos laughed at her notion you expect me to believe in your god and I've known Chance for two hundred year's? My brother ain't coming back sister you can forget that woman.

He is Clarence? Sugar I ain't in this it's between you and your boyfriend.
Gabriel darted a dirty look keep talking slick Clarence.

Niarchos removed his gold chain slipping her engagement ring on next to his gold Lazarus piece taunting her. I'm keeping it don't cry calling to her as she stormed out the room. No more getting thing's back when you loose a bet missy!

Do I look worried Nicky? Clarence shook his head.

Why are you messing with her Niarchos? What do you mean pop? I'm keeping it she has to learn. No you won't that woman has both of us wrapped around her pinky Niarchos grinned. Feels nice having a woman around pop dosen't it? Sure does son.

Clarence was napping Gabriel crept downstairs getting her package from the blacksmith. Warren gave her the box she handed him $1500 for pair's for Niarchos and Grip.

The inside of the cuffs are titanium they don't burn when on but the outside will.
Do you make bullet's? Yes ma'am. Please forge bullet's from the remaining scrap's for the Pharoah's gun a nine glock. I can make 200 from the scrap metal Gabriel. Can you make four knives Warren? Sure can you're keeping me busy I like that.
One of the knives is mine make a switch blade warren please. Yes ma'am.
Gabriel went upstairs Clarence was still naked sleep.

She slipped one set of cuffs out making sure the key worked. Gabriel grabbed his hand slipping the cuff on attaching easy to his other hand when Clarence's eye's opened.

Hey sugar he went to move his arms trying to snap the cuffs and couldn't looking confused.

Snapping the sheet off she asked what do we have here? Rolling her finger's on his growing erection.

Clarence was shocked he couldn't break the cuffs. Why won't they what is it laying his hand on his leg burning himself naughty girl. I'll call my son to subdue you he's already cross with you. Gabriel said playfully call him I dare you.

Gabriel dropped her boy short's bouncing her ass in front of him I want to get fucked what's wrong with that Clarence?

I can't fuck you in cuffs uncuff me now! Please sweetie his voice going from commanding to gentle.

Or what Clarence? Woman remove the iron's off me now! I don't like restraint.

Ignoring him she went to the fridge removing whip cream.

Gabriel off I command you I mean it take them off. I won't spraying whip cream smothering his dick licking purposely not sucking.

He was moaning She turned him so his legs were on the floor no Gabriel she sat on him reverse cowgirl twirling her hips down on him easy and slow.

Gabriel don't bang she bounced up and down slamming and slapping her pussy hard on his dick she was white and creamy she was about to nut. He was petrified looking for blood he was afraid he tried to connect with her mentally she was blocked.

Riding with her feet on the edge of the bed she banged down on his extreme hardness. He went to hold her from banging, he was loosing his breath because it felt so fucking good. Calling her name she ignored him looking up there was blood on his pale skin. BABY, STOP! STOP! he screamed out, Gabriel HONEY THERE'S blood!

I don't believe you baby LOOK! He was holding up his hand trembling all he was thinking I killed my babies God no.
She stopped, wiping with her hand to check he started to shake.

Zion come now, hurry Gabriel's bleeding he called telepathically they were in Rose's house. Take them off Gabriel it's going to be fine Sugar.

He was forcing himself to remain calm but was extremly nervous. She removed them quick shaking and crying.

Tossing on his robe she was upset it's okay sugar he gave her a bottle of his blood. She was crying shhhh shhh he patted her back to comfort her.

Out! Zion walked in immediatly putting Clarence out the door. Clarence paced in the hallway Joan sat with him.

A hour later Zion called him in I had to give her two stitches to close the cervix she's sedated. She will be sleep for the night Blood IV drip your blood.

Your babies are fine very strong The cervix opened a half inch.

Clarence? You are a well endowed man your penis reaches her cervix with no problem pushing hard is a no. He didn't want to say it wasn't him he shook his head yes. Gabriel will be fine please no sex until she is at least six month's pregnant Clarence.

He left closing the door upset. Niarchos? Yeah pop? Where are you? Drink's with Grip. Come home, please I need to find Chance if he dosen't come back sit with Gabriel. She...she.. she was bleeding. Down there? Yes Niarchos.

Is everything fine? Yes Niarchos. Coming pop.

Clarence showered dressed picking up the cuffs they burned his finger's. Shit he laughed you're a freak whispering to her. Why are you whispering Clarence? What are you doing up sugar?

Your son told me to wake up. The baby woke you? Yes it's a nagging feeling he said your leaving and he dosen't want you to leave.

Clarence sat on the bed locked into her thought's for 20 minutes he was silent they're asleep. You put him to sleep? yes. One of them is attached to me. That's so sweet.

Viola knocked on the door come in behind her Chance and Mary Gabriel opened her arms to give Mary a hug Mary broke down crying. It's alright honey i'll come see you every day. Niarchos walked in when Gabriel saw him she asked Niarchos the time. It's 7:03 great one.

Honey you look tired come Mary take a hot shower change and let Niarchos take you down no one will know what happened just us I promise. She went to shower in the spare bedroom Chance sat by Gabriel thank you hid tears fell. Gabriel was laying down it's ok sweetie it'll work out Chance. How do you know Gabriel? God told me. He smiled. You know what?

I believe you Gabriel my mom was a christian woman she use to say that God rest her.

Chance left the house after Niarchos escorted Mary downstairs with Lily and Caine. Clarence went with Chance home and stayed for the night with him although it was dangerous.

Gabriel was dozing in and out She woke to Niarchos sitting there. What happened? Let me show you he came sat next to her on the bed close your eyes she put the cuffs on him.

Serious? He laughed pulled to snap the chain shocked he stared in amazement. He pulled again nothing. He grabbed the chain burning his hand he popped his fang's hissing figuring what she did.

You didn't woman? How many pair? Two one is for you. I can't handle these Gabriel I can she smiled.

You invented these ma. I did I have a knife coming and bullet's all made from the scrap medal from the bars you tore off the hinge I didn't want the medal wasted.

He was laughing bullet's? How are we to load the Gun ma? I'll load them for you pre loaded clip's there's a special glove he was wearing to handle the bars I'll get you a pair and Clarence. Bullet's that kill a vampire's worse then vvg Gabriel.

I'll dip them in holy water let them dry.

What happened you cuffed pol you didn't haha Gabriel I know he was tight. Yes upset I placed him in iron's as he say's.

I was bouncing too hard. You do bounce to hard he chuckled. I'm embarrassed. Don't be.

Her phone rang I'm sleepy but ok Clarence it's 2020 people use toy's for sex you liked the egg same difference.

Ok ok so I won't shackle you sorry relax i'll call you tomorrow i'm sleepy goodnight.

Niarchos was laughing hard you wanna shackle me I'll let you.

Pop is old school I use to let girl's at the saloon tie me cuff me all the time they didn't know I was vampire and could snap free. They were turned on seeing such a big man subdued and restricted by them and they could do what they wanted sexually.

But these snapping his wrist as hard as he could. Take them off didn't you get in enough trouble already ma? See I aint pop I'll choke you with the chain on the cuffs then take the key off your dead body he giving her a side eye. Hehe crazy.

Lock the door Gabriel sat up kissing him holding his chain in her hand she held the Lazarus do you know the story of Lazarus?

My mother gave it to me told me to have faith she never told the story.

He was a friend of Jesus but he was busy performing miracles.

Lazarus' sister sent for him telling Yo your homeboy is sick pull up. Jesus said I'm coming wait day's passed finally he pulled up when he got to his homeboy's sister's crib she was mad as hell.

