Vampire Uprising I (Book 1 I...

By BlkQween

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👑✅ Black Vampire king & His BBW vampire Queen. The hood made of burlap was stifling, causing discomfort. Wit... More

Damn This Heat!
I'm In Love
The Turn
If I Can't Have You
Bloody Tracks
Forget Me Not
Welcome Home Pharoah
Birth of a Queen
The Engagement Party
Troubled waters
When River's Run Red
Kill Him!
Joan & Zion
Meet your maker
Let the games begin!
Lets get it started
Keep ya head up!
Pharaoh Origin
Blood Ties
Prodigal Sons
Forbidden Fruit
Bathe in blood
One more Chance
Love is serious business
Hook Line & Sinker
Strike It Rich $
Control your savage
The devil's in the detail
Shit just got real
Red Handed
Skeletons in the closet
Heads will roll
Throw the book at her
Poison Plot
Side chick slick
Old Friend
First impressions
Blood Rain
Sunday kind of love
30 Day's
Murder she wrote
Tempo Slow
Niarchos Origin
Sex Room XXX
Death Reading##
Family reunion#
This Bitch! #
Here comes the bride ##
Taken ##
Silver Bullet ##
Daddy's home ##
Gold Skeleton Key #
Unfaithful ##
Confession ##
Bread Crumbs##
Bounty #
Covet #
Banking on it ##
Gone with the wind

Twin Oaks the return

290 28 12
By BlkQween

Chapter 29
Twin Oak's The Return

Lucky Las Vegas! Niarchos and Mara's entered Chance's hotel.

Elder Niarchos, It's a pleasure will you stay? No I'm flying out this evening John. Can we get you anything Elder? I'm good John thank's.

Mara's room was cozy Vampire's are whispering Elder. Let them whisper ma.

I never asked Mara who made you? Elder Chance. That's a honor.

I see that now when vampire's hear you're Elder made it's a big deal why Niarchos?

Makes you stronger then one who wasn't bae. How so?

You never fed from an Elder Mara? Only when Chance turned me. Niarchos cut his wrist Mara accepted his blood offering.

Moving his wrist from her mouth how do you feel babe? Super energetic, like I can fly jogging in place.

You're crazy. I'm serious Elder. Ok Mara sit, close your eyes, focus think on me what do you see? A map leading me to you. I can do the same with you once I drink your blood bae. Drink then Elder. Exposing his fangs. Man they're sharp and long. They get that way as you grow older.

Who made you Niarchos? Pharoah. Were you scared? I was unconcious got into it with the slave owner the Pharoah saved me.
How were you turned Mara?
She looked down in shame. You ain't gotta share sometimes a vampire's turn is personal babe.
I trust you.

I tried to push up on Chance. Haha Chance dosen't like big girl's. Yes he does Niarchos. How you know?
You can't tell. I won't.

I let him feed when I was human it's was sexy to me Elder. How did you meet? I saw him and said you're the finest man I've ever layed my eyes on.

I was nineteen, that was true until I saw you kissing his cheek I asked him to make me a vampire, he declined.

Chance spent a night we started having sex regularly.

The african American high rollers of vegas are well known, especially him because Chance can't be beaten.

One night he came over to my place, he was at the game table six day's. Drunk he said he needed blood to get straight, of course I gave it to him.

I was laying on the bed Chance cuddled and fed from me nothing unusual he held me so tight I started getting light headed.

Oh god. Chance kept drinking I tried wiggling away. I screamed my life was leaving me. When I woke I was in Chance's suite and he was next to me.

He explained he was drunk and not in control of his senses. I thought it was the next day. Chance explained he had to turn me or I was going to die.

He gave me this room, a job paying good and he never touched me again.

One day a scroll writer called asking how I was turned, Chance told me to make something up, so I did.

Wait Chance altered a scroll? When the writer's called Chance told you to lie? I wasn't supposed to Niarchos? Hell no bae, the scrolls are legal document's a part of who we are.

No one is allowed to lie on a scroll you'll have to do it over.

Chance told me not to he's my maker I can't defy him.

We'll see about that. Niarchos baby? You promised.

Mara he made you lie on a legal document there is more going on with Chance then you know. As an Elder I have to report it.

Niarchos please
she unzipped her hoodie exposing her neck. You ain't learn your lesson? She laughed hard laying down.

He got on top of her legs open biting into her jugular, she squeezed his arms. You ok bae? His deep voice whispered in her ear. She trembled nervously he drank ten minutes, her blood wasn't rich or sweet like Gabriel's.

Chance is gonna be livid when he finds out I'm dating you. We've been done for year's. Chance he can be possessive.

Your not Elder? I can be it's worse cause we're vampire's.

We own women they're like our property we'd never say that shit aloud but that's how it is, once claimed you belong to that vampire.

If you claim me? If no vampire challenges me Mara you're mine.

What if you're challenged? He has to prove you're his on paper. She stared at him. What? I signed some stuff.

Did Chance explain what you signed in front of a witness? No Niarchos. Did he give copies? I have something handing Niarchos a document.

It's a coven agreement vampire's get this once they're turned so they're clear who they answer to and who's collecting tax on behalf of the Pharaoh.

Where's the rest Mara? Chance didn't give it to me. If you signed Chance had ten day's to file, if he missed the file date his hold is void.

