I-Island Academy's Class Pres...

By LuckyyBubbles

577K 26.5K 11.2K

After the final exams for Class 1-A, the school took an unexpected turn to collab with a couple of other hero... More

Chapter 1: The Hero-Teamwork Project
Chapter 2: Arrival in UA
Chapter 3: One Minute and Thirty Seconds
Chapter 4: Only Four?
Chapter 5: Lunch Rush's Cafeteria
Chapter 6: Ketsubutsu Academy
Chapter 7: Disapproval of the Class Presidents
Chapter 8: Another Dorm-mate!?
Chapter 9: The Good/Bad News
Chapter 10: Unexpected Apologies
Chapter 11: Warm-Up
Chapter 12: Naval Battle
Chapter 13: Lousy Kisser
Chapter 14: Proper Introductions
Chapter 15: Roleplay
Chapter 16: Kissed then Hugged
Chapter 17: Overly Competitive
Chapter 18: Inconveniences
Chapter 19: Cold Soft Shoulders
Chapter 20: Encounters
Chapter 21: Snacks Before a Mission
Chapter 22: The Unexpected
Alternate Timeline: OVA 1- 2K reads special edition!
Chapter 23: Divine Punishment
Chapter 24: More Responsibilities
Alternate Timeline: OVA 2 - 3K reads special edition!
Chapter 25: Temporary Transfer Student
Chapter 26: Free Meal
Chapter 27: Eating with Kyo-kun
Alternate Timeline: OVA 3 - 4K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 4 - 5K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 5 - 6K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 6 - 7K reads special
Chapter 28: The Assault
Chapter 29: Lockdown
Chapter 30: Lucas?
Chapter 31: Flatline
Chapter 32: Bakugou's Guilt
Chapter 34: Monday
Chapter 35: The Consequences
Chapter 36: Mercy
Chapter 37: Cu?
Chapter 38: Fever
Chapter 39: Granola Bar or Seafood Udon?
Chapter 40: The Name-Tag Ripping!
Chapter 41: Surprise Attack VS Unimaginable Speed
Chapter 42: The Battle Starts!
Chapter 43: (L/n) (Y/n) VS Ibara Shiozaki
Chapter 44:Their Rampage: (L/n) (Y/n) VS Takaki Nui!
Chapter 45: The Clash of Emotions
Chapter 46: Quirk Limiter
The Author's not so typical day
Chapter 47: The Desperate Boy! (100K READS SPECIAL!)
Chapter 48: Bridal Hugger
Chapter 49: More Drawbacks
Chapter 50: Kageyasu's Mess
Chapter 51: Incoming Call
Chapter 52: The Villain
Chapter 53: Dread
Chapter 54: Omelette Rice
Chapter 55: More Omelette Rice?
Chapter 56: The Reveal- Part 1: Axel
Chapter 57: The Reveal - Part 2: Lucas
Chapter 58: The Reveal - Part 3: Suzu & Kai
Chapter 59: Nicknames
Chapter 60: Fire & Squishy Incident
Chapter 61: Complex Planning
Chapter 62: Sent and Received
Chapter 63: Forthcoming Assembly

Chapter 33: Frustrations

7.1K 370 358
By LuckyyBubbles



As you continued to chat with Suzu over the phone, you glanced over to your right. Principal Nezu and Power Loader, the teacher in UA's support district, stood by your hospital bed listening into your conversation with Suzu. The phone is on speaker while the three of you watched the surveillance camera in UA's cafeteria. It is live of course, and you can distinctly see Suzu crying over the phone while he chatted with you.

It surprised you how he sounded quite normal over the phone, but to the camera, he was a complete sobbing mess as Axel comforted him. It also surprised you how Suzu is the first person who became more confrontational than Axel or Kai towards Bakugou.

You pressed the mute button over the phone.

"Who did you say Bakugou is, Principal Nezu?"

Principal Nezu looked over to you, "he overheard the girls who harassed you talking about the rooftop."

You nodded, "I see, that means he could have prevented what has happened to me."

Power Loader nodded, "precisely. And that is also why your classmate there is making a ruckus in the cafeteria."

You sighed and pressed the unmute button on the phone again, "it could've been worse," you muttered lowly to yourself.

You glanced over to the camera again, and your eyes trail to the group of girls who have humiliated you. You clenched your fists, wanting to tell Suzu to exit the cafeteria, to get away from them.

Principal Nezu sensed your uneasiness and pressed the mute button once more, "you can see them don't you?"

You nodded, "yes."

"Will you tell us who did it?" Power Loader carefully asked.

