53- Legit

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The next day everyone met up in the cortex of STAR Labs, where Barry explained to them everything Wells had said to him and Katrina the night before. Stein then used one of the computers to bring up the calculations that Wells had said, and was showing it to them all. "According to Wells' calculations, Barry super-speeds inside the accelerator ring.

Once Barry reaches optimum speed, we then launch a hydrogen proton into the accelerator" Stein explains and the example forms on the computer, "Once the collision happens, a wormhole forms...opening a gateway into time itself. It's at that moment, I plan on shouting something along the lines of 'Eureka' or possibly, 'Excelsior', I'm uncommitted" he adds, as Barry walk s over to the desk that Joe and Katrina were leaning against and Cisco was sitting at.

"What do you think?" Barry asks Cisco.
"I mean, on the one hand, it does make a kind of sense. One the other hand...why?" he says to Barry, "Why..why would you ever consider doing this?" he shouts at him.
"You know why" Barry tells him.
"So, for this to actually work, how fast would Barry have to go?" Caitlin then asks.
"By my estimates, Mach 2 at a minimum" Stein tells her.

"You've never gone that fast, not even you two combined have gone that fast" Caitlin says looking at Barry and Katrina.
"So, what happens if Barry doesn't reach that speed?" Joe asks them, "I mean, I'm imagining a bug hitting a windshield. How far off am I?"

"Not very far, I'm afraid" Stein says to him.
"Let me worry about how fast I have to go" Barry says to them, "We're gonna need something else too" he says looking at Cisco.
"Really?" Cisco says to him, "And what's that? Because I don't know about you guys...but I'm not at all interested in helping you get yourself killed" he says to him.

"I need you to build a time machine" Barry tells him.
"Go on" he says to Barry.
Barry, Ronnie, and Katrina follow Cisco to his gadget laboratory, "So if Wells is as fast as you, what's he need a time machine for?" Ronnie asks Barry.

"Well apparently, he lost his speed when he killed my mom. He gets it back sometimes, but only in spurts. He can't fully control it" Barry explains to him.
"So, I was right, he was using the wheelchair to charge himself" Cisco says to him.

"So, after I open the wormhole, he's gonna need the ship to travel back to the future. He's been squirreling away the parts" Barry tells them.
"Now we just need to put it together" Ronnie says as he steps up onto a platform.

"Ronnie, I love you but this is a time machine...not a bookcase from Ikea" Cisco tells him, as Ronnie picks up a part.
"We got a problem, these things, they're made of tungsten" Ronnie says.

"Well tungsten does have the highest melting point of any other element" Cisco tells him.
"Yeah, uh, but the dust it generates is flammable, the pressure exerted from the wormhole" Ronnie says.

"Yeah, yeah, it could cause a hole to be melted into the exterior, it could explode" Cisco says looking at Katrina and Barry.
"You have any ideas?" Katrina asks him.

"Let me ask Dr. Evil" Cisco says as he steps down, "Heh, which used to be a name that made me smile" he says as he walks away to talk to Wells.
"Hey, we will figure this out, and we will find a way to make sure you don't die in the progress" Katrina says to Barry.

"I know I bet you never thought you would be dealing with something like this, when you were running around being the Red Cardinal" Barry then says to her.
"Wait, what you ..you were the Red Cardinal in Gotham" Ronnie says looking at them.

"Sorry" Barry says looking at Katrina.
"I know you have a hard time keeping secrets, yes I was the Red Cardinal, and yes I worked with Batman" Katrina tells Ronnie.
"Does Cisco know about this?" Ronnie asks.

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