Life's Just A Game

By ShandraGuptaHAHAH

58.3K 1.5K 661

The world has been corrupted. A man who experienced it first-hand vowed to cure it. Even if he has to become... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 7

1.3K 39 9
By ShandraGuptaHAHAH

[Night Fury P.O.V]

I pound another one in the head, cracking his skull. He continues to scream in agony even after I broke his jaw.

Persistent bastard!

My knuckles were already bleeding and broken. The sound of my broken knuckles cracked as I clench my fist. I bring my fist down at his head, shattering his skull like glass, killing him instantly.

His blood splatters all over the ground, decorating my artwork even more. I let go of the body, and look back to gaze at my work. Two-hundred and sixty-three of them brutalized. Their hiding place, a top business company in New York, was in shambles. The ground painted in blood. Another disturbing organization eliminated from the world. I stare down at my last victim, a low-level thug. He was whimpering and trembling, probably scared of me.

Fucking pathetic...

"Please. Let me live." He was trembling, voice's shaky. Fear present in his dark blue eyes.

I lift my sword up, showing him Inferno in all of its glory. I place it on top of its chest, right where the heart is supposed to be. I twist it, making blood drip from its chest.

He gritted his teeth as I continue to slowly pierce him.

"Please, have mercy. Let me live!" He croaked, tears running down from his face.

I got closer to that murderous bastard's face, looking straight in his eyes and whispered, "What do you have to live for?"

And I drive my blade onto his chest, finishing the job, a satisfying last scream of pain rang throughout the entire restaurant before he lost consciousness.

I stood there for a few moments with my sword in the dead gangster's chest. A small tinge of guilt and regret appeared in my heart. But it quickly went away as soon as it appeared.

Pulling out my sword from his body, I press my finger on the transmitter on my ear.

"Night Fury to base. Mission complete. The Red Queen had been eliminated. No survivors." I reported.

"Base to Night Fury. No survivors again, brother? You're making me look bad." Dagur's voice said through my transmitter.

"If I let one survive, it could revive the entire Red Queen."

"You're exaggerating. Oh, and Shatter wants you to deal with the recruits. I heard they're coming around 7:30."

I let out a heavy sigh. I bet the recruits won't pass. I haven't passed any recruit yet. Each one is as worthless as garbage. I'm not being mean, I'm being honest.

Each and every one of them will die as soon as they reach the field. Another life will be lost again under my watch.

I won't let that happen ever again. One more incident, I swear I'll lose my sanity.

"Night Fury, are you there?"

I snap out of it, returning to reality.

"Y-Yeah, I'm here. I'll get going already. I'll meet the recruits in 15 minutes." I reply hastily.

Before Dagur could respond, I turn off my transmitter. I went inside the CEO's office where a pair of gauntlets was displayed there.

My gaze shifts to my knuckles, bleeding and broken. I guess it'll be nice to not break my knuckles every time. So I grabbed it on the way out, strapping it on my forearms and hands.

It reached up to my forearms, and looks exactly like a normal armoured glove but with black-coated Gronkle Iron that encased the entire gauntlet. The iron ore were hard as metal but extremely light. A two-in-one shield and weapon. Also a good way to hide my injuries from Mala.

I look outside the glass window. It was already morning, the sun was shining over New York like a giant floodlight. I was captivated by the morning light as realization dawned on me. Why did I say 15 minutes?


Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm late. Why did I say 15 minutes?!

I ran as fast as I could until I could finally see the base's main building. By the time I reached the building, I was already 4 hours late. I had to commute all the way from New York to L.A!

I stare at the building in front of me. It was no longer in mirror mode, alerting me of the recruits who just came in. Walking in, I hear a bunch of noises. The sound of bodies being dropped? Groans? Laughter? Are we being attacked?

I quickly entered, and I was blessed with the a strange sight. A bunch of kids beating up our security.

What the hell? These are probably the recruits. I guess they chose the 'beat everyone' way. Then I recognized one of the security guards, who doesn't belong with the rest...

Is that Atali in a security guard outfit? I guess she's supposed to handle this batch. Meaning, this is the last one. I guess, I'll just sneak away.

I was about to quietly slip through without alerting anyone or anything when I heard a very familiar voice.

"A tomahawk, huh? A great choice. But I prefer my battle axe."