"(L/n)-san? Are you still there?" Suzu asked over the phone.

You pressed the unmute button and did not answer Power Loader.

"Yes, I'm here," you answered Suzu instead.

"Are you sure you're okay (L/n)-san?"

"I..." you paused, "May I see the three of you?" you asked with tears suddenly welling up your left eye.

Suzu didn't answer, but you can hear Axel and Kai making some grunting noises. You looked over to the monitor and can see Suzu grabbing both Axel and Kai by their heads and squishing them together in front of the little phone. Your eyes went back to your phone:

Axel Calling...

You wiped your left eye just in case and accepted the call. Both the phones took a few seconds to connect, and soon after it did you were met with a puffy-eyes Suzu, Axel's head getting squished in between Suzu and Kai, and last but not least Kai wearing his usual frowny face and trying to rid of Suzu's fingers locked to the side of his head.

"Say hi! It's (L/n)-san!"

"How can I if both of you have your hairs all over me eyes!"

"Let go, you nerd!"

You almost giggled at their childish antics and watched in interest how they portrayed themselves to you. However, they all stopped talking to each other and just stared at you, almost awestruck.

"Are my eyes deceiving me?" asked Axel as he blinked abnormally slow.

You cocked your head at his question and watched them gape at you.

Suzu let go of Kai's head and brought his face closer to the cam, "(L/n)-san smiled!?" he yelled in disbelief.

Your eye widened at this. "Look what you did you idiot! Now she's not," Kai pointed out.

Axel flicked Kai's forehead, "will you stop ruining the mood with your bad nicknames!" After the flick on the forehead, Axel's other arm accidentally nudged Suzu's arm holding the phone making him accidentally drop it.

"AH!!" Suzu yelled as you watched the phone spiral down to the ground.

Suzu quickly picked it up, but accidentally brushed the red button, ending the call earlier that he anticipated to.

Your phone turned black and you looked over to Principal Nezu and Power Loader. Right beside Power Loader is the broken Kyo-kun leaning over a box of tools. The room turned quiet, except for the beeping of the phone.

Principal Nezu watched you patiently, waiting for your next decision. "How will you deal with this, (L/n)?"

Your phone rang again, showing Axel trying to connect another video call. You ignored it as you exchanged looks with UA's principal. After a while, the phone stopped ringing and left you on your lock screen. The wallpaper consisted of Axel, Suzu, Kai, and Lucas all smiling happily. You maintained your stare especially longer at Lucas' face. And then you closed your left eye and took a deep breath. You slowly opened it again and turned to Power Loader.

"I—this decision may not be approved by many, however, regarding of revealing who they are... I will not do it."

Principal Nezu and Power Loader looked at each other in complete shock.

"What? Why? Why wouldn't you? With what they have done to you they can be suspended!" Power Loader argued, totally not getting your decision.

Principal Nezu shook his head at Power Loader and shushed him to calm down, "then, what do you plan to do with the people who have attacked you?" he turned to you.

"Suspension is a one-way ticket for them to run away from these types of problems. I plan to teach them a lesson and I want to show them to never mess with me nor my classmates ever again."

Power Loader felt a bit of chill run down his spine, "Then, what do you have in mind?"

"On Monday, gather everyone for an assembly. I'll teach those girls and everyone else who have been talking nonsense about us what the hell mercy is and what mercy is not."

Power Loader shuddered, feeling a bit overwhelmed and scared of the student before him.

Narrator POV

As Principal Nezu and Power Loader exited Tokyo's General Hospital, an abundance of reporters and journalists came up to them trying to get a personal interview. They managed to snag a chauffeur car, avoiding all the questions thrown at them by the media.

"That girl... has been through hell, huh?" Power Loader commented in the car.

Principal Nezu looked at the passing buildings, "she's strong, too strong for someone so young."

Power Loader nodded, "doctors say that she should refrain from using her quirk for a while since her maintenance of overusing it has not let her body fully rest."

"Overuse, huh? It's only been a week of the Hero-Teamwork Project and yet, her body cannot rest fast enough for her quirk. And adding to that, she has missed three days of the Hero-Teamwork Project."

"She may have pushed her quirk beyond what her body was capable during each lesson they took."

Principal Nezu continued to stare outside, "It must be the cause of her disabilities. But then again, Axel has a similar injury with (L/n), yet he does not need as much rest as (L/n)."

"Yeah, only its to his arms... I wonder what happened to Professor Blight's class?" Power Loader asked also a bit confused.



