18- Flash Vs Arrow Prt 1

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(Season 1 x8)

Katrina and Barry were running through the streets of Central City patrolling for any signs of crime, or people in need. "Barry, Katrina, bank robbery in progress at Cunningham and Sampere" they hear Cisco tell them.

"We got it" Barry replies as they head off that way, they arrive and it's all chaos. Barry has to stop a woman from shooting someone. Katrina and Barry stop others and head up stairs, when suddenly everyone stops fighting. Katrina and Barry look at one another in confusion before heading off. They change back out of their suits and grab their forensics gear, before coming back to the bank. Walking in they are greeted by Joe.

"Hey" Barry says to him.
"Busy morning, witness reported seeing a red and blue streak" he asks them.
"Joe, you should have seen it, everybody here was trying to kill each other, we got here just in time" Barry tells him as they start walking through the bank.

"It must've been a diversion, because there's a half-million bucks missing from the vault" Joe says pointing at the vault, "There's a tracer in the cash stacks, we're trying to find the signal" he tells them as they look around the bank. "Meantime, any idea what could've caused such mass....this?" Joe says.

"Maybe a neortoxin, we will need to swab some surfaces to see what we can find" Katrina says to him.
"I think maybe they got whammied" Barry then says.
"Did you just say whammied?" Joe asks him.
"I just got so angry, I can't believe I did that, I would never hurt anybody" they hear a woman walk past with Eddie saying.

Once they are done at the crime scene, Katrina and Barry head back to the precinct, and watch as Eddie is yelling at the captian, hearing the words red and blue streaks.

"This isn't good" Katrina says to Barry.
"No, no it's not" Barry says back to her.
"Hey, what's going on in there?" they then hear Iris asks as she comes up to them.

"We think that Eddie is trying to convince the Captain that the Flash and Bolt are a public menace." Katrina tells her.
"Excuse me" she says and the two just shrug their shoulders at her, when the door to the captians office opens and Eddie steps out. "So after weeks of my trying to convince you the Flash and Bolt are real now you that you finally do believe me, you're what trying to have them arrested. What the hell" Iris says mad at Eddie.

"Thanks Katrina, Barry" Eddie says to the two of them that have now sat down waiting.
"Sorry" Katrina says.
"No worries, the captian shot me down. Look, I'm not feeling like lunch, see you later" Eddie says to Iris as he walks away.

Iris then turns around looking at Barry and Katrina, "He's just jealous" she says to them.
"Of the Flash" Barry says and Katrina gently kicks him, "and Bolt" he quickly adds.
"Should he be?" Katrina then asks.

"No, I'll see you later" Iris says as she then walks away.
Joe then walks up to Katrina and Barry, "You two need to get to STAR labs" he says to them.

"Yeah we will after we eat" Barry says as the both look in at the captains desk. Barry and Katrina speed off, stealing the Captain's burger and fries.

Katrina and Barry arrive at STAR labs and informed them of what they had seen at the bank, "Anger, hate, aggression" Dr Wells says as he wheels across the room.

"A Jedi craves not these things" Cisco says imitading Yoda from Star Wars, and Katrina gives him a look, "No one is feeling that quote" he says to them.

"Everyone in the bank went total savage for like five minutes, and then they were fine again" Barry says as he crosses the room.

"Anger can be a powerful emotion, if this meta-human can endanger irrational feelings of anger in his victims he can do a lot of damage" Wells says to him.

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