10-Captain Cold

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When Katrina headed back to Central City she doesn't go looking for Barry or her cousin, instead she heads to CC Jitters, knowing Iris would be in working. Just as she's about to enter she sees the two people she is trying to avoid smiling at one another, and Iris smiling at them. She takes a deep breath and opens the door walking over to them, when she sees Iris pass them a flyer for the trivia night tonight, and her heart falls. She stops going over to them, instead heading to a nearby table, watching them talk.

She watches as Felicity walks away from them clearly going to check in with Oliver and Diggle. She watches Barry and Iris talk for a bit before Felicity comes back and her and Barry leave without even seeing her sitting there. Iris then spots her friend seated all alone and comes over to her.

"Hey when did you get here?" she asks Katrina who just gives her a stern hard look. "Ok, what did I do now?" Iris then asks.
"Really Iris, you know exactly what you just did, invited Barry and Felicity to trivia night with you and Eddie. Iris you are like pushing for them to be together when you know how I feel about Barry. I thought you were my friend" Katrina says practically on the verge of tears.

"Kat, I'm sorry I just got thought maybe if I forced them on a date, it would go horribly wrong and then they would realize they aren't meant to be" Iris tries to explain to her.
"You know that's not gonna happen, what hurts even more is that it's my own cousin, who also knows all about my feelings for Barry, but doesn't seem to really care. You know what I hope they have a great night. Don't bother telling them you saw me" Katrina then gets up storming out of Jitters before racing away down the street.

Katrina runs back to the lab hoping getting some work done would keep her mind off Barry. She slowly gets caught up on past paperwork, and starts to go over the files for Nora Allen's death, hoping to see anything when she hears Joes voice come through the police radio.

"This is Detective West, I have a visual on Leonard Snart at the museum. Requesting immediate backup"

Katrina then races away, quickly stopping at S.T.A.R labs to change into her suit before taking off for the mesuem to help Joe. She races through the streets, quickly finding Joe chasing Snart into the nearby theater. Running after them, she manages to push Joe out of the way just as Snart blasts at him with the weapon he has. Katrina feels a cold blast hit her side, it starts burning into her skin. "You okay" Joe asks her.

"It burns" Katrina says as she stands up. Snart aims his ice gun at Katrina and she runs out of the way just in time.

"Time for a test run!" she hears Snart call out, "Let's see how fast you are" he then says as he starts to fire at multiple civilians. Katrina rushes around getting everyone she can to safety. Hiding behind a pillar she sees a security guard coming up an aisle in the theater, Snart turns around and shoots his gun at the guard.

Katrina races to save the man but her injury from before is causing her to go slower then usual

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Katrina races to save the man but her injury from before is causing her to go slower then usual. She doesn't make it in time and the man is shot, dead from the ice weapon. "No!" she shouts as she leans down beside the man.

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