Nice bracelet Niarchos. Thank's Queen Gabriel gave it to me. Are you her guard? Elders can't be royal guard's and run coven's too, Mara Elder is old I need nap. Haha yes Elder kissing his forehead.

Stretch the blanket on the floor, Niarchos no! You can't sleep on the floor. Mara stretch it and lay next to me please. Ching, his phone rang. He text

Hi Gabriel. Wyd?
Laying on the floor with Mara bed too small.
Is your bed big?
H-U-G-E and a custom made hot tub. Well I'll find out soon Nicky. What do you mean?

Niarchos' phone rang my dad is there? Give him his old bedroom and he gets anything he asks for Viola.

Please bring Queen Gabriel a hot cup of tea with fresh honey three times per day, you Viola not the other's. Yes Elder.

I love it here Nicky. Wait till I show you the bees. Can't wait we'll go for a stroll you can show me the property.

Stroll on one hundred acres my Queen?
Get the horse and buggy do you still have one?
Yes ma'am. See you soon Nicky.

Can we nap Mara? She lay her head on his chest falling into a deep sleep.

He awoke his plane leaving in an hour. Kissing her forehead he freshened up quietly leaving her room.

Dear Mara;

You were sleep I didn't want to wake you. My plane leaves in a hour, I hate good byes. Call me when you wake.
Go to the gift shop hope you like it.


Mara walked to the gift shop, her bestie ran up to her girl! You're the buzz in the coven shop lifting a Elder. All the vampress' are jealous he's fine!

They got to the gift shop, hi I'm Mara. Elder Niarchos asked you have this. Thanks.

Girl it's Tiffany a diamond bangle. It's gorgeous Mara the Elders feeling you.

If Niarchos could pace on the plane he would've, he was anxious to get to Gabriel.

As soon as the plane cleared the runway he ran to the hanger, strapped his helmet speeding off eating the road in fourty minutes.

Gabriel heard his bike grinding the gravel grinning.
Your other husband's home Clarence teased.

Niarchos knocked on the bedroom door. Gabriel ran opening it. He picked her up swinging her.

Y'all act like it's been year's. He's miserable. Pop what's wrong? Niarchos hugged his father.

Gabriel please get me an ice water. Okay Daddy I'll be back.

Clarence sat up on the bed staring as tears rolled, that's where your mother and I spent our wedding night in that corner on the floor.

There is where she confessed her love, there is where her vanity sat with the jewels I gifted her. There is where she cried the day Isabel died.

Niarchos noticed the table, chair's and marble coffee table. Accented with a red moraccan lamp set in the corner.

Papa It's ok. Clarence walked to the fire place pulling his mother's Winchester rifle down from the chimney.

Thank you pop, I was going crazy looking for it.
MWhat other hiding spot's are in the house pop?

Clarence stomped on the floor by the window the floor popped.

Nick reached in the hole. Pop, thank you. I left them in case you remarried. Mama's ring's oh man.

Those were the second set I buried her with the first. Will you visit her while you're here? Of course she'd kill me if I didn't.

We've a long day tomorrow, get your gun's ready God only know's what were gonna run into Elijah and Grip are sleeping at Chance's house to see what they can find out.

How is Chance? Zion gave him the powder three hours ago we'll see if he's less aggressive.
Zion's working on a vaccine Niarchos.
Go with Gabriel your anxiety is killing me son.
Tell her to bring the ice water please.

Niarchos went to the kitchen pop said take his water Gabriel meet me on the porch when you're done.

Clarence? I have your ice water you feel ok? Yes sugar do you want to see where I was made? Sure.

The apple orchard they aren't far, but they have snakes, I don't want you bitten we can drive by.

You own that land too? Yes Sugar. Who stays in the house daddy? No one, people have been trying to purchase it for decade's. Why not sell? I need it for the soil and I get top dollar for the apple's.

Can I have it? No Sugar. Why? It holds bad memories I was murdered there,
I don't want my wife and children where I was killed.

Why are you angry you were turned vampire Clarence?God chose you.
Why would you say that Sugar?

If God allowed it to happen it was for good reason he gave you what you wanted.

A wife who loves you and three babies i'm here now and I love you. Clarence was sleep in minutes.

Gabriel sat on the porch enjoying the quiet of a southern night.
Niarchos joined her.

Nicky I think Clarence knows about us she mouthed. How? He said your husband is here when he heard your bike.

Pop's tripping I told him he's jealous can I share something and you won't tell? Sure.

Niarchos told Gabriel about Mara and Chance. What you gonna do? Haven't decided I'll see what he filed and ask Vaughn if it's valid.

You're serious about her Nicky? I like the girl if she ends up with me or anyone else Chance shouldn't have a hold on her.

Gabriel looked down, as she enjoyed his porch swing. Niarchos text her, what Gabriel? Nothing. I love you my Queen.
Nicky go be with someone we've been through this. Niarchos stared burning a hole in her head.
I have to let go Niarchos.

Baby, follow your heart, we love one another how do you make that go away ma?

You'll marry my father and I'll get a girl and we'll still be in love. You don't want to get married Nicky?
I have to be deep in love and I am with you. I got it bad for you Gabriel. I love Clarence. So what. Haha stop that Nicky.
Do you want me sexually Gabriel?grabbing her hand. What kind of question is that Niarchos? A honest one my queen. I make love to you everyday in my head Nicky. I'm glad I'm not alone Gabriel. They stopped texting
do you like your gift? I love it do you like yours?