You let him die what type of friend are you you're three day's late he's in the cemetary dude. Which one ma? They rolled out of course people heard Jesus was in town following them trying to get thier miracle on.

Jesus told them move stone from the cave it was the door on a crypt. They move it right Nicky? Niarchos was glued to the way she told the story.

So Larzarus' sister is crying and super upset like you're late if you weren't he'd be alive still complaining. Jesus looks at her and say's relax sis he's sleep. Jesus called to his home boy Larzarus step forth the crowd was pin drop quiet.

In a few second's his dead homie was hopping out the crypt alive they unwrapped him.

The moral? Have faith what may seem dead and finished is just sleep there is nothing to hard for God trust his word if he say's I got you, he got you Nicky.

He kissed her again that's why your mama gave you that Nicky she kissed the piece squeezing it in the palm of her hand.

May God bless the wearer of this jewel may he see that you are here and you love him lord protect him from all hurt harm and danger bestow on him faith the size of of mustard seed so that if he get's lost or weary he know's youll alway's light his way. In your son Jesus name Amen. Amen.

She removed the cuffs don't worry we're gonna play ma. Please cause he dosen't like playing pouting her lip's giggling.

Niarchos laughed It scared him when he couldn't snap loose. The look on his face was priceless he commanded me to remove them I said no Nicky. Bad girl.

Niarchos can you choke me? Hell no. Why?

When I fuck I dont know my strength I'm alway's careful not to hurt the woman unless she's vampire.

You are a half breed human is in you If you were vampire then yeah cause how can I choke you to death? How can I explain to my pops not only was I fucking his wife but I killed her by accident during sex?

Spanking Nicky? What's wrong with you tonight Gabriel I can do that. Tie me up? After the pregnancy. All of it? You're not serious are you Gabriel?

She stood woozy
look you can hardly stand he held her from falling she took off her pajama pants spank me in the closet. On one condition don't scream no matter how bad it hurts Gabriel. Agreed.

He opened the closet staring at her from inside you coming or have you changed your mind.

She walked in as soon as the door closed he snatched her onto his lap laying her over it making sure her tummy rested between his snatching her panties down SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! POP! POP!

She was breathing heavy his hand's were big and strong and every hit hurt he stopped. She was taking deep breaths trying to control the pain.

More Nicky. POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP POP! Pushing her panties to the side he rubbed her clit making sure not to finger her you been a bad girl whispering.

Cuffing the king of coven's that way now the head of security has to punish the bad bad Queen. Pop pop pop smack smack smack smack smack smack POP!

Plucking and spanking her throbbing clit with his index finger she could hear his finger hitting her hard clit. Pinching it between his finger's so blood couldn't get to it the releasing it so it would fill up with blood in a rush fat and throbbing

She bit into his thigh drinking his blood scratching his calves to help her not scream in ecstacy as she squirted white cream all over his hand trembling and shaking on his lap having a double orgasm.

Pulling her gently off his lap, grabbing her throat staring into her blazing eyes he held his creamy fingers in front of her mouth. Look at the mess you made on my hand. She licked his finger's. The way he looked at her so stern made her wild the fire only he could light roared in her.

You only have permission to cuff me understand? Ok. He squeezed her neck firm Yes he tightened his grip. Yes daddy Niarchos let go don't let me hear you cuffed pop again or the next time it's 10x worse woman.
He opened the door leaving her.

She was panting heavy holding on her orgasm was so hard she could barely stand. She sat on the bench catching her bearings orgasming again. Fuck grabbing her hair legs wobbly and untrusting to walk on.

When she looked up Niarchos was staring at her smiling sitting in the corner innocently as if nothing happened ignoring her. I love you Nicky I bet you do watching her shake.

Jackie called Clarence asking what Mary's charges are based on his vision's?

Jackie Mary's charges Mirror the other wives.

Concentrate this will be the hardest trail you'll face now that you know who was behind the initial poisoning should you speak with Mara and Lily with the wives in the same room? Yes great one. Make sure Grip is there to keep order no Elders. Thank you Pharaoh. You're welcome Jackie.

They showed for court the next day Clarence advised the Elders it was going to be a long day because he was hearing all cases and passing sentences and getting execution and prison dates in order.

They needed to stay to sign paperwork as well as sign blood scroll.

Any scrolls prepared Steven and Margaret hand them to Hunter for review and ask him to bring them to the drawing room during recess for signatures please Steven. Yes great one.

Grip where is Gabriel find her please. She was in the bathroom throwing up pop.

Clarence knocked It's me open the door what's wrong? He held her hair wetting a cold towel for her face. My God your burning up worry filled his blazing brown eyes. I'll be fine Gabriel assured him.

Don't stop the trial I want it over with so we can move on Clarence let's finish it today honey please. Alright sugar you're so hot he felt the heat in her palm's something was very wrong.

I'm sorry I put you in irons Clarence. Sugar It was my fault I have to get rid of my old values.

I'm too sexually wild for you Clarenc holding her head down in shame.

You can use the cuffs after the babies. She shook her head yes knowing what her dominate would do if she did. Clarence kissed her forehead on purpose she was hot he worried.

Grip, bring the Queen ice water no hot tea only my blood.

Clarence knew Gabriel drank Niarchos' blood he smelled it no matter how hard she tried to mask it he knew the smell of his child's blood.
The baby was big and the other's small his own blood makes them strong and Niarchos' big.
He wanted a son like Niarchos Clarence loved that about him if drinking Niarchos' blood did this he'd be ecstatic.

Clarence didn't care as long as it was not another vampire. Gabriel confirmed it when she was upset refusing to drink of him advising she'd only feed from Niarchos. When he saw the big baby he knew it'd been going in for some time.

Clarence walked her to her seat before trial's began.

Picking up from the other day the blood draw I will discuss.

Upon biting wives 6 & 7 I saw they had nothing to do with the actual poisoning.

They were eaves dropping on wives three and five hearing discussions how they got larvae to poison Chance from Mary.

In exchange Mary promised money from the sale of Twin Oaks to the oil company once Chance was dead.

When asked why Mary explained Chance's dealings with Cody threatened to leave them all.

Mary felt if got rid of Chance her problem would end wives six and seven knew of the situation but had no hand in the poision plot. They're guilty by omission knowing their husband who's an Elder was plotyed against yet said nothing.

Great one? Yes Jackie? at this time I request death by sunlight and conspiracy be dropped and the charge of guilty by omission be added.

If the Queen and the Elders agree you have no argument from me counselor They voted in favor of bis suggestion.

As to the prison sentence Great ones? Clarence started at 25 year's dropping to ten year's flat? Five of eight raised hand's. So say you one? So say we all responding in agreement.

Wives six and seven you're remanded to the vampire house of corrections with a sentence of ten year's each, no parole.

Upon release you're excommunicated thus sayeth the king of coven's. Your time began since your incarceration this is your judgement. So ordered the Elders replied. Next on the docket.

Elder Lily Roberson who wishes to be tried seperate from her husband, is up next Great ones.

Ten minutes to prepare Clarence leaned into Gabriel how are you? Hot I can't put a fan my love you'll get sick.

He wiped her head with his handkerchief Niarchos knew something was wrong he text her what's wrong Gabriel? I have a fever Nicky.
Why are you here?

This needs to get done it's dragging that's why Clarence is rushing. I'm getting sleepy too Nicky.
I'll have them turn on the air Gabriel. I'll get pneumonia I'm wet under these clothes from perspiring. I'll have Viola bring you a change Gabriel. Yes my love are you alright?