That voice. That fucking voice. I know that voice. Memories flashed in my head, taking me in a rollercoaster ride through my previous years. It was like watching through a kaleidescope. Her face appeared so many times, my head started to hurt.

Immediately, I whip my towards the source of the voice. It was the blonde girl fighting Atali. Slowly, the realization crept up on me like a jumpscare. Golden blonde hair. Sapphire blue eyes. That fierce personality. That fucking axe...

Of course I know who she is. I've known here since I was twelve. I was friends with her until I went missing. She was my first, and best friend. Of course, she would come looking for me. Once she puts her mind on something, she won't give up until she reaches that goal. But why is she here? Why the fuck does she have to be here?!

Astrid, what in Helheim are you doing here?


[Normal P.O.V]

"Mr. Fury! Sir!" Thuggory Dukas, one of Night Fury's assigned recruit, called for him.

Night Fury blinked, waking up from his thoughts. He looked ahead of him, meeting Thuggory in the face, who was about the same height as him.

"Sir, are you alright?" He asked, wondering why his eyes were furrowed. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that he was scowling.

Night Fury must've noticed. "Oh, I'm sorry. It's nothing. Why did you call me?" He questioned.

"It's our turn to use the sparring area. The other team is done." Eret popped in.

Night Fury nods in response, as they head towards the sparring area. They passed Dagur's team where Tristan was giggling like a little kid while the rest of Dagur's team were exhausted and tired. Dagur lifts an eyebrow at Night Fury, who just snorts in reply.

"Okay, Dukas and Eretson, and "DeRanged and Hofferson. You'll be paired up with each other for a sparring match." Night Fury explained, crossing his arms. Astrid raised her hand for a question, where Night Fury nodded to her.

"Aren't you going to teach us?" She asked, a noticeable hint of disrespect in her tone.

Night Fury's eye twitched in annoyance. He gritted his teeth, hating the disrespect of the blonde recruit. The other recruits, including Dagur, silently gasped. Disrespecting a superior is a major violation. They watch as Night Fury's face slowly contorted into a sneer.

Oh, we're going that way, huh?

Night Fury stepped forward, his dark smirk hidden under his mask. The recruits took a step backwards, knowing not to get in Night Fury's bad side right now. Astrid was scared out of her wits but because of her Hofferson blood, she refused to show it or back down.

"You want me to teach you? Fine, I'll teach you. Toothless!" Night Fury called out.

A robotic but sentient voice replied, "Yeah, Fury? Oh, sorry. I mean, yes, Night Fury?"

Night Fury ignored that, his eyes still trained on Astrid. He stared her down until Astrid couldn't contain her rapid heartbeats and quick breaths. "Set a sparring match between me and Hofferson!"

"Fury, let's not be hasty here. She's still a recruit and you might-"

"Set the damn match, Toothless!" He roared.

The A.I went silent for a moment before a beeping sound suddenly popped up. The floor suddenly opened up, like a giant trapdoor. A large hole was now open on the ground. Another beeping sound echoed out, and slowly, a flat platform rose up from the hole. The platform was made out of concrete and iron with bars around the edges. After a few seconds, it reached the desired height, where it lowered a staircase towards the sparring ring. Night Fury glared at the Hofferson girl, blazing anger glowing in his eyes.

"Climb aboard, Mi'lady."


[Astrid's P.O.V.]

My entire body shuddered when he said that. No one has ever struck fear in my heart like Night Fury. I entered the ring, walking towards the middle with no weapons. The sparring match rules said we were not allowed to bring weapons. We had to only use our physical prowess and strategic skills, which Night Fury absolutely dominated at. I watch him stalk his way through the ring, his eyes never leaving me. He began unstrapping the gauntlets on his arms, throwing them off the ring. Once the gauntlets were off, he flexed his wrists out, revealing his bandaged fists. But he did something unexpected-- he pulled down his hood. A set of disheveled long auburn locks popped out. Messy strands were falling over his eyes. 

This is probably the closest I'll ever be to a face reveal.

All of sudden, pain shot up in my abdomen. Like a thousand needles poking me, it pierced through my muscle yet no blood poured out. I felt like I was hit by a metal pole. My legs buckled down as I fell to knees. Clutching my abdomen, I struggle to get on my feet. My legs wobbled as I plant my feet to the ground to try and steady my body.

"Lesson number one, always expect an attack." I hear him say in a degrading tone.

