13-Walk On Water

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The next day Katrina was working away at CCPD when she got a call to head over to S.T.A.R Labs, she rushed over just as Barry arrived at the same time.

"Hey, any idea what's going on?" she asks him.
"Nothing, just that Caitlin said she had something to tell us about Bette" he says as they enter the lab.

"I thought she would tell you more, so did you head straight home after you left my place?" she asks as they go toward the cortex.

"Yeah might have stopped a robbery or two" he smiles, "did you go to sleep after I left?" he then asks her.
"Uhh yeah after I had another late night visitor" she tells him.
"Another visitor?" he ask.
"Yeah umm Dick stopped by" she says.
"That's the guy from Gotham right?" he asks.
"Uh yeah he is" she says a smile forming on her face.
"So, did uh something happen between you two last night?" he asks. "I'm sorry that was like super personal" he quickly apologizes.

"No, you are my best friend, you are allowed to ask that, and just to let you know no nothing happened

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"No, you are my best friend, you are allowed to ask that, and just to let you know no nothing happened. I think we finally came to an agreement that we need to stop doing whatever it is that we are doing. It's too hard on the two of us" she tells them as they enter the cortex to see everyone having grim looks on their faces.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Barry asks everyone.
"Did Eiling find out where you are?" Katrina asks Bette.
"No, Caitlin was about to give me the not-so-good news" she tells them.
"The shrapnel in your body has merged with you on a cellular level" Caitlin then says.
"The technology required to unsplice your DNA, it hasn't been inveted yet" Dr Wells then says.

Katrina sees the tears form in Bettes eyes. "Bette," she starts to say.
"It's okay. Roger that I..I just need a minute. Don't worry I'm pretty sure I can cry without blowing stuff up" she says walking away.

"Isn't there anything you guys can do?" Katrina asks them. They just shake there heads indicating they can't, "So what do we do now?" she then asks.
"She joins us. Becomes part of the team" Barry suggests.

"Barry, you have an amazing ability to help people" Caitlin tells him, "She makes things explode" she adds

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"Barry, you have an amazing ability to help people" Caitlin tells him, "She makes things explode" she adds.

"She's the first meta-human not hell-bent on destrtoying the city" Barry tells them.
"It's too dangerous" Wells tells him.
"We are not putting her into the pipeline" Katrina tells them.

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