No I want to get through it Nicky it's dragging I want thing's back to normal please don't bicker I'm not in the mood not now puddin.
Great One's who are we hearing next? Mary Hollings the Elders agreed. Mary was dressed simple she sat in the chair innocently.

Grip bought Justice in as Niarchos instructed the defense team was nervous Jackie swore her in. Mary? I'm going to get right to it why did you assist in poisioning your husband?

Most of you look at Chance as an Elder. I see him as the man that saved the life of this 17 year old girl one night in the woods.

For many year's I watched as the man I loved turned from me Asking I participate in sexual orgies sleep with various women and defile myself by becoming what he wanted me to be. Slowly I was breaking down layer by layer through the year's then centuries.

I tried to leave in the 60s I'd gone to Paris met a man fell in love and bought a cottage this human asked I become his wife. He asked I leave Chance start a life with him. One night I'd fallen asleep in his arms when I woke I found Chance sitting in the room my lover drained I knew Chance did it.

Chance looked at me and said if I can't have you no one will. I knew I was damned tied to a man who enslaved me not allowing me to find love with another but incapable of giving it to me himself.

As year's went on more wives were added each one reminding me I wasn't good enough I'd NEVER! be good enough.

Mary was wringing her hand's crying the room hushed women cried including Ann and Gabriel Chance allowing silent tear's to fall.

I sat by silently watching my husband love other women argue with me when one of them upset him. We could never be alone, have a vacation without consistent call's from his wives which led to argument's and Chance's mind leaving me worried over one of them.

Chance was gone mentally and physically what else was left? Kill him? The second strongest vampire of coven's? How? It's impossible leave? That's not an option I felt trapped.

One day a man came to me said that twin oak's was worth billions of dollar's when I asked why he said it sat on an oil well and a coal mine. They'd asked that Chance sell he declined stating the house was tied to his luck there was no way he was letting it go.

Eager to get the land they offered me half of whatever they'd extract from the oil and coal mine's and give anything I needed to get rid of Chance.

They encountered a snafu they didn't know Chance was superstitious and never removed the Pharoah off the original deed.

If Chance were killed the Pharaoh would become the bigger problem and sole owner.

I enlisted some wives and concubines to help some said no other's agreed. I was given the parasite by the human our Pharaoh scanned the property. Chance was too strong the first dose Mara put in his glass handing the glass to Lily who had no idea the glass was poisoned.

Our Pharaoh saw Lily hand Chance the glass was not part of the poison plot.

That dose didn't take it didn't make Chance sick. When we were at the game's I met the Indian's who gave me another dose via the human.

They were hired by the human to kill Clarence but accidentally hit Niarchos Niarchos Gabriel was never a target.

The second dose was given to Chance again by wife five who sat with Chance the night of betting and fight's. Wife three held the parasite in her purse handing it to wife five for the actual poisioning.

This second dose rendered Chance sick during our private meeting with the Pharaoh he sensed his illness saving his life by sending him to vampire hospital for immediate treatment.

Chance and I were alone last week after trial's I explained everything to my husband.

Chance said Mary I failed you as a husband all and everything that happened is because of my lusts. I forgive and love you Mary if you want to place blame lay it on the shoulder's of your man.

The room was silent the scroll writer's astounded at this epic love story inquisitive of how would it end?

Jackie broke the shocking silence Great Pharaoh we throw ourselves on the mercy of this court we beg you and the Elder's to look upon this as a love crime one of passion and not intention to poison a member of the royal court. Please know my client never poisoned her husband.

Mrs. Chance Hollings did not place the larvae in the glass as per Pharaoh blood draw.

We ask no beg the high court of Elders and wisdom to remove death from the table while all other charge's remain.

We ask for ten year's imprisonment with parole in eight year's. Full reinstatement as an Elders wife so they may begin thier love anew. Thank you.

Niarchos didn't need Justice to identify Mary's hand writing on the note it matched the store receipt but because she confessed it was not needed.
Hunter? No question's Great ones.

Elders there are three charges I'll read them and we will pass sentence when I'm done.

The crime of assisting in poisoning a Senior Elder.

Withholding evidence in a vampire trial.

Lying to an Elder and the king of coven's when asked information regarding the poisoning of an Elder.

Elders guilty or not guilty? Guilty by unanimous vote Great one's.

Mary Elizabeth Hollings you've been found guilty of all above charge's by this vampire royal court.

Death by sunlight? No one raised a fan Jackie was happy Clarence started at ten year's ending at eight year's all Elders hand's raised.

Mary Elizabeth Hollings it is with heavy heart I sentence you to eight year's in vampire prison where you'll be eligible for parole in four year's.

In such time you may join your husband an Elder in his coven. If you divorce during your incarceration you'll loose right's to coven and be excommunicated for the rest of your day's with no reinstatement. All agreed Respond with I individually each Elder acknowledged Clarence's request.

The room was a buzz scroll writer's recording this epic trial with precision and perfection.

Chance broke the chatter with an announcement.
As per vampire law teguarding marital right's chapter 25 sub section 1 and 2.

If a vampire's spouse is sentenced to prision his or her spouse has the right to step to accept the prison term serving in their stead. I Elder Chance Hollings accept the term handed to my wife Mary Elizabeth Hollings.

Chance removed his robe laying it on his chair... he removed all his coven jewelry handing it to Niarchos.

No! Clarence yelled Hunter! Jackie handed the law to Hunter who read it aloud handing a copy to each Elder. Unbelivable chatter mixed with surprise floated in the air. SILENCE! Vaughn called irritated.

Grip, Chance commanded remove the iron's from my wife and place them on me. Grip wouldn't do it he was waiting for Clarence who was upset order Clarence called out. The room was instantly quiet how can I be upset when I raised him to be the man he is today?

What vampire wouldn't do the same for their wife? Mary Chance called to her I did this I bought this sentence down on you.

I promised I'd make it right Chance removed his gold chain on it his wedding band Mary placed on his hand over a century ago placing it on her neck.

It's been close to my heart I never left you Mary tapping his heart not here. When I come home we'll start again. I'll give you the life you should've had year's ago I'll give you me because I know that's all you've ever wanted.

Take him away Madjai Clarence commanded feeling blind sided recess we reconvene in two hours.

Gabriel sat unable to stand on her own Clarence picked her up carrying her to Chance's bedroom. She took off her clothes showered amd sleeping I'm calling Zion.

No we only have Lilly and Caine let me nap go sign the paper's so we can go.

Go I'll be fine. Clarence sent Ann up hey Gabriel how you feeling? Terrible Ann looked at her concerned she looked peekid her finger nails white which meant no iron in her blood.

Did you eat today honey? No Ann. I'll get you a tray? Yes ma'am thank you can you send Niarchos I need him? Ann smiled I sure can sweetie be right back.

Ann ran to get Clarence she's turning Gabriel is in the middle of it. NOW Annie? Yes now Clarence I'm going to ger her food she want's Niarchos. Of course she does. Clarence you're busy she wants this to end he is the next best thing to her when you're engaged in business.

Hey Ann grabbed Niarchos' arm Gabriel is turning again. Now? Yes now boy when does the turn allow you to choose?

Clarence was afraid I'm going to end this and take her home. No she'll be angry with you Ann said firm. Niarchos go up there and force her to feed and eat both do and say whatever you must my grands must eat.

If she see's Clarence she won't eat. Why is she cross with me Annie?

Women often get adjitated with father during a pregnancy. It's normal she blames you for her condition and discomforts. She enjoyed me too trust me. Ann laughed aloud now ain't the time to hash it over just know you're in a nine month purgatory.