I didn't get it yet, a new sofa? Follow me
come walking her to the end of the porch outside his bedroom window uncovering her eyes. Nicky! Jumping in his arms this is my third rolls royce.

This one is pretty and girly. It was my wife's car. Oh no Nicky I can't accept it.
I want you to have it kissing her hand's.
I love it Nicky thank you she works? Of course. Come. Where are we going Gabriel? To the gate and back.

She drove down the dark road got to the gate making a u-turn.

Niarchos leaned In kissing her cheek. No, holding her delicate hand to his chest, he can smell you. He kissed her again. Stop, her gentle voice blending with the quiet of the night.

She attempted to pushed him over dang you're heavy Nicky. Haha stop the car Gabriel and cut the light get down drawing two gun's from the glove compartment.

He saw four dingo's on the property and they weren't Elders. He watched as they made their way to the house, letting them pass.

Niarchos got out running, gun shots echoed in the night waking Clarence who grabbed his rifle jumping from the second story window without shoes half dressed, four vampire guard's following him across the property.

Gabriel returned to the house alone head light's out staying in the car as instructed.

She waited 15 minutes stepped out as soon as her foot hit the gravel a dingo cornered her growling.

Gabriel stood still Jupiter ran from the house attacking the dingo tearing off the ear of the stray dingo biting into the dog's neck causing the dingo to retreat into the woods.

Jupiter chased the attacker.
Niarchos picked Gabriel up running into the house lock it slamming the door running back into the night.

The maid put the house on lockdown the windows, doors, even the chimney were shut off with bullet proof metal, the property flooded with light.

Open the door Gabriel? She unlatched the door Jupiter came running in bloody and wet, oh no.

It's not his blood. Where are your clothes Clarence? Why are you naked? I was sleeping this way when I heard the gunshots I jumped from the window to find you.

Naked? You were in danger Gabriel kissing her cheek.

Open Jupiter. He obeyed his mommy opening his mouth JESUS!

A human ear fell to her feet.
Honey calm down. Clarence, I saw Jupe take off a dog's ear that's a human ear.

Mabey he got a human in the woods. There were no human's Clarence I didn't smell any only dogs.

Sugar lay down Viola is bringing Chamomile tea She grew the leaves herself, I'll go down stairs to call Papa, Elijah and Caine. Stay with her Niarchos.

The rabid dog was going to jump on me Jupiter ripped his ear off in a fight.

It was a dog ear Nicky not human. Ok relax now get under the blanket your so cold did you take an iron tablet today? No Nicky. Why? Forgot. You can't forget Gabriel he went into her purse and saw the Pearl's, she really did carry them. Here taking one out.

I have to take it with blood. Popping his teeth he bit into his wrist come on she drank for four minutes.

Guess what ma? She didn't answer. I left my blanket on your side of the bed. No response still trembling.

Viola tapped the door with a tray. Thank you. You're welcome honey.

Niarchos opened his wrist, she declined. Gabriel please he mouthed she turned her head.

Sip this tea ma. She sat up sipping slow and confused Gabriel lay her hand on top or Niarchos' lightly rubbing.

Is Clarence a dingo? Nicky don't lie to me. He burst out laughing making her feel silly for thinking this way. Not that I've seen.

Then why was he naked? He went to bed with boxer's and a tank where are they Nicky if he took them off before bed?

Gabriel baby please drink your tea wrapping his arms around her for comfort.

In minutes she was fast asleep, he looked in the tea leaves and saw a white residue. He called Viola.

Pharaoh put it in there, before he could ask. What is it? Sleeping powder he said her nerves were rattled.

Where did he get it? A hiding space in the kitchen I never knew was there, I was like what is he doing?

Pharoah said Queen Safinah would give it to the white people who came being nosey. Goodnight Viola. Goodnight.

Niarchos stroked her face. Nicky? Yes bae? Do you like the gift? I love it honey thank you.
I wish we met first. Me too.

Niarchos opened the door for Clarence, keep the gate's down until we can figure out what happened Niarchos.

I watched them head here, then I tracked them to Chance's house.

Where are your clothes? Someplace outside. Do you have identical item's pop? I think so why? Gabriel was looking for them and they aren't here. She asked if you were a dingo. She's a smart one Niarchos.

Open your closet for me son please push all your clothes to one side.

Clarence walked in the huge closet dipping his head under the clothes bar.

The wall opened Niarchos followed Clarence. It's huge in here pop, what are you looking for?

Identical under wear Clarence looked in all the draws for something close.

All those times you kids would look and couldn't find us? We were right in here, being fresh.

I built it to hide your mother and you kids incase the whites found out I was passing.

It's amazing pop. Found some, these are gonna have to due son let's come out the closet son Niarchos laughed.

Man she's knocked out. What was in that tea pop? Your mama and her herbs, if she were alive she would've found a cure for Chance.

I'll get her medical journals hand them to Zion he may be able to find something to help.

Niarchos sat in the chair Gabriel gifted him who do you think it was tonight pop? I don't know Niarchos but we're going to find out who's ear that is.

Gabriel? Clarence closed his eyes scanning her thought to the dog ear incident.

Clarence removed the memory he kept searching, Niarchos was nervous. Clarence could see the memories but he couldn't hear them. He saw her drinking her tea questioning Niarchos about his missing clothing.

