The Chosen One ( Male reader...

By Balasubas19

363K 4.3K 6.3K

Your Name is Y/N L/N. You didn't know who you're parents are. Ozpin invited you to join Beacon academy to bec... More

About the Reader and Harem
Weapons, Outfits and ETC.
Chapter 1: The Umbrella on Beacon! And Reunion
Chapter 2: Shocking Discovery! And meeting new people
Chapter 3: Initiation and show of power!
Chapter 4: Badge and Burden
Chapter 5: A master's gift.
Chapter 6: Before the Umbrella.
Chapter 7: Morning Routine, Intense training and Contract!?
Chapter 8: Confessions!
Chapter 9: Forever fall and A Master's visit!
Voting Poll
Chapter 10: Pushing to the limits!
Chapter 11: The 3rd member!
Chapter 12: Stray and dark past
Chapter 13: Black and White with a brutal fight
Chapter 14: I will return
Volume 2
Chapter 1: Welcome to Nemesis Clan and New member of the Harem!?
Chapter 2: Mission Nemesis
Chapter 3: Homecoming with a food fight!
Chapter 4: Vengeance is served
Chapter 5: Time to work/Vision or dream?
Chapter 6: Painting the town
Some changes
Teaser for future chapters :0
Chapter 7: Extracurricular, talk about dance and the truth!
Change the cover?
Chapter 8: Dance night!
Chapter 9: A master's habit rubbed to his student
Chapter 10: Upgrades
The Spartan's guardian angel (20K reads special)
Chapter 11: The breach
Chapter 12: My Purpose...
Volume 3
Chapter 1: Vytal festival
Chapter 2: Team Sapphire vs Team CFVY
Chapter 3: Supporting the team and a special fight!
Intro for this book
Chapter 4: Meeting the Uncle, Older sister and the rematch!
Chapter 5: Birds and bees and the truth
Chapter 6: Something isn't right
Chapter 7: Battle of Beacon
Chapter 8: Give them more time and all out battle (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Give them more time and all out battle (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Awakening
Chapter 11: The Aftermath
Volume 4
Chapter 1: Path to recovery and the new recruit
Thank you for 80K reads special and fun facts!
500 (almost) followers special!
500 followers special! Q/A
Chapter 2: Raiding the base!
Chapter 3: New pieces
Winner of the Voting!
Chapter 4: The Alpha VS The Omega
Chapter 5: New players and Stepping stones
Chapter 6: Uncles and Aunts
Arts about this Book!
Chapter 7: Alliance
Chapter 8: New allies/Awaken my Brothers!
Chapter 9: Boost of Power! And The Chosen One's champion
TCO Spin off Story: Y/N's secret technique! (Canon)
Rest in Peace Kobe Byrant
Chapter 10: People from another world
Voting Pool I
Chapter 11: Meeting the keyblade masters
About the book
REMAKE is up!

TCO Spin off Story: The white devil (Canon)

654 16 2
By Balasubas19

No one POV

Remnant is filled with mysterious and great myths, ranging from the history of wars, killing rare kinds of Grimm, the maidens, and how it all began...

However, one myth, is actually real. This myth strikes fear to the bad people of Remnant. He will come to you... With a blade emitting with blue electricity.

Some people say he's not human, and some say that he's a machine. But he's both of those. His sword.. Is a tool of justice.

This myth is the White devil...

No one knows his true identity. Your lucky enough if he leave you alive. Little did they know, Y/N's childhood friend, Yupia, encountered the white devil, back at Atlas, when she was 8 years old.

*In beacon academy*

Yupia is seen sitting on her bed, remembering how she got out in Atlas. She still remembers the memories of being experimented and replacing her body with robotic parts. Those memories still hunts her.

Her memories were interrupted when Y/N enters the room and looks at her with concern look.

Y/N: Hey Yupia, are you all right? You've been quite for a while.

Yupia shakes her head as she looks to Y/N.

Yupia: I'm fine. I... I've been thinking about this Desperado you've mention.

