Life's Just A Game

By ShandraGuptaHAHAH

59.9K 1.6K 665

The world has been corrupted. A man who experienced it first-hand vowed to cure it. Even if he has to become... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 16

1K 39 8
By ShandraGuptaHAHAH

[Normal P.O.V]

Silence hung in the air like the suspended moment before a falling shard of glass shatters on the floor. Not even a single breath could be heard. The words of Shatter hit them like a pile of bricks. The gravity of the shock left them in a frozen state.

Shatter must've noticed the shock. He then cleared his throat, breaking the silence in a snap.

"Is there a problem?" He asked. "Clearly, there's some kind of confusion?"

"Of course there is..." A voice muttered.

Shatter glanced at the source, nodding at him to continue. Thuggory pushed through the other graduates, stepping in front. His large frame helped him bump his way to the front with ease.

"Are you underestimating us? I understand if you're asking us to beat him completely. But to ask us to place a single scratch on him as if it's impossible?! You're fucking unbelievable!" He snapped. But Shatter seemed unfazed.

"I'm not underestimating you." Shatter replied calmly. "In fact, I think I'm overestimating you."

"What?" Visible confusion seen on Thuggory's face. And not just him. All the other graduates are as shocked and confused as him.

"I know Night Fury. And I'm pretty sure you won't last five minutes in a fight, let alone leave a scratch on him. But, there's a small chance. And I want you to take it." Shatter said, a collected look on his face.

Once again, silence fell over the young recruits. None of them could believe it. Is Night Fury that strong?

"Now, the exam will take place early in the morning at 0700. Be at the fifth floor, battle chamber." Shatter continued. "Bring your desired weapon of choice. Anything is allowed as long as you can wield it "

The battle chamber is part of the fifth floor. It's a large open-spaced room, with racks of weapons, multiples drones, and battle dummies. But since it's their final exam, there will be none of these things.

Astrid pondered for a moment. All this was just too much. Eleven people against one? You must at least leave a scratch on him? What in Helheim is Night Fury?

Questions swirled along Astrid's head. But all of them will be answered tommorow. She has to wait.

"Alright, it's already late. Get some sleep."

And with that, Shatter left the assembly room along with Night Fury, leaving the graduates all alone.

"So, what now?" Travis remarked.

"An all-for-one fight against Night Fury. Do you think we should come up with a strategy?" One of the other graduates, Kai Sotto, suggested.

"Not a bad idea." Eret remarked.

"Let's head over to the Bench." Finn said.

"You guys go on ahead. I'll head off to sleep." Astrid said as she turned around to leave.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Maisie Thorn called out.

Then, that's when the Hofferson temper came out.

"Didn't I say it earlier? I said I'm going to bed. Or are your ears so small that you can't hear simple words?" Astrid Hofferson sneered.

Anger flashed across Maisie's face. Her blood-red hair matching her furious eyes. She stepped forward, ready to argue. But luckily, Racquel blocked her with her arm, stopping Maisie from doing anything rash.

"Sure, Astrid. Go on. We'll just lay the plan on you tomorrow." Racquel nodded at her.

Once Astrid left the room, Maisie slapped Racquel's arm away. She glared at the Thorston girl with daggers.

"What the fuck was that for?!" She yelled.

Racquel scoffed, annoyed at the red-head.

"Believe me, Red. You don't want to be at the end of Astrid's temper." She replied, rolling her eyes. "That girl has been through a lot. Better cut her some slack."

Maise rolled her eyes but kept her mouth shut, not daring to argue.

"So, do we aim for the balls or what?"

"Tristan, one more word out of you, I'll shove your head up in a yak's ass!"

"Try me, Bride of Grendel!"

And just like that, a small scuffle started between the Thorston twins whilst the others try to break them apart.


Astrid continued walking down the hallway. Though it was already dark outside, the hallways has built-in lights along the walls, lighting it up.

She couldn't shake off that feeling. That feeling that she's going to fail. That all of them are going to fail. She saw the look in Night Fury's eyes. It was the look of a man thirsting for blood. That's when she knew, they have no chance.

'Why does he want us to fail so badly?' She thought.

Astrid was so deep in thought that she didn't notice the large man walking beside her. Walking on a peg leg, the man twirled his moustache with his prosthetic, wondering what the blonde girl beside her is thinking about.

"Lass, don't ye think you already passed the exit?" He decided to ask.

Surprised with the sudden voice, Astrid jolted, whipping her head towards the man.