Clarence deleted those memories along with her thinking he was dingo.

Clarence opened his eyes it's done. That was fast pop. How long? Three minutes.
Goodnight pop.

Morning arrived, Niarchos gave Jupiter a bath.

Clarence came to Niarchos' room he got on all fours rubbing his head on Jupiter's head low growling.

We're leaving in twenty minutes Niarchos.

Clarence walked to the limo under the UV resistant car port leading from door to limousine this is nice papa. Ann invented it Niarchos.

Clarence held up his hand's see? No burn. The glass windows are even better.

Clarence Niarchos Elijah, Grip and Papa rode to Twin Oak's Clarence hadn't visited in two decade's.

Clarence looked out the Limosine window, dam those twin oak trees as they rode up the elongated driveway to the hidden house on the property.

Why hasn't Chance removed those slave shack's Elijah? They're an eyesore.

Those eyesores have made this property declared a historical landmark, the museum conducts tour's here.
Chance gets special funding we have one of the largest negro burial grounds with records in Georgia thanks to you Pharoah.

I wasn't going to let them burn black soldier's bodies or sell them for compost Eliajh. It's our blood stained on the American flag and our backs built this country brick by miserable brick.

Black slave's died for that flag and their families deserved a proper Christian burial even if they themselves were still enslaved pop.

Well today pop that's a big ordeal in the black community.
You marked the graves, kept record's.

Nick why are you antagonizing him? I ain't Caine, Im explaining the importance of what pop did.

Yes you are Niarchos Clarence called from the front
you know I hate like returning where I was enslaved.
Sorry pop.
Clarence adorned his sun glasses agitated.

A girl Chance was dealing with had both lands declared historical landmark's.

Clarence cut his eyes, they can't tear down what's been in our family generations boy we don't owe nothing to the whites.

Clarence got everyone's attention we are going to go in Chance's house to place his vampire staff and wives under arrest.
Is the jail still in his basement pop? Far as I know Grip yes.

Don't answer any questions put Mary in the jail with everyone else. Mary pop?
Everyone goes Niarchos! My son is clinging to his fucking life someone is folding! The limo was pin drop quiet.

Elijah when we go in the house announce the Pharoah seize decree please. Yes Pharoah.

Guns up Niarchos shouted! Niarchos kicked the front door in with Grip at his back.

Vampress' screaming, servant's running the house was chaotic. Elijah read the law as follows:

Vampire Law Article 32
Sub code 971-653.

This coven is been seized and reverted back to the king of coven's Clarence Hollings.

The Pharoah has the right to seize any vampire coven he deems may be a danger to itself or to other vampire's.

If the Pharoah suspects foul play, he may take control of the coven, house, or business. The Pharoah has a right to place all vampire's under arrest, question, judge and execute all vampire's without a council hearing or trial. All vampire's will be judged solely by the Pharoah, he alone will hand down judgement accordingly.

Elijah nailed the Decree to the inside of the front door. The rest of them were grabbing vampire's and placing them under arrest.

Clarence grabbed a girl how old were you on the date of your turn girl?

The vampress spat in his face. Niarchos slapped her to the floor so hard she broke the tile.

Do you know who's face you spat in bitch?

Niarchos grabbed her hair lifting her off the floor, feet dangling.

Line everyone up now. Elijah Cain and Grip lined did as commanded.
Seperate Chance's wives all seven were separated.

Open the front door Caine.

He opened the oak double front doors toss her into the sun.

Clarence, Mary fell to he knees begging for her life. Mary She is an abomination a child. What is a child doing a vampire Mary?

Clarence I beg you Mary cried on his shoes please!

look at me child are you sorry for spitting in the face of your Pharoah? She spat again.

Niarchos tossed her into the burning son screams were shrieking high pitch painful screams. The silence in the house commanded respect and spoke volumes. Get me a chair Grip he returned with a chair for his father. The sound of whimpering fear bounced off the walls of the old mansion.

No trial, no jury, no stories today is execution day.

Clarence wiped his face with his handkerchief. I would drain you one by one but there is an illness in this house isn't there vampire's?

Niarchos towered behind all twenty three vampire's, Grip and Elijah were behind the wives. Caine and the guard's ransacking the house.

Which vampire can tell me why I am here? Don't be shy, the front door remained open the smell of high noon rolled in mixed with charred flesh.

The one in the black robe Clarence telepathically spoke with Niarchos.

Niarchos dragged her in front of Clarence, KNEEL!
She scrambled up face to the floor before him.

Clarence squatted looking in her eyes why is Elder Chance in the hospital?

I..I don't know great one. Clarence slightly nodded, Grip shot her with a UV ray bullet.

Remaining vampired backed up in fear Clarence opened an umbrella to keep his white suit clean as blood and flesh flew everywhere leaving a bloody mess.

Grip took a rag bent down, wiping Clarence's shoes white again.

Why is my son in a hospital? Anyone? Red shirt.

Niarchos grabbed her neck dangling her in front of Clarence as she struggled for air.

Do you have something to vampress?

Niarchos tightened his grip.

Clarence looked at Niarchos who clutched her neck draining life single handed.

She struggled kicked and gasped for air she would never get. The vampress slapped and hit Niarchos for air, CRACK!

After snapping her neck like a twig Niarchos dropped her to the floor kicking twenty five feet across the floor hitting the wall like a dead animal.

