37- Sonic Screwdriver

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The three of them head back to CCPD, where they have told the captain of what just happened, "You're confined to the precinct until Mardon's caught" the captain tells him.

"David, you said it, that son of a bitch killed my partner, and I'm not gonna lose you the way I lost Fred Chyre. Look I can't stop you from being pissed, Joe, but I can keep you safe" Singh says as he heads toward his office, "Maybe your daughter can contact the Flash and Bolt" he turns saying to Joe.

"I'm not getting her involved in this" Joe tells him.
"Allen, Ivory, make sure he doesn't go anywhere" Singh then orders them.
"I need to be out there" Joe says walking away.
"Joe, you're always the first one to tell me when I'm not thinking clearly" Barry tells him.

"I took down Clyde, I can take down his dirt bag brother too" Joe says to Barry.
"Joe, you didn't do that alone though, remember" Katrina tells him.
"You're right" Joe says sitting down at his desk, "How are any of these guys gonna protect me? They don't know, they don't know what Mardon's capable of" he adds quietly.
"All right, well, lucky for you, your friends at STAR labs do" Barry tells him and Joe just sighs.

Later, Joe and Katrina meet up with Iris at Jitters she told Katrina that she had something she wanted to talk to them about, "Hey you okay, you sounded like something was bothering you on the phone?" Katrina asks as they grab their coffees.

"Nope everything is good, so last night was fun" Iris says as they walk over to a table.
"Yeah...yeah it was" Katrina says.
"Eddie had a lot of fun, the four of us should do it again" Iris said to her.

"Umm I'll think about it" Katrina tells her as they sit down.
"So the reason I called you two was because my sort-of-advisor at the paper is always teaching me lessons, tricks of the trade, how to get a good story. And one of the things he's repeatedly telling me is to follow your hunch, see where it leads" she explains to them.

"Sounds like good advice" Barry tells her.
"Yeah it is, except in this instance, that hunch involves you two" she tells them.
"Umm okay, well you can ask us anything, Iris" Katrina tells her.

"It's about Harrison Wells" she then says to the two of them.
"What about him?" Barry asks her.
"I mean, a lot of strange things have been happening in Central City this past year. The Flash and Bolt, The Burning Man, people going missing, He was there at Stagg's office the night that Stagg went missing" she tells them as she takes out a photo of security footage and Barry takes it.

"You think that Dr. Wells is responsible?" Katrina asks her.
"I mean, I don't really know him. But you two and your friends do" she says to the two of them.
"Uh-huh" Barry says giving her the picture back.
"Barry, Kat in your hearts of hearts do you think it's possible there's more to Harrison than people have been led to believe?" she asks them.
"Harrison Wells is a good man. If you're looking for a story then you're not gonna find one with him" Barry tells her.

Barry and Katrina stand in the cortex with Caitlin and Dr Wells as Cisco is showing them the device he had been working on, " I call it the Wizard's Wand" he tells them.
"Looks like an extend sonic screwdriver" Katrina says and he smiles at her, "How does it work?" she then asks.

"Just think of it like an active lightning rod, just point it up at the sky and it'll suck up whatever energy's floating around it like a sponge" he explains to them.
"And it'll stop Mardon?" Barry asks as he takes it from Cisco.
"It will certainly slow him down, it there's no atmospheric electrons available to him there's no way to control the weather" Wells says as Barry pretends to swing the wand like a bat, "Good work, Cisco, as always. Excuse me, I'm gonna go stretch my legs" Wells says as he wheels away, and Barry and Katrina watch him go before sharing a look, the info Iris had given them floating through their minds.

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