I-Island Academy's Class Pres...

By LuckyyBubbles

578K 26.5K 11.2K

After the final exams for Class 1-A, the school took an unexpected turn to collab with a couple of other hero... More

Chapter 1: The Hero-Teamwork Project
Chapter 2: Arrival in UA
Chapter 3: One Minute and Thirty Seconds
Chapter 4: Only Four?
Chapter 5: Lunch Rush's Cafeteria
Chapter 6: Ketsubutsu Academy
Chapter 7: Disapproval of the Class Presidents
Chapter 8: Another Dorm-mate!?
Chapter 9: The Good/Bad News
Chapter 10: Unexpected Apologies
Chapter 11: Warm-Up
Chapter 13: Lousy Kisser
Chapter 14: Proper Introductions
Chapter 15: Roleplay
Chapter 16: Kissed then Hugged
Chapter 17: Overly Competitive
Chapter 18: Inconveniences
Chapter 19: Cold Soft Shoulders
Chapter 20: Encounters
Chapter 21: Snacks Before a Mission
Chapter 22: The Unexpected
Alternate Timeline: OVA 1- 2K reads special edition!
Chapter 23: Divine Punishment
Chapter 24: More Responsibilities
Alternate Timeline: OVA 2 - 3K reads special edition!
Chapter 25: Temporary Transfer Student
Chapter 26: Free Meal
Chapter 27: Eating with Kyo-kun
Alternate Timeline: OVA 3 - 4K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 4 - 5K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 5 - 6K reads special
Alternate Timeline: OVA 6 - 7K reads special
Chapter 28: The Assault
Chapter 29: Lockdown
Chapter 30: Lucas?
Chapter 31: Flatline
Chapter 32: Bakugou's Guilt
Chapter 33: Frustrations
Chapter 34: Monday
Chapter 35: The Consequences
Chapter 36: Mercy
Chapter 37: Cu?
Chapter 38: Fever
Chapter 39: Granola Bar or Seafood Udon?
Chapter 40: The Name-Tag Ripping!
Chapter 41: Surprise Attack VS Unimaginable Speed
Chapter 42: The Battle Starts!
Chapter 43: (L/n) (Y/n) VS Ibara Shiozaki
Chapter 44:Their Rampage: (L/n) (Y/n) VS Takaki Nui!
Chapter 45: The Clash of Emotions
Chapter 46: Quirk Limiter
The Author's not so typical day
Chapter 47: The Desperate Boy! (100K READS SPECIAL!)
Chapter 48: Bridal Hugger
Chapter 49: More Drawbacks
Chapter 50: Kageyasu's Mess
Chapter 51: Incoming Call
Chapter 52: The Villain
Chapter 53: Dread
Chapter 54: Omelette Rice
Chapter 55: More Omelette Rice?
Chapter 56: The Reveal- Part 1: Axel
Chapter 57: The Reveal - Part 2: Lucas
Chapter 58: The Reveal - Part 3: Suzu & Kai
Chapter 59: Nicknames
Chapter 60: Fire & Squishy Incident
Chapter 61: Complex Planning
Chapter 62: Sent and Received
Chapter 63: Forthcoming Assembly

Chapter 12: Naval Battle

11.9K 497 49
By LuckyyBubbles

                                      (✿◕ 𐤿◕)            

Manoeuvring his body to the right, which was clearly your blind spot due to your eye-patch and peg-leg, Axel took a swing to your head but you quickly blocked his punch by your arms on instinct.

You gave a pained grunt, "tch, so predictable that you would go for my blind spot," you commented.

After the comment left your mouth, your arms wrapped around the extended robot arm that was quite easy for you to grab. Turning on your heel you throw Axel over your head and slammed him onto the ground before he could reply to you. As soon as his back made contact with the ground he let out a pained gasp.

You cheered in your head and headed towards where Suzu was. You were quick on your feet, but already heard the familiar sound of Axel's blasters going off on his feet. In a matter of seconds, Axel was back on his feet and was heading towards you. Not having enough time to dodge his incoming speed you felt a sharp jab on your right side and slipped on your footing.

It didn't help that the location was a landslide, so of course, you had to accidentally roll down the landslide. Dirt was the only thing that you could see as you went down the scape before an invisible force stopped you from going any further. You sat up and saw that Suzu's palms were facing towards you from afar as he faced off Kai. He managed to control the pressure around your body to halt your movements.

You regained composure and communicated with Suzu.

"Thank you, Suzu-san!"

"Don't thank me yet, the bird is in the middle of the landslide! I'll hold back Kai and watch out for Axel's sneak attacks!" he replies as soon as he sees you regaining your balance once more.

The bird perched onto a piece of the boulder in the middle of the landscape and chirped without a care in the world. Its head jolting from side to side as it observes any incoming students. You were in a pickle, not only will you struggle walking through the landscape with your peg-leg but you also had to avoid Axel who is targeting you. You shook off any lingering doubts and decided to go for it.

'There's no time for hesitation!' you convinced yourself.

You began to sprint towards the bird, occasionally sliding down due to the debris and soft ground, but was still in hot pursuit of the bird who hasn't looked your way yet. You didn't want to take the risk of the bird spotting you earlier so you've decided to go for broke and do a long jump to catch the bird while it is still peacefully perching on the boulder. As soon as your foot and peg left the ground Axel has also spotted you and raced to grab the bird.

The bird took notice of Axel first and reacted by fluttering into the air facing the opposite direction of where Axel was. Fortunately for you, the bird met you halfway into your jump and you snatched the bird with your left hand before it could fly away from you. You landed onto the ground with a painful thud and felt Axel land next to you.