Great one?
Please I beg, may I speak with you privately? No, you may speak in the presence of an Elder.

He held up his hand to help Mary off the floor. Papa Nate calling him low please meet us in the kitchen.

Papa sat with Clarence and Mary, Papa got her a glass of water.

Clarence what's going on?

Why is Chance in the hospital Mary? Clarence scanned her thought's she was clueless. She doesn't know Clarence you know Mary would never ever hurt Chance, would you darling? No papa Nate I wouldn't.

These stray's he picks up runs the house, no respect as you saw. It's a vampire nest not a house.

Mary yoy never said it was this bad. I'm sorry Clarence.

What's wrong? Can't say, pretend with the other wives until we get to the bottom of this mess.

Did you know there are four dingo's on the property?

Niarchos tracked them to twin oaks last night my son, holding her hand is dying.

Mary instantly cried. Is there anyone who may want Chance dead? The last four wives. Why Mary? Money Clarence.

Indian had him about to cut ties with his women, let's say all of his wives aren't financially set.

Makes no sense Mary, Chance signed agreement's with all his wives were they filed? I made sure mine was filed and never withdrawn can't speak for the other's.

Grip? Yes Pharoah. Call the scroll writer's have them pull all agreement's concerning Chance's wives and second's.
Yes Pharoah.

Grip take Mary back to the other wives, be rough with her but not to rough make it look good. Yes Pharaoh.

Hello? Yes Gabriel I'm fine. No honey I'm not stressing. Yes Sugar I'll bring you mint tea.

Nausea have you had blood to drink today?

I can't feed you from my veins get a bottle of my blood from the fridge I'll be home soon Sugar.

Do you want to call Zion Gabriel? It doesn't matter I'm paying him call for house calls. Did you take your iron pills? Gabriel can I finish so I can come home? Thank you.

Yes it's hot, plantation hot. It's not funny sugar grinning himself love you.

She driving you nutty Clarence huh? Yes papa Nate Jesus. You ain't seen nothing yet it gets worse as she gets bigger. Thank's for the warning Papa.

Clarence walked to the foyer wearing his white suit, matching fedora, white shoes, and an Egyptian cotton tee sexy as hell he slowly sat with a bottle of ice water from the limo.

Agitated he scanned thought's there was a lot of mind blocking some were good at it some horrible.

Clarence chose who to question first by who blocked him the hardest.

Niarchos, Caine, and Grip take the wives place them in jail strip frisk them throughly.

Private areas too Clarence spoke with Grip telepathically shoot anyone who resists use a rifle the shot commands respect.

Niarchos? What should we do with the rest? We have to go home, Gabriel called.

Papa continued searching the house what you got? Diaries Clarence? How many? Twelve. Give them to Niarchos he will have reading to do tonight. Clarence looked at the young vampire's.

Rainbow hair Niarchos grabbed her hair dropping her at Clarence's feet.

Do you have news for me? Niarchos close the door please turn up the air.

It's the Georgia heat in this house Rainbow hair it holds the heat.

Did I tell you I grew up here? They looked shocked I was six when they sold me to the master of this plantation.

In it's hay day this place thrived. Rainbow? Do the cotton field's grow? Yes Pharaoh. Does Chance have it picked? No Pharaoh.

That must be a mess, what about the Tobacco fields? Yes Chance harvest's the tobacco and sugar cane. I guess he said he ain't picking no more cotton Clarence burst out laughing alone.

I don't blame him, Darlin how old are you? Twenty three Great one. How long a vampire Rainbow? Three year's Great one.

A baby tell me what have you heard about me? sipping his water. That your fair great one. I can be.

Tell me child popping his fangs what do you know of slipping a foul worm in someone's blood that's from china.

She looked back at a male coven member who was chinese.

Clarence gave a look to Grip whi dragged him placing him next to the girl on the floor at Clarence's feet.

Niarchos' phone was buzzing he had to ignore it.

Clarence's phone rang yes sugar? He's busy now. Not mint tea raspberry.

Raspberry tea now Niarchos please he shook his head yes.

Rainbow where were we? The worm Pharoah he may know more. Thank you Rainbow It's me and I where are you from?

是谁造的 (who made you?) The man looked shocked.
你扔在阳光下的女孩。(The girl you tossed in the light)
You allowed a child to make you? 你让一个孩子让你吗?她饿了,所以她在这里咬我 (she was hungry she bit me.)

The worm it's from china a parasite lives in blood multiplying to causing the parasite to seek the sun.

It forces the host to walk in the light the urge is so great sun is the only thing that can kill it.

How did Elder Chance come to drink this parasite? I do not know Great one I swear by my ancestors.

Niarchos take everyone, lock them down stairs. There were six cells Clarence cramped twenty seven vampire's in those cells.

Niarchos stay until Jamaica and his staff arrive. They will be here tonight water no blood if anyone is caught feeding shoot them.

Question Mary every five hours when you do, treat her well but return her roughed up do not hit her. Yes Pharoah.

No blankets no air conditioner no pillows, only truth, turn the camera's on with audio listen when the guard's leave record everything Niarchos. Yes pop.

Elijah and Niarchos left once Jamaica arrived Grip and Papa Nate stayed.

Hello Gabriel please turn on the air conditioner in the bedroom pop is agitated he text ahead. Okay Nicky.