Y/N sits besides her on the bed as he listens.

Y/N: What about it?

Yupia: Well, you told us that they are cyborgs right? *Y/N nods* Did I even told you how I got out from Atlas?

Y/N silently growled when she mentioned Atlas. He knows that she have been experimented with robotic parts. Y/N nods with anger in his eyes.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm glad that you got out from those scums. What about it?

Yupia: I didn't told you how I got out right?

Y/N: Now you mention it... Yeah. How did you get out?

Yupia: Well... "Someone" Helped me get out, with the children as lab rats as well.

Y/N got interested.

Y/N: That's good to hear. Who helped you out?

Yupia: Have you ever heard the story of the white devil?

Y/N shook his head as Yupia sighs.

Yupia: Looks like I have to summarize it. So better listen honey.

Y/N turns to her and starts to listen.

Y/N: I'm ready darling.

Yupia nodded as she clears her throat and starts.

Yupia: Back at Atlas. The complex I'm in is heavily guarded. Filled with Atlas specialists and soldiers, covering their dirty plans, wanted to turn children into killing machines...

*Flash back 8 years ago*

Author: All this words are Yupia narrating the story.

Yupia: They covered it up as a factory for Atlas machines... But the truth is that complex is a experimental lab for children.

Deeper inside the complex, cells and cages are seen inside of it, heavily guarded with fortified doors and Atlas soldiers. The cells and cages contains kidnapped children, waiting for experimentation.

Yupia: They only feed us once in every 3 weeks. Sometimes they punch me, hit me with melee weapon, and kicking me down.

Inside the cell, children are seen sitting, crying and whimpering, due to the harsh treatment to them. One of them is a 8 year old Yupia, sitting and scared on what will happen to them.

Yupia: I was afraid, I don't know what to do, scared when I heard that they dispose children off to the cliffs. Ironwood APPROVED that.

Yupia's head rises when they heard the jail gates were opened as a doctor and 2 guards entered the cell.

The children are scared, silent and shaking in fear as the crazy doctor starts picking the children. Yupia's eyes widen when the doctor points his fingers to her.

Doctor: And that girl as well. *grins* Let's scoop her brain!

Yupia: I am afraid. Is this will be my fate?

The guards grabs her arms as they forced her to go with them to the surgery room. The young Yupia is seen trying her best to get free from their grips. But she failed, and she has no choice but to accept her fate.

They made it to the surgery room. Yupia's eyes widen when she saw all the tools for surgeries. Some of the tools are stained in blood, and the other body parts is seen on the bins.

Yupia: I still remember it.. That smell, the blood... and the room...

Yupia: They strapped me in the bed as they ready the surgery tools. I am scared...

The 8 year old Yupia squirms around, in hope she got to escape as the mad doctor starts operating the machine, making Yupia's eyes widen in horror.

Doctor: *grins insanely* Time to scoop that brain of yours darling!~

Yupia: I closed my eyes, thinking that this is all a dream. A bad dream.

The 8 year old Yupia screams for help as the doctor laughs maniacally. Until the alarm of the complex starts playing.

Yupia: And.... Someone saved me, from the doors of death.


A huge explosion has occurred, shaking the whole complex as the Atlas soldiers and Specialists prepares for battle. Only to reveal a destroyed rubble flying towards them and gets crushed by it.

Doctor: Get the children out of here! And bring them to the pit! Kill all of it!

Gunshots and screaming is heard outside the complex as violent explosions is heard, causing the whole complex to shake.

*Outside the room*


Soldier 2: IT'S TOO FAST- GAH!!!

A cyborg both sliced them down, as blood sprays on the walls and continues to rush forward to the destination.

???: Doktor! How much farther!?

Doktor: *via com* Take a left! There's a child in surgery!

???: On it!

The unknown cyborg sliced down the surgery room doors to reveal the White Devil himself.

Raiden: Stop!

Raiden intervenes as the Doctor puts a knife on a 8 year old Yupia, who's whimpering and sobbing.

Doctor: Don't move! I"ll kill her!