He Knocked come! Niarchos entered she sat up her arms open aww honey what's the matter? I don't feel well Nicky something's wrong the babies? No honey not them they're fine you're tired is all.

Come on in the neck Please? Door locked? Pop knows from arguing over Lee on the wrist.

Gabriel bit the side of his wrist, she lay back sipping the warm sweet blood
sweet dreams my Queen. Niarchos kissed her lips ever so light as not to wake her.

Ann came up with a tray of finger foods but she was sleep I'm tell him to let her sleep until we're done we can hear Lily and Caine without her we just can't sentence without her. I'll record it this way Gabriel can listen to the trial.

Sound's good Annie. Come on Niarchos. No Ann moving a stray hair out her face. Boy...let's go.

Someone knocked come in Clarence entered with Savannah. She saw Niarchos gripping Clarence's hand.

Can you sit with Gabriel during the trial please? Of course Papa he kissed her head
thank God you're here I need my daughter. Savannah picked up the cold rag wiping Gabriel's head turning on the T.V.

Court was back in session.
Clarence informed the Elders and the court Queen Gabriel is not well. We will record the proceedings for her to hear when she wakes.

Hunter had the recorder set this has been a difficult day for us but I and the Elders ask you maintain order in this room at all times no matter how shocking the outcomes may be.

Please begin Clarence was exausted worried and upset with Chance. In the matter of Lily Roberson please step forward Lily humbly say where Mary had moment's ago.

Lee stepped forward kneeling Rise Clarence asked. Great one's and Elders I come before you with humble heart and spirit.

Lily is everything that Mrs. Chance Hollings stated true and correct regarding you and the poisoning to the best of your knowledge? Yes it is Counselor.

Were you aware the glass you were handing Senior Elder Hollings was poisoned? No I wasn't. When were you made aware the glass was toxic Lily? The day The Pharoah said I handed him a poisioned glass Counselor.

Were you having an affair with Senior Elder Chance Hollings? Yes I was. For how long Lilly? She looked down. On and off since 1866.

Were you sleeping with him before he Married Mary? Yes I was. Were you sleeping with him before you married Elder Caine Lily? Yes I was.

Elder Roberson, is is safe to say you're in love with Senior Elder Chance Hollings? Yes it is counselor.

At this time I call Senior Elder Chance Hollings to the stand Jamaica bought him in unshackled.

Chance walked in wearing an italian suit and tie. He was a size 36 waist 5:9 in height 180 pound's solid chocolate man very good looking with natural charm that could woo any woman.

Chance's smile was beautiful his new haircut showed off his 360 degree finger waves covering his head. Grip? Clarence spoke telepathically Yes pop? How is she? Sleep, Zion is here he's checking her now, he's concerned with her fever. Call me mentally with update's. Ok pop.

Chance sat Senior Elder Hollings Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Can you explain the relationship between yourself and Elder Lily Roberson?

When I was human and bitten vampire Lily sat with me during my turn she never left my bedside she herself was still human.

From there the love begin she loved me and I her but she was attached to Caine meaning they lived as man and wife.

Were they legally married Elder? No, they were not. Did you ask Lily to marry you? Yes I did Counselor.

The swarmed with low chatter the scroll writer's loved the history.

I warned all of you please do not make me clear the room. I am in no mood today this is the last warning from your Pharaoh Resume please.

Senior Elder Hollings when you asked Lily to marry you what was her response? She said she had to clear thing's with Caine but she accepted.

You were engaged Elder? Yes Counselor secretly we were.

Mary was shocked she never knew. Secretly? Did anyone else know besides you and Lily? Yes ma'am. Who? Queen Safinah Hollings.

Order Papa warned. Who told Queen Safinah? No one she found out by accident Counselor. Please explain Senior Elder.

One day Lily went to Caine telling him she was going to marry me she loved me. Caine became infuriated threatening Lily grabbing and hitting her.

Caine told her no one was going to marry her except him. She explained she didn't love him Chance hesitated.

Why didn't she love Caine this way? Because Caine is her blood brother.

Silence! Niarchos voice was a crack of thunder the Pharoah warned all of you don't have me make an example of someone vampire's our patience is thin.

Great one at this time I'd like to hand a copy from Queen Safinah's diary explaining what she saw the day she was tended born foal in the barn.

Lee handed everyone a personal copy reading aloud

May 8th 1866

Today I was in the barn with the new foal when I heard Lily and Caine in a heated disagreement. Lily is in love with Chance I believe he has asked her hand in marriage.

Lily explained this to Caine who did not take likely to what he heard. He grabbed Lily slapping her grabbing and tossing her to the ground. Caine refused her to marry Chance. Lily said she ain't want him because they kin folk. It was ok for them to say that before they be free for protection some but now they free and she want to marry Chance.

I don't blame her Chance a good man not bad looking not handsome as my Clarence but to each his own.

The women giggled when Lee read that Clarence smiled. Caine refused pushing Lil to the ground.

He say if he can't have her no one is. When he leave I went to Lil and said I hear all that happen, her lip bled her hair pulled.

I ask if she want me to tell Clarence cause he don't like hitting women business and would rest it but Lil say don't tell. She swear me to it
I told her I'd write it in this diary Clarence got me to write thought's as proof one day Lil may need it.

To your knowledge is this Queen Safinah's handwriting Elder Chance? Yes it is Counselor. What happened to both of you over the year's? Chance looked at

Lily cried I married Mary Lily married Caine wasn't no way he was letting her go we both knew it. As year's went on there was constant fighting between them violet fight's Counselor.

Were there times you saw her through the year's after these violent bouts? Yes Counselor. What did you see Elder Chance?

Terrible injuries broken bones, bruises, broken nose, arms, busted lips, pulled plugs of hair and Lily said he raped her.

What did you do? I spoked with him several times the last time I whooped him. This last time Lily was bad off she needed a doctor.

I told Caine if he ever lay hand to her again I'd would kill him myself. Did he ever hit her again Elder Chance? No ma'am. How long ago was this? Six month's.

Elder? Yes... do you believe Lily knew she was poisoning you? No I do not. Do you believe she knew what happened after the fact? Yes I do Counselor.

Why don't you believe she was a part of the poison plot Elder Chance?

He stared at Lily because she was the first woman to truly love me she would die before seeing me dead by her own hand.

When the Pharoah told us all it was Lily he saw pass you the poisoned cup what happened?

Lily tried to kill herself in her cell Counselor. How many night's ago Elder? Four ma'am. Thank you senior Elder Hollings.

I call Elder Blaise Malik Shabazz to the stand. Elder Shabazz Good afternoon please explain to the court your credentials.

I graduated from Mississippi high school with honors my patent's used all their saving's and sold their house with hope's I would buy them another so I could go to college.

Did you attend college? Yes Tuskegee Intitute I studied Psychiatry I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Psychiatry returning for my PhD in psychiatric care.

You are a Licensed Doctor in the state of Mississippi? Yes and Georgia. Upon reinvention of self which we're required to do every 85 year's I went back to medical school in Georgia graduating with the same degrees.

How did you come to meet with Elder Lily Roberson? Queen Gabriel called me the night Lily tried to kill herself. She asked I come see her for psychiatric evaluation to assist in her case.

May we ask what your findings are Doctor? Elder Roberson is a woman who has been battered for over 100 year's. Human's can't deal with batter for one lifetime she's dealt with it for two.

Over the decade's she's suffered 53 broken bone's, 223 black eye's, her 10 finger's broken twice each, she was forced upon more times then she can recall.

