
By SagiDraconis

213K 10.5K 4.9K

[One Piece, F!Reader] Being one third of one of the legendary ancient weapons sounds like a dream come true... More

Three-mop technique, a tuna and a clown
Pain Hurts
What's in a dream?
Explanations and recollections
Hate to say you told them so...
Sicko-sicko Whirlwind
1000 years
Now that's a whale...
Miss Hallows Eve
Well that was anticlimactic...
The joys of Kronos
Little Garden of Horrors
An explosive situation
Make it snappy, Crocodile!
Nom nom nom?
Walking in a winter wonderland
A new little brother?
I think Wapol needs a new dentist...
And so the cherry blossoms fell
Mysterious Girl
Wait, how is HE your brother!?
Who needs brothers anyways...
Here's a little lesson in trickery...
The Dreamweaver
The plot thickens
So long, Alabasta. So long, old friends.
And then there were eight
Dead End on the high seas
Under the sea
Six Months
We're blasting off again!
I really don't have a good feeling about this...
Head in the clouds...again
Seventy eight thousand, nine hundred and twenty six
Let's search for El Dorado!
Oops!... I Did It Again
Ground Control to Fairy Vearth
Us regular people
I'm scared
An unexpected guest
Mission (almost) impossible
Fixing Burnt Bridges
We're soarin', flyin'...
Davy Jones' Game
Blink and you'll miss it
Not Yet
The beginning...of what exactly?
Paper Faces on Parade
Meeting the Metal Man
Tick tock, Missy. You can't run from me forever.
The choices we hate
Zero Hour
To cripple fear
One Word. Four Letters.
When push comes to shove...
I'm a Rocketman
The ones who see the future
Bird's the word
How to bluff... terribly
Balancing Act
It's been a while
Panic! On the Bridge of Hesitation
May I see your future?
Straw Hats... ASSEMBLE
Call of the Ocean
As long as we're together
Goodbye Merry, and thank you
More questions than answers
More family?!!? MORE?!
If we could turn back time
A bit of downtime (and unintentional chaos)
Wait... am I a plant?!
A new friend and an old
Yo ho ho who the hell are you?
Bone chilling... with a cup of tea
This is Thriller Bark, this is Thriller Bark
Okay gang, let's split up and look for clues!

To Lost Island!

5.1K 221 62
By SagiDraconis

Usopp's jaw hit the floor. Sanji and Zoro were yet again lost for words.

"Hey you're all here," Apis climbed over Ryu's head.

"Yo!" You raised a hand from where you leant back against Ryu's feathers. You leant down to avoid him from eating you. "You took your sweet time getting the others, Nami."

She ignored you, "Guys, this is one of those millennial dragons that Bokunen was talking about."

"Hey! Let's see if he can fetch!"


Sanji dashed over to you, "So this is where you went, my lovely (y/n)-chwan~<3 I panicked when I saw you were no longer by my side; I thought something had happened to you~<3"

"You insult me." You looked into the dragon's massive yellow eye. "It really is a shame Caspar isn't here... He would be more able to tell where Lost Island will re-emerge than us."

Zoro sweatdropped as you absentmindedly dodged Ryu's gaping mouth yet again, "I'm guessing he's the one who can see the past."

You nodded, "In the grand scheme of things, I would be the weakest out of my siblings because of the lack of clarity in my gift. Caspar can see the past of anything he touches, and Moko can see whatever is happening at that moment, no matter where." You tapped your back, "According to Mello that is..."

"H...hang on for a moment," Usopp held up a hand, "what was that about Lost Island?"

Apis slid down Ryu's back, "Grandpa Ryu's certain that it will resurface any day now, but he can no longer remember where." She stroked his head, "It's not his fault, Grandpa's just gotten old and lost the energy to fly. But I have to make sure Grandpa Ryu gets back to his home, no matter what it takes. It's the only way to save him."

The dragon's eye softened, twinkling slightly.

"Anyways this dragon is the reason why the marines have been chasing after Apis." Nami said authoritatively.

You tilted your head, "From what I've heard about Nelson, that sounds about right. He would leap at any chance to become immortal, however slim those chances are."

She nodded, "I bought the rest of you here because Apis needs our help to take him back to his home on Lost Island."

"Are you nuts? In case you forgot, Nami, the marines are after us too! With that blockade we are going to have enough trouble escaping ourselves, let alone with a ginormous dragon!"

"Nosey is right," you jumped up to avoid Ryu's head, "Especially now, because I have joined your crew after being in hiding for so long. Sorry bout that."


"PLEASE LISTEN!" Apis looked imploringly at him, "Grandpa Ryu just wants to go home. Luffy said..."

"Oh no-"

Nami slapped him on the back of the head, "Be quiet. We are helping Apis, no matter what. The problem is that we have no idea where Lost Island is, but the dragon should have migratory instincts which will help us find it."

