Struck By Lightning (1)The Fl...

By allynmck1

232K 5.5K 749

"Dude, you lived with Bruce Wayne that is awesome" "Yeah, it was pretty awesome" A story about a girl who tri... More

Struck By Lightning
1-Wake Up
2-Not the Only Ones
3-That was the Lightning
4-You have No Idea
5- You Two Are Not Bulletproof
7-Zombie Scale
8- Rest of the Story
9-Brilliant Insight
10-Captain Cold
11-She's Pure Evil
12- Perform a Lobotomy
13-Walk On Water
14-Crazy Steel-Plated Man
15-Flash And Bolt
16-He's Late
17- Never Be Late Again
18- Flash Vs Arrow Prt 1
19-Flash Vs Arrow Prt 2
20- The Brave and The Bold prt 1
23- Hot Cocoa
24- Some Kind Of Yellow Suit
25-Merry Christmas!
26-Bring It or What
27- See Into the Future
28-Count As A Selfie
29- The Last Word
30- Beam Me Up
31-Likes To Wear Leather
32-Burning Man
33- Meet You or Batman
34-I need a Change of Clothes
35-Just Don't Pee On Me
36-Call It Brain Freeze
37- Sonic Screwdriver
38- Does He Seem Weirder Than Normal
39- I Don't Deserve To Be Here
40- Crazy Psycho Clown
41- Look Good In Red
42- Bee Careful
43- Not as Creepy as it Sounds
44-Road Trip, Baby
45- You are Such a Dork
46- Mad Freaky
47- Hanky-Panky
48- Pizza And Movies
49- Telepathic Gorilla
50-Radio Shack
51- Just On Time
52- Ace
53- Legit

22-The Brave and The Bold prt 2

3K 88 11
By allynmck1

Later in the bunker, Barry sits on the steps as they wait for Felicity to encrypt the phone, Katrina walks over toward him. She takes a seat beside him and starts to nudge him, trying to get him to smile at her.

"Hey, sorry about what I said earlier" she says to him.
"You were right, you know how this all works cause you've done it before. I still don't agree with Oliver's methods but since it gets him answers I will just have to deal" he says to him.

"Good, but just to let you know, that was how I did things too before all this" she says pointing to her suit.
"I figured, since you are from Gotham, which is a city ten times worse then Starling" he says to her.
"Oh it defintily is and I would never suggest we go there" she says.
"I dunno, I think it would be cool for me to see where you grew up, maybe you could hook me up with Batman" he smiles at her.

"Yeah, he's more strict about his identity then Oliver is" she tells him.
"Fine, can I meet Robin?" he asks her.
"Hmm, meeting my ex, well that might be a little awkward" she says to him.
"Really  he's your ex, wow" he says to her.
"Yeah, that's why I said that relationships for people like us is very hard to do" she says.

"I got him" they hear Felicity shout before Barry can ask her anything more about her and Robin. The two of them get up and walk over to Felicity, "He's in a warehouse at the corner of Infantino and Adams" she tells them all.

"Is that..."Lyla asks pointing to the computer screen.
"ARGUS spy satellite? Yeah, maybe...thermographic imaging shows ten bodies inside" Felicity says.
"Harkness knows we're coming" Diggle says.
"I can track the cell phone's position with this" Cisco says holding up his own phone.
"Cisco, you're with Diggle and Roy" Oliver says as he walks away.

Barry and Katrina walk over to Oliver, "We'll race you there" Barry smiles as the two of them speed off. Katrina and Barry race around the warehouse taking the men out, as they waited for the others to arrive. "You're late" Barry says once Oliver walks into the warehouse, he quickly lifts up his bow and arrow shooting at a man that was coming up behind them.

"We so knew he was there" Katrina says to him.
"He's not dead, right?" Barry asks as he points to the guy Oliver had shot.
"Tranq arrow, same thing I tried to use on you in Central City" Oliver tells him, as Roy and Diggle join them.

"Cisco has the van running" Diggle says to them.
"I see you met Harkness' hired muscle" Roy says looking around the room.
"Harness isn't here...Hey!" Oliver says turning toward one of the men that Barry and Katrina had tied up, "Where's Digger Harkness?" He asks him.

"Never met 'em. But he paid us 10 g's to give you this" the man says holding up a phone and Oliver takes it.
"Ten'll get you twenty this belongs to Harkness" Diggle says to Oliver.
"What does that mean?" Roy asks.
"That Harkness played you" the man says to them.