"Wha- what?" She spluttered. Then she looked around her. She was already at the break room, the place where the power core of the Drakos facility is placed. It's also where the blacksmith of the weapons and tech, Gerald, is stationed.

"Oh, Gerald. I'm sorry. I was just thinking." Astrid blushed, embarrassed.

"Lass, I know ye. Ye don't just think out of the blue. Something musta happened." Gerald replied with a warm smile.

Astrid easily became friends with the old head. After all, she sometimes spends her time helping Gerald with the work at the power core. She easily picked up the basics and was able to cool the core after only an hour.

And, as a bonus, he was also the person she could open up with. She already shared with him the death of her parents, her uncle, and most importantly, her encounters with Night Fury. Somehow, he thoroughly enjoyed her Night Fury encounters.

Astrid sighed. She already knew where this is coming.

"Okay, fine. You got me. It's about Night Fury." She confessed.

Gerald arched an eyebrow. "Told him yer feelings haven't ye?"

A blush burned her cheeks like a hot oven. Widening her eyes, she immediately retaliated.

"What?! No, no, no, no." She said, but her blush on her cheek only gotten redder.

Gerald let out a hearty laugh, already knowing about the girl's interest with Night Fury.

"Just playin' with ye. So, what about him?" He asked.

The blush on her cheeks was slowly fading, but she replied anyway. "It's just that... I always get this feeling that he wants us to fail."

"Go on." Gerald motioned for her to continue.

"He always looks at us with this expression as if he wants to kill us."

"He always has that look."

"And that infuriating mask. Makes it even harder to read him."

"As if he wants ye to read him."

"And where did he learn to fight like that? I'm one of the best warriors in my city but I couldn't even land a hit on him for the past two years!"

"Beats me."

Annoyed with Gerald's comments, she glared at the old blacksmith, who just grinned in return. Then an idea popped in her head.

"Hey, Gerald. You seem to know a lot about Night Fury. Care to share some info about his past?" She asked.

The smile on Gerald's face suddenly vanished. A solemn look instead replaced it. Astrid noticed this, thinking she struck a cord.

"Uhh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

"Nah, that's not it, lass. I just remembered a horrible memory." Gerald sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with his prosthetic hand brush. Astrid just kept silent, not wanting to continue. But then Gerald looked up at her, and said, "Listen, Astrid. Ahm going to tell ye something 'dat Fury only trusted me with."

"What? Why are you going to tell me?" Astrid questioned, confused.

"Because, Night Fury trusts ye. And before ye ask," He said, seeing Astrid was about to. "All the stories that ye shared wit' me, I have never seen Fury like 'dat before."

Astrid was silent for a while. Night Fury trusts her. That was something new. Also another problem. Why does he trust her? Maybe if she knows more, she'll find out.

"Alright, tell me." She decided.

Gerald stroked his moustache with his prosthetic, sighing.

"He used ta' be an innocent and bright lad. Likes ta’ invent. Talk about dragons. He was a handsome lad as well. Bet he could've stole yer heart." Astrid once again blushed at this. "But one incident changed all that."

"What happened?" Astrid asked.

"Do ye know Alvin the Treacherous?"

Astrid remembered the stories her uncle told her. About Alvin the Treacherous, the leader of the infamous mafia, Outcasts. There was even a theory that he was behind the 9/11 incident. In short, he's a very dangerous guy. But for the past years, she hasn't heard any activity from him. People thought he was hiding underground, waiting for a chance to come out. While others think he's already dead. But the important thing is, he won't be trouble for a while.

"Yeah, my uncle told me about lots of times. Why?"

Anger flashed across Gerald's face. "That man is why Night Fury is what he is ta'day. He kidnapped and tortured him for information. And the boy was only 17 at that time! Ye can't even imagine all the horrible things he did."

A shiver ran down Astrid's spine. How cruel would you have to be to torture a 17-year old?

"When we arrived, we were too late." Gerald said, a crestfallen look on his face.

"What happened to him?" Curiosity had Astrid's attention.

"Exactly. No one knows what happened. But we walked into a bloodbath. The walls were painted with blood, bodies sprawled all over the floors. Not a single one survived. Each body was like it was butchered." He said, a look of horror etched on his face. "We find Night Fury by himself, standing over a headless Alvin. His face and hands smeared in blood. And tha' look on his face. Pure terror. As if he didn't know what he just did."

"We took him in, gave him some proper clothes, let him rest. When he woke up, the lad was like a zombie. Alive, but dead at the same time. He told us that he remembers everything. Every detail. But the poor lad won't tell us."