You sighed in relief after the principal of UA and Power Loader left. They took away Kyo-kun for Power Loader to fix later, but you doubt they can open the security system you have implemented in the teacher-nano. You sighed and looked down to your hands. It was wrapped in gauze and felt painful tendencies when you tried to move it.

A doctor came by to your room, with a device and a clipboard in hand. The doctor pushed back his glasses and began to ask you questions regarding your quirk and injuries; just another daily report.

"Alright (L/n), feel anything different from yesterday? Still feeling cold?"

You shook your head, "it just hurts around the bandages," you commented.

"Understandable, I'm assuming you don't feel as if your energy has been drained eh?"

"No, surprisingly not despite what I felt on the rooftop that day."

"Well, considering the possibilities of quirks maybe your attacker had an energy absorption sort of quirk. Or you might have been exhausted beforehand, which reminds me, try not to overwork yourself. You, scientists, are notorious for all-nighters and whatnots!"

You gulped and suddenly remembered the past week in UA. The doctor hit the nail with you being exhausted. You can clearly remember passing out to pass the bell test, and igniting two of your limbs in the warm-ups with Professor Blight. And not to mention the mission you did with the other elite special corps. You grumbled at the amount of workload you've put your body through.

"Thank you for the heads up, I guess I did put myself through too much work."

The doctor nodded, "Well, on that note, your teacher is also on hold in this phone. Try not to stress yourself out. Take it easy alright?"

You blinked and hesitantly grabbed the phone from the doctor. You watched the doctor leave and close the door, and upon looking at the phone you can see Professor Blight's name across the screen.

"Hello?" you reluctantly greeted.

"Finally! I've heard what has happened! Are you alright? Did you sustain any severe injuries? What on earth is going on (L/n)!" Professor Blight rambled away.

You let out a nervous 'umm' and scratched your bandaged head.

"You see, I guess the elite special corps mission did a number on me," you answered truthfully.

You heard Professor Blight sigh, "well, you know the drill (L/n). Try not to overwork. I know it's hard to be a class president and an elite special corps, but please do not forget the importance of self-care!"

"Self-care? How can I when my classmates are practically begging for me to look after them like a bunch of babies!" you complained a little.

"Give them a break (L/n), they cannot help but worry about you since you've been passing out multiple times this past week too. And they've been handling the gossips on their own without your notice. And the fact that you have flatlined just yesterday," he muttered the last part.

You grumbled but agreed with your teacher. "I'm fine, it's just I'm more worried about the things other students have been talking about us lately. All of this cannot be good with the temperament of my classmates. You know how Suzu, Axel, and Kai can be when no one is there to control their feelings."

Professor Blight sighed again, "Well, good thing you're the representative of I-Island in my stead. I trust that you will implement to the students that I-Island Academy's heroics class is more than just being in a popular academy or just being scientists . Show them why there are only four of you... and might as well show them why you're even in the Hero-Teamwork Project in the first place."

You exhaled deeply in return, "I've got some ideas, but I'm not sure if my body and quirk can handle what I have in mind."

"Oya? We all know that's a lie (L/n). I've seen you in much harder situations yet you've managed to pass through them no problem. Now, I want you to teach them a lesson. Show them what you are capable of."

"Yes Professor Blight," you replied. The call ended there and you carefully lay down the phone on your lap. You saw your reflection on the phone's black screen and saw just how much damage the girls have done to your face. A gauge wrapped around your forehead, a big bandage on your left cheek, a big bruise peeking out of the bandage, and last but not least your eye patch over your right eye.

You closed your left eye, a bit frustrated you decided not to fight them back on the rooftop.

"No, there will be a fair fighting ground. Just be patient (Y/n)," you muttered to yourself. "I'll show those girls just how scary I can be even when I have mercy."

                                    (' ꒳ ' ✿)

(、ᐛ)ヘ_/ ~~♡

A/N: Hello my wonderful readers! Longer chapter for my delay again &  hope you love it! Thank you for the 2000 stars Which I noticed due to my 200+ notifications LOOOOL! As usual, the support is overwhelming for me (like I cannot catch up with all the new incoming comments and don't know how to thank you in a more creative way [HOLY ALL MIGHT]!) And I have recently found out that we're legit close to 40K reads NAAAANIIII!? Last time I remember this story had 8ishK reads! !?! (Д゚≡゚Д゚) ?!! ビックリした!  oh my goodness that's a lot of special reads to write (ノ>。<)ノ ミ┻┻ As for my hand update: I'm on the itchy phase sooo I pretty much healed now! (yay!) NEXT CHAPTER will be published in the next hour... thank you for the 2000 stars <3 I hope you keep enjoying my story :)

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