"We need to get back to the bunker" Katrina says realizing that something was wrong about this whole situation.

They arrived back at the bunker to see Caitlin and Felicity standing over Lyla who was laying on the table. "Lyla! Lyla! Lyla! She's not moving" Diggle says rushing to Lyla.

"I've got her stabilized, but I can't operate on her here" Caitlin says to him.
Diggle looks at Barry, "Barry" he says as Barry picks up Lyla.
"Starling General's at Eight and Willcott, Barry follow me" Katrina says as she speeds off Barry following her. They arrive, dropping off Lyla, waiting for DIggle and Caitlin to arrive, so they can make sure she's getting the care she needs. Once they know she's going to be okay they rush back to the bunker, where they see Oliver standing deep in thought.

"This is all my fault" Oliver says to the two of them.
"Oliver, it's not" Katrina tells him.
"I tortured Marcos to give up that phone. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for me" he tells her.
"I get the feeling you don't say that very often" Barry says to him.
"Do what I do, Barry, takes...conviction. But.... More often than not, it's the will to do what's ugly. Every time I do that, I'm... I'm trading away little...pieces of myself. So.." he looks at Barry, "You asked what's wrong with me, that's—that's what's wrong, because the part that I'm trading away is Oliver Queen. And lately I've been feeling like there is...nothing left except the Arrow" Oliver says to them.

"Oliver, that is a bunch of crap and you know it" Katrina says to him, "You've gotten yourself convinced that everything you've gone through has taken your humanity away when in fact it's because of your humanity that you have made it through" she tells him.

"You wouldn't have survived, much less come out the other end a hero, somebody who wants to do good, if you didn't have a light inside of you" Barry says to him as they hear someone enter the bunker.

"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting. I ran the facial recognition on Harkness and I have a match" Felicity says to them.

"Where is he?" Oliver asks her.
"The Starling City train station" she tells him.
"Let's go" Oliver says to Barry and Katrina.

Barry and Katrina race ahead of the train station, where they find Harness, they move all the people that are on the same platform as Harkness away to safety. They rejoin  Oliver who has his bow loaded with an arrow, and is pointing it at Harkenss, " Get on the ground" Oliver says to him.

Harkness laughs, "Now why would I want to do that?" he asks them.
"You hurt a friend of mine. You really think there's anywhere in the world you could run where we won't find you" Oliver says to him.

"Hmm, probably not. Which is why I have a contingency in place" he says as he takes a device out of his pocket, and pushes a button on it, "five bombs planted throughout Starling/ Now, you can stop me, or you can stop the bombs. But you can't do both.....bombs are armed. In 90 seconds, this city will be on fire" Harkness says to them.
"Go" Oliver orders Katrina and Barry, who nod and take off running.

"Guys Harknes just triggered five bombs, throughout the city, we don't know where" Katrina hears Barry asks thought the ear piece in her suit. As they continue to race about the city they wait to hear a respond form the others back at the bunker.

"We need a location, there are five of them" Katrina tells them.
"The five recivers" they hear Felicity respond.
"Nearest one is behind a restaurant at Faith and Flower" they then  hear Cisco say and they take off for the location. Within seconds they find the restaurant and discover the bomb in a nearby trash can.

"Okay, guys we found it" Katrina says.

"I'm going to run it out of the city" Barry says as he goes to grab it.
"Barry wait!" Feliicty practically shouts at them.
"That's not an option" Barry asks.
"We think the bombs might be linked" Cisco informs them.

"Wait, what?" Katrina asks.
"Press the emblem on your suits, I installed a mini-cam there last week" Cisco says this and they press the emblem.

"Okay you see the secondary trigger? It's not just a reciever," Cisco tells them,
"It's a transmitter" Barry says realizing what Cisco was trying to tell them.
"Barry, Kat, if you try to defuse the bomb, the secondary trigger's going to transmit a signal and the rest of the bombs are going to explode" Felicity tells them.

"We're running out of time" they hear Roy say.
"Kinda knew that Roy" Katrina replies.
"You have to defuse all the bombs at the same time" Cisco tells them.
"You're thinking of multiplex" Barry says.
"Cisco, Barry and I can't be in five places at once" Katrina says to them.

"But we don't have to be" Barry says looking at her. Looking at Barry she knew what he was thinking of doing, and they both take off for the bunker, Katrina grabs Caitlin and takes her to one of the locations of the bombs, as Barry grabs Roy then Cisco taking them to the other locations.