"Then Shatter talked to him. Never knew what he told the lad. But after that, the lad was trainin' like hell. Won't even stop to rest. That's when he wore the mask. Naturally, he climbed up the ranks. Beating every agent we had with ease. He nearly killed Shatter one time."

"Until now, only a few could remember his face. I, myself could barely remember it. But, I really think ye could change him."

Astrid suddenly snapped out of her train of thought, whipping her head towards Gerald. "What?"

"In years, this is the first time I saw him at least show some emotion. I want the old Ha-... Night Fury back. And I really think you could do it." Gerald smiled, covering his mistake.

Astird thought about it for a second. She could change Night Fury? Unbelievable, but possible. Night Fury had been showing a few signs of humanity. Like, anger towards Astrid. Frustration towards Astrid. Rage towards Astrid.

Yup. She could do it. Astrid faced Gerald with a warm smile. Once he saw this, the old blacksmith reciprocated it.

"Thanks, lass. Now, ye must get some sleep. You have a date with the dark horse early tomorrow." He ushered her outside the break room.

Astrid rolled her eyes in response. "If you call massacring us a date, then sure. Thanks again, Gerald."

"No need to thank me. Need to get that ol' thing off me chest. And please, call me Gobber."

Raising an eyebrow, she repeated, "Gobber?"

"Don't ask. Long story. Hurry up, and get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." Gerald waved goodbye.

Waving back, she walked back the hallway, trying to find the exit. Once she was out of sight, Gerald sighed. He already sensed him but he continued anyway.

"If yer going to get angry, be angry at me. Not the girl." He said out loud, his voice echoing through the empty hallway.

The sound of footsteps began approaching him. A vague silhouette appeared in the dark hall.

"I'm not mad, Gobber. I trust you that you won't say anything." A nasally voice replied.

Gerald gulped. Though he was older than him, the man still gave him the shivers. The coldness in his voice was like a brand new knife. "Why won't ye tell the lass the truth?"

"It's better if she doesn't know. A harmless illusion is better than a painful truth." The figure replied simply.

"Does that mean even failing her at the final exam?" Gerald said vigorously.

Stepping into the light, the figure revealed himself. Dressed in a black long-sleeved tunic, emphasising his lean and defined muscles. His grey slacks were wrinkled from his patrol, along with his worn-out boots. His sheathed sword was safely strapped to his waist, along with an empty gun holster.

His long auburn hair fell down his face, nearly covering his eyes. Faded freckles were sprinkled along his cheeks like stars. The defined jaw, and the stubble on his chin only showed his maturity. His eyes show no emotion, a swirl of green emptiness lingered across them. It's as if his old self melted away along with his conscience, and soul. He studied Gerald with his emerald-green eyes, a smile growing on his face. But his eyes didn't match the smile on his lips.

"I'm just trying to show her the real world." His voice as hollow as a cave.

"I know what ye tryin' ta' do. Yer getting revenge. For not helpin' ye when ye got kidnapped!" Gerald said, raising his voice. The smile on the figure's face fell, his eyes hardening.

"Tell me, Hayden. What. Is. Yer. Intention?!"

"Shut up, Gobber." He snapped.

His voice was quiet but deadly and cold all the same. Gerald knew that, and shut his mouth immediately.

"I care for her, Gobber. That's why I want her to fail. I don't want her to experience what I experienced. It pains me to even see her here. Do you think I want her out there?" Hayden said lowly, his voice cracking. "I've experienced a lot of shit over the years and every single day, I bitch about it. Acting like some hardass bastard. When every day, I want to break down and lash out! Do you want her to experience the same thing?!"

"When I saw her, Gobber. I didn't know what to do." He lowered his head, his voice barely a whisper. "I wanted to cry and hug her. I wanted to yell at her for being here. I want to rejoice after not seeing her for years. But it was too much." Tears began falling down his face.

Gerald gazed at the young man with gentleness. This is the first time he was opening up to him, showing feeling and emotions. It broke his heart to see him like this.

"I love her, Gobber. I love her so much." Showing his heartbroken smile, he lifts up his face. His eyes dripped with tears. His walls that held him up, made him an emotionless and lifeless monster just... collapsed. Moment by moment, they fell down his shirt, drenching it. If there was any emotion left in him, he certainly poured them out in his words. "That's why it's better if she stops looking for me. Because she'll only get hurt, once she finds out that Hayden Haddock is..."

...already dead.

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