Not allowed to leave the house and enslaved by Caine once for one year straight.
This forced her to have underlining issues and problem's Chance was her savior to Lily a hero when something was horrible he was there.

When she thought she unintentionally killed the only man she ever loved her only protection the only man her husband feared she snapped thus the suicide attempt counselor.

Elder in your expert opinion would she intentionally harm Elder Chance Elder Blaise. No counselor she wouldn't.

What do you think is best sentencing wise? I'd say five year's under intense and direct psychiatric care combined with talk therapy the Pharoah may have to assist in memory removal to release her of some of the more horrible moment's but in time she'll recover.

In your expert opinion do you feel jail would be best? No Counselor this will exasperate the mental defect within her making matter's far worse. Thank you Elder.

Senior vampire attorney Hunter do you have questions? No Elder.

Great ones? I have a question Elder Niarchos the court acknowledges you. Why do battered women choose not to report such behavior Elder Blaise.

Great question battered women often feel they'll betray the person battering them, they are often forced into guilt when they want to leave or promised gift's and lies of it won't happen again. Being that these two are related makes the issue worse.

Love affairs between siblings has it's own issues however when coupled with abuse not only am I leaving my husband but I'm leaving my brother loosing two relationship's possibly three.

Three? Elijah is also their brother Lily feels they're close and he loves Caine more, therefore if she leaves Elder Elijah would leave her also. Thank you Elder Blaise. Does anyone have anymore questions? No one answered.

Hunter? Yes Pharaoh let us decide.

Lily Roberson you're charged with attempted murder and poisioning of an Elder.

Conspiring in the poisioning of an Elder, Lying when asked about knowledge.

We will wait until the Queen recover's to hear this case and that of Elder Caine Roberson the sentencing for both shall be on the same day.

Blaise called out to Caine brother Caine Blaise pushed his chin up the Elders followed including Clarence.

Blaise raised the black power fist, the Elders raised fists with him. Head's up Clarence called to him and Lily.

The court room was silent they had no idea why they were doing that or what it meant. The Elders knew the scroll writer's documented it while the sketch artist Gabriel hired continued with the epic sketch court's adjourned date pending.

Niarchos he followed Clarence to the door Elder Chance is to spend his last day's of freedom on house arrest do not lock him in a cell.

He's allowed to sleep with his wife and enjoy his property until his sentencing.

Yes great one. Jamaica went to free Chance. Clarence ran up the steps by two's while in his robe to see Gabriel the young vampire's looked as he and Niarchos ran to Gabriel wishing they had a man loving them that way.

Papa Gabriel is ok? She's sleeping Niarchos Zion gave her a sedative.

I told him not to give sedatives during a damn turn why doesn't he listen Savannah? The babies papa so they wouldn't be distressed.
I for got that Vannah. Calm down papa it's ok.

Gabriel told you about the babies? I saw it as soon as I saw her mama taught me medicine remember papa? I forgot. A medicine womans is alway's needed they don't kill medicine women.

They repeated together laughing Ann walked in. Savannah. Auntie Annie Savannah ran hugging her Gabriel's alright fever is breaking Ann rested her palm on her chest and neck.

Zion gave her a light antibiotic and sleep aid so the babies won't be distressed during the turn. Almost there Gabriel Ann rubbed her hand. Nicky? Who is that? Me Ann.

Where's Clarence?. He's coming honey we're going home he went to get Zion. Get me a tea Nicky. I'll be right back.

I want you to meet someone, Savannah stepped out from behind Ann, who's pretty little girl she's precious. Gabriel?

Yes Ann? This pretty little girl is 65 year's of age her name is Savannah she knelt.

Rise we spoke over the phone Great one. I remember. She reached her hand out for her look how wonderful you are so beautiful a black pretty doll.

Savannah blushed no one ever said that to me Great One. Gabriel has a way with word's a gift she can look into your soul say thing's you've never heard before wonderful thing's.

Savannah is also a medicine woman. Safinah and I taught her. Is that so? Yes great one.

What's wrong with me? Mabey we should wait for papa. We don't need to wait for your papa you may alway's speak free with me.

Ann gave Savannah's a nod you're turning again it happens for you in spurt's yes? Yes Savannah.

Today was just one of those day's. Thank you Gabriel squeezed her tiny hand.

Clarence walked in with tea. You met our daughter? Yes my love you never said she was so pretty honey. Savannah heard she was a sweetheart she was happy to see it was true. Nicky? Yes my Queen? I wanna go home. I'll go get the car Clarence picked her up carrying to the car the remaining vampire's kneeling when Clarence carried her past them. Vampire's stared at Savannah they heard about vampire children but thought they were stories.

Chance walked to Gabriel kissing her cheek thank you. For what? Everything. I told you it was going to be ok.

Hi Chance. Hi Savannah. I'm not a kid anymore. Savannah? Yes Chance? You want your husband to kill me? No Chance. I'm too old for you. How old is that? I'm 140 years old. I'm 65 Chance. Like I said to young. Savannah looked at Gabriel you can't blame a girl for trying.

They arrived home the arm's maker was waiting kneeling. Rise finished already? Gabriel asked. Yes Great one.

Nicky? Yes Great one? Please give this man $10,000 He handed Niarchos the box there's a special surprise for you my Queen. Thank you.

Niarchos left the box on her night stand. Bring me four nine glocks I'll load them in the morning. She went in the box handing Clarence his knife. He unsheathed the knife ir was inscribed for the fearless love Gabriel.

She handed Niarchos his knife he opened it you found me Love Liza. What does it say son? For a gentle giant love Gabriel.

Clarence drew a bath her rib cage area was bruised he didn't say anything to her rubbing her there. Does that hurt sugar? A little.

He took her out rubbed lotion on her she went to sleep Niarchos came with tea. She's out. No blood? No. Pop you have to make her drink. I'll have Zion run a blood line look. raising her top. What happened pop? Get Zion.

Clarence once again worried showed Zion it's fine the human is dying sometimes people bruise during a turn.

Niarchos? Yeah pop? Cancel all my appointments except signing paper work they have to come here i'm not leaving. Yes pop.

Gabriel woke at 4 a.m to a quiet house she walked to the kitchen made a cup of tea and sat outside on the porch watching the sunrise. It was beautiful she loved the smell she was on her phone reading the news as she relaxed on the porch swing.

Not 20 minutes passed her husband was at the closed door honey? Yes Clarence. You ok? Yes. How do you feel Sugar? Bettee sleepy some I'll be honey.

Her phone rang. Great one? Good morning do you have news? Clarence was eaves dropping.

You have a mole. Who? I don't know yet I'm trying to figure it out but they know Chance is going to jail.

Is Clarence still in danger? Yes Queen they want black gold and they mean to have it. You let them know my husband is a powerful vampire he has power's he dosen't share if they try anything thier families are at risk. I can't or I'll be exposed Queen.

If my husband's in danger Saint so are they I'll open Chance's jail cell. If anything happens to Clarence all hell will break loose. Great one? Yes Ssint? Do you know Caleb? Yes he's a good friend. Saint was happy can I meet him? You may hurt him. I'm human how can I hurt him Queen? When? Today 3 p.m? Sure See you then Queen.

Caleb it's Gabriel can you come over today at 3? There's someone I want you to meet. I don't know he wouldn't say just come see you soon. Gabriel walked in the bedroom. Who was that? The man from the hotel's coming he want's to meet Caleb you can talk to him to Clarence. On one condition Sugar. Yes?