"Yeah!" Luffy grinned from where he was sitting on top of a rock. "What are we waiting for, let's get going!"

"But Luffy..."

"Don't worry, we'll work it out."


"It seems fun!"


Sanji lit his cigarette, "I agree, but first thing's first. How are we supposed to bring our big friend down the mountain and onto the Going Merry?"

Nami smirked, "Easy, we're going to build a cart. One big enough for Grandpa Ryu to ride in."


You stretched in satisfaction, "Phew...It's been a while." You turned to Zoro, "Fancy some sparring after this whole thing is over?"

He smirked, "Only if you want to get your ass handed to you."

"You're going down, Mop-boy."



Luffy and you laughed as the two of them started to fight.

Usopp sweatdropped, "The four of you literally leveled almost an entire forest and you still have energy."

Apis was jumping up and down on the finished cart, "It's so sturdy even Grandpa Ryu couldn't break it!"

Sanji quickly stepped out of his fight, "Speaking of breaking, how are we supposed to get through that marine blockade and back to the ship?"

"I think a little distraction would be in order, right Nami?" You held a hand over your eyes and looked down the slope. "We can't exactly fight with a massive dragon in tow, no offence Ryu."

"You said it." She smirked, "One of us has to go to the harbour, sneak aboard the Going Merry and sail it towards the rear of the island."

"Well..." A brown boot stepped down, "since my good friend Kaya gave us the ship, I should be the one to go."

"That was way out of character."

"However, Zoro and (y/n) is coming with me!"

"I retract that statement."

The swordsman started, "Me? Why?"

"Damn it Usopp!" You pouted, "You're meaner than Mop-boy..."


"That's fine by me." Nami declared.

"Great! Nightfall is when we should move out..."

'What was it you were saying, Mello?'


"NO NOW! We're running out of time!" She pointed down the mountain, "Get the ship and bring it to the edge of that cape. The one that looks like your nose."

"Shishishi! Oh that's funny! It does look like his nose!"

Usopp scratched the long nose in question, "Okay, but that still doesn't explain how you're..."

"Leave that to me!" The navigator grinned, "Now get going you three!"



You made a shushing motion as you looked around the building. A group of marines were patrolling the ground around the Merry. You moved back out of sight and dragged Usopp by his nose.

"We could take them out..." Zoro murmured.

"...but that would raise the alarm before we're even on the Merry," you finished.

He nodded before unsheathing his swords and slicing a drainpipe into three pieces.


You smirked, "I like your thinking, Mop-boy."

He grimaced as he stuffed one of them into Usopp's open mouth, "Don't call me that..."

"But it suits you," You winked as you picked up the last piece and placed it into your mouth.

His eyes narrowed.

It was easy enough to find a place to swim from, and the pieces of drainpipe allowed you to keep breathing without being seen. Eventually the three of you were behind the Merry. You and Zoro spat out the pipe easily, but the swordsman seemed to have wedged Usopp's pipe firmly down his throat.

"Meet me on the deck," Zoro swam off to where the anchor was.

You used your daggers between the boards on the Merry to lever your way up. You had barely gotten onto the deck when you heard a loud thwack by the anchor.


Garbled screaming told you that Usopp still hadn't got the pipe out of his mouth. You facepalmed as the marines started to fire.

Zoro winced, "That idiot..."

"The sails!" You pointed.

"On it!"

You sliced away the rope ladder with your dagger, making sure you couldn't be seen. Zoro did the same for the bindings for the mainsail. As it caught the wind, the Merry began to sail away.


"There must be another one on board!"

As soon as Usopp climbed the anchor line, you pulled it in and secured it. "This seems to be getting more exciting," you smirked.

"Hoa ca u fi dih ehi-ing!"

"I translate that to: 'How can you find this exciting?', Missy."


The sniper turned to see the Merry heading straight for a marine ship, "ZO-HOOOOO!"

You ran below deck to see Zoro pulling the rudder hard to stop the Merry from colliding with the marine ship. It took the both of you to actually make the ship turn, and even then it smashed into the side of the marine vessel. The Going Merry slid alongside the marine ship and sped past the blockade, with the rest of the marines stumbling to pursue you. You and Zoro dashed onto the deck, to check for updates.

You giggled as Usopp finally yanked the pipe out of his mouth, "Oh man, this is fun!"

"YOU ARE CRAZY, (y/n)!"

"Good!" Zoro wiped the sweat off his brow, "Because there will be more of that to come. Now then," he raised his hand above his eyes, "where is that cape?"

"Right in front of you." You pointed to the Usopp-nosed cape Nami mentioned.

"So we turn right...."

"Then we would crash into the island, Mop-boy..."

"Call me that one more time and I swear-"

"All of that aside," Usopp looked from the back of the ship, "in case you haven't noticed we have A MARINE WARSHIP ON OUR TAIL!"

