20- The Brave and The Bold prt 1

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(Arrow Season 3 x 8)

Katrina headed into STAR Labs knowing that it was probably about time that she told Caitlin and Cisco the truth. "Just the girl we were waiting to see" Cisco says to her.
"Umm, okay what did I do?" she asks them.

"We wanted you to come along to Starling City" Caitlin says to her.
"Umm why?" Katrina asks.
"The DNA sample Felicity wants me to check over, and I figured with you there, it wouldn't be a problem" Caitlin says.

"Plus we want to see the ArrowCave" Cisco says.
"It is not called that at all, and are we sure I should be leaving Central City?" she asks.
"Barry is here, the city will be in safe  hands" Cisco says to her.

"Fine, but if he gets mad that I took you guys there, or If Oliver gets mad, I am not taking the blame" she says.
"Awesome" Cisco says to her smiling.

Katrina, Cisco and Caitlin walk into Palmer Technologies to talk  to Felicity, hoping she would be good with them just showing up. "Almost done here, Jerry. You should have gone home hours ago" they hear Felicity say.

"It isn't Jerry, cousin" Katrina says smiling at Felicity.
"Hey what are you doing here, and what are they doing here with you?" Felicity asks looking at Caitlin and Cisco.

"This place is bigger than my apartment" Cisco says.
"You asked us to analyze the DNA off the arrow that killed Sara" Caitlin says.
"I was just going to mail you the sample" Felciity says holding up her tablet.

"We had some vaction days coming" Caitlin tells her.
"Plus they thought with me coming along you guys wouldn't have a problem." Katrina tells her.
"We want to see the Arrow Cave" Cisco then blurts out.

"I told you they don't call it that" Katrina says.
"She's right , we don't call it that, ever" Felicity tells him.
"I want to see the toys! I need to see the toys! Do you guys have an Arrowmobile?" Cisco asks.

"Cisco, Oliver doesn't name everything after him, besides it doesn't  sound right. The only ones that  sound right are the Batcave and Batmobile, and I have been in both" she suddenly tells them. Both Caitlin and Cisco look at her in surprise, "Yeah I worked with Batman, but we have other things to talk about first" Katrina says, "Cuz, shall we take them" she adds looking at Felicity.

"Uhh,yeah, lets umm lets go, but I'm just going to warn Oliver first" she says to them.
Katrina and Felicity brought Caitlin and Cisco to the bunker, a big smile plastered on Cisco's face at seeing all the devices.

"Kat?" Katrina hears a familiar voice say.
"Roy!" she calls out and walks over to the boy giving him a hug.
"It's been awhile" he says to her.
"Yeah it has" she says as they pull apart. "This is Caitlin and Cisco, I work with them now in Central City" she says to him as they watch Cisco reach for one of Oliver's arrows.

"Don't touch that" Oliver tells him, as he then goes to touch something else, "Or that... jettison uses compressed CO2.." Oliver tells him.
"Compressed CO2 to jettison high tensile strength polymer cables" Cisco says.

"Yep" Oliver says.
"Since when did we start selling admission to the Arrow Cave" Roy says to them.
"It's..." Oliver points at both Felicity and Katrina, "Do you see what you two have done" Oliver says. They both just look at him giving him guilty looks.

 They both just look at him giving him guilty looks

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