Driver? Yes Pharoah. Please stop at the market and please turn up the air. Yes sir. They arrived at the market driver can you please get one flavor each of mother earth tea? Make sure to get raspberry, mint, lemon and sleepy night's tea. Yes Pharoah.

Why is Chance allowing children to be vampire has he lost mind?

His house isn't in order you see that bitch spat twice?

Niarchos shook his head I was shocked pop. I have her a chance to repent Niarchos and she did it again. We're having an Elders meeting when I return to New York.

How long without blood pop? Until they start talking Niarchos this isn't a game someone in that house committed attempted murder. This is serious what if Chance dies? God help me if a human's involved. Why do you say that pop?
As I scanned thought's I heard Rainbow say the man who gamble's paid them.
I'm going to press her tomorrow she's a weak link.
You know Chance is with card's. It won't be the first time a bounty was on his head.

The chauffer returned handing Clarence the bag of teas.

They arrived to Niarchos' house the limo driver opened the door, Clarence walked to the house holding the bag of tea. Sugar I'm home peeling off his hot clothes the room was nice and cool.

Gabriel? Clarence walked in the bathroom she was sitting in a cool tub.

Come on daddy, joining her Gabriel washed his back and hair look at these sexy curls pulling them one by one watching them snap back.

Sitting behind him Gabriel washed his chest and dick don't grabbing her hand. Why not did you hurt me the other day? No we were lucky Gabriel I once had sex with a human who was pregnant didn't know it soon as we finished blood was everywhere.
She screamed I rushed to the hospital she miscarried.

Doctor said she should've refrained from sex in the early month's, had she the baby would've lived. What year was it?

70s Sugar not that long ago, I know your horny so am I.

I'll eat you, finger you slow make you cum I won't penetrate until you're five month's.

You can't be serious Clarence.

Sugar don't be cross I have a surprise for you. I don't want it. She went for his dick again running her finger's in his hair. He popped up grabbed a towel come see what I got you.

Clarence ya dick is hard as chinese math come back. Gabriel took a deep breath grabbing her robe sit sugar handing her the tea bag.

She looked inside smiling I was thinking of you Niarchos gave me flavors you like.

Look, he went next to the bed lifting a bag from walmart an electric tea kettle. You don't have to wait on tea anymore Sugar.

Thank you kissing his lips stretching his curls you're a beautiful looking man. Beautiful? You're beautiful inside and out.

No one's ever said that to me. It's the truth. He looked away shyly then stared deep in her eyes
if I saw all that blood coming from you just because I couldn't wait for sex I would never forgive myself. These are our miracle babies Sugar
we have to be careful. Clarence's phone rang hello Zion How is Chance?

Better we aren't out the woods yet I have him sedated sleeping slows the agression of the worms.

I prescribed A positive negative blood drip combined with powder that slowed down the sickness by eighty five percent.

I'm sending Safinah's medical journals to you. That would be great we may find something to help us. Have you tried giving him my blood Zion? No Clarence I haven't I'll try it. Very good Zion Good night. Good night Pharaoh.

Clarence knocked on Niarchos' bedroom door get your mother's treasure chest from the attic for bring all four of them please unless
it's to heavy for you or something Niarchos? You're funny pop.

Niarchos passed the master bedroom where Gabriel and his father were sleeping he knocked to check on her she was sitting on the bed.

I heard you're denying pop feeding you, staring at her like a child who didn't eat vegetables. Stop! Niarchos mouthed or I'm not giving you my blood anymore.

I'm going home soon Nicky I won't be a problem. You're not going home soon Gabriel we've got issues at Chance's house pop has to be there Pharoah's law.

It's that bad? Two vampire were executed today, Pharoah's order ma.

I wonder who carried out those orders? Grip and?--

I'm the Pharoah's head of security alway's have been before there was security.

If the Pharoah gives the order to kill I will.

What if he said for you to kill me Niarchos.

I'd run with you if you die I die, here touching his heart. I'll be back heading to the attic.

Open the door Gabriel. What's all this? Pop and mama's Chests. Which ones are Clarence's? These two babe with his

Niarchos left again wait here Gabriel I have a gift for you Niarchos entered with a 1940s Chaise lounge chair.

Close ya eyes! They are Niarchos walked the pink lounger over to the window open pulling the white sheet.

Oh my an original Chaise running to the chair.

How do I look? Sleepy. No silly your supposed to say like Dorothy Dandridge. Ok like Dorothy Dandridge.
Here Gabriel help me find the medical journal's please. Niarchos carried the first chest to her.

She pulled a Smith and Wesson. My first gun. This can fetch a penny at auction. Aint for sale killed the white man holding a gun on my daddy.

The jet leaves in three hours to carry the books to Zion at the hospital.

Niarchos handed Gabriel a picture it was Clarence and Safinah's wedding photo. Clarence! He came in the room from the kitchen with a snack for her. Thank you Clarence sitting the saucer of cookies in her night stand.

The camera caught me that day I was hot in them dam tights.

You were handsome hair cut low, the dress is beautiful.

Can I have this photo the wedding photo Clarence? Sure.

Gabriel shifted through the okd photos across him in them was a photo of Chance Caine and Elijah dressed in Confederate soldier uniforms sitting on three chest of gold coins.

You can't have that Clarence laughed it's evidence we stole from the confederate armies haha.