You laughed.

"But seriously, I've been wondering..." The sniper scratched his chin, "Why do you call him Mop-boy. Marimo and Moss-head I can understand, but Mop-boy."

"Oh funny story that." You smirked devilishly at Zoro, "But I think someone would rather keep that story unsaid."

He raised an eyebrow suspiciously, "That is...quite considerate...for you..."

You smirked, "But you know that I have a near-photographic memory, so perhaps some day in the future when you forget, Mop-boy, I can kindly remind you!"

Zoro facepalmed, "I thought as much..."

"You know me well."

"You're an easy read."

"Smooth bastard."

"Psycho bitch."

"Oh for the love of Kronos stop flirting both of you."


Zoro snickered.

Usopp sweatdropped, "Guys...the marines..."

"Right, right." You looked at the marine ship that was suddenly right next to the Merry, "I'm on sails!"

"I'll man the rudder!"




"Just do what you do best and get rid any cannonballs that come our way."

He seemed to settle for that and the little boat managed to pull ahead of the marine ship. You looked out from the rigging, "That big thing can really move!" You frowned, "But we are right where Nami told us to be, and I don't think she wanted us to invite guests. Nami told us not to, but it looks like we're gonna have to fight."

A cloud of dust coming down the mountain caught your eye. You groaned as you looked closer, and Zoro looked up at you after slicing a stray cannon ball.

"What's wrong?" He followed your line of sight, and his jaw dropped, "Is that witch insane?"

"What is it you guys?" Usopp poked his head out of the cabin, and looked up at the mountain, "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"


"You're acting childishly, Missy!"

'But it looks like so much fun,' You pouted.

"THAT MASSIVE CART IS INCOMING AND FAST! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!" Usopp was running in circles crying.

You slid down the rigging, "We'll be fine."


You tapped your back as an answer, turning to look at the pursuing boat, "Now this may sound weird, but I have a hunch that just by chasing us, that warship has done us a favour."

"Makes no sense, but sure." Zoro braced for impact, "I really hope this hunch of yours is right, Missy, because that thing is coming in fast."

The cart with Luffy, Nami, Sanji, Apis and dragon onboard flew over the edge of the cape and over the marine ship below. The unsuspecting marines looked up in panic to see a black shadow break through their main mast and fall onto the water next to the Merry.

Apis and Luffy were laughing hard, and you pouted, "Looks like you guys had an awesome ride..."

Zoro and Usopp just stared at them, "THAT was their plan?"

Apis gave a thumbs up, grinning from ear to ear.

As Usopp ran to secure the cart to the Merry, Zoro looked at the marine ship and smirked. "Looks like your hunch was right, Missy."

You shrugged, "I can't help it if I'm psychic."

Luffy laughed loudly as he stretched himself over to where you were, "YEAH THAT SOUNDS COOL! I HEREBY NAME (y/n) THE SHIP PSYCHO!"

Sanji kicked him with a fiery passion, "(y/n)-CHWAN IS NOT A PSYCHO YOU MORON!"

"Ship psychic..." You smirked, "Sounds a bit pretentious, but hey I'll take it. 'Ship psycho' also would work I guess..."

"You can say that again..."

"Mop-boy, who is it that gives you good booze again? Remind me."


"Luffy!" Nami walked over from the back of the ship, "We're all set and are ready to leave when you want!"

"WHOOP!" He grinned, "On to Lost Island!"

Usopp raised an eyebrow from down on the cart-now-raft, "Oh yeah? And where is that exactly?"

"Hmmm..." Luffy frowned and started to frantically point. "That way. Oooor that way. Maybe it's behind us?"

"Are we really going to be okay?" The sniper sweatdropped.

"Guess we have to pick a direction and try it."

"Mop-boy, you of all people are the last person we should ask for navigational advice."

"...shuddup Missy!"

Nami winked, "It's not on any of the charts~<3!"


"...that wink was really unnecessary."

Eventually, to everyone's surprise, you all took Zoro's advice and raised the mainsail in a reasonable direction. Grandpa Ryu seemed very comfortable as the makeshift raft rocked side to side above the waves.

Luffy grinned, "We're headed to Lost Island!"


You nestled into Ryu's feathers and watched the flying fish go by. Surprisingly, Luffy had joined you, saying he wanted to talk more with the dragon. On the ship you could vaguely hear the voices of Nami and Usopp.

"Looking at the maps, there doesn't seem to be any other islands within the vicinity of Warship Island..."

"Oi! Grandpa dragon! Where are we supposed to go?"

You chuckled softly, "You really can pick good namaka, Cap."

"Shishishi, of course!" He slumped himself down next to you.

Ryu shook slightly as he watched the flying fish.

Luffy looked at him directly in the eye, "Hey!"

