27- See Into the Future

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The next day Barry and Katrina headed into STAR labs debating whether they should get back to training their speed or trying to catch Snart. They enter the treadmill room and look at it as they hear Wells come and join them.

"I hope we're not enemies" he says confusing them.
"What? No, of course not" Barry says to him.
"I thought you might blame me, for pushing you two to pursue your training rather than help the police" Wells says to them.

"Look, we are adults, we make our own choices, our own mistakes, and I'm glad you pushed us to be better" Barry says to well, "It's so weird , there was a time in my life I would have paid money for your autograph, and now we're—"

"Partners" Wells answers for him.
"I was gonna say friends" Barry says.
"In case you doubt it, you two push me to be better too" Wells says smiling at the two of them.

"Guys, you have to come look at this" Cisco comes into the room saying. The three of them then follow him out toward the main room.  He brings up a schematic  of the heat gun that had been used the night before on CCPD.

"When the heat gun was fired, it increased the surrounding temperature of the air dramatically. Sort of like an extreme heat wave" Cisco says as he then smiles, "Heat Wave" he says coming up with a nickname for Snart's partner.

 Sort of like an extreme heat wave" Cisco says as he then smiles, "Heat Wave" he says coming up with a nickname for Snart's partner

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"Stop doing that" Wells tells him.
"Okay, I measured the temperature output of both the cold and heat guns, right. And while the cold gun achieves absolute zero the heat gun reaches absolute hot, or the hottest temperature an object can reach" he explains.

"Plank temperature" Barry adds.
"So potentially, these two guns could cancel each other out" Wells says.
"Yeah, but to do it, you 'd have to make them cross streams" Cisco says to Wells.
"You mean like Ghostbusters?" Barry smiles asking.

"That film is surprisingly scientifically accurate" Cisco tells him.
"And surprisingly funny" Wells adds as Barry takes his phone out of his pocket.

"Hey Joe, what's up.." he says as he then just takes off, Cisco, Wells and Katrina all look at one another.
"Umm...I will go see what's that about" Katrina says as she takes off following Barry across town. She catches up to Barry, and sees yellow police tape and recognizes Caitlin's car.

"Joe, anything?" Barry asks as they walk over to the car.
"There's no sign of Caitlin" Joe tells them, as they examine her car, and Katrina and Barry both look at one  another worry on their faces.

"We are going to get her back, we need to find Snart" Katrina says to Barry and Joe.
"Damn right we do" Joe says to them, "Come on let's go"  he adds and the three of them head to CCPD.

As they walk in, Eddie starts to shout at Joe, "Joe, Joe, we got a hit, second pair of prints, they belong to a Mick Rory" Eddie says as he hands Joe  a file.
"Who is he?" Barry asks.
"Big-time arsonists, he and Snart worked a job last year that went bad. Half of Rory's body was burned in a fire that got out of control. He escaped fro an ambulance on the way to the hospital,  hasn't been seen since" Eddie tells them as they continue walking in the precinct. Why would they kidnap someone like Caitlin?" Eddie then asks them.

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