"Okay everyone has to cut their wire exactly on three" Katrina hears  Felicity say, "1,2,3" she says and Katrina cuts the wire. Seeing that there was no explosion,  Katrina rushes the others back before going back to Oliver at the train station.

"It means I have some humanity left" they hear Oliver say to Harkness as he turns to leave, they realize Harkness is about to toss a bommerang, and Oliver gets his  bow and arrow out and shoots Harkness.

"You couldn't resist, could you" Barry says to Oliver who just smiles as they help Oliver take care of Harkness.
"Oh, did you guys take care of business?" Cisco asks seeing Barry, Katrina and Oliver walking into the bunker.

"Digger Harkness is now cell mates with one Slade Wilson" Oliver tells them.
"We've got a pipeline, he's got a gorgeous tropical island" Barry says.
"With the landmines" Felicity remarks as she leans back in her chair.

"Wait, what?" Katrina asks.
"It's a long story" Felicity says to her, as Barry and Katrina then notice two empty glass mannequin  cases.

"Is this for us?" Katrina asks.
"For the next time you two are in town" Oliver says to them.
"There'll be a next time?" Barry asks.
"I'm still calling the shots" Oliver says to him.
"We'll talk about that next time" Katrina smiles at Oliver.

"Yes, we will. And then I'll call the shots" Oliver tells her.
"Oh you think that" she says back to him.
"We've got a gift for you, too, Oliver. Early Christmas present, turns out STAR Labs industrial fabricator was based out of Starling, so......" Cisco says opening a box to show Oliver, a new suit, "Ploymer Kevlar weave, it's 25% lighter, and can carry 15% more gear. I've got designs I'm working up that I'm really excited by" Cisco tells him.

Oliver picks the suit up, "It's, uh, it's subtle" he tells Cisco.
"I wanted to replace the hood, but Felicity said it had sentimental value" Cisco says to him.
Oliver looks over at Felicity, "Thank you" he says.

"Anytime" Cisco says.
"You guys headed back?" Roy asks.
"It's possible that Dr Wells didn't sign off on us leaving town" Caitlin tells him.
"You guys said you had time off" Katrina says to them, they  just give her a weak smile.

"Hey, do you still, like, take the train?" Roy then asks Barry and Katrina looking at them.
"Yeah, sure if we feel like taking a nap"  Barry tells him, "but Oliver and I have unfinished business to take care of first" he adds.
"I'm going with you guys, I might need to prevent whatever it is that you are going to do" Katrina smiles at him.

Barry, Katrina and Oliver head for an empty warehouse, "I really think we should have had everyone come along to this, I think they'd of enjoyed it" Katrina says smiling at the men.

"Well, no they would have loved this, but this is just for the three of us" Oliver says.
"Correction, you two" Katrina adds.
"You mean the one of you, this was your idea" Barry remarks.

"You can't expect me to belive that you don't want to know once and for all, who would or you" Oliver says.
"You mean if you don't shoot me in the back" Barry says to him.
"You got to get over that, Barry" Oliver says.

"Ok, I have super powers, you have arrows that run out" Barry says to him.
"I have strategy and tactical awareness" Oliver informs him.
"When I'm fighting you, it's literally like you're standing still" Barry says.

Oliver lets out a chuckle, "That's tough talk, you ready to back it up" he asks Barry.
"Oh, yeah, hey by the way" Barry says.
"Yeah?" Oliver says to him.
"You were wrong, when you told me that Katrina and I could inspire people, you said you couldn't. But you were can inspire. Not as the Arrow, that guy's a douche"  Barry says this and both Oliver and Katrina let out a laugh, "But as Oliver Queen" Barry adds.

"Thank You..since we're sharing, you were wrong too" Oliver says.
"When?" Barry asked.
"Right now, because you think you can kick my ass, I can tell" Oliver says to him.

"All right, well, if you think you can kick mine, you better do it fast" Barry smiles at him.
"I get it Barry, I get it, you're fast" Oliver says as he walks away. Barry then zooms to the other side of the warehouse.

"You men ready to get this ego show over with" Katrina asks.
"Ready" Oliver says as he prepares a bow and arrow.
"Set" Barry replies.
"Go!" Katrina shouts as Oliver starts to fire arrows at Barry, Barry easily catching each one, as Barry races back toward Oliver.

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