Gabriel took a picture with her phone sending it to Elijah, Caine, Papa Nate, Lilly, Maya and Ann.

Papa said tell you Clarence that you wasn't complaining about the heat that day. Haha.

Tell him we were trying to avoid heat!

A photo of tein oaks, Clarence became solemn. Chance is gonna be fine Clarence you wait and see.

You see how Chance let the cotton field's go Niarchos? Yep pop loosing money. I'll get them up and running before I leave for New York he need's to make more money to supplement the hike in his vampire tax the crops could bring in millions per year. Cotton is in high demand and he's letting the fields over grow.

I found them Gabriel handed Clarence eight leather bound book's.

Gabriel put a picture of Zion and Safinah sitting in the Brooklyn house kitchen in the medical book, with a note Zion thought you would like to keep this. Who is this little girl Safinnah is hugging Clarence?

Look again sugar. Joan? I wanna go for a ride to drop the book Niarchos.

Take the Limosine Niarchos Gabriel Turned on the news kissed him be right back Daddy. Hurry up slapping her ass.

Gabriel and Niarchos walked to the limo she lay down on one side Niarchos sitting across from her.

You're getting fat Gabriel in the ass I seen it today, that's a good thing grinned.

Where's Jupiter ms? He's been running around your property I hope he doesn't get ticks Nicky.

He's going to get ticks I'll wash him every night, I keep telling you he's not a dog. Yes he is. Have you googgled dingo?

The dingo is a DOG! that is found in Australia. A medium-sized CANINE! that possesses a lean, hardy body adapted for speed, agility, and stamina.

Dingo's hunt at night when in a pack they'll target and kill large animal's, such as a kangaroo.

It it true you tossed a girl into the sunlight Nicky? Yep she spat in pop's face twice no fucking respect and she was a kid 15 or so.

Mary said rouge vampire's turned her. What's that Nicky? They Re vampire's with no coven a random vampire bit them and turned em without permission.

So what happens to them Nicky? Most time's a coven linked vampire will try to get them coven connected if I ain't turn you I don't want you.

You ain't turn me Nicky licking her lips. You're poison woman ye was smiling.

She lay her head in his lap why are you rockin up under my head Nicky? I'm talking serious ma. Sorry. Don't you want the babies? Of course Nicky. Four more month's ain't bad Gabriel. I wanted to tell you something Nicky turn on the radio please.

I like seeing you cum your eyes were so pretty Niarchos. Do you know red is in your eye color when you cum? So sexy Nicky. He kissed her making sure the camera's in the limo were off sit here ma moving to the corner why? Blind spot can't be picked up on video they went into a twenty minute petting session.

He touched through her pants. Move your hand Nicky before I bite you popping her teeth growling to scare him.

Those are so cute ma he teased popping his. Those are baby teeth Nicky my husband's are much bigger. Haha you're crazy Gabriel.

The limo came to a screeching halt a barrage of flying bullets hit the glass but it didn't break.

Niarchos broke the divider glass with his fist seeing they were surrounded.

He pushed four buttons machine guns exited the doors on the outside of the limousine, the brake and head light's spraying a mix of UV ray vampire and human bullets.

Gabriel grabbed Niarchos' phone turning the camera's on.

Clarence? We're under attack! I don't know where we are Clarence hurry please.

Gabriel keep your head down get on the floor. Niarchos drove six miles on rim's to the airport they're after the medical journals Gabriel.

How do you know that Nicky? He looked at the driver he forced into the passenger seat the nervous driver pissing his pants.

Here he gave her a gun if he tries anything shoot him he cuff him to the door.

If we die you die nigger I should kill ya ass right here, he popped his fangs so she popped hers.

You ok Nicky? Yeah I'm ok we riding on rims in this peace haha!

The two of them arrived at the airport Niarchos drove on the landing strip directly to their plane. He carried Gabriel and the driver while she carried the box.

Someone the hanger began shooting at them open fire.

Niarchos rushed Gabriel on the jet kicked the steps away locking the door up man up NOW!.

We are cleared for take off please everyone sit the pilot asked nervously.

Clarence Niarchos! Where? There grabbing the limo driver!

You got my phone Gabriel? Yes Nicky handing it to him, using hers she called Clarence on the runway.

Hello? Yes baby we are alright. No I'm not shot. We have the box yes...hold on passing her phone to Niarchos.

Yeah pop? We were 5 minutes away from the airport 12 men open fired at us on Tuskegee airmen road.

When we got to the plane a man started shooting.

He's vampire Niarchos the driver set this up, they want the medical journals they don't want us finding a cure for Chance I don't know why.
This plot extends way past his wives Niarchos call us when you both land in New York. Okay pop.

You think Chance cheated someone at cards Nicky? Chance doesn't have to pop spoke to the treasury Chance has over 10 billion dollar's in cash and assets.

A company is purposely paying Chance not to harvest the cotton something about five year old cottons thread count being higher so he's doing well financially Gabriel.

What about the women Nicky? Did they send the signed agreements from the vaults? Still working on it you're trembling Gabriel I'm cold Nicky. Pilot please turn the heat up he closed the partition dimming the light so she could sleep.

Come, biting the side of his wrist she fed for him a hour.

My brother's are hungry Gabriel. Your sister's are hungry Nicky. Them boy's woman so I can turn them into savage's like me.
Now I'm scared Niarchos. Gabriel her arms around him falling asleep on his chest.