You stay in bed, all day. Only if me you and Nicky watch 12 year's a slave. Alright agreeing begrudgingly. Niarchos walked in we will watch 12 year's a slave tonight son. I'm not.

You are she won't stay in bed. Pop I can't control my anger looking at slave movies what happened with roots? Did you tell her that? I forgot.

Gabriel look out that window. She went to the back window. Here. Clarence gave her binoculars they were Safinah's I don't need them anymore Clarence.

Smiling at the news look all the way into those trees Sugar see that Cadillac? How it's banged up and bent like it's been in an accident? Yes Clarence.

Niarchos did that after he saw roots she looked at Niarchos he shrugged his shoulder's sipping blood. Who's car was that? Mine Sugar. Why his car? Because he forced us to watch root's so I took it out in his Cadillac because I couldn't take it out on him.

Niarchos dragged the car out there by hand by the way. Did you get Clarence a new car? No Gabriel.

That may be your precious Rolls Royce and I'm not playing Niarchos was serious he looked at her eyes blazing mad. Look's like me and you daddy. Niarchos turned the newspaper ignoring her shock.

Alexa play I want you Marvin Gaye she called out. She grabbed Clarence's hand he twirled her 70s disco style. What you know about these dance steps young girl? Go get her pop make her love you!

Joan walked in Clarence grabbed Joan I can handle you both dancing with them.

Ok pop go on Gabriel took Niarchos hand he was light on his feet. I learned from the best pointing at Clarence pop's the black Fred Astaire ladies.

I use to watch him dance I met a black man who taught me to dance like him even though the steps are heavy we make it look you're on air.

Clarence danced with Joan winking at Gabriel he took her up dropped her then hyper-sped catching her before she touched the floor. Joan's scream made Zion come Clarence dissapeared taking Joan with him resurfacing in the kitchen.

Omg Clarence! Joan screamed gleefully Gabriel and Niarchos ran downstairs.
What happened Joan? Clarence took me with him Gabriel! Pop you can carry someone that's amazing!
Why are you here? Zion staring at Gabriel sternly. Niarchos carried her upstairs.

Niarchos lay her in bed kneeling he removed her engagement ring putting it in his mouth. Niarchos put her left finger in his mouth licking her finger your God is God kissing her hand Gabriel. Smiling I love you Nicky.

Viola walked in with Caleb and Savannah
Who want's to see me Viola? A man named Saint Great One. Saint? You know him Caleb? Rosemary said a man came to her bookstore asking for me by that name Gabriel.

Escort him up Viola please Clarence and Savannah with Gabriel Caleb sat in the other chair with Niarchos. Clarence baby get the man a chair he took his suit off the spare chair and bringing it over.

Hello Saint. Great Queen we meet again Gabriel shook his hand.

I'm sorry I'm on bed rest Saint. I understand. Caleb walked to him crying.

Mon Dieu cela ne peut pas être je regarde l'image de ma fille sous forme masculine. (My god I'm staring at my daughter's image)

c'est moi papa im back je vous ai trouvé! (It's me papa I'm back I found you!)

Saint du nom de ta femme ma mère ta fille a vu un prêtre vaudou lui a payé beaucoup d'argent pour qu'elle revienne dans trois générations quand c'était plus sûr pour les Noirs. quand je suis né, ma grand-mère m'a donné le nom de votre défunte épouse pour que vous sachiez qui je suis. ils espéraient que je serais une fille. ils m'ont donné son nom. je l'ai raccourci à Saint. j'étais taquiné à l'école pour avoir un nom de fille. Je m'appelle Saintina Montgomery. je suis votre arrière arrière arrière petit-fils ... votre fille Marie Elizabeth montgomery est revenue. (Saint named for your wife my mother your daughter saw a voodoo priest paid him big money for her to come back in three generations when it was safer for black people. When I was born my grandmother named me after your late wife so you'd know who I am. I cut it short to Sain I was named for her I am your great great great grandson your daughter Marie Elizabeth Montgomery returned)

Niarchos stepped on front of Caleb Quand vous êtes arrivé à l'hôtel, pourquoi n'avez-vous pas dit que vous étiez parent de Caleb? Vous avez mentionné les gens du pétrole, comment savez-vous cela? travaillez-vous pour eux?

(When you came to the hotel why didn't you say you were kin to Caleb? You mentioned the oil people how do you know about that? do you work for them?) Gabriel was shocked Niarchos knew French.

J'ai le don de la deuxième vue un troisième oeil je vois des choses et je les ai vues le prendre. (montrant Clarence) ils vont te prendre. Je vous en prie, ne dites pas qu'en face de ma femme, Clarence a ajouté qu'elle est ... Avec l'enfant ... Coupa Saint. Vous la bouleverserez terriblement. c'est vrai. Les visions peuvent être changées parfois mon petit-fils. Pas de papa, ils ne peuvent pas. J'ai fait ça plus longtemps que toi, oui, ils le peuvent. Tends tes mains.

(I have the gift of sight a third eye I see thing's and I saw them taking him. (pointing at Clarence) they're going to take you.

Please don't say that in front of my wife Clarence asked she's With child Saint. I know Great one. Saint cut in.

Vision's can change my Saintina. No papa Caleb they can't. Saint I've been doing this way longer then you hold out your hand's.

Niarchos drew his gun I'll kill you if you try anything I don't care who you are.

Caleb held Saint's hand's a vision of the past came he saw his daughter working use her savings before she died paying a voodoo man to bring her back.

Caleb also saw she tried to find vampire's to turn her but never had any luck finding anyone who would admit they were9 her gift of sight showed her they were. After her husband died and her children grew and were gone she paid $10,000 to bring her back to find her father.

He asked her how do you know it will work? Caleb's daughter said because you're they great Valenteen St. Hilaire. Yes I am he replied. Sacrificing a goat and three chicken's on all hollows eve his daughter died as part of his spell believing she would return when Caleb opened his eyes he hugged his daughter now his grandson.

Caleb crying how did you find me Saint? He pointed to the middle of his forehead the third eye he went into his bag Niarchos cocked his gun.

Range cette fichue chose avant de tuer mon petit-fils idiot! (put that damn thing away before you kill my grandson fool!) Saint pulled the stolen book my grandmother said you're alive as children we were made to remember the story of your escape.

Let us men go downstairs and drink to the occasion. We have a new member to welcome into family Clarence said cheerful. Caleb found his family!

You were so mad about the book being stolen Caleb look at the good that came from such an unscrupulous act Caleb let us celebrate old friend. Niarchos left Gabriel I'll be back.

Niarchos dosen't scare you Gabriel? No and he should not scare you I commanded him to never touch any of you when I heard the story I was upset I'm a school teacher.

So was my mother Safinah she didn't speak to papa for month's. She stayed with us three year's straight papa followed her to our house.

Mama didn't care she said you're the Pharoah you have the final say there was about 100 of us when Niarchos was done 43 remained.

He followed orders Savannah. I think he liked it. I don't think so when he talked about it he felt bad cause you were kids but an adult shouldn't be locked in a child's body it's cruel the person mentally grows but stuck inside of kid Vannah. I understand that part.

What about your husband vannah? He runs the coven he's like papa strict learning from papa all he knows. I'll have them make you all an official coven. You're serious Queen? Why not?

Papa gave us the mansion we're in we have human guardians they act as our parent's when we need or papa will come for a few month's per year handling what we can't because of looks but since a lot is on computer's we're lucky.

How did you all end up together vannah? Niarchos grabbed me and Malachi shot him with a sawed off shot gun Niarchos dropped me.

Malachi and I ran saving me from the monster as we called Niarchos they laughed.

