17- Never Be Late Again

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It doesn't take Katrina long to catch up to Barry, "Don't stop me Kat" he says to her.
"I'm not trying to, I am your back up" she tells him.
"Let's just hope I am not going to get us killed" he says as they head down a hall. As they turn the corner they see Farooq, "Hey, whoa, whoa, I'm not gonna hurt you" Barry tells him.

"You can't hurt me" Farooq says lighting in his hands. "Where is Harrison Wells?" he asks.
"Look, we know what happened to you, the night of the accelerator explosion, it changed you. It changed us too"  Barry tells him.
"You were the ones in the red and blue suits, I fed from you. I have to keep feeding" he starts to take a step toward them.

"We know this has to be teffifying, that's why we want to help you" Katrina says to him.
"The night of the explosion when the light hit me, it stopped my heart, Jake and Darya" he says.
"They were your friends" Barry says.

"I woke up and they were beside me, dead. They tried to give me CPR, they were touching me and I electrocuted them" he tells them.
"That was not your fault" Barry says to him.
"I know" Farooq says to them as he creates lightning in his hands, "Wells did this to me" he says.

"I know" Farooq says to them as he creates lightning in his hands, "Wells did this to me" he says

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"Farooq, please listen to us" Barry says a bit of panic in his voice. That's when Farooq blasts both Barry and Katrina. The two of them fall back to where the others are hiding, as Cisco quickly grabs a leaver closing the doorway.

"Not sure how long that'll hold" he calls out,.
"Done being noble, Mr. Allen" Wells says to him, "Caitlin get them to the treadmill" he orders them.
"Cisco, bring the generator online. Make sure Barry and Katrina get the charge" Wells says as they head to the treadmills.

Caitlin helps get Barry and Katrina to the treadmills, Caitlin looking over thier wounds, a worried look on her face.
"We're not healing fast anymore are we?" Katrina asks Caitlin who just shakes her head at her.
"That's unfourtant" Barry says.
"Don't worry" Caitlin says as she starts to plug the treadmills in, "When Dr Wells has a theory, he's usually right" she adds.

"What if something happens to Joe and Iris first?" Barry then asks as they hear a noise. They look out the window and see Farooq has entered the area. The three of them get low to the ground and hide behind a wall hoping to not be seen.  Before he can get into the room they make their way to another room and hide inside.

"Did you know the human body gives off electricity?" they hear Farooq say, "The average person gives off 342 watts, and I can smell it coming from you" he says as he starts to try and open the door to the room they are hiding in. Caitlin reaches over and takes Katrina's hand as Katrina takes Barry's all three of them scared. Suddenly the lights begin to come back on, distracting Farooq. Once they know its clear the three of them leave the room.

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