2-Not the Only Ones

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The next morning Katrina headed out to the airstrip, where she was to meet Cisco, Caitlin, Dr. Wells, and Barry. Thoughts of Dick's visit pushed far into the back of her mind. She arrived just as Cisco, was asking Barry how something fit. She watched as Barry stepped into the door frame of a trailer, he was dressed all in red, wearing something that looks like a high school wrestling outfit. He had an odd helmet, and goggles, also elbow and knee pads. She can't help but laugh, "It's a little snug" Barry says then sees her laughing, "Wow, Barry you look..you look ...you look amazing" Katrina says while laughing.

"There's one for you to wear too" he says and her laughter stops.
"No, no way I am not wearing something like that; I have my own" she says to Barry as she unzips her jacket and shows that she is wearing her own workout gear, the same she always wore when she worked out in the Batcave.

"No, no way I am not wearing something like that; I have my own" she says to Barry as she unzips her jacket and shows that she is wearing her own workout gear, the same she always wore when she worked out in the Batcave

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"Why, do you always have to look better than me?" Barry says as he walks down the steps of the trailer.
"At least you'll be moving so fast no one will see you" Cisco tells him as Katrina leaves her bag at the trailer, putting on her own knee and elbow pads.

The two of them walk side by side heading towards Caitlin and Dr Wells. "See you two thought the world was slowing down. It wasn't, you guys where moving so fast, it only looked like everyone else was standing still. Dr. Wells will be monitoring your energy output and Caitlin your vitals." Cisco explains to them as we stand by a starting position they created.
"And what do you do?" Katrina asks Barry.

"I make the toys, my fine lady" he says smiling at her. "Check it. This is a two way headset with a camera I modified" he holds up a device with a lightning bolt shape in the middle, "typically designed to combat battlefield impulse noise, or in the case of you two, potential sonic booms, which would be awesome" he says as he takes the helmet from Barry, and gives Katrina, a device to wrap around her body. She does so as Caitlin comes over making sure the devices around both of them sync up and work. Katrina and Barry both watch as she links her tablet with the devices, and Katrina can tell something is off with her, and Barry nudges Katrina.

 Katrina and Barry both watch as she links her tablet with the devices, and Katrina can tell something is off with her, and Barry nudges Katrina

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"What?"Caitlin asks
"We've just noticed that you don't smile too much" Katrina says and Caitlin looks at them.

"My once promising career in bioengineering is over. My Boss is in a wheelchair for life. The explosion that put you two in a coma also killed my fiancé. So this blank expression kind of feels like the way to go" she says as she walks away.

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