Raiden planned his next moves carefully as he throws a smoke to the doctor, making him cough and out of concentration, and Raiden sliced down the Doctor down.

Raiden sheathes his HF blade as he removes the restraints from Yupia. Yupia is still whimpering as Raiden comforts her.

Raiden: Don't worry. I won't hurt you. Your safe.

Yupia slowly nodded and looks up to Raiden.

Yupia: I won't ever forget that...

Doktor: *via com* Raiden! Quickly now!

Raiden nodded as he looks to Yupia, who is now calmed down.

Raiden: Hey kid, you got a name?

Yupia: Y-yupia.

Raiden: Yupia, we have to move now. You and your fellow children must get out. I clear the path. All right?

She nodded as Raiden unsheathes his HF blade and runs off. Yupia knows where the exit is, as she is on the way right now.

While running to the exits, he heard metal slicing on the other side and gun shots every where. Yupia masters up her courage and continues to the exit. She slammed her hands to the doors, and finally saw the snowy fields.

Before Yupia got the chance to run, she saw something on the snowy fields. And it's moving. Before it made it to the base, a HUGE ROBOT jumps from the thick snowy fields! And it was non other than the METAL GEAR RAY.


Yupia: I saw it.... The thing you mention... Metal gears...

METAL GEAR RAY screeches so loud as Yupia covers her ears. Before she could move again, she saw Raiden on the rooftops and jumps strong enough and confront METAL GEAR RAY.

She hides in a small debris as she saw Raiden fights METAL GEAR RAY. She saw Raiden jumps beneath on it's legs and starts damaging the armor on high speeds.

Yupia watches in awe as Raiden damages it's legs, screeching in pain. The METAL GEAR RAY jumps as it launches missiles towards Raiden. Raiden simply sliced all the incoming missiles and deflects the bullets firing on him. Raiden enters Zandatsu mode again as he starts damaging it's tail and upper body.

Raiden jumps high enough to reach the turrets of METAL GEAR RAY as he enters Zandatsu mode again and starts slicing in rapid speeds. And slices it down, creating a violent explosion.

METAL GEAR RAY jumps again and shows it's massive blade and swings it down to Raiden, making Yupia's eyes widen in horror. She closed her eyes on what will happen next.


She heard the metal clang, and open her eyes and watches in shock. She saw Raiden STANDING against the BLADE!

Yupia: *shocked* H-how!?


Raiden deflects the blade as he holds METAL GEAR RAY's blade sideways as he took his time to take the chance. Raiden's body emits blue electricity as he LIFTS METAL GEAR RAY AND THROWS IT AWAY!

The METAL GEAR RAY crashes on the snowy fields, creating a small shock wave nearby. Yupia is jaws dropped as Raiden sheathes his HF blade.


Raiden: Doktor! Prepare the ship for the children! ASAP!

Doktor: *via com* I am almost there Raiden! Take care the rest quickly!

Raiden nodded and saw Yupia still amazed on Raiden's actions against METAL GEAR RAY.

Raiden: Did you see all of it Yupia?

Yupia nodded as Raiden walks towards her.

Yupia: I'm starting to think that time, Is he even a human?

Raiden: Yupia, the ship is own the way, see that small air base?

Raiden pointed to the small air base besides the complex, earning a nod from Yupia.

Raiden: Good, go there as fast as you can. Because help is on the way. Now go!

Yupia nodded quickly as she runs towards the small air base. Yupia saw the other children running towards the small air base.

Yupia: If I have the chance to meet him again, I should thank him.

*With Raiden*

Raiden is seen running towards to his destination on fasts paces. Raiden jumps one rooftop to another as he saw missiles raining the fields again.

Raiden stops to reveal the damaged METAL GEAR RAY as it screeches to him.

Doktor: *via com* That damn UG. It's still works!?


Raiden unsheathes his HF blade as he takes his stance, preparing his fight against METAL GEAR RAY.

