52- Ace

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(Season 1 x 23)

Barry and Katrina stand in front of Wells, who was currently in one of the containment cells, "What" he says to the two of them, "No Big Belly Burger, it's one of the few perks of living in this time. We're out of cows where I come from. You two don't care about that, you both have questions, go ahead" he says as he paces around the cell.

"We're not sure where to start" Barry says to him, "Thawne, that is your real name. Eobard Thawne" he adds.
"Since the day I was born" he tells him.
"When was that exactly?" Katrina asks him.
"One hundred and thirty-six years from now. This is not what you two wanna know, go ahead Barry, ask it" he says as he stops pacing and looks at Barry.
"Why did you kill my mother?" Barry asks him.

"Because I hate you" Thawne says to him, "Not you know, you years from now" he says to him.
"In the future" Barry says.
"In a future, yes. We're enemies, rivals, opposites, reverses of one another" Thawne tells him.
"Why, why were we enemies?" Barry asks him.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is neither of us was strong enough to defeat the other, until I learned your secret, I learned your name, Barry Allen. And finally, I knew how to defeat you once and for all. Travel back in time, kill you as a child...wipe you from the face of the earth. But then you, future you, that is, followed me back and we fought. We both landed some pretty solid shots. And then you, future you, got your younger self out of there.  I was so mad. But then I thought...what if you were to suffer a tragedy? What if you were to suffer something so horrible, so traumatic, that your child self could never recover? Then you would not become the Flash. So, I stabbed your mother in the heart, and I was free. Finally, able to return to a future without the Flash, only to realize that in travelling back, I lost my way home. Lost my ability to harness the Speed Force, and without it, I was stuck here, stranded in this time, unable to return to my home, and the only way back was the Flash, but the Flash was gone, and so I created him" he says to Barry.

"How do I fit into this?" Katrina asks him.
"You were just an accident; you were never mentioned in my future" he says to them.
"Why train us? Why help us save so many people?" Barry then asks him.

"Because I needed you to get fast. Fast enough to rupture the space-time barrier and create a stable wormhole, through which I could return home" he explains to them.
"Why would I ever do that?" Barry asks.
"Because, Barry Allen, if you give me what I want, I'm gonna give you what you want. You can go back and save your mother. You can prevent your father from going to prison. You can reunite the Allen family" Wells says to him.

"No" Barry says shaking his head, "No, I don't believe you". Wells just smiles at him, and Barry bangs on the glass, "I wanna kill you right now" he says anger in his voice.
"I know that rage. I used to feel that rage every time I looked upon you and now somehow, I know what Joe and Henry feel when they look on you with pride, with love" he says, and Katrina can tell his words are making Barry angrier.

"You have no right to say that to him, you can never say that to him" Katrina says anger rising in her voice as well.
"I know you're both upset, but I'm giving you a chance. I'm giving you a chance to undo all the evil I've done. Don't you want that chance?" Wells says
Barry just stares at him, before stepping away, Katrina following him, as they walk out of the pipeline, and Barry closes the door.

"Hey...come here" Katrina says to Barry, as she puts her hand on his arm and pulls him close to her, wrapping her arms around his waist, and he places his around her neck. "You don't need to listen to that man, Barry. He's antagonizing you, trying to get under your skin, for his sick game" she says looking up at him.

"I know, I know" he says to her.
"We should go talk to the others see what they have to say" she then says.
"Can we just stay here for a minute please, just the two of us" he says to her, "I mean, just being here in this moment right now, helps calm me down" he tells her.

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