Gabriel we're
here we made it to New York Niarchos gave her a gun with human bullets.

Niarchos pressed the piolet for his phone, he handed it over.

Niarchos checked for warnings they may be landing
he saw nothing.

Zion met them at the airport Niarchos tossed the limousine driver from Georgia in the trunk.

Once Niarchos and Gabriel closed the car door Zion raised his hand checking Gabriel's temperature.

Hello to you too Doctor. You feel warm Gabriel. We rode here with the heat on she complained of cold Zion. Thank you Niarchos passing Gabriel a bottle of Clarence's blood.

Niarchos gave her a dirty look she  drank all of it.

Your blood shows one of the babies is a human Gabriel.  I want them to be vampire's so the human doesn't die Zion.

Let's see how the pregnancy goes don't cry Gabriel. See what you did Zion?
She's tired Niarchos.

Gabriel? If the child is a human you can make him vampire when he becomes of age your upsetting yourself for nothing my dear.

Clarence dragged the vampire shooter back to Chance's house Jamaica stripped him naked using a machine he rolled hit over his  body even his genitals.

What's that for Jamaica? Deactivates anything planted on him like a GPS to show where he's located Caine.

Pop your fangs, the shooter refused. Jamaica squeezed a gland in his cheeks and they popped.

Jamaica sprayed them with a clear substance what's that. Dulls the teeth for 25 day's Elder biting will be difficult.

Let's go dragging him to the cells waking everyone tossing him in the cell naked.

The vampress' screamed vampire's moved away. Gimme a blanket! The shooter demanded no one helped him.

Mary lay on the cot mattress on the floor the second wife lay at her feet.

Chance's second wife knew the first three wives  were innocent.

That spanish one was crazy but she loved but she couldn't vouch for the last four.

One of you is going to have to speak up or the Pharoah is going to starve us. No he won't Mary.

Yes he will Giselle you have no idea what he's capable of.

The television came on they  watched Clarence's performance at the vampire games of him killing the assassin  vampire's.

He's an alpha vampire Did you know he legally adopted Chance? That is his son Mary!

Yes thats Clarence's first child, his first vampire turn and one of you foolish bitches tried to kill him.

Hey you? Naked why you here? Chance's second wife asked. He didn't respond one of the vampire males slapped him then the other vampire's jumped on him.

Jamaica walked in break that shit up it's late!

Aren't we getting water? Who said that? Me, one of the women said it with an attitude. Open two! Jamaica walked up to Chance's fifth wife slapping her to the floor.

Don't hit her! One of the vampire's yelled in her defense.

Jamaica picked her up punching her in the mouth.

Any one else want to say something? Only fucking thing need to be said is who the fuck in here hurt the Pharoah's for born son.

You vampire's have no idea who you're fucking with! You thought Niarchos was bad? He's a sweetheart compared to the likes of me torture begins six a.m sharp!

Susan are you ok? He knocked her out Mary. They mean business the Pharoah is serious if Chance dies we all die!

At 3 a.m strobe lights blanked rapidly for one hour at four a.m blasting heavy metal music was played at five a.m they blasted preaching from the Jesus network.

Six a.m  Catholics saying the rosary on T.V. Seven a.m blaring house music and by eight a.m violent images on T.V of vampire's dying horrible deaths.

By 11 a.m they were worn and thirsty. Good morning how did you all sleep?

Mary? The Pharoah would like to see you. Mary stood then fainted in his arms Papa Nate's ame.  He carried her to where Clarence waited.

Papa take her upstairs to your room give her blood please. Okay Clarence I don't like her being a part od all this Mary is one of us. Papa carried her up the steps.

Caine gimme blood from the fridge and Mary's sweater.

Caine handed Clarence both he tossed blood on the kitchen floor popping Mary's Pearl's drenching her sweater in blood.

Gimme a knife Caine.

You're mean Clarence Caine lauging maniacally. I won't subject her to that I have to make it appear as though I killed her Caine.

Jamaica entered the kitchen dipping his machete in the blood on the kitchen floor wiping it on his shirt. 

Next piggy Jamaica, don't bring me rainbow brite until I ask please. Great one.

Jamaica returned with the young black and chinese vampire he looked around the kitchen and saw Mary's sweater in blood. Kneel Caine pushed him to his knees in the bloody mess.

MARY? He burst in tears at the sight of her blood.

If I kill Mary who I've known for two centuries what will I do to you? Great one I swear I know nothing. Clarence nodded at Jamaica.

Lay your hand on this table the young vampire trembled.

Who wan hurt Elder Chance? Jamaica asked him with his thick accent raising the Machete cutting the tip of his pinky off.

He screamed we can sew that back but you need blood.

Who wan hurt Elder Chance?

Caine held his hand down Jamaica chopped off his middle pinky Elijah opened the basement door painful screams filled the cell's.

Who wan hurt Elder Chance? He raised the machete, wait please Pharaoh.

I'd question his wives. Which ones boy? Three through seven great one.

Why? The first two they were never home the third one, I don't think so but you never know.

The last four wives heard that Elder Chance would leave them for an Indian girl and they'd be broke if that happened after that shit got real.

Language! Sorry Great one.

Give him one pint of blood then return him. Thank you Great one.

Clarence turned to Elijah BITCHES!

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