Raiden does aerial attacks on it's head, dealing damages against METAL GEAR RAY. Raiden enters Zandatsu mode again as he rapidly slices the armor of METAL GEAR RAY, making the behemoth machine screech in pain.

Raiden lands as he starts doing combinations of attacks against METAL GEAR RAY. Raiden enters Zandatsu mode again as he starts slicing the turret on the METAL GEAR RAY on rapid speeds.

Raiden lands as the METAL GEAR RAY attacks by using it's laser to Raiden. He swiftly dodged it as he does aerial combos on it's metal jaw.

Raiden enters Zandatsu mode again as he rapidly slices it's jaws and kicked it, making the metal behemoth screech in pain and knocks down.

Raiden took the chance as he does serious damage to the METAL GEAR RAY. He does combination of attacks before the METAL GEAR RAY wakes up again and screeches.

The METAL GEAR RAY jumps and starts launching missiles towards Raiden

Doktor: *via com* Finish that bastard off!


Raiden uses his Zandatsu mode again as he starts jumping in the missiles as he reaches closer to the METAL GEAR RAY.

Raiden enters Zandatsu mode again as he damages it's armor on rapid speeds. And finally cutting it's main metal and lands softly.

The METAL GEAR RAY screeches in pain before crashing to the ground. Then suddenly it clawed Raiden in with it's jaws. Raiden escapes as he stabs it's jaw and got thrown by METAL GEAR RAY and crashes to the communications tower.

Raiden grunts as he fixes himself up. Raiden dashes downwards to the tower as the METAL GEAR RAY fires laser and missiles to Raiden.

Raiden jumps towards METAL GEAR RAY as he grabs his blade and mastered all his power to cut METAL GEAR RAY in half. He starts running and sliced METAL GEAR RAY in half as he lands softly and sheathes his HF blade as the remains of METAL GEAR RAY explodes.


Just in time, the ship for the children has arrived as the men of Maverick Security helped the children to get inside their ship.

Yupia looks back to reveal Raiden walking towards them as the others continue to get the children in safety.

Raiden: You okay? *Yupia nods* Good. Thank us later.

Raiden turns back to destroy the complex. Before he runs, Yupia speaks up.

Yupia: H-hey! Wait!

Raiden looks back to Yupia.

Yupia: W-what's your name?

Raiden: Call me Raiden... Thank us later.

Raiden looks forward and rushes off as Yupia got entered the ship and flies away in safety.

Yupia: And after that... I never see him again...

*End of Flash back*

Y/N took all the information slowly. The Myth of the White devil saves Yupia from her death. Y/N mentally noted to thank Raiden for saving Yupia.

Y/N: I guess that not all cyborgs are killers. I should thank him for saving you.

Yupia: *nods* I think that he fights for what he believes.

Y/N: Yeah... Thanks for telling me this Yupia. Because this is a big information for us...

Yupia: I'm still thinking where did he go though...

Y/N: Don't worry about him. Maybe he's fighting for higher causes. Also, from your story, he's tough as hell if he can stand up against Metal gears.

Yupia nods in agreement. Y/N spoke up.

Y/N: You know... All of us have seen the dark side or the harsh side of Remnant. When the fall of beacon began. But have you realized why we are still standing here?

Yupia thinks about it. He's right. After all of this tragedies and negative emotions that occured to them, they are standing tall.

Y/N: Because we fight for what we believe. A inevitable fight of light and darkness will happen always, but we always fight for what we believe, for our love ones...

Y/N holds Yupia's hand gently as he smiles to her.

Y/N: And for our future.

Yupia smiles back to Y/N, As she giggles.

Yupia: "Your" Harem's future.

Y/N chuckled and nodded in agreement as he speaks up.

Y/N: All right. Let's move again Yupia. We have a lot of things to do...

- End of Chapter.

Author: And boom! Sorry this is not a chapter everyone! But this chapter explains how Yupia got escape from Atlas and her meet up with the white devil himself. Next chapter will be in next week folks! New chapter! InsaneLord3 nathancarter25 BattleDroid1106 XxGamingBoy55xX

-Raizer out!

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