I breathed heavily, my throat suffocating through the burning pain. How did I not notice his presence? Night Fury had his hands down while he stared me down in a demeaning manner. He looked at me like I was an insignificant insect in his way. And that made my blood boil.

I get on my feet, inhaling a sharp breath. I put my fists up as I exhaled. At the same time, Night Fury dashed towards me. He was fast. Inhumanly fast. Faster than the girl I fought before. Each strike would definitely fracture a bone when it connects to my body. I see his fist fly through the air and I had only just enough time for it to graze my cheek. But even the graze caused a slight burn. This went up for some time. Me, barely dodging his strikes, and him shooting out powerful and fast attacks. 

I was about to dodge another punch, only for my abdomen to be stricken again by his leg. I roared out in pain. His kick was heavy, and packed a large amount of force as if it carried a set of bricks. But due to the kick, I was able to see an opportunity.

After seeing  the opening, I use all of my strength to try and kick him in the side of his chest. But yet again, Night Fury was the superior one. Instead of hitting him, he grabbed my leg in the air then twisted it, making me fall to the ground in pain. Twisting his body, he used his arms to trap me in a leg lock on the floor. 

Getting closer to my ear, he whispered, "Lesson number two, don't rely everything on one strike."

This is a game to him. He's using this opportunity to beat me up in front of everyone! It's pissing me off! He tightened his grip on my leg, causing me to gnash my teeth as I try to stop myself from yelling. With my remaining strength, I use my elbow to wrap it arounf Night Fury's head, and throw him off me. He lands on his hands and feet like a cat, positioning his hands once again to attack.

My leg is now useless, both its muscles and bone torn. The only thing I could do is expect him to do a frontal attack and do my best there. Even if it will cost me another leg. I can't beat him. I admit it. But I'm not going down without landing a hit. I slowly get on my feet, gimping forward.

"Come on, Night Fury! Lesson ain't over!" I taunted him. Not my brightest moment, but you got to do what you got to do.

He responded by charging forward, faster than before. A frontal assault! Now's my chance! As soon as he's in my range, I swing a right hook towards his face, which he blocks. There! Another opening. His right side is virtually open. I swing my other fist towards his lower abdomen. I see his eyes widen in shock as my fist was an inch from his abdomen.

He didn't expect that! But then his eyes shrunk back to normal, as he lets go of my other hand and dodges my other attack by spinning to his left. Before I could blink, I was lying on the ground, pain aching all over my body. He was so fast that he blocked my first attack, dodged my second, and swept my legs off balance all at the same time. This is insane...

A shadow crept upon me, only to find out that it was him. At first, I thought he was going to mock me or degrade me or at least use a verbal attack. But I was wrong. Suddenly, I see his fist fly towards me like a bullet.

Reacting quickly, I moved my head towards my left just in time before his fist strikes the ground where my head used to be with a powerful smash. The concrete ground beside me was cracked, with his fist buried shallowly under the ground. Blood dripped out of the bandages, his wounds opening up. It was as if he used his entire strength on that punch.

He tried to kill me! He fucking tried to kill me! Another near-death experience from Night Fury.

He then lowered his face near mine, giving me a full view of his eyes. What I found shocked me--sadness, pain, anger. I didn't expect those three emotions mixed together, swirling in his eyes. The look on his face was pure misery. I feel like any moment now, tears will start breaking out of his eyes. I don't know why, but seeing him like that broke my heart. Maybe it's just that I don't like seeing people in pain.

"Lesson number three, monsters don't deserve mercy." He said emotionlessly, before standing up then leaving the ring, leaving a trail of blood from his bloodied fist. I hear the other superior agent, Dagur, trying to call out for him.

But that was all I remember before I blacked out.


[Dagur's P.O.V]

I ran after him. That's what brothers do. We look out for each other. After seeing that fight, that's when I knew something was wrong. I catch him in the hallway, walking towards the elevator to leave.

"Brother! Come back!" I yell out.

He didn't respond. He just continued walking as if he didn't hear me. I'm probably going to regret this but,


At the sound of his name, he stiffened and then froze. His hands began to tremble and shake. As if he was remembering a horrible memory, which I understand. I do know what he's thinking about. I hated that I had to bring it back up, but I had to get his attention.

"What happened there?" I ask, concerned.

He just turns his head to the side, and says, "Don't use that name ever again." before walking away with another word.

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