41- Look Good In Red

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The next day, Barry, Joe and Katrina meet up with the team at STAR Labs, "We were able to identify the other Trickster. His name's Axel Walker, age 25. Apparently, him and James have been corresponding through snail mail for over a decade" Joe tells them.
"We should have been there" Barry says looking up at Katrina.
"We'll find him, Barry, you know we will" she says placing a hand on his shoulder, and kissing the top of his head.
"Definitely" Cisco says looking at the two of them.
"I guess we should've listened to you" Barry says as he gets up and walks away, Katrina following behind him.

She catches up to Barry taking his hand as he just walks through the lab, before heading to the pipeline, and taking a seat on the ground in there. Katrina sits down beside him, placing a arm around his waist, as he puts on around her shoulders, and she leans her head against his shoulder.  The two of them just sit there, not saying a word, when they hear footsteps.
"You okay?" they hear Joe asking.
"Do you think my dad is still alive?" Barry then asks him,
"Yes, yes, he is, of course" Joe tells him, "Jesse only took your pop to use as leverage. He might be crazy, but he's not stupid. And everyone upstairs is looking to find him" Joe says.

"So...now I'm supposed to just leave my dad's fate in the hands of a man who may have had something to do with my mom's murder" Barry says as he tries to keep the tears back, "Kat, Joe, I can't so this" he says to them.
"You can, Barry, you can do this" Katrina tells him as Joe sits down with them.

"This just doesn't make any sense. I mean, if Wells is a murderer then why does he wanna help us? Why has he helped us stop so many criminals, or saved Ronnie? Why didn't we see this" Barry says to the two of them.

"I spent a tenth as much time with him as you two did. And he almost had me believing in him" Joe says to them.
"Almost" Barry says.
"Look, whatever else he is...he is Harrison Wells. You love science, he is science. It's like you made best friends with Einstein" Joe says to Barry.
"You're saying I wanted to be tricked" Barry says to him.
"What he is saying is you always wanna be the kind of person who sees the best in people" Katrina tells Barry.

"What he is saying is you always wanna be the kind of person who sees the best in people" Katrina tells Barry

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"I've been a cop for 25 years, all I can see is the flaws, the lies. The dark thoughts that people think I don't see. I wish I could be you. As fast as you are that is your real power. Don't let Wells take that from you. I don't know..why he's helping us. All that matters...is that he is" Joe tells him.
"I can't lose my dad, Joe, Kat" Barry breaks down crying.

"Barr..Barr...come on...come on" Joe says as he gets up and pats Barry on the back.
"Barry, we are going to go put on a brave face, and we are going to go back in there, and get your dad back" Katrina tells him as she stands up, and holds her hand out for him to take. He nods at the two of them, and wipes his face with his hands, before taking hers, and she helps him get up.

"Anything" Barry asks Cisco, as they have been trying to locate the two Tricksters all day, and Henry.
"I'm scanning  all the traffic cams in the city. I got nothing" Cisco tells him as Joe's phone starts to ring.

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