It's time for your nap and blood Queen. I'm only allowed to drink from your papa or Niarchos. Let me guess papa said that he's controlling Malachi is the same way cause papa made him that way.

I know you're glad to get a break Savannah. You have no idea he keeps calling asking when I'm coming home when I get home! For real! Hehehe!

What's up with you and Chance Vannah? Queen that man us fine as hell Clarence walked in Vannah bye this baby's harassing again. Huh? One of the babies is a telepath when they're hungry they lock on Clarence nagging him to eat.

Hehehehe I'll be back. You watch love and hip hop? Heck yeah Vannsh. Ok we're on she exited the room.

Lay with me Clarence he lay down under the comforter with her she was slightly feverish but it wasn't as bad as yesterday. She cuddled resting on his large chest biting the side of his left wrist. Clarence where is Jupiter? He's outside bae he's a wild dog I'll call him after his bath.

Why does saint keep saying they wanna hurt you. Poly vous francis? Oui. How? I don't know... first I didnt understand then as he was speaking it around like english but it wasn't. He looked at her. One of the babies is translating from my head so you will understand..when people speak to me in other languages I break it down in english then I answer. So when I do that he must be letting you know what's being said. God. That one is going to be a powerful telepath.

Clarence went back down to talk with Caleb saint & Niarchos

What u doing?

Thinking of you


Yes of course I love you

Where is the pool?

How did you know I have a pool

Is it ready?

It ain't been swam in since the 60s after liza passed I let it go. I had it put in for her in the 40s beautiful ornate

Take me to see it tomorrow

You can't leave the house besides it's got rocks and leaves it needs to be restored

I want my pool back Puddin I knew there was one I could feel it had a dream I was on your back in it you were dunking me midnight swim. That happened Gabriel you remember that?
Yes I want my pool back Nicky for the babies to take swim lessons. Anything you want my baby.
Thank you y'all drinkin? Yeah ma.

Gabriel fell asleep when she woke it was dark Clarence was drunk on the bedroom floor she looked at her phone. It was 2:43. She could smell the tox on him. Baby... Clarence? Daddy? Come on. He stood up rubbing her up.. no sex. You heard what they said. I'll do it soft. Ain't no such thing he pulled her panties down, no she tried to pull away, Daddy please... you know I can't say no. Please. Let me suck your pussy. What? She was giggling. Let me suck it that's all.

He lay flat on the floor. Sit on my face. What's wrong with you? Gabriel.. ride my fucking face Now... she stood over him, how? I never did it like this? Ms freak? Hahahah. Shhhh your too loud! Sorryyyyy. Oh my God you are fucked up on that Tox blood.

She turned backward sitting on his chest. Come up... back up babe. His dic was rock hard In her face she was about to hop on it when he slipped his tounge inside of her.

Moving her hips up and down, not up and down he whispered back and he guided her strides.. taking his suggestion keeping his tounge out, she rode his face her clit rubbing the stubble on his face. Gabriel giggled this is why I'm pregnant Clarence. You're pregnant because we love each other so much that love created babies.

Working his magic on her outter pussy lips gliding to the lips he sucked slured every drop.

Cum in my mouth you love me Gabriel? Yes Clarence. Then cum in my mouth grabbing her waist pulling her to meet his tongue licking faster as she rode his face.

His beard scratching her clit busting creamy cum in his mouth rivers flowed down his cheeks and neck.

Clarence picked her up entering her no Daddy you know the slut in me can't deny you please Clarence. Gabriel panted trying to keep a vampire at bay.

Clarence pulled her closed popping his fangs licking her cheek Gabriel slapped him the babies daddy kissing him holding his throat.

Clarence breathed labored Gabriel raised her wrist to his mouth he fed slipping in his tip in her silky wetness stroking the head rubbing it on her creamy pussy.

Gabriel grabbed her tits sucking her own nipples licking them to make him cum faster so he wouldn't be tempted to push in her. She held his stomach with her palm keeping him from thrusting all the way in.

Damn Clarence biting into her shoulde he let his hot nut go inside of her.

Pulling her up pushing her on the night stand face down he was about to penetrate analy.

Gabriel stood up he pushed her back down knowing he was drunk daddy my stomach it's hurting on this table.

She didn't want anal sex from him that way she knew he would hurt her by mistake. When would let him in she wanted to wait until her wedding night she never let a man penetrate analy and wanted to gift it to him on her night since she wasn't a virgin.

You're already married so let me in woman. Get out of my head Clarence. Sorry you forgive me Gabriel? It was an accident I do you ruined my sexual surprise Clarence hitting him playfully.

Come helping him to bed let's lay down soon as Clarence's head hit the pillow he fell fast asleep.

Gabriel's phone buzzed who is this so early jesus Hello? Put Clarence on. Who's this? Put Clarence on now bitch. Who the fuck do you think you're speaking too? Gabriel didn't recognize the number he don't love you not like he loved his first wife and definitely not like he loves me.

Guess what bitch? He was inside of me deep inside three times before you caught us. Gabriel placed her record app on Niarchos added to her phone.

Clarence me good before you walked in he lied to you Heheheh you're a fool if you think he'll be faithful q damn fool.

Have you been drinking Lee? What if I have bitch? That tox blood got you talking reckless bitch you better go sober up before I make sure you walk out the deal with nothing.

Hehehe Bitch! I have money you're not serious? I got money longer than choo choo smoke boo!

What the fuck do I need Clarence's money for? I don't want the money that's too easy for him no gonna need the vampire.

Guess what Queen? What Lee? I don't have to sign my concubine dissolution agreement Clarence can't make me.

Is that so Lee? I'm never letting that fine ass vampire nigga go and
you're never going to fully have him just for being a bitch to me Gabriel.

When you suck his dick you suck my pussy when you kiss him can you taste me Queen? I don't know cause I eat fish bitch. You're cute Queen.

Guess what? I'm going to make sure my husband handles you real good you can't have him clown he's mine hook line & sinker.

I guess we're gonna find out who's pussy is sweeter Lee may the best bitch win hoe.

Gabriel hung up shaking enraged and her fangs exposed she stood pacing punching her fist through the brick wall of the house.

Gabriel forced herself to calm down drinking the rest of Clarence's tox she needed to calm down it wasn't working.

Wrapping her hair she went for her rolls Royce taking it for a drive when she got to the gate open it. Yes Great one she went for a long drive to clear her head.

As soon as the sun came up she felt like she was gonna faint Gabriel started throwing up she pulled into a cheap motel she didn't know where she was but had cash on her.

Using her human identification she checked in. The room wasn't bad she was hot, hungry, and faint.

The sun weakened her Gabriel started to cry hysterically because she was loosing ability to day walk.

It made her cry she didn't care about the rest but to loose the light was too much to bare. Gabriel put her hand on a stream of light coming through the drive up motel window. It didn't burn but her entire hand was in pain this caused her to lay down crying non stop.

Gabled for her phone it was dead she didn't have a charger the car was an vintage so she had no lighter port to charge it in.

Gabriel felt like she was gonna die she needed food or blood or something she craved blood and had none when the babies wanted blood they harassed Clarence till they got it and food just would not due.

Clarence tried to communicate with Gabriel and couldn't he knew the babies were blocking him. It was 3 o'clock noon she needed tea but couldn't get it she called the front desk.

Hello Ms. It's room 14 sorry to bother you do you have a tea bag like a camomile? I have melatonin something to help customer's sleep we get so many people asking. Thank you can you bring it I'm pregnant and worn out from the long drive. Of course honey a few moment's later there was a knock the maid dropped the tea with honey pack's.

