26-Bring It or What

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(Season 1 X 10)

For the next month Barry and Katrina manage to keep what was going on between them quiet from their friends, wanting to see where things would go for themselves. They continued to patrol the city as Flash and Bolt, and still went to work at the CCPD, and they have been having the team at STAR labs push their abilities, wanting to be just as fast as the man in yellow was. Today Barry and Katrina were racing around the abandoned airfield, being chased by a drone Cisco had built that was also shooting at them. Katrina and Barry easily evaded each bullet and out ran the drone, neither one of them getting exhausted.

"Cisco you gonna bring it or what?" Barry asks through their communication links. Katrina and Barry continued to be chased by the drone, when this time it shot a missile at them. Katrina and Barry barely out run it when it hits and they roll across the pavement. They both get back up and look at one another as another missile comes right at them; they look back at the missiles that were launched at them. They nod at one another, before running at the missiles catching them and tossing them at the drones, destroying them. Katrina and Barry smile at one another before wincing in pain and heading back toward the team.

Barry and Katrina change out of their suits and sit down and eat over a dozen Big Belly Burgers as the team goes over the data. "Very impressive, Mr. Allen, Miss Ivory, your reaction to stimuli at super speed continues to improve" Dr Wells says to the two of them.

"It's still not enough" Barry says as he gets up from his chair.

"It will be" Wells tells him. "Keep working like you are, you stay focused like you are, you will be ready next time your man in the yellow suit comes around" Wells adds.

 "Keep working like you are, you stay focused like you are, you will be ready next time your man in the yellow suit comes around" Wells adds

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"I think you mean the Reverse-Flash" Cisco says and they give him a look.

"What? He said it, not me. And he's right, yellow suit, red lightning, and evil. The reverse of Barry" Cisco says to them all.
"Meh" Caitlin says.
"Actually, I kind of like it" Wells says and Katrina can sense something off of that but she just shakes it off.

"Alright, I'm so ready for another round. How many drones do you have left?" Barry asks as he walks off.

"Two and they've got lasers" Cisco says to Barry.
"No" Caitlin, Wells and Katrina all say at the same time.
After spending all day training, Katrina and Barry were finally called away when a call came in from Joe about at break and enter. They left the airfield, changed into their normal clothes, and headed off for the crime scene. The two of them began to examine the room, trying to establish what had happened, since nothing seemed to have been stolen.

"Are you sure nothing's missing?" they hear Joe ask an officer.
"That's what the supervisor said, I can check again" the officer tells him before walking away. Katrina and Barry look down at the broken pieces of metal, examining them.

"Bar, Kat" Joe calls out to them.
"Hey" Barry responds, "uh well, the breakage indicates that the door somehow had zero viscoelasticity when it hit the ground" Barry explains to him.

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