22-The Brave and The Bold prt 2

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Later in the bunker, Barry sits on the steps as they wait for Felicity to encrypt the phone, Katrina walks over toward him. She takes a seat beside him and starts to nudge him, trying to get him to smile at her.

"Hey, sorry about what I said earlier" she says to him.
"You were right, you know how this all works cause you've done it before. I still don't agree with Oliver's methods but since it gets him answers I will just have to deal" he says to him.

"Good, but just to let you know, that was how I did things too before all this" she says pointing to her suit.
"I figured, since you are from Gotham, which is a city ten times worse then Starling" he says to her.
"Oh it defintily is and I would never suggest we go there" she says.
"I dunno, I think it would be cool for me to see where you grew up, maybe you could hook me up with Batman" he smiles at her.

"Yeah, he's more strict about his identity then Oliver is" she tells him.
"Fine, can I meet Robin?" he asks her.
"Hmm, meeting my ex, well that might be a little awkward" she says to him.
"Really  he's your ex, wow" he says to her.
"Yeah, that's why I said that relationships for people like us is very hard to do" she says.

"I got him" they hear Felicity shout before Barry can ask her anything more about her and Robin. The two of them get up and walk over to Felicity, "He's in a warehouse at the corner of Infantino and Adams" she tells them all.

"Is that..."Lyla asks pointing to the computer screen.
"ARGUS spy satellite? Yeah, maybe...thermographic imaging shows ten bodies inside" Felicity says.
"Harkness knows we're coming" Diggle says.
"I can track the cell phone's position with this" Cisco says holding up his own phone.
"Cisco, you're with Diggle and Roy" Oliver says as he walks away.

Barry and Katrina walk over to Oliver, "We'll race you there" Barry smiles as the two of them speed off. Katrina and Barry race around the warehouse taking the men out, as they waited for the others to arrive. "You're late" Barry says once Oliver walks into the warehouse, he quickly lifts up his bow and arrow shooting at a man that was coming up behind them.

"We so knew he was there" Katrina says to him.
"He's not dead, right?" Barry asks as he points to the guy Oliver had shot.
"Tranq arrow, same thing I tried to use on you in Central City" Oliver tells him, as Roy and Diggle join them.

"Cisco has the van running" Diggle says to them.
"I see you met Harkness' hired muscle" Roy says looking around the room.
"Harness isn't here...Hey!" Oliver says turning toward one of the men that Barry and Katrina had tied up, "Where's Digger Harkness?" He asks him.

"Never met 'em. But he paid us 10 g's to give you this" the man says holding up a phone and Oliver takes it.
"Ten'll get you twenty this belongs to Harkness" Diggle says to Oliver.
"What does that mean?" Roy asks.
"That Harkness played you" the man says to them.

"We need to get back to the bunker" Katrina says realizing that something was wrong about this whole situation.

They arrived back at the bunker to see Caitlin and Felicity standing over Lyla who was laying on the table. "Lyla! Lyla! Lyla! She's not moving" Diggle says rushing to Lyla.

"I've got her stabilized, but I can't operate on her here" Caitlin says to him.
Diggle looks at Barry, "Barry" he says as Barry picks up Lyla.
"Starling General's at Eight and Willcott, Barry follow me" Katrina says as she speeds off Barry following her. They arrive, dropping off Lyla, waiting for DIggle and Caitlin to arrive, so they can make sure she's getting the care she needs. Once they know she's going to be okay they rush back to the bunker, where they see Oliver standing deep in thought.

"This is all my fault" Oliver says to the two of them.
"Oliver, it's not" Katrina tells him.
"I tortured Marcos to give up that phone. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for me" he tells her.
"I get the feeling you don't say that very often" Barry says to him.
"Do what I do, Barry, takes...conviction. But.... More often than not, it's the will to do what's ugly. Every time I do that, I'm... I'm trading away little...pieces of myself. So.." he looks at Barry, "You asked what's wrong with me, that's—that's what's wrong, because the part that I'm trading away is Oliver Queen. And lately I've been feeling like there is...nothing left except the Arrow" Oliver says to them.

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