Not wanting to lose the bird quickly, you finally activated your quirk and set a flame barrier between yourself and Axel by setting your right arm aflame and waving your arm around. He hesitated and backed away, but the sudden change of light and sounds in the land zone caused your other two classmates to look over to you two. Suzu grinned upon seeing you holding the bird, but accidentally let go of Kai in his hold.

"Suzu-san you idiot!" you screamed when you saw Kai escape from your partner's hold. Kai headed towards you with an imaginably scary expression plastered on his face.

"Give me the damn bird you (h/c)-haired freak!"

"(L/n)-san! Run towards the other zone!" Suzu desperately screamed.

The bird twitched in your hands but still kept your other arm in flames since Axel was still attempting to grab the bird from you. You were so high to dodge anything that came your way that you instantly decided to set your right leg aflame as well and weaved through the landscape to get over to the flood zone.

The sudden change of your quirk usage surprised your three classmates since you usually never set two limbs on fire. This only made Kai smirk, "ohoho! finally, someone is taking this a little serious!" he yells throughout the zone. Axel, who was the closest to you, was still looking over to your figure as you catapult yourself to the flood zone.

As you directed yourself towards the flood zone, you slowly deactivated your quirk as you neared to the zone. Your firey quirk was no good against the water, but you really had no other choice. You landed gracefully onto the cement and stood idle at the flood zone.

"Suzu-san! I'm at the Flood Zone. Hurry up so you can deliver the robotic bird to Professor Blight before the time runs out!" You informed through your communicator.

"Yes (L/n)-san, I'm in hot pursuit by Axel-san but Kai-san is nowhere to be found. Please be careful!"

As soon as both of your conversations ended, you felt someone land loudly a few feet away from you. It was Kai-san with a smirk. You had no idea how he got there but moments after, you felt the blood drain your face as he readied himself to battle you for the bird.

"Make it easy for me and give me the robot bird, one-eye."

You shivered under his gaze but stood your ground.

Kai gave a chuckle and touched the water from the flood zone with his left foot. "Not going to? Fine. Let's do it the old fashion way." He cracked his knuckles and his neck and slowly started to walk towards you then started to sprint. You gulped and clenched your right fist, readying yourself for anything he might attack you with.

"Here we go!"

Narrator POV

In the far distance, Professor Blight watched with a pair of binoculars and wrote anything in his clipboard for any improvement to be made or anything particular with his students. He sighed as he set his pair of binoculars down and looked at his watch. "Ten minutes left and counting, but they're finally right where I want them!" he complained to himself. He looked at his students once again and watched as (Y/n) and Kai has connected fists. A slight wave flew across USJ indicating just how much force his two students put into their punches.

"Well, as long as the other classes don't get hurt from the aftermath of this exercise, I guess I should let them still have at it." Professor Blight wrote a few things down as he continued to watch his two students battle. "(Y/n)... improved... combat... Kai... still..." he continued to mumble to himself not hearing the lunch bell resonate throughout the building. Lunchtime was finally over and the Hero-Teamwork Project was now in session.

Back to the I-Island students, the four students were having a two versus two battle and did not hear the lunch bell ring. Kai was quite persistent with his kicks, and have managed to kick (Y/n) into the Flood Zone. She still grasped onto the robotic bird even as she descended down into the water. This simple move has drastically turned the combat battle into a naval battle as they all plunged into the water. Suzu had no problem protecting (Y/n) against Kai and Axel, but with Kai's quirk being flexible in any environment, the other pair has a higher chance to beat them in a naval battle.

Axel blasted his way towards Suzu and threw a sickening punch to his guts. Suzu instantly gasped at the suddenness and inhaled the water. This action gave a huge advantage to Kai and Axel since Suzu was aiding (Y/n) with her lack of swimming abilities. Since (Y/n) had peg-leg swimming was twice as hard for her.

The ongoing naval battle went on for minutes. And even though Suzu and (Y/n) had a huge disadvantage in the flood zone, the two students have managed to keep the bird away from the opposing pair. They were fairly confident that they would win the warm-up exercise, but Kai and Axel were both persistent to grab a victory.

Professor Blight, of course, lacks the ability to see the naval battle within the flood zone but this didn't stop him from observing every little water splash or the occasional head that would pop up to catch a breath of air. 'It seems that (Y/n) can still swim even with a peg-leg, this just proves that she will be able to—,' his pen furiously jotted down notes. The professor was so caught up in the moment that he did not sense any person, or rather, people entering the building.

Thirteen was the first to spot the professor near the centre of USJ and called for him, however, he was still deep in thought and didn't hear Thirteen. Everyone involved in the Hero-Teamwork Project descended from the stairs and looked around wondering where the rest of his class was. USJ was quiet, except for the scribbling sound coming from the professor. Vlad King decided to tap the Professor's soldiers and finally snapped him out of his state.

"AH!" Professor Blight jumped.

"Professor Blight, what are you doing here so early?" he asked.


Professor Blight took a look around and let out a shocked gasp. He brought his wrist up to his face and checked the time; lunchtime was already over. He gulped and scratched the back of his head while giving an awkward laugh.

"W-well you see, my class came here earlier for a warm-up," he grinned.

Aizawa slanted his eyes, "then where are your students?"

Professor was about to reply Aizawa but then a heap of water from the land zone erupted upwards into the air. The classes all gasped at the unexpected and saw the I-Island students riding the geyser.

                                (◕ﬦ ◕✿)

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