The dragon closed his eye.

"Looks like he's dozed off again." The rubber man pouted as he stood, before looking up at the Merry.

Nami, Usopp and Zoro frowned.

"Sorry to keep you waiting guys!" Apis ran over to the back of the ship, "Lunch is ready!"

'Mello, are you ready to switch over?'

"Of course I am, I cannot let you waste that glorious food!"

'Again, I seriously worry about you sometimes...'

Luffy grinned, but the faces of the rest of the crew visibly darkened.

"More of her cooking?"

"I wasn't 'waiting' for this..."


Thankfully for the sake of your tastebuds, and despite Mello's pouting, Sanji had made the lunch and not the little girl.

"Grandpa Ryu!" Apis carried a heavy pot over to the back railing, "Eat up!"

"Ah! Food!" Luffy stretched out his arms.

"Careful, Cap. It's really hot." You stood.

He ignored you and grabbed the pot, "HOT!"

"I told you..."

The cook glared at Luffy as the pot flew through the air, "YOU DUMBASS!"

The pot landed upside down on the balding patch on Ryu's head. He turned bright red and his eyes opened quickly.


Apis panicked, "Grandpa Ryu!" She slid down the ropes and onto the raft, running up to the dragon and cleaning off the food from his head.

His yellow eyes were wide open, as if he seemed to be remembering something.

"Are you alright, Grandpa Ryu?" The little girl looked at him worriedly, before her own eyes widening slightly.

"Good grief, you wasted the food I made specially for him."

"You can just make more, right?"

"What have I told you about wasting food?"

Apis stood.

Luffy looked at her, holding the still hot pot with his sandals, "What's up?"

"Lost Island..." She looked up to the deck, "The dragon's nest...is east of Warship Island."

He grinned, "So that's where Lost Island is?"

"Grandpa Ryu just remembered!"

They laughed.

You smirked up to the deck, "Yo guys! We know where Lost Island is!"

"It's to the east of Warship Island!"

"Grandpa Ryu just said so!"

"Just like that!"

Nami grinned and started to bark orders at Usopp.

"Now this is exciting and all, but one thing is more important..." You looked up to the cook, "Flirty! You mentioned lunch a while back. Do I get anything?"

"Of course (y/n)-chwan! I specially made you and Nami-swan some tangerine dumplings sweetened by my love~<3!"

"SWEET!" You climbed up the ropes connecting the raft to the Merry like a monkey. Happily taking a dumpling, you ate it while hanging upside down, "So good!"

"Would you do anything to satisfy your sweet tooth, Missy?"

'Yes.'  You replied without hesitation.

"You'd better eat all of that, Luffy!"

"Sure!" He gobbled it all down in one bite, before stretching over to the Merry. Apis grabbed hold of him after hugging the dragon tightly, and together they zipped onto the deck.

You quickly finished your dumplings and handed back the plate, "Those were so good, thanks so much, Sanji!"


"Hey pervy cook, where's mine?"

"In the toilet where it belongs, stupid marimo!"


You slid back down the rope onto the raft.

Luffy looked down at you and tilted his head, "You sure you're okay down there by yourself, (y/n)?"

You smirked as you snuggled back against Ryu's feathers. 'Man, these are comfy.' "I'm fine, Cap. Besides, someone needs to guard Gramps here." You dodged the large snout that had been aiming for your head.

Luffy smiled, "Well if you're sure." He zipped off to his seat at the front of the ship. Apis waved goodbye as she ran off to help Sanji in the kitchen.

When everyone was out of sight, you frowned. "Hey Gramps..."

He turned his large yellow eye to look at you.

"Why haven't you told Apis."

His eye widened.

"Yeah, I know." You sighed, "you're going to die soon, aren't you. Your future stops pretty soon, so you can't deny it." Your lip twitched, "One of the many perks of being a living time bomb..."

He sniffed.

You looked at him, "No, I haven't told anyone yet because they would want to tell Apis, and you don't want her to worry, right?" You moved your hands behind your head, "But I really don't like hiding things. My gut thinks you should tell her."

Ryu stiffened.

You chuckled softly, "Yeah...on second thought don't do that. She would completely freak out."

He snorted.

The girl in question skipped out and started to animatedly talk to Ryu about how they were almost there. You eyed the dragon warningly, before tuning out of their conversation.

Apis stopped suddenly and tilted her head, "That's silly, saying thanks already! We're not even there yet!"

The dragon narrowed his eyes.

A shadow on the horizon caught your eye, and you stood up, "So the marines caught up to us, huh." You raised your left arm, "Mellontas."

"On it."

He appeared in a flash. You gripped him tightly.


Nami's scream made you look down to the front of the ship. Your eyes widened.



Ok so I lied about releasing a chapter everyday....so I might as well post a couple of extra ones today. Enjoy :)

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