14-Crazy Steel-Plated Man

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(Season 1x6)

Katrina was busy working away in the forensics lab, when she heard the call over the radio about a stolen yellow humvee. Rushing off to her locker, she quickly changed into her suit and rushed off to where she had heard the last known location. Just as she arrives she see's that Barry had already stopped the humvee, and was now trying to stop the man who had stolen the vehicle. She watched in shock as the man's arm turns to metal and punches Barry sending him flying. Just as the man is bent over Barry ready to attack again, she rushes in just in time to get Barry out of there.

Katrina rushes Barry to S.T.A.R. Labs, placing him down on the ground, "Cisco, Caitlin!" she starts to call out but gets no response. "Barry, Barry it's going to be okay, you're going to be okay" she starts to cry as she then hears footsteps, and sees the trio of scientist come in the cortex.

"Katrina?" Cisco says surprised to her see her there, then they spot Barry.
"Barry, are you okay?" Caitlin rushes over to him, and he gasps in pain.
"What happened?" Wells asks.

"It's really hard to explain" Katrina says, "Caitlin please tell me he's going to be okay?" she says turning her attention back to Barry. Caitlin and Cisco take Barry to their infirmary, and start to work on him right away. Once they have Barry changed, and start working on him, Katrina quickly changed into her normal clothes, and sat right by Barry's side as Caitlin fixed him up.

"13 fractures, that's a new record, and that's just in your hand. You also have a concussion, three cracked ribs and a bruised spleen. Even with your powers, you'll need a few hours to heal" Caitlin tells Barry.
"What exactly did you hit?" Wells then asks.

"It was a bad man that could somehow change his skin, it looked almost like metal" Katrina explained.

"Interesting, a man of steel" Wells says.
"So you went after a meta-human alone?" Cisco says a little angry.
"Hey, I was there, mind you I was late getting there, but I was there too" Katrina says.
"Dude, why didn't you call us?" Cisco then asks.
"I didn't know what he was" Barry groans as he tries to sit up. "Besides I was off duty" he adds.
Caitlin just looks at him, "hmm" she says questioning his answer.

"Lucky he didn't knock out your teeth. Those puppies don't grow back" Cisco says to Barry.
"Strange thing is I feel like I knew him" Barry tells them.
"What do you mean?" Caitlin asks.

"He said something that was familiar" Barry answers, "But he's gonna hurt someone if we don't stop him. So how do we fight a guy that's made out of steel" Barry asks looking at Wells.

"We will find a way" Wells tells him, "Tonight you heal" he adds pointing at Barry.
"Yeah" Barry says as he lies back down on the bed.
"I am staying right here by your side, making sure you do just that" Katrina says as she pulls the other bed over beside Barry, laying down in it keeping a close eye on Barry.

"You really don't have to stay" Barry tells Katrina.
"I need to make sure you stay right here and heal, no going after metal guys, or going off fighting crime on your own" Katrina says to him.
"I was off duty and heard the sirens, and what about you, you showed up there too" he said.
"I was working at the lab, and heard the call over the radio" she tells him.

"So this could have been you in this bed" he says.
"No, cause as soon as I saw him turn to metal I would have left" she says to him.
"Yeah, cause your smarter than me" he tells her.
"Oh I so am" she smiles at him, he tries to chuckle but groans in pain instead, "Oh God Barry I am so sorry" she apologizes.

"Its okay" he says to her.
"Ok, no more making you laugh, rest is what you need" she says to him.
"Rest I think I can do that" he says as he puts his good arm around Katrina who lightly leans on his shoulder.

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