28-Count As A Selfie

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(Season 1 x 11)

A few nights later Barry and Katrina were running the streets of Central City, chasing down three suspects on motor bikes. "Oh Barry, Kat, there's an intersection coming up, hurry" Caitlin informs them on the comm links. When they get to the intersection they don't see either suspect.

"Guys, which way?" Barry asks,
"Left, Right" "Right, Left" Cisco and Caitlin respond confusing Barry and Kat.
"You both realize you're telling us two different ways to go" Katrina says to them.
"Barry, Katrina listen up listen carefully, here's what you're going to do, now Queen is trying to make to the bridge but I have a short cut wait for it" They hear Wells tell them and they both go off after the first suspect, "And left, left, right"

"We see her" Barry informs them.
"Make her go west before Fremont" Wells tells them.
"Okay, but how?" Katrina asks.
"I recommend a detour" he tells them and Katrina rushes ahead of Barry setting up roadblocks, causing Queen to detour.

"The King is headed for the entrance of the interstate" Wells tells them and this time Barry rushes ahead taking a truck and moving it in the way.

"What entrance?" Barry replies back.
"Atta boy" Wells says and these detours forces all three to meet up. Barry and Katrina run around them grapping the keys stopping their bikes.
"Check.." Wells says, "Got the keys" Barry replies, "Mate" Wells says back. Katrina and Barry then run back to STAR Labs.

Barry pulls his mask down and Katrina takes hers off, "Give me some," Barry laughs as Cisco comes over and high fives Barry and Kat.
"Yo" Cisco says to them.
"Efficiently done, Mr. Allen, Miss Ivory" Wells says to the two of them.
"We need a picture" Cisco then says and takes off.

"Uhh Cisco the number own rule of having a secret identity, is to never take pictures without a mask on in your suit" Katrina tells him

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"Uhh Cisco the number own rule of having a secret identity, is to never take pictures without a mask on in your suit" Katrina tells him.
"Oh, come on please" Cisco begs, "This is just for us, just to document all this" Cisco tells her.

"Who knows? Maybe people in the future will wanna know how all this happened" Wells says to Katrina.
"Okay then, if you want the whole story for the future to know then we all have to be in the picture" Katrina tells him.

"First let me put on some makeup" Caitlin says.
"Cait, you look great just the way you are, and I doubt the future will care if you're wearing makeup" Katrina says as Cisco hands Barry the phone. Katrina goes and stands behind Wells as Caitlin and Cisco stand on the opposites of him.

"Alright three..two..one" Barry says as he starts to take the picture, and rushes into it before it can take.

one" Barry says as he starts to take the picture, and rushes into it before it can take

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