My mom said babies don't need sugar sorry she's bossy that way.

No worries she made Gabriel smile reminded her of her younger self. Gabriel drank the tea knowing Clarence was gonna get through.

Was she upset about what lee said? Of course this is not the first time a bitch challenged her but it's been non stop since Clarence announced their relationship honestly she was tired of the company threats and female challenger's.

I'm going to be a mama soon I can't do this she tought there was no way Clarence would free her he loved her too much. Cold feet? Do I love Nicky more? She smiled at the thought of spending her life with Niarchos.

It seemed like way less drama then being the wife of the king of vampire's although it had its perk's.

Do I love Clarence? Of course you do girl so stop, answering herself. I don't like the drama I'm not a drama Queen.

Will she have to fight all her life? Gabriel grabbed her purse she had Safinah's diary opening it.

June 13th 1921

I'm getting old. I look at my reflection and wonder where the beautiful young woman went. Sometimes I wish I'd become vampire if I had I would never see my mother again and god know's I miss my mother.

I can't remember her face or voice I know she loved me I do know that. I look at my beautiful husband he remains young while I go from his young bride to people asking if I'm his mother soon they'll ask if I'm his grandmother.

I see young women flirt with him because they think I'm his mama. He ignores them which is why I love him I wonder does he notice my getting old? My beauty fading which seems to be rapidly. The realty of him burying his wife has it set in? So many children vampire and human my one life's regret is we could not have our own children.

What beautiful ones we would have made I pray he get's a good wife who loves him. I'm going to start writing passages to her and leave these book's with Ann she will need to understand him how he work's mentally. Clarence can be hard to deal with and easy to love she will need guidance. I'll make sure she has it.

June 30 1921

I said I would start writing to the future wife here it goes. Hello my name is Safinah if you are marrying my husband now your husband you should know how he is at least some of it.

Some you will need to find out on your own I hope you will learn about me and if I know everyone they're making me to be a patron saint. I'm letting you know I'm far from it as you will find out from these book's. I can tell you that you married or are marrying a good man. He think's when I saw him naked in a barn I'm sure you heard that one he said I was staring at him.

I was he was big down there I'd never seen one that size I'm laughing that I wrote that however he had a good spirit he had kindness in his face and eyes.

Clarence would give us old dresses the master tossed or old curtains, drapes or table scraps. When massa Alex take him to that apple orchard I swear he'd bring apples to last a week's how he carried them we still trying to figure it out. I say this to say the man we love will give you the shirt off his back.

For you he will kill because I seen him do it. that's all for your first lesson he's calling so I have to go.


The letter and tea calmed her all the way down especially the thought's of her leaving because of the drama she fell asleep with the babies. When she woke up it was 8:45 p.m there was knock on the door Gabriel looked out the window it was Clarence. Can I come in Gabriel?

The motel chicks were watching from the courtyard women cat calling him for prostitution men offering drug's.

His wife was sleep in a den of iniquity Clarence came alone even though Niarchos was climbing the wall's driving him insane worse then their hungry babies.

Clarence held up a cooler yeah Ms you order door dasher? Gabriel smiled happy to see him when he opened the door she hugged and kissed him.

Whoah what's wrong sugar I went for a drive I was coming back then sun rose made me sick.

I was extremely upset about losing light it's like going blind you know your going to loose sight ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

I was hysterical Clarence. I know. the baby let me hear you he knew you were in trouble so he let me hear you crying and you craving blood.

Gabriel drank four 16oz. Bottles you ready to come home my live? I like it here. Ok Gabriel we stay.

Clarence? yes sugar? Did you have sex with Lee? Were you inside of her? He looked down why are you asking me that? Can you answer please? I'll answer when we get home we've been over it Gabriel.

Gabriel stared at him you said you didn't did you? No Sugar. Clarence gave her a charger her phone chimed from being of all day.

Gabriel looked at texts Lee sent

nd a video of him feeding from her which she knew.

As the video went on it showed her getting up inserting him inside of her Clarence was fading in and out the video so was Lee.

This went on three time as she said all the thing's he lied about on video.

Gabriel handed Clarence the phone he looked at the video angry and embarrassed. Gabriel snatched her phone Nicky come get me please we are going to the cabin.

Bring my clothes and enough blood and vitamins I'm not marrying a liar Lee sent me a video I'll show you when I see you please hurry.

He's sitting right here Niarchos I don't want to be with him so just come that's all I can't leave the rolls here we gotta drive up before sunrise hurry.

Gabriel turned her back in tears she was heart broken why did you lie? Don't touch me Clarence I'm not marrying you now or never everyone think's you're good you're a bad man a very bad man.

I'm seeing about an abortion I don't want you or your babies. Don't say that Gabriel he was crying I don't want them and I don't want anything from you but for you to set me free.

If I have your children I'll never be free of you I want you to leave me alone wipe my memories of you clean so I can be happy again.

Clarence didn't know what to say or do all he knew is he was infuriated.

Clarence left the motel after Niarchos arrived and went to the cabin where the attorney's stayed during trial.

Clarence entered a relaxed atmosphere they were sipped tox and listened to music when they saw Clarence they kneeled music ceasing.

Clarence was blind with rage he walked to Lee she tried to run it was the wrong move.

Clarence hyper sped cutting her off grabbing Lee's throat raising her fifteen feet off the floor.

Lee called the savage out of him Clarence tossed Lee across the room against the brick chimney cracking it.

No one dare move tearing her blouse and bra away Clarence bit her using all four fang's the blood drip was serious at the rate he drank she'd be dead in less then five minutes.

Pop! Grip was in jeans no top with Sunday behind him in a sheet.

Pop drop her you can't kill her Lily and Caine please. Still gulping Lee's blood her pulse fading fast Pop she's dying! Lee struggled to free herself she was completely powerless.

Clarence held her by her hair floating them mid air all the attorney's looked up watching her die doing nothing including Jackie and Hunter.

Lee's blood dripping on them rapid as rain making a blood mess everywhere.

POP! Grip called from the floor up to him Papa look at me it's Tavarus pop don't kill her Caine need's her papa!

Clarence shot a angry look at Grip as if he recognized his own son but not. Clarence's eye's a rage filled blaze mouth wet with rich red blood Clarence was focused on her angry, enraged infuriated, uncontrollable.

Slapping her unconscious Clarence broke her cheek bone speaking with her aloud for all to hear if you contact my wife again I won't be nice the next time.

You better pray to whatever god you serve she doesn't kill my babies if she does they'll hear you scream in terror and agony in Canada as I flay your skin from your body by the square inch with that he slammed her to the floor below.

MOVE! MOVE! Grip yelled vampire's scattered as fast as they could.

The wood floor broke her fall Clarence went to her purse taking her phone he was blood drenched Lee's blood in his mouth shirt Jean's and hair.

Grip walked over real slow and easy come papa let's go home he touched Clarence's back escorting him out to the Limosine half dressed himself.

Sunday ran up to hand him his clothes and phone Clarence jumped thinking it was Lee Grip blocked Clarence taking the push meant for Sunday.

Pop Grip called from the cabin after being pushed through an oak door papa get in the car I'm coming.

Its ok y'all he's blind with rage's he's our king he get's savage like this from time to time.

The women were trembling fearful the men respected him even more I'll call you Sunday Grip pecked her running to join his father.

By the time Clarence got home Niarchos was gone he had to get Gabriel to his cabin before sunrise.

Niarchos rode his bike escorting her to the cabin. He strapped on as many of her thing's as he could.

What now? He thought.

What now?

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