31-Likes To Wear Leather

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Katrina arrives at the address Barry had sent her, to see him helping Caitlin who had just finished getting sick from what Katrina could see.
"Someone had a little too much" Katrina remarks getting Caitlin and Barry's attention.
"Oh..Barry..look its Kat...Kat our speedy little friend who apparently likes to wear leather" Caitlin drunkly says.

"I didn't have time to change, Let's get her home" Katrina says as they both take Caitlin and race her back home to her apartment.
"Are we still running?" Caitlin asks.

"No, we are back at your home" Katrina tells her.
"Ugh, vodka and superspeed, not a good combination" Caitlin says as they take her to her bedroom.
Both Katrina and Barry let out a light laugh, "Come on lightweight" Katrina says as they get her to the room, and Barry turns on the light.

Both Katrina and Barry let out a light laugh, "Come on lightweight" Katrina says as they get her to the room, and Barry turns on the light

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"So are you gonna call that girl?" Caitlin asks Barry and Katrina gives him a look.
"What girl?" Katrina then asks as they watch Caitlin struggle to get undress.
"The one who gave Barry her number" Caitlin says to her.
"I'm not gonna call her" Barry says to her.
"Obviously, cause then you would ruin what you have with Kat, cause she's your special one" Caitlin says as she starts to unzip her dress and Barry quickly looks away. "Kat and you are so special, I wish I had someone special, someone who can save me" Caitlin continues getting herself stuck in her dress, "A little help please" she then asks looking at Katrina.

"Yeah, okay" Katrina then speeds off grabbing pjs for Caitlin and using her superspeed to change Caitlin.
"There you two go again, saving me from that evil dress" Caitlin says.
"Get in bed" Barry tells her, as they both help her to her bed.

"Did you sneak a peek at my goods?" Caitlin then asks Barry.
"He wouldn't be a very good hero if he did" Katrina says helping Caitlin get settled into her bed.
"Yeah, but that's okay if you peeked a little. You deserve a peek for all the good stuff you do" Caitlin says and Barry and Katrina give her a light smile.
"Make sure you drink lots of water" Katrina tells her.
"Thank you for tonight" Caitlin says to Barry, "I sang" she then says.
"Anytime" Barry tells her as he gets up to leave with Katrina.

"Hey, Barry, Kat, will you two stay with me till I fall asleep?" Caitlin then asks.
"Umm, yeah sure" they both agree as they sit at the end of the bed waiting for Caitlin to fall asleep.

After a few minutes they hear Caitlin starting to snore, and the quietly get up from her bed, using their speed the run out of her apartment. Barry and Katrina get outside and stop, looking at one another, they give a light laugh. "How bad was she?" Katrina asks Barry.

"Oh God, I wish you had come with us, she made me sing" he tells her as they walk down the street.
"I wish I had seen that" she says to him.
"No, you really don't" he smiles at her.
"So about this girl?" Katrina casually asks.

"Yeah, a girl helped me get the bartenders attention, and then might of flirted a little with me and gave me her number" Barry says to her.
"Really, and you didn't feel like telling her you had a girlfriend" she asks him.
"It might have not come up, but I'm obviously not going to call her" he tells her as he reaches out and takes her hand. "